posting sister’s dirty panties online

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#Incest #Teen

“Where is my charger” Alex mumbled in frustration as he frantically searched his room. This was the third charger he had lost this month, and he had a feeling he knew where they were ending up. His sister Abby had a habit of snooping in his room and taking things when it was convenient for her, and would always conveniently forget to put them back.

He looked out the window at the driveway, seeing that her car was gone, so he walked down the hallway and slowly opened the door. He was relieved to find the room empty, and quickly began searching for extra chargers. He found one sitting on her bed, and after confirming that the culprit was obviously her, he looked around for more.

The end of a cable stuck out from under her closet door. He opened it to find not one, but two more chargers hidden, but as he took a picture as proof of the theft, something else caught his eye, On top of some jeans in a hamper, he saw a bunched up pair of pink panties.

Despite his conscience telling him not to, he reached into the basket and picked them up. They felt heavy in his hands, despite being pretty small. He quickly looked down the hall to make sure he was alone, and proceeded to inspect them. They were covered in lace and were pretty sheer, and seemed to be either a thong or really cheeky panties. This didn’t come as a shock to him, as Abby was popular and spent a good amount of time hanging out with boys.
He lifted them up and imagined her walking in them as his pants began to feel tighter. Alex had a history having a panty fetish, but had never acted on it with his sister, only a few past girlfriends. Against his better judgement, he lifted them to his face and smelled them. The scent was strong – too strong, He looked inside and found that they were soaked.
Alex heard the front door of the house open and ran to his room, pink panties in hand, He shoved them under his pillow, and sat on his bed just as Abby walked up the stairs, He heard the familiar sound of a door shutting and pop music playing, and knew he was safe for now. He pulled them back out and couldn’t stop staring at the large dark spot on the crotch.
He opened his laptop and opened his favorite forum that discussed dirty panties. He was well known in the community for posting updates about his sex life, and couldn’t wait to talk about his discovery. As he started typing, he felt guilty. Talking about his girlfriends panties was one thing, but to bring his sister into it felt like crossing a line. Regardless, he kept typing and finally posted his confession.
Responses flooded in. He was used to getting 20-30 comments on a post after a few weeks of it being up, but this post surpassed that in a matter of minutes. He struggled to keep up with the follow up questions, and was shocked at the amount of people demanding to see them. He sat back and thought about what that would mean for him, and if he could really go through with something like that.

Abby is 16 and is Alex’s big sister. Abby

He picked up the lacy pink pile and ran them between his hands. As long as he stayed anonymous and the background was neutral, there really wasn’t anything wrong with this, was there? He laid them out on his desk with the crotch up, opened the camera on his phone and took a picture. The flash of the camera reflecting on the grool made them look even wetter than in real life, and he was astonished by the picture. This was the kind of thing he had been jerking off to for years now, and he couldn’t believe he was doing this.
Alex replied to one of the top comments with the picture, and immediately shut his laptop. He pulled his dick out and started jerking off to the smell of her soaking panties. What did she do in them to get them this wet? Had she been playing with her pussy in her room at night, or was this the result of whichever football player decided to take her out that week?
As he got closer, he opened his laptop back up to see the comments of the post flooded with guys calling her a slut, saying she probably got fucked in those panties, guessing her body count, and endless requests for more updates. He finally reached his breaking point and came all over himself, including a little on Abby’s panties. He realized then that this project was nowhere near done.

A few days had passed, and Alex was torn about what to do. On one hand, posting anything about Abby’s panties was an invasion of privacy, especially pictures of them splayed open with the wet crotch on display. On the other hand, he loved the thrill of the risk, and loved the attention he was getting online even more. He initially got comments he expected, other guys saying degrading things about his horny sister, but what he didn’t expect were the amount of girls messaging him.

