Pt. 57 The MILF At Whole Foods Erotic Couplings

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This is part 57 of my continuing story.

All my characters are well over the age of consent.

This is a work of fiction. Fiction means made up.

Any typos are mine as I create and edit my own work.



MidJanuary weather sucks in Northern California.

It starts getting dark around three, and it’s pitch black by 4:30. It rains a lot and if it isn’t raining either it just stopped, or it is going to start raining any minute. And people drive like idiots in the dark and in the rain.

It was a Monday night, and I stayed at my office later than normal to finish some work that I should have completed before Christmas.

My girl next door, my main squeeze, Abi, was in Maui, working with a crew to finish the interior work on the beach house. I’d put her and her puppy on a plane that morning and my plan, subject to change, was to fly there on Friday to see how the house looked and, with a horny, ready, willing and able Abi, fuck in every room in the newly furnished place, and break in the beds, sofa, futon and kitchen counters.

We’d already fucked in the pool, hot tub, the mobile home and on the beach. The romantic thrill of screwing in public was marred by the sand getting into every nook and cranny on our bare bodies. On the plus side, we took nice long outdoor showers together trying to get sand free.

All this brought us closer, but we hadn’t had the “we’re exclusive” talk. Ali was some months away from her divorce being finalized and I had her busy putting her interior design skills to good use at my newly built home at Twin Creeks Ranch in the Sierra, the medical clinics and the now remodeled beach house in Maui. And Jack Colton had mentioned that he wanted to have Abi start working (with me as her traveling companion) on remodeling the hotels.

I was certain that Abi wasn’t seeing anyone (read that as, not having with anyone else but me) but I wanted to (and prayed that) she didn’t mention the topic of being exclusive anytime soon.

My goal was to finish delivering my seed to the Global Fertility Partner female clients who had already paid for it by the end of February. No need for Abi or anyone else really to find out about that business. I just knew that learning how I made millions was going to be an issue. Not the money mind you but doing the deed for several million was not going to go over well. So, it is best to not say anything, act quickly and get that part done without fanfare.

And, of course, I still had legal and tax clients to do work for, in addition to being the Vice Chairman of the Board for The Corporation.

I wrapped up my day with a quick call to Abi, who told me she missed me. I responded kindly and shared that I would call her at a suitable hour in the morning. Maui is three hours behind Sacramento so I wouldn’t call her before 11am.

I left my office building wondering if I wanted yet another doubledouble burger from InnOut to take home or to see what else I could find to eat for dinner. I was tired, but I remembered to reach into my shirt pocket and found a short shopping list I had jotted down during the day. The decision was made for me: go to Whole Foods market just a mile away. And, from there, head home.

Dressed in a suit and tie, but acting like a scavenger, I roamed the aisles, systematically, loading one of those handheld plastic baskets with my stuff. Then I remembered that I was also going to see what they had in terms of takehome entrees for dinner.

I headed past the meat counter, through the wine shelves, to the prepared food section.

That’s when I saw her. She was a short blonde, standing just over five feet even. Her thick shoulder length blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. I took in her figure: slender and made to appear even more so by the black slacks she had on. They fit her ass nicely. She had on black “fuck me” fourinchhigh heels.

I didn’t see any visible panty lines, which made me wonder if she had a thong on or was going commando.

I estimated her weight at maybe one hundred twenty pounds. Give or take. She had some meat on her bones. I like that.

One way I determine (measure) a woman’s attractiveness is to see if their shoulders are wider than their ass. I’m not into big asses and if a woman’s ass is bigger than her shoulders, well, that is an “El Paso” for me. Meaning, thanks but no thanks. Forget the bullshit “the more cushion, the better the pushing.”

I watched her for a moment, taking in the sight. What I had seen so far, I liked. Her shoulders were broader than her butt. The hair was nicely done, and she dressed professionally.

