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By FireParamedic82
Man confronts his young teen daughter’s friend who brought and used intoxicating substances to his home. Decides she is tainted with sin and he must..
I write this letter, with photograph attached, to make it known how a miracle was worked thought me. My daughter’s friend, Lalana, was sleeping over at our house. I had discovered my newly turned fifteen-year-old daughter had snuck into my liquor stash with another one of her friends, and that they had gone next door to our nonadjacent garage for some mayhem. There was the smell of marijuana in the air, my entire tool shelf had been knocked over with all of my careful organization all over the floor. A lamp was also broken. I was left to deal with all of this alone because my wife had flown to college interviews with our son. Well there had been three of them. Naturally, the two I caught in the act blamed it on Lalana, and said it was her idea and she got drunk so fast she was passed out in my daughter’s bed. Supposedly she had also brought the marijuana into my family home. My daughter swore she was not impaired and I saw no signs that they were intoxicated.
Well I was dog gone angry. This is shocking. My daughter, and her friends, should know that this is not to be tolerated. I manage operations of a large Catholic Church. I am not a priest or deacon, but I serve the lord with my management and organizational skills. I abide by the laws of the land. This included no drinking before 21, except when receiving the blood of Christ at communion, and the illegality of hard street drugs like marijuana. I removed the substances and told both of the girls they could not return to the house until the garage was cleaned spotless. I lifted up the shelf and put an extra nail in it to keep it to the wall. Oh yes indeed, it even had a nail in it to prevent falling. They must have been climbing it with all their weight. I also said they had to clean the floor with soap and water, and scrub it. I notified them that I would lock the door to the house and they could knock when their work was done, and not before. They could urinate outside if they needed. And I would be calling the other girls’ parents. We live outside of town and do not have nearby neighbors.
Back inside I went straight upstairs to my daughter’s room. On the way up the stairs I prayed out loud to my Lord to “send me some kind of outlet to relive my stress and anger on this trying, disappointing, lonely night.” I felt more alone than you can imagine.
In the room Lalana was passed out in her underwear, and incoherent. But she was not still. She was kind of writhing on the bed. Wearing only her underpants she was perspiring while she raised and lowered her backside in an erotic way. It was entrancing. I tried to shake her awake, but she only half opened her bloodshot eyes that I swear went back in her head and I saw the whites of her eyes before they fell shut again. I imagined she was fighting off a demonic possession. I took this picture with my time stamp camera. Her body was lean and athletic, unlike the members of my own family who have extra layers of fat to protect us if a famine should strike. None more prepared that I am with my abundant stores of energy and insulation.
Then she put a finger in her mouth and began to suck on it, like a phallic symbol. I felt captivated, drawn to her like it was a sign of some kind. I said again, “Oh lord is this a sign? Is this what you have put in my wake as an answer to your prayers, and a task to perform to clear this child of her demons?”
I did not expect an audible reply, more a feeling. I got both the feeling of righteous, unorthodox action, and…
“Oh, oh, yesssss. Uh huh. Yesss.” Came from the girls mouth clearly. Her eyes opened again for a moment and this time is was only the whites. I knew it was not a coincidence. Her perspiration increased. Her movements became more exaggerated. And so I acted according to the spirit flowing through me. I removed her red, sultry, improper underpants. I removed my own bottoms and took position behind her. I entered her and repeatedly purged her sex with my pure, Godfearing body, filled with the holy spirit.
It required almost no thought. I was guided. I had removed the rosary from my pocket and I removed her top also and put the rosary around her neck. I pulled on it backwards, holding the cross to her back. The rosary was strong, passed down from my father, the binding made of strong hemp fibers more robust that the synthetic materials of today. She started to make unintelligible noises, like a baby babbling in what sounds like a language, but no discernible words. I knew my action was working and the words of Mark 16:17 just came to me at that moment. I spoke them loudly.
“And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;”
I was still behind her, with her face down and her posterior up on my folded legs, working diligently inside of her, pulling her fast to me with one hand on her hip, the other holding her back down with the rosary cross. She was remarkably flexible. Her head craned around and looked at me, the whites of her eyes a crimson red. I knew the demon or demons were in fear.
The next lines came to me. It was Luke 10:17 “The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!”
I felt the spirit flow through me and I emptied my blessed seed into her body as she looked at me with increasing clarity.
I had felt a certain peace as I finished purging her. And I was no longer angry. I felt affection for the poor girl who now had a certain beauty. I kissed her. I kissed her backside, which had given me such pleasurable sensations as I viewed it, and as it rubbed me while I did the Lord’s work. I kissed the red, indented mark on her back where I had pressed the cross into her, leaving its shape in her flesh. Then as her breathing subsided I turned her over and kissed her lips. She was maintaining her eyes opened now. We were both completely naked, and sweating. She had bright red marks around her neck, where the beads had been stroking her. I kissed the holy marks. I even kissed her small bosoms that would one day nourish a child.
She did not speak. She did not need to. The Lord had cleansed her through me. I stood up to leave the room, my work done, carrying off my clothes. I heard, then saw her try to get off the bed, but fall to the ground after a single step. She was not hurt, and continued to crawl past me, towards the bathroom around the corner. I cleared her way and held the door open.
She crawled to the toilet bowl and regurgitated some of the poison she had imbibed. The holy spirit purging elements of Satan from the body must be a shock. I used a hand towel to wipe off her face. She looked at me with a quivering bottom lip as she tried to stand. I took her and kept her upright. I helped her back around to the bed. She rolled onto the bed, facing up. Her legs remained spread and her arms folded to cover her bosoms. She looked at me, with a strange look. Seeing her like that gave me a feeling that my work was not done. My manhood again filled with readiness. I knew my work was not yet complete. I knew, without a doubt, the Lord was working through me as my loins are never ready again so quickly with my wife.
So I climbed on top of her. I parted her limber little legs. This time I worked while looking at her face. Her eyes opened and closed. She shed tears while I spoke the Lord’s word. I could see the anguish as I was vanquishing the darkness from inside her. As her body twisted and seemed to try to resist. I was wearing the rosary this time. It bounced against her as we moved.
In the final moments I took hold of it and placed the cross in her open mouth. She was looking clearly at me. I worked hard with a pure heart. I felt the bliss one more time. This time more intense. I knew now the work had been completed. I stood above her. Her eyes closed, tears streamed down her cheeks. The muscles of her smooth, lovely thighs were quivering. I covered her with the sheet, gave her a final blessing, and left the room.
I was no longer angry in any way. I felt wonderful. The Lord had answered my prayers and made me an agent of his power. I dressed, brewed some coffee, and went out to check on the girls. I heard laughter on approach. The girls were having a water fight with the bucket of soapy water. But they had cleaned up the broken glass, reorganized my tools according to the labels, and were almost finished with the floor. I was not upset for a little play during the work. I did not sense any demons or Satan’s work. They were very submissive and respectful. I told them the door would be open when they finished.
I did insist on driving the girls home, and apologizing to the parents for not being vigilant enough to prevent the illegal behavior of the girls. My daughter was punished by no social activity until she repainted the backyard fence. She knew I was being easy on her.
At first I had reservations about going public about the unorthodox occurrence with the fourteen year old girl involving carnal knowledge. But my prayers gave me clarity and I knew that God’s will supersedes all others. So I have prepared this letter to you, Father Kent, so that you may know this instance of the glory of our Lord, as I was honored to.
His humble servant,
Titus Hawthorne.
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By FireParamedic82