Alex wasn’t introverted by any means, he had dated a few girls over the last couple years, but none were as explicit and dirty as the girls in the forum publicly wishing he was their brother, and some going as far as to send him pictures of their own dirty panties. He figured that as long as he made sure there was no way to trace the posts back to himself and Abby, he was in the clear to continue posting them.

He looked out the window as he thought about this dilemma, and noticed a strange car in the driveway. He was home alone, his parents were out for the evening, and yet there was an old pickup truck parked right out front. He went downstairs to investigate and saw his sister and a guy her age making out in the car. This must have been Abby’s newest fling. As he watched the two going at it, he realized this wasn’t just a makeout session, this guy was fingering his sister in broad daylight. He felt his cock harden as he watched the other guy’s arm going faster and faster until he saw his sister orgasm, right there for anyone to see. “This is so dangerous, anyone could see them right now” Alex thought to himself as he felt his dick dripping precum.

Abby gave him one last kiss before opening the door to the truck. Alex ran into the kitchen just as Abby stepped out of the car, pulling down her skirt and adjusting her panties before walking back into the house. She didn’t say a word as she walked in and immediately headed upstairs. Alex watched his sister run up the stairs and wondered why the date had ended that way. Any time he had personally made a girl cum he expected the same in return. It was only when he saw just how messy her hair was that he realized the guy in the truck had probably used her to cum already that day.

Muted music played from the upstairs bathroom as the sound of running water began. Alex knew what he had to do, and this was probably his only opportunity to do it. His heart raced as he quietly walked up the stairs and approached the bathroom. The siblings’ shared bathroom didn’t have a lock on it, as Alex’s mom worried about something happening to them, so he slowly cracked the door and saw the shower curtain was closed. Perfect. He got down on the ground and crawled over to the other side of the bathroom where Abby’s clothes laid in a pile.

“Clothes”, in this case, was an overstatement. The pile contained a Y2K jean skirt that was barely decent, a thin gray cropped t-shirt, interestingly no bra, and the treasure he was after. He locked eyes with a dark blue thong and knew he was moments away from being caught. He shoved the tiny piece of material into his pocket and escaped as quickly as possible, retreating to his room. He felt his breath get heavier as he realized how dangerous that operation was, and wondered how he would keep this going, and how to keep himself from getting caught. The original pink panties were hidden under his pillow, but he knew he needed a better hiding spot that his snooping mom and sister wouldn’t accidentally stumble upon. He found his old backpack from middle school, cleared out a smaller compartment near the front, and shoved the old dirty pink panties into it.

After putting the backpack in the very back of his closet, his attention returned to the blue thong at hand. Just like his last set, he first put these up to his face to smell them. They were MUCH stronger than the last pair. A musky but clean scent filled his nostrils and brought him back to the times he had eaten girls out in the past. He loved putting his face between girls legs, sucking on clits, and feeling their little bushes on his nose as he would hold down their legs and bring them to loud orgasms.

This pair smelled much stronger, and very different than the last set, but he attributed that to them being fresher. He slowly opened them to see Abby’s grool on the crotch and was met with a shock. These panties were drenched not just with her juices, but with a man’s cum. He threw the pair onto the desk, and was horrified that he had just smelled them.

Anger flooded his body as he stared at the ruined panties. How could this slut walk around town letting any guy get in her panties on the first date? Why would she let them use her pussy as a cumdump in exchange for some half-assed fingering in their truck? How many men had she let use her holes and just drop her off at home right after? Any ounce of regret in his body left as he approached the desk again. If this whore wants attention, that’s exactly what she’s going to get. He opened his laptop and his fingers flew across the keyboard as he wrote a caption for his next post.

“I wanted to feel bad for exposing my sister’s literal dirty laundry last week, but what I found today makes me feel like she deserved it. Not only does this little whore dress like a hooker and let boys finger her publicly on the first date, she apparently lets them use her as their personal cumdump too. This blue thong, her embarrassing excuse for panties, is drenched in her juices, sweat, and the cum of a guy who probably doesn’t even know her middle name.”

