Raising my neice –

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#Incest #Rape #Teen #Tween

By Shouldisay

This is my story of raising my neice and the things we did. No im not proud of everything but this is my story.

This all started many years ago my sister called me up begging me to take care of my neice because she felt she no longer could. My sister is a dead beat but i lover her and always will. We were young when are parents and youngest brother passed away in a car accident. I was 20 my sister 18 and are youngest brother 15. Are parents weren’t the gratest but one good thing they did do was have life insurance. After they passed me and my sister got a good chunk of money to split. The whole situation hit us both hard and i took my half of the money and moved up north and started a buisness to insure my income while my sister stayed and blew her money on drugs and etc.. she wound up with a pretty bad dude and ended up having a kid with him my niece. I always stayed in touch and even took them both in when there was problems once when my niece was around 6 they stayed with me and i took care of them for a year and tried to get my sister straight but she ended up going back and doing the same stuff in the same situation. Another time when my niece was around 8 or 9 they came and stayed some time with me again and i took care of them the best i could but again she ran back south to the same life. Well up until the time im starting this story i didn’t her from her until one day she gets ahold of me and bags me to take my niece for awhile because her life is falling apart again and she cant handle it her boyfriend my neices father is in prison for a long time and she just needed an escape for awhile. I agreed of course because i love my sister and i love my neice who is around 11 at this point. I drove down south and picked up my niece and seen my sister unknowing it would be the last time. I took my niece back up north and got her comfortable in the house. Im a pretty well of guy i have a seasonal business its a northern state and is closed during the winter but provides enough for me to be able to survive during that time. I have a fairly big house and a very big yard 100’s of acers of just forest i live alone and usually let hunters hunt my land during season. My neice loved my house and got to pick between the 2 guest rooms that i have and of course picked the bigger room next to a bathroom.

Skipping forward a few months its near the middle of winter and snow is covered over everything. My neice loved the snow but being born and raised in the south wasn’t used to it. We stayed inside most of the time staying warm and passing the time watching movies and playing games. Around this time i tend to drink a lot mostly out of boredom being stuck inside without much to do. Thats when things started to turn i never really looked at my niece in a sexual way not when she was younger or even when she first got here. I haven’t had a womans touch in many years i was married at one point untill i realized she was a gold digger and i just haven’t really tried since. My sister didn’t really leave my niece with much stuff not much clothes or anything. She mostly wore dresses and skirts and being so young didn’t really wear much underneath other then her panties.

I slowly started to realize when i would walk by and she would be sitting or bend over for something but i was catching myself taking a glance at her panties and i think what really did it was one day she was playing the Nintendo on the couch and had her legs spread wide open on the leg rest and her panties were exposed and i could see her young pussy lips with a small amount of hair on them. I was sitting across from her on the other couch and had already had a few drinks and just couldn’t keep my eyes off of it. The past few nights i had jerked off thinking of the few times i had seen her panties but it was nothing like this. Im guessing it was the drinks talking but i started getting thoughts in my mind like “i deserve something right? I’ve been taking care of her without any help and for who knows how long i will” “she wouldn’t mind helping me right?”. I started thinking of ways i could offer or introduce something to her but she was just way to innocent to even try i felt. There was also another side that was telling me this was my niece and wasnt right but i was a bit tipsy already and it all happened out of nowhere.

I got up and went to the kitchen to make another drink hoping it would take things off my mind. I made the drink and sat in the kitchen contemplating what i was doing. I guess the drinks got the better of me because i made up my mind. I called her from the kitchen “Katie” she replied “yes uncle Andy?” “Come here i need a hand with something” i heard her get up and start making her way to the kitchen. My mind was racing as i stood at the entrance. She entered “what do you need?” I wasn’t sure what to say or do i put one hand on her shoulder without saying anything and turned her around and began bending her over the kitchen table. “What are you doing??” She asked. I couldn’t think of anything to say my mind was just set on what i wanted. I held her against the table and grabbed the bottom of her skirt and folded it up over her back. “Stop what are you doing” she says out. I get a glimps of her ass it was much nicer than i thought especially with those pink panties. I grab her panties and pull them down to her knees. She starts to get a bit more anxious “please stop what are you doing!!” as she tries to wiggle free. I hold her in place and i dropped my shorts and boxers to the floor. Im a really big guy 6 foot and 5 inches about 300 pounds at this time. My cock is already hard as a rock it’s not the biggest cock about 6 inches and a bit thick. I grabbed her and pushed her further on the table so that her legs are dangling off the ground and her ass is high enough for me to reach. Now she is beginning to cry “please please stop”. I got behind her and positioned myself but then started to think. Im not sure what my thought process was but i told myself i couldn’t take her virginity that would be to much so i decided i would fuck her up the ass. I spit on my hand and whipped it on my cock and grabbing it and sliding it up and down between her ass cheeks. Her cries intensify “what are you doing please let go of me!!”. I find her hole and begin to push against it. To my suprise it wont go in she’s to tense and stiff. I try pushing again this time a bit harder and it just slips upwards. Now she’s really trying to fight and squirm away. I grab one of her hands pulling it behind her back and lay myself against her and with my other hand i hold my cock and try pushing really hard to get it inside of her. I felt a pop and my cock slide right inside of her hole. She stiffens like a board and it felt like her ass was squeezing my cock. She begins yelling and crying while grunting. I’ve never felt something so tight and warm on my cock it felt amazing i pushed myself up and as far into her as i could. It wasn’t even 30 seconds and i already knew i was beginning to cum. I held myself deep inside of her as i tensed up and started to release my load inside of her tight hole it felt like the most intense and largest orgasm ive ever let out. I let her arm go and she began wiggling and trying to get out pushing me away. I stepped back a little and she turned her body and pulled me out of her as my cock exited i heard another almost like pop sound. She got her feet to the ground and stood up off the table almost collapsing but holding herself up. She left the kitchen making her way to the bathroom as she was walking i seen and heard my cum dripping out of her onto the floor and running down her leg she left a trail to the bathroom. I stayed they’re with my mind in almost a bliss replaying that feeling in my mind untill post nut clarity sunk in. I began to feel a little bad asking “what did i just do” i made my way to the bathroom hearing her crying out. I knocked on the door and instantly replies “please leave me alone i hate you” with a shaking voice. “Im really sorry i know i was wrong” i reply. She’s sobbing her eyes out “just leave me alone”. I wasnt sure what else to do or say so thats what i did i went and sat on the couch hoping she would maybe come out and talk but she didn’t.

I fell asleep on the couch just to wake up to her still in the bathroom. I decided to start making some breakfast and when it was done i knocked on the door. It sounded like she was just waking up “hey katie baby, breakfast is done and ready” i say. She replies “i dont want any im not hungry”. “You need to eat please come out and eat something i will leave you alone i promise I’ll be in my room okay?”. She doesn’t reply and i grabbed my breakfast and left to my room. After a little while i heard her get some breakfast and she went straight back to the bathroom with it. A few hours go by and i go and knock on the door again “hey you can’t stay in the bathroom forever” “im never coming out leave me alone” she replies. “I have a key i can get in if i wanted to i just want you to be okay i promise i will leave you alone”. I wait a few minutes and i hear the door unlock and she begins to open it. “Why would you do that to me?” She ask. “Im really sorry im not sure what i was thinking i didn’t mean to hurt you like that” i told her. “It really hurt and still hurts i feel so gross”. “I know im really sorry i am i hope you forgive me”. “I dont want to but what else can i do im stuck here” she replied. I wasn’t really sure what to say so i told her i would let her be and i went back to my room and fell asleep.

Over the next few days we didn’t really talk and she didn’t really even want to look at me. I noticed she started wearing less revealing clothes and even shorts under her skirts now. I still felt bad but also that feeling started brewing again. I started thinking about how good it felt and also i didnt really get much time i didn’t even get a real good look at what her asshole or pussy even looked like without the panties on. I was able to jerk off for the next few days but it just wasn’t feeling the same. I started thinking of ways that maybe i could try and get her to help or agree to try again but i knew it would never work. Things started to seem like they were going back to normal just a little she was out on the couch playing video games and finally laughing again. I knew it wasn’t going to work but i had to try i needed to feel it again. I sat next to her and she instantly knew something was up i could feel her nervousness. I say to her “i know its probably a no but it doesn’t have to hurt and can be a lot easier i promise” she instantly says “no i never want to do that again please”. “I promise it won’t be like the last time we can both enjoy it”. “You enjoy that?” She asks in disgust. “It makes me feel really good and it could for you if we tried it more easily i promise” i told her. “No i never want to again” she says once again. “Please i feel like we need to atleast try one more time so you can feel good to this time”. She absolutely refused and got up and made her way to the bathroom. It kind of upset me although it really shouldn’t have but i got up to go find the key for the bathroom. She heard me unlocking the door “please don’t just leave me alone please”. I opened the door and she tried to run out past me but i grabbed her. “Uncle please dont do this” i couldn’t think of words to say i just turned her around and bent her over the sink counter. She started to cry but loosened up almost submitting to me. I put her stomach on the counter and held her back with one hand and used the other to unbutton her shorts letting them slide down to the floor. I really wanted to see the rest of her so i took her shirt and pulled it off over her head. She continued to cry “why.. why are you doing this why me?” As She tried to cover herself with her arms. For her age she had decent sized breast and never wore a bra i seen her nipples poking out all the time. This time i really wanted to take my time and explore her but out of nowhere she used all the strength she could and pushed her way up and away from me as she tried to make it to the doorway. I reached out and wrapped my arms around her waist as she grabbed the door frame trying to pull her way out. It was no use she knew she couldn’t get away she let herself loose again submitting. I picked her up from behind and layed her on the floor right there outside of the bathroom getting ontop of her. I reached down and pulled her panties down leaving them on her thighs. I got a good look at her bare ass and couldn’t resist but to grab ahold of it. She had a really nice sized ass for her age and very squishy too one of my hands were bigger than her cheeks. I spead her ass cheeks apart and got the first glimpse at her hole. It was so small and tight i wasn’t even sure how i was able to get my cock inside of her. Spreading her open even further i exposed her pussy and her lips slowly pulled apart exposing her pussy entrance. I was amazed it looked so delicious and even slightly moist. I felt my cock get rock hard it was hurting in my pants. I moved off of her slightly to pull my pants off and she instantly started sobbing even harder no longer begging or pleading just sobbing. I got back on top of her and so badly wanted to feel the inside of her pussy but knowing what i was already doing was very wrong i knew i couldn’t take her virginity from her. I spit on my hand and wiped it on my cock and started sliding it up and down between her cheeks finding her hole. I started to push my cock against her hole and she started to pucker and stiffing up. I was pushing hard but it just wasn’t going in she was to tense. Although she was crying her eyes out i tried to tell her to relax a little but it wasn’t going to work. I used more force and my weight and eventually i felt the head pop inside of her hole. She got a lot louder and started to try and squirm so i layed down on top of her and held her still. I used one hand to spread her ass cheek and the other hand i had it under her holding and playing with one of her breast. I started pushing more inside of her and slowly pulling back out it was extremely tight almost like her ass didn’t want to let me pull my cock out. She was grunting, crying and stiff as a board. I knew i wanted to take my time and enjoy it as much as possible but i also didn’t want to put her through to much. I slowly started to get a little rhythm going in and out and she was starting to losen up just slightly. I picked myself up off of her just enough to get a glimps of how my cock looked inside of her and i was shocked i was even able to fit her hole looked so small stretched around me it made me need to cum even faster. I picked up my pase going in and out of her and before no time i was about to cum. I started to tense up and squeeded her ass cheeks and layed over her pushing myself as deep as I could inside of her. I started shaking from how good it felt and i said to her “im going to cum inside your asshole” I grunted and let my load loose. I felt my cock stiffen and start throbbing her ass was so tight it felt like it wasn’t allowing my cum to come out of me i was shaking at how much better this orgasm felt than the first time. It felt like I left a gallon of cum in her ass i could feel it flooding around my cock. I got less tense and layed down on top of her just holding her for a moment longer. I rolled over off of her and as my cock was coming out it felt like her ass was trying to suck it back in untill i felt it pop out. I layed on the floor almost not able to move and she stood up went back into the bathroom and slammed and locked the door. My mind was racing and just in total bliss but hearing her cry was making me feel pretty bad now. I could hear her on the toilet squeezing my cum out of her. I made my way up and told her “i love you katie im really sorry it went that way again” “leave me alone i hate you” was the only reply i got followed by my cries. I let her be went and passed out on the couch.

In the morning she was still in the bathroom and I was feeling more bad for what I had done. I had an idea to take her shopping and get stuff to make her feel more comfortable. I made breakfast and then went and asked her to please come and eat breakfast. She refused of course but i told her i didn’t want to have to barge in there but i will if i need to but i will be waiting. She eventually came out and i called her to the table to eat. She was still not hungry but i told her to sit and try to eat. I tried apologizing again but she didn’t care to hear it. I told her after breakfast to get warmly dressed because we were going shopping. She seemed a little suprised but still refused to look at me. We spent all day shopping for new clothes for her, stuff to fill her room and make it her own. By the end of the day she seemed to be a lot more happy even thanked me for everything.

The next night i snuck into her room when she was asleep and i got undressed and jerked off over her for awhile hoping to just cum on her and be done with it but it wasnt working. She eventually started stirring and then woke up noticing me standing there with my cock in my hand. Instantly she begged “no no please not again please” i told her “im sorry i just really need to feel good again”. No response she just started crying. I told her “i dont want to make you hurt we can try something a lot more easier if your willing to try and i promise it wont hurt”. “What is it” she asked while whiping her tears. “You probably don’t know what it is but if you give me a blowjob it will feel really good for me and not hurt you at all i promise”. “What is that” she asked. I explained to her that she uses her mouth to suck on it almost like a loli pop. She said “ew that sounds gross” i told her “it might be but it wont hurt its either that or i can do what i did last time”. She started to cry again so i just pulled the covers off of her and told her to sit up. She did as i asked and slowly sat up. “Take off your shirt” i tell her. She cries more and ask why i told her to do as i ask. She slowly lifted her shirt and i watched as her B sized tits fall out. I stepped in front of her and told her to grab my cock and put it in her mouth. She refused and told me thats gross. “Get up and bend over the bed then” i tell her. “Please no not that” she cries. “Then stick it in your mouth im not going to argue with you”. She grabs ahold of my cock and puts her mouth over the head and just sits there. “Suck on it and go up and down” i say. She instantly gets suction and slides her mouth down slowly. I was shocked he had a lot of suction and went nearly halfway down and started sliding back up it. I was really surprised at how well her suction was for it being her first time. I put on hand on the back of her head to help guide her going back and forth slowly trying to get her to go down further. She was only really able to go about half way down on it before gagging. She was almost a natural at it she kept suction and never took it out of her mouth. She sucked me for about 5 minutes before i felt myself getting close to cum. I began holding her head still when she got as far as she could down for a few moments before allowing her to come back up. After about a minute more of that i was going to cum. I felt my legs stiffen up and shake “go down deep” i tell her. She does just that and with my hand on the back of her head i hold her in place. I started to release my load to the back of her throat with the first throb i know it shot a rope straight to the back of her throat. She instantly tried to pull away but i held her head right there in place. I let out a few more throbs and my cum just started pouring out of her mouth. I finally let go of her head and she pulls my cock out of her mouth gagging, grasping for air and spitting the cum out of her mouth. I watched as it fell down onto her tits and stomach. “Oh my god” i say while stepping back almost losing my balance. “Eww disgusting” she says while spitting my cum up. “What was that did you pee in my mouth!?!” She ask. “No thats my cum you were supposed to swallow it” i tell her. “No way its so gross” she says still spitting. “Lick it up and eat it” i tell her. “What?? Eww” she replies. “If you dont im going to fuck you in your ass” i tell her. She begins to cry so i tell her i will let it slide this time but if she doesn’t the next time then i will fuck her. I took one good last look at her small body covered in spit and cum then i leave her room.

Nearly every day i got a blowjob from her and she gradually learned how to get better finally swallow my cum and seemed to not mind as much. I did occasionally fuck her ass but not as much as getting blowjobs. I eventually got in contact with my sister and got her to give me custody of her so i could get her back in school and get her life back on track. My favorite was when she would give me a blowjob on the way to drop her off at school while i drove. Sometimes i would fall asleep on the couch watching football while she held my cock in her mouth it almost started to seem like a pacifier for her. I remember one day on the way to drop her off at school i couldn’t resist or wait for her to get home to fuck her so i pulled over and that was the first time she actually rode my cock right there in my driver seat and it felt great knowing she would be at school all day leaking my cum into her pants. Time flew pretty quickly and eventually she was 16 and i was buying her a car. She ended up getting with a boyfriend and nearly a year later she ran away and i didn’t get ahold of her for weeks. When i finally did i told her i wasn’t mad at her and i was okay if she wanted to move out as long as she was safe, healthy and still going to school and she reassured me that she was. I offered to give her money to help but she refused and said she was doing okay. It was about a month since then and i one day got a knock on the door. It was katie and i was shocked. She told me she was just there to get some of her stuff and i was okay with that. I helped her gather up everything she needed and wanted and told her how proud of her i was. At the end of getting everything together she asked me if we could sit down and talk so we went and sat on the couch. She told me how she wasn’t upset with me about all the things i did over the years and that she doesn’t hold anything against me and was grateful that i raised her. I did try to apologize and stuff but she told me not to. To my surprise she told me to lay down on the couch so i did. She stood up and was wearing a skirt like she used to always when she was young. She pulled her skirt up grabbed her panties and dropped them. My cock instantly got hard and my mind was going crazy (what is going on) im thinking. She bends over and unbuttons my pants and pulles them down. Im totally shocked as she sits over me and strattles me. She grabbed my cock and rubbed it up and down between her legs and began to sit on it. (Oh my god its so wet and feels so different) im thinking. To my total suprise she put it inside of her pussy I’ve never fucked her pussy before. She slowly started bouncing up and down on me and i was just in total disbelief of the whole situation. It felt amazing and i was realizing what i missed out on for all these years. I knew i wasn’t going to last long its been months since me and her have done anything. I hold her hips and try to pull her up and off of me “im going to cum” i say and she just grabs my hands and takes them off of her and pushes down on my and lays on me. I started cumming and blew my load so deep inside of her. She layed on me for about a minute sat up and pulled herself off of me grabbing her panties and putting them back on. I was just in total shock laying there. She went to leave and i sat up and asked her to wait and told her to let me write a check for her to help take care of her but she told me not to worry about it and began to leave. It took awhile just thinking about the situation and that was honestly the last time i saw her. About a year later i found her Facebook back when Facebook was big and found out she had a baby. It was a few months old at the time and still to this day i wonder if it is my kid because the time frame lines up but i will probably honestly never know. Ive tried to get into contact with her but have never been able to after all these years. Im getting old now and ive created a will and have left everything i own to her and thats really my life story.

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By Shouldisay
#Incest #Rape #Teen #Tween

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
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Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
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love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
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