Play Misty for me (Part 4)

#Abuse #BDSM #Teen #Tween

By Aunty Freeze

Continuation from parts 1-3. Stands alone hopefully but best read in order of parts posted. Thank you.

Jack’s catnap was abruptly ended when he woke to shouting from the lounge. He hurried, dressed only in his shorts to investigate the commotion.
Turned out to be the Miller ladies, all in need of a toilet and by the smell in the room a shower and definitely a change of clothing. He told them not to try anything stupid or try to escape the house. The threat of more violence and the loaded pistol in his hand enough to subdue them from attempting such risky behavior. Untying Mallina, then Bibby. Jack tells the young mother to take her 10 yr old filth caked pre teen and herself and get cleaned and fresh clothing. He’d be up shortly to supervise their choice of attire and keep an eye on them. Meantime. 15yr old Misty is to remain restrained clad only in her dirty panties and a vest that’s still pulled up around her neck. Her 34b thick nippled breasts proudly bouncing around as she is manhandled by the old man onto the sofa. He informs her of her role in his debasement and controlling controlling of her and her family’s future. Misty is horrified at what he’s intending and cannot believe what she’s hearing. He leaves her pondering theirs and her dilemma.

Arriving upstairs he hears Mallina and Bibby in the bathroom. Having hidden all phones and communication devices disabled for now. He knows the pretty housewife wont have even tried to contact anyone. Once finished drying hers and Bibbys hair. Mellina is told to get sexxy underwear tight skirt and vest outfit for her and to apply make up on her daughter. She’s to remain upstairs with Bibby while locked in her room. He will let her know when he wants any of them? Mellina thought with dread what he wanted them for. Having already been abused and violated by him. Misty is released and told to get cleaned up then get dressed as she would going to meet her mysterious older lover. The one due to call to see her very soon. Or so Jack hoped? His lust and frustrations boiling over again. He knew silly things happened when he was like this??

He looked in on the milf and her little slut daughter. The ten yr old was looking 3yrs older in her mini dress, heels, tights and silky blouse. She looked so fuckable but Jack had mummy in his sights. She was standing in a skin hugging body suit. Every curve and mound on the gorgeously endowed 32 yr old stood out in detail. Her firm nipples poked at her top, two mounds like bowls with points attached. Her stomach and waist were flat and curved respectively. Leading to a prominent V at her crotch where a perfect cameltoed fanny was imprinting itself onto her black sheened leggings. Her arse barely wriggled as the little bubble cheeks fought like puppies in a bag. The suit could have been sprayed on to her perfect body. His cock was rampant. Oh how he wanted to get this plan underway. If successful these beauty’s are his for as long as he wants them.

Jack turns his attentions to Misty. She was a beautiful 15yr old vision of nubile, jailbait fuckable manmeat. His knob rose and filled instantly. She had a pink and white summer dress that accentuated her teen girl waist and round thick nippled 34b tits. A small bra held them in place like twin orbs exaggerating her cleavage. Beneath as ordered she wore no panties, the pink garter belt and white silk stockings graced her athletic teen legs, giving the impression of a girl in her 20s not her mid teens? Her choice of footwear was pink ballet type shoes. Dainty like her feet and she apeared to glide like a dancer as Jack watched her walk downstairs.

Jack had put his denims back on and a shirt. He ordered Millena and Bibby downstairs also at gunpoint. He told Millena.
“Listen fuckmeat, if you dont do exactly as I tell you tonight. You will watch your children die instantly before I get medieval on your body then end you too. Do you understand me?” Millena trembling hard replied. “Yes yes yes dont hurt my girls please we’ll do everything you say. They’ll be no problem” Misty was sat bound in the lounge, her phone pinged? “OK slut. Lover boys on his way. You know what to do and I already know how good you are at it. Whatever he wants cunt. Remember?” The young teen fought back tears as she prepared to be the bait in the old pervs plans.

The doorbell rung, Misty is free to answer. Voices, Jacks listening. “Wow, fucking hell baby girl. You look spectacular. This the surprise you said you have for me?. Both him and her move into the lounge. Some small talk then he’s groping under her dress. “No panties and a garter… oh you whoring little bitch!! Guess your not saying no this time slut? – “No need too force me Tom. I’m all yours. I’ll do anything for you…I want..aaaagh, unnnh….!!” Misty moans loudly in pain. He has her in a choke hold. His fingers clearly rummaging in her cunt. “You’ll do exactly what I want junior. I got some friends paying good cash for cunt like yours.” Misty trys to wriggle free of his fingers. Swearing at him. Angrily he stands up, roughly pulls her dress off, then bends the stocking clad teen over the end of the settee. His pants are off and his 8 inches of snake are rigid. He wastes no time on anymore foreplay. Diving straight up the grunting teens vaginal channel balls deep. He brutally humps her. Pulling out then thrusting back in, roughly lifting her on tip toe, her quivering arse cheeks bouncing with the force of the thrusts. Misty wails and groans. He thrusts again and again and again. Both him and his victim grunting and groaning in pain or ecstatic bliss??

Suddenly!! Just as he’s looking like filling her womb with his seed…”What the fuck are you doing to my daughter? She’s only 15 !! you’re aware of that though, arent you pedophile… ? This is rape of a minor not to mention intent to traffick her. Im calling the police!!” Mellina knows Jack has Bibby held with the gun at her head. So has no problem carrying out his orders? Lover boy springs to his feet quickly, his dripping cock slurps from the girls abused cunny. Misty just stays laid over the arm of the settee sobbing softly. Mellina takes a quick glance at her daughters exposed, engorged vulva. A tingle of horny electric shocks ignite her clit and nipples. The milf shivers involuntarily, she is being pleaded with to listen to the middle aged mans excuses for being a child rapist?? She wants to just cut his cock off but knows she must do the unthinkable!!!

“Your Tommy Clarke, from the mini mart in town aren’t you?. I know that your married. Your wife know your here? Or that you pimp and traffick school girls. Or are boys on the menu too huh?” Misty has got herself a seat on the settee. Watching and waiting for developments in this drama? Mellina shouts out. “Bibby, come here darling will you?” – “Coming mommy” Jack has Misty back in the kitchen, he’s secured her. Forcing the erotically attired teeny fuckmeat to stay beside him while the drama continues.

Mellina stares at Tommy. “So you like little girls and you like my daughter huh? How do you like this one?” Mellina puts the provocatively dressed 10 yr old in front of him. Mellina however is barely fighting the urge to scream and kill the perverted rapist. “Well, not so big n brave now it seems…. Cocks shrunk too? Must be cold in here.” She laughs mockingly. Jack’s amazed at Mellina’s calmness. Tommy sneers but stands still. “Maybe your just into teeny girls. How about a real woman? Howd you like ME big man? Huh, think you could satisfy a real mature woman? Maybe I should call your wife? See how she reports on your bedtime action? No… your stood there shitting yours…?”

Tommy lunges at Mellina. Jack waits to see what happens. This is more than he expected but he wasn’t complaining. He pointed the gun at the bound, gagged, near nude Misty. “Shhh rapebait” He whispers, while slyly fiddling in her trimmed spunky hole. Tommy’s weight holds Mellina temporarily giving the man time to grab 10 yr old Bobby and pull her on to the settee. His hands are gropped around the childs throat she squirms but he doesnt let go. Her jumping around in her little dress with no panties on has hersoft baby bum rubbing on his re-energised shaft. Mellina curses at him to let her go and leave and she wont call the cops.

“Dumbass, you think I’m falling for that.”
Bibby chokes as he tightens his grip. Go sit on the floor till i get things sorted in my head here. Fucking cow. Move now or I’ll strangle this fucking piglet” Mellina had gone too far. She waited for Jack to intervene but nothing happened from him?? Tommy got up still gripping Bibby. He managed to hold her down while pulling off his jeans completely. His erection now bobbing in front of him rampant and firm. ” let’s see if this ones as big a slut as her sister is shall we?” Mellina screams, “Noooooo” To no avail..

Tommys thick engorged knob is sliding into the pre teens slick fucktube as her scream echoes from the room. Jack watches enthralled. His own cock being polished in Mistys slicked pussy. Bibby is in choke hold arm around her throat, pulled onto Tommys lap she’s facing her mother and howling tearfully as he exposes her bald fuckhole spreading her little thighs to mummys horrified gaze before she’s forced to eatch the further defilement of her baby girls stretched pink fanny lips. The large phallus powers up and down in her cute squelching vulva. Little squeaking notes interspersed with pain induced screeching harmonise with his rhythmic thrusting.

Mellina looks to the kitchen ” Where is that old bastard.” Jack was slowly bringing his cock to boiling point inside Misty’s velvet introitus. His in out rythm much like Tommy’s. Mellina sobbed softly unable to take her eyes from her baby girls ravishment. Tommy swore at the mother. Cursing her and ordering ger to stand up, get stripped and get on alll fours arse up head down. Mellina knew she was to be raped. At least it would stop the savagery inflicted at present on her 10 yr old daughter. Bibby wailed, Mellina begged, pleaded for mercy offering herself instead??

Too late!! The screams that followed told their own story. Wide eyed Mellina observed the beast position her baby. His spunky cock could be seen stretching the pre teens crinkled anus. Having been well fucked in her arse earlier however, didnt stop this invasion from being any less painfully unwanted. Mellina gave out a low defeated moan as Bibby was ragged and sodomised on the same cock that her sisters cunt had up it minutes ago. The same cock that would be up her if that fucking old cunt didnt stop this other cunt from doing so?? Tommy pulled from the agonised 10 yr olds wrecked anus, detritus and spunky goo slid from her abused gaping bumhole.

Tommy dumped the groaning child onto the settee. Her gloopy anus and pussy raw looking and very sticky. She watched her mother being bound hand and foot. Unable to comprehend why Misty or Jack arent here to help her?? Jack is enjoying the show and relishing watching the footage later. “Tommy boy, enjoy while you can because your days of being in charge are over. After her you and these cunts are well and truly mines….!! “Aaaaaahh”

Jack looked to see Tommy laying into Mellina’s pert arse cheeks with both palms. Her stinging smacks ringing around the lounge. Her screaming intensified when her tits got tweaked very brutally while forced to swallow his cock inclusive of Bibbys shitty goo!! Jack humped one more time then held himself inside the furnace hot rectum of the wasted, sweating repeatedly fucked 15yr old Misty. Her immaculate look now a sweaty mass of loose hair, teary mascara runs on her face, her lipstick smeared on her tits cunt, arse and inner thighs from old Jacks over exuberance while tongue swapping, clit tickling and tit sucking. Misty moaned as Jack roughly withdrew from her raw arsehole. His spunk and goo trailing out the exposed hole behind him. He left the bound gagged teen to her misery and scared the shit out of Tommy just as he was about to pop his 8 inch dick up the terrified Mellina’s gorgeous bumhole!!

“Not today fucker?” Tommy gasped in shock. “Wha… where the fuck did you come fr… who are you. Where’s Misty?” – “Im your worst nightmare Tommy lad. You know its frowned upon to rape mothers and their kids? You will go away for a long long time mate!!” – “I know you, dont I?” Tommy says, killing time as his cock deflates and Mellina begs Jack to untie her. “Soon Mell soon. Got this to fix out just now” -“Fix out? You calling the cops? ” – “No I’ve a better idea… thats way more fun… and lucrative!!” Mellina weeps as Bibby crawls next to her the 10 yr olds tears mixing with those of her mum. Jack has a talk with the raping storekeeper then tells Tommy to fuck off and he’ll be in touch?

Mellina feels her pained arsecheeks being rubbed as Jack finally gets his dick wet in Mellinas gorgeously wet, pink fuckhole. This was going to be even better than he’d planned. Jack happily fingers Bibbys cruddy cunt while hammering his old cock up her mummys joy trail…..happy days.

Will finish this sorry tale off in another part
If wanted as per. Again, thank you if you’ve read this far.

Special thank you to: Bi boy & Wanker.
It’s all your fault… lol
Aunty Freeze.

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By Aunty Freeze
#Abuse #BDSM #Teen #Tween

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse