Peace comes in small packages

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By Lost@18

An ongoing story of a drifter finding out who he really is.

Peace comes in small packages
I’ve needed to tell this for sometime now but who really understands something like this. I was born into a military family during a time when the military wasn’t so favorably looked upon. Dad was a hard ass and mom tried to keep the peace when he was around. We moved a lot and my 2 brothers and I learned how to survive being the new kids in town. I always felt like an outsider and as soon as I turned 18 married and got away from home. My new wife a senior in high school living with a boy she hardly knew was a real trooper. Managed to keep me grounded and focused for a while. 3 mos into our marriage we found ourselves expecting a daughter, 12 mos later we were separated and I was nowhere to be found. I told myself I wasn’t the type to live that life and found myself 10 years later in a motel room with 2 kilos of cocaine a lb. of meth and the the us Marshall’s on my ass. I was alone a deadline to meet and knew it was time to do something different. I hadn’t had any contact with family since I left and for good reason. Not only had I abandoned my family but I left a trail of broken relationships, bones and promises behind me. Sitting in that motel I remembered a cousin I had that lived in an old steel town in Pennsylvania. The steel business left long ago with the coal mines years prior so I figured it to be the perfect place to hide out until things cooled off. I give him a call and he invited me to come up stay and do some work around the house. I made my drops and hauled ass to Pa.
Arriving at my cousins I was met with the realization that this was no vacation hotspot. The people were hard and weathered. I kept to myself and when things where caught up at my cousins he told me his secret. He was involved with a much younger woman that lived up in the mountains. She was separated and had 3 kids. He was considering leaving his wife for this woman and needed help fixing her home. I agreed and we made our way to this little poverty stricken area in the Pennsylvania mountains. That day in that little shithole community my life changed and I am here to tell you my life was about to make a turn down a road unlike any I imagined.
It was a cold February day when my cousin took me to the highlands and on the ride he told me about his girlfriend. She was 32 yrs old had married right out of school to an abusive local boy. They had 3 kids 2 girls and a boy. Now divorced she was living in a beat down mobile home and she was the most exciting lover he had ever fucked. That’s not saying much considering he married his high school sweetheart and both never missed a Wednesday or Sunday at the local Pentecostal church. We arrived about an hour later and I said this place needs a match and gasoline. I couldn’t believe what these people were living in. We went to the door and walked in. I immediately noticed 3 grimey looking fellows sitting there smoking weed and not liking our presence. Looking around I can say the inside was worse than the outside. You can even add the old hound dog laying in the doorway equips with the smell of wet dog. Now my cousin is in his late 50s and blinded by love but it didn’t take me but 30 seconds to realize this chic was a whore redneck style. After calling for her a dozen times she comes bitching down the hallway in a robe and some loser behind her. She wants to know why my cousins there and after reminding her we are there to look at fixing the trailer she tells him she doesn’t want it fixed or us there. They then argue for 5 minutes and finally introduces us to each other. I then excuse myself and start looking at what I can do to improve this shithole. While I am looking around I notice the rifraft starts clearing out and things seem to become a little more normal. It’s about 230 and I mentioned she had kids and it’s about time they come home from school. I ask for a ladder to look at the roof when a school bus stops in the alley. 2 kids get off a little boy around 8 and a pretty little girl around 10. The lil boy goes straight to the ladder climbs up and asks me what I’m doing. I tell him and he then asks me to take I’m fishing. I chuckle and tell him with yes and his mom calls him. Now I’m up on this roof. Trying to get a plan and a couple more school buses dropping off kids when I see another one coming down the alley. I’m not paying to much attention but when it stops out front I remember my cousins girlfriend has 3 kids. Standing on that wore out trailer roof I look up casuallly at that school bus and see the closest thing to perfect I have ever seen. She looked to be about 5 foot 90 lbs. brown hair blue jeans flannel shirt and boots. As she walked my way I noticed the wiggle in her walk and the fact that the boots were a couple sizes too big. OMG! As she becomes closer my heart is in my throat my cock is coming to life and I am speechless. She looks up at me and says hi before walking inside. Fuck Me! This chic has a high school daughter. Got to be a senior looking like that. Well I got to see more. I know she’s off limits but maybe she’s close to 18. We are in the sticks. I hurry down with a new mindset. Hell yeah I can fix this place. Hell yeah I can start right away and hell yeah I got to meet this hottie! Fuck me!!!
Walking into the trailer I contain my excitement knowing I’m now in my 30s and this chic is most likely at least 17 yrs old. I see the girlfriend has taken a shower and looked pretty damn good and the two younger kids were finishing homework and wanting to go outside. They bundle up and I noticed just how pretty the younger girl was and overheard that their older sister went over to a friends. Through my disappointment I give them my recomendations and we head back to town. My cousin asks me what I think and I’m honest with him telling him to buy a new place. He says no, what you think about the family. I play it cool and say they seem ok. I ask about the men and the husband and finally the kids. He says the little boy is 7, Henry. Said he needs a man figure. Margaret the little girl 9 and has anger issues and the oldest, Summer she is a good kid doesn’t like him because he takes time away from her and the mom. She’s very mature and thinks she’s a grown up. I said well she’s a pretty thing how old is she? When he told me she was 11 my heart sunk. 11 fucking years old? Fuck me!! No it can’t be. I was devastated and ashamed of my thoughts. I sat there on that ride home thinking I have been here almost 2 yrs in hiding not doing any dating, drugs or even alcohol and see what I think is my angel and she’s 11 yrs old. next thing I hear is my cousin asking me if I hear what he’s
Asking me. Hell I’m all caught up in this 6th grader. I snap out of it and listen to him. He says he just knows those losers are feeding her drugs and if he could get some help he could help her and run off the riff raft. I’n a moment of bad judgement I tell him I can help him out. A week later we were in the meth business. Told him what and how. Trust no one and don’t do business with women. Now fast forward 4 mos and it’s time to start the trailer. The girlfriend has lost 40 pounds plus. The two younger kids are out of control and summer is killing me. Now mom wants some of my 9 inch cock and I’m not interested. Chic was spun. Fucking like a rabbit and my cousin is losing it. He is juggling to households and his girlfriend is all over me. She continues to cockold my cousin while fight my desire for summer. It’s now spring and I’m working my ass off while cuz is loosing his mind. He’s mean and. Spun damn fuck out. Girlfriend begging for cock and I’m getting tired of everybody scoring while I’m fixing a shithole. I’m now close with the 3 kids and moms is the town whore. She sees what I’m up to and calls me out. Fuck! I deny and tell her it’s not like that. Now that she has called me out I figure it’s my turn. I told her she was stupid theroeing that ass around in this broke town and she should consider a web cam show. I give her my advise. You’re giving shit away so get paid. She can be the town gang bang whore send pics to every swinging dick but is video camera shy. So now what. In the mean time I’m not only remodeling a mobile home I’m babysitting and coaching a whore. Meanwhile cuz is keeping me away from his bitch cause I’m all she talks about. Cuz decides I want his bitch and he decides the trailer is no place for them while I’m doing the inside so he rents her a house back in town agreeing to get the kids t school everyday 45 min. away. now all these mother fuckers are spun the fuck out and I’m the one taking these kids to school going to work and waiting on my cuz to bring me material. I’d get half of what I need around 1-2 o’clock at the earliest. That sucks right? Well moma and cuz made a habit of getting there around 8 every night meaning the kids got out of school and I had to figure snacks dinner and homework. I also get to meet another 12 yr old and they were far from any 12 yr old in my time. They flirted and whispered while I would stay the adult. The Adult that jerks off every night thinking of these young ladies. Well it’s spring time and time for the spring dance. Summer needs a dress, and is excited about her 1st dance. Mom on the other hand sees the cost and the logistics of getting her there. Understand I’m now putty in this girls hand and I volenteer to take her shopping and get her a dress. Next I say I’ll take her and I’ll hang out until it’s over. Summer ask me to be a chaperone but it’s to late in the year t get clearance. So I will just stay in town until after. Shopping day comes and mom insists I take all 3 kids. First we get the dress and the younger kids get boots and a few toys. We find a red dress and cute flat shoes. Next we do dinner and get them home. Mom is pissed cause I spoiled them. Later the two girls show me there dresses. Wow! My god I done good. Mom calls her a whore and hurts her feelings the next day summer gets her first period and it’s me going to pick her up from school. We talk about growing up and she tells me her mom told her what to do. She gave this beautiful 12 yr old a box of tampons and a 6” dildo to help with the bad moods. Wtf?! So to help my friend out I load up the kids and head to the salon. I get her the works. Nails hair message the entire experience. Now I’m digging this child and her friends but I am staying strong while others are figuring me out. Dance night was full of excitement with getting ready. I cleaned my monster truck and got cleaned up but whenbthat girl came done the stairs I was done. She was a goddess. So I take her by the arm and off we go. I open the door and she crawls in. Are those things your wearing? Yes don’t tell mommy. I won’t but don’t you get caught up in some shit with some boy. I jump in and off we go. During the ride I sense her nervousness and I try easing the mood. She says she wishes I could be there. I taught her how to dance a few days before but she was shy. I told her to have fun flirt dance and let the boys see her thongs. She giggled and I dropped her off. Now the dance was to end at 11 but at 930 exact i get a call to please come get her. I ask if everything is ok and she just tired. So I go to the school go to the doors and see my girl gigling with her friends. I ask if she’s ok an say hey to her friends we walk out I open the truck door and she crawls in. I see that lil ass and