As she turned towards me, the very first thing I noticed was that she was sporting an unbelievable rack that was highlighted, spotlighted, by a tight, white cashmere sweater. Easily a 36inch bust with a minimum of a C cup, but more likely a D cup. DD? Godgiven or manmade? I was intrigued.

As she continued to turn, I found her face attractive, a pert nose and what appeared to be soft pink lips. It was clear she had on some makeup, but not overly so. I gauged her to be in her early forties.

She had large blue eyes and her eyebrows were thin, but full, dark blonde.

Which made me wonder if she had a similar colored bush. Or did she even have a bush?

Her earrings were black pearls. Her black pearl necklace only served to enhance the gifts I was enjoying as I took in that magnificent chest.

I watched in wonder as she took her time looking at the entrees and salads. Did this mean she was a picky eater?

She struck me as someone who was classy and educated. Maybe she drove a Mercedes Benz. Or a Tesla. Lived in a gated community. Or perhaps a high rise. Belonged to a tennis or country club. Flew first class. Shopped at Neiman’s. Vacationed on the French Riveria.

We all tend to make up stories to go with what we are seeing and that was what I was thinking at that moment.

Her posture was strong, rigid if you will. I didn’t know what that meant but it made her appear taller than she was. It also made her tits stand out rather nicely. Not that I was complaining but I could see that those tits might create unwanted attention. From guys like me. Women would be envious.

I was surprised that she didn’t have pokies. Grocery stores are notorious for being chilly and sometimes downright cold places. Visit a grocery store in the very hot Sacramento summer when the “less is best” dress code is in play, and you’ll see lots of side boob, boob tops and pokies galore. Winter usually brings the ladies at the store covered from head to toe.

But not this creature. The only explanation I could think of was that she must have had on a thick, heavy, padded bra.

From the way she was standing, full on to me now, I hadn’t noticed if she had a wedding or engagement ring on or not, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

I wandered over so that I was directly across from her; she was checking out the prepackaged salads of all types on her side of the refrigerated display and I was looking at… humus… (WTF! I hate that stuff!).

We acknowledged each other with a quick glance, our eyes connecting for just a second. I wasn’t a physical threat, just a guy searching for food.

Setting my basket down, then reaching down to check out a package, I slyly took a quick glance at her left hand and found no ring, or impression of one.


I was sure that a smile registered on my face at that finding, when she asked me, without preamble, “See anything interesting?” The voice was strong yet soft, with no accent that I could discern.

“Not really,” I replied.

“Is that so?” She asked. Smiling. Teasing me. Taunting me.

I looked up, stood up straight, still holding the humus package.

She was standing, her front full on to me, not at all shy about showing off her figure to me. I thought that she was stunningly beautiful.

I could see some small crows feet around her big blue eyes. No big deal.

Her high beams were on now. Major Pokies. I was impressed. I liked what I saw. I tried hard not to stare.

Was that because of the cool air from the refrigeration or from something else?

I smiled back, trying to keep my eyes on her face and shared, “I really don’t like picking up food here for dinner because I have no idea how long it’s been out and how many people have been breathing on it or touching it.”

Her smile continued and she said to me, “Would you prefer to go out to dinner?”

I nodded, replying, “Yes, but I hate to eat alone in restaurants.”

At this she walked around the display case to me, my eyes were pretty much bouncing between her eyes and her pokies. Wearing a big smile, she put her hand out for me to shake and said, “I’m Alex, and I hate to eat in restaurants alone too, so how about we go to dinner together and pass on this… stuff?”

Was I picking her up or was she picking me up? Did it matter?


We quickly settled on an Italian place that just happened to be near her hotel.

Alex took a quick look at the merchandise I had in my basket and suggested with a smile, “Make sure you pick up a toothbrush, Rick. I have a feeling you’re going to need one. No need for condoms though.”

I watched her head out to the parking lot, my eyes glued to her ass. No need for condoms… was that to tell me that was off or on the table?


Dinner was fun, full of stories and laughter but we both knew what dessert was going to be. She knew it the moment she saw me and all I had to hear her ask, “See anything interesting?” to know that we’d end up naked.

I went around the world with her that night. Three holes. It was one of the best Monday nights in my life.


Alex greeted me at the door of her hotel room wearing only a white terry cloth robe.

She pulled me in, looked to see if anyone had seen me come in, locked the door, then turned to me, pulling me in for a nice soft kiss. We were restarting our hot and heavy make out session that began in my car outside of the restaurant.

I felt her large, untethered breasts as her hard nips crushed into my chest.

As her hands held my head, and our tongues met, I ground my erection into her middle section, and my hands reached behind her, pulling up the robe so I could run my hands over bare butt.

Alex groaned into my mouth as my hands worked their way quickly to her ass cheeks, rubbing them, separating them with my hands, pulling on them and then, as Alex pushed into my cock, my right hand found its way into her crack in search of her rosebud.

I soon found the object of my desire and as our kiss deepened, I pushed the tip of my middle finger into her tight hole, just enough so she knew it was there.

Alex pulled away from our kiss, leaving us nose to nose, and she whispered to me, “I like it in the ass.” Then we both laughed and kissed again.


I pulled Alex over to the sofa and we started in with the battle of the tongues.

I started moving things to the direction of the bed by untying the belt to gain access to her nude body.

My right hand slipped into the robe and went to her waist, pulling her into me. Then, my hand drifted up where I found a small baby bump.

My hand caressed the swelling and Alex groaned into my mouth, her kissing increasing in intensity. She liked it so I continued my soft rubbing until she pulled her mouth away from mine and smiled.

She shrugged the robe off her shoulders, presenting me with her set of large bare breasts with long dark pink nipples and her growing belly. My roving eyes caught a quick glance of a very full blonde bush between her legs.

“You’ve discovered my little secret. Want to run now, or stay and have some real fun?”


Alex was a lovely woman, but this was all kind of strange. Or maybe not.

I just asked her to explain how she came to be in Sacramento, and she did.

She lived in Dallas, for a Canadian insurance company and she traveled all over the country doing audits with retail insurance agencies and brokers.

After trying for years to get pregnant, her dream finally came true. At that news, her husband of ten years promptly left her, and they were now getting a divorce.

In the meantime, she laughingly told me, she was horny as all get out and she’d made up her mind that on this trip she was going to pick up a man and get laid. She’d never done that before and was scared to death to do it but when I walked into the takeout food section at Whole Foods, she took a deep breath and took a chance.

And, I was the lucky guy, if I wanted it. Wanted her. Or I could leave, now, and… leave her crying and frustrated. Feeling undesirable. All alone.


Neither one of us had any expectations about where this, this relationship, (was it a relationship or just a onenight stand?) was going.

It was simply about , getting her itch scratched and being free with one another. Alex just wanted (lots of ) with a nice guy, who was hopefully, well hung, who wasn’t going to ask her to marry him, meet her parents, friends or work colleagues.

Her chest was more than ample: big, firm, and formidable. As for her nipples, they were “perfection personified.” Areoles that were overly large, capped by long, thick, and tasty pink nipples just ready to be suckled, teased, pulled, and teethed on.

She had a tight body, no blemishes, and no tattoos, and an ass that I loved.

The only thing Alex had pierced were her ears and she already had her earrings off when I came into the hotel room. Turns out she loved it when I nibbled on her earlobes.

I liked the way Alex had her bush; it was full. Womanly. Her pussy was dark honey blonde in color and when aroused, her lower lips became visible quickly. Which served me well.


Still dressed myself, but with a large, dangerous erection in my pants, I got Alex naked on the bed, face down, so that she could be touched intimately. If she had any kinks and knots, I’d get to those too.

She purred as my hands explored her naked body and her unique erogenous zones. I was reminded that the tender touch of back of the knee or gentle strokes of a woman’s soft throat could turn a woman on!

Alex loved it as my hands rubbed her ass cheeks and squealed as I let the hand warmed lotion drip right between her tight cheeks. I don’t always rub a lady’s ass as a prelude to butt , but Alex had said she enjoyed it, so I went with the flow.

I know I got Alex relaxed and maybe even had her on the verge of dozing. Nothing wrong with that.

By the time I got her on her back, laying tits up, she was wiped out from the multiple orgasms I had given her with my fingers, lips, and tongue. She really got off me eating her pussy from behind with my nose in her rosebud, my tongue lapping at her lower lips.

At this point I decided to join her on the bed, both of us naked and we made out like teenagers. She loved the taste of her pussy as we kissed.

My hands would rove, hers would wander, and with a shit eating grin on her face, she got up and impaled herself on my long, hard, thick dick.

Alex groaned loudly as my manhood spread her pussy lips and found its way deep into her core.

Her clit was big, coming out of the jungle of her pussy hair. I know she liked my fingers and tongue on it, but she grew frantic as she rubbed her love button on my pubic bone, coming repeatedly, finally collapsing on my chest, almost sobbing in relief.

She thought that she was spent, but I had other ideas.

I gently pushed her off me and then flipped her over on her belly. Getting up behind her, I pulled her hips up so I could take her from behind.

When we fucked that way, I refused to allow her to touch herself and I even though I told her that, there were times when I had to hold her hands, so she’d let nature take its course. Meaning, let me be the one to bring her to climax. I delivered a strong pounding until she said she couldn’t take it anymore.

I hadn’t come yet, so I rolled her over on her back, and feasted. Alex loved my tongue and lips on her hairy fat pussy. She was so grateful, and she tasted so sweet I ate her for a long time, bringing her to one climax after another. I sucked on that big clit, and it lifted her ass off the bed!

When my mouth and tongue got tired my fingers played with her gspot and her pussy ran like the American River in March.

Rolling her back on her belly, it was time for a little anal action.

When my well lubed cock pushed into her tight rosebud, Alex held her cheeks open for me, groaning in pleasure as I drove deep into her tightest hole.

She loved it when I pushed all the way in, my big balls snug up against her pussy.

That night I ended up coming three times, once in her mouth, once in her pussy and once in her ass. I lost count of how many times she’d shivered and squirted.

Alex would sometimes start to quiver and shake, and I’d have to hold her until she calmed down from her orgasm high.

I must admit that this first time with Alex I was afraid I’d go off too soon, she was so hot and being in a new pussy, it is common not to last very long, but I was able to control myself as she came repeatedly as I pounded her in a wide variety of positions.

We pretty much fucked all night. All over the room.

In the morning, the room reeked of . The sheets were splattered with cum and dried pussy juice.

I gave Alex a warm bath to clean my sauce from her naked body, and I got into her folds and curves for good measure. Once again, the purring started up, she was in love with the idea that someone could take care of her in her present state without being repulsed by her growing body.

I thought she looked beautiful and told her so repeatedly. Post , she was glowing.

She put her makeup on standing in front of the bathroom mirror naked, applying her mascara, eye shadow and lipstick.

I couldn’t resist the temptation, so hard once again, I poked her from behind, slowly, and deliberately, bringing her to a small, final orgasm to remember me by.

Alex finished me off in her mouth, swallowing what little I had left to give, then stood up and put on some lip gloss. With a smile.

I left first, we kissed, deeply and she thanked me for being a man, one who knew not only how to please a woman but who wasn’t afraid to take charge in the bedroom. And she thanked me again for being her friend in a time of need.

She texted me later that day to thank me again and said that her pussy hurt but that it was an incredibly good hurt. And her ass was sore, but she loved it when I came in her butt. And she liked being naked with girls too.

Something for me to think about. Would she be open to another night of lust?


Rick Valencia will return shortly.