He took a picture of the disgusting piece of fabric and submitted the post. As he took his dick out and angrily jerked off, he was flooded with comments and messages saying he needed to teach her a lesson and get her in control. A girl sent him a picture of herself laying in her bed with her hand in her frilly purple panties with a message saying she can’t get enough of his posts. Alex once again came all over himself as adrenaline flooded his bloodstream.

He took a few moments to calm down before looking around and realizing he should shower now too. He hid the thong in his backpack and walked into the now-empty bathroom and stripped.
– –
A few hours later, after a shower and dinner, Alex finally calmed down and had made peace with the situation. He went back to his room to play some video games, but upon opening his laptop, he was overwhelmed by the amount of notifications from his favorite forum. His post had reached the top of the charts and people loved it. As he skimmed through messages from guys saying they would’ve railed her in that shower to teach her a lesson, as well as girls begging for more content to play with themselves to, Alex saw one in particular that interested him. It was a message from an account Alex followed, a well known creator on this forum.

“Hi user028882730, I have enjoyed your commentary on my posts for the last few years, and I love seeing young guys like you take interest in this fetish. I saw that you recently started posting content of your own, and I’d love to help you grow your platform. If you send me a picture of your sister’s most recent panties, I’ll give you a shoutout and grow your audience. I’ve made this my full time job, and I believe you have the potential to do it too. Please send me the picture within the next few hours so I know you’re serious about this”

Alex was ecstatic. He dreamed of one day doing this kind of thing, but never thought it was possible. It’s very rare for anyone to actually make money off of “softcore” porn online, even in cases like this. It was nearing midnight and Alex could hear his sister quietly snoring in her room. He knew what he needed to do. He crept down the hall and saw her door open, this was too easy. He silently walked in and realized his problem, Abby had done her laundry the night before, and the only dirty panties she had were sitting in his room and had already been posted.

He looked around the room, under piles of clothes and in the closet, to no avail. There were no wet panties anywhere in sight. As he stood up to walk back to his room, he realized there was one more place he hadn’t looked that would guarantee worn panties. He looked over at his sister, fast asleep in a bralette that concealed so little she might as well be topless, and shorts that must have been years old with how tiny and worn out they were.

He went back and forth in his head about whether he had the courage to do what he needed to do, and ultimately found himself standing above her bed. He knew the heavy sleeper wouldn’t notice him there unless he made a loud and sudden movement. He gently grabbed the waistband of the shorts and pulled them down to her thighs. There they were, a pair of white cotton panties on top of his sister’s pussy. He had never seen it this close up before and felt his dick straining in his shorts. He took a deep breath and pulled them down to reveal her pussy. She clearly cared a lot about how it look, he could see that it was cleanly shaved apart from a small bush right above her slit.

He focused back on his original target, and saw that the crotch of her innocent looking panties was once again, soaked. She must have been playing with her pussy in bed, probably replaying the events from earlier in the day. Alex turned his phone’s camera toward the panties and took a closeup shot of the crotch, using flash to make sure the set spot was as visible as possible. He then took one last look at her cunt and pulled the clothes back onto her and walked out out of the room.
– –
Relief washed over Alex as he realized he had been successful. He sent the picture to his mentor and was met with a quick response. “Wow I didn’t know you had this in you” he read, “I’ll get this and your shoutout posted, and you should see yourself making some money off of this by the end of the week”. Alex was elated, he dreamed about this and couldn’t believe what was unfolding right before his eyes.

Alex opened his mentor’s newest post and ran to the comments, which were not quite what he expected.
“such a sweet cunt”
“Kind of a jump from laundry to this”
“fuck I want to cum on that cunt”

Alex sat and read hundreds of comments like this and wondered what they were talking about, until he opened the picture again and dropped his phone in shock. In the heat of the moment, Alex didn’t realize that the picture showed not only his slutty sister’s wet panties, but her pussy too.

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#Incest #Teen

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
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I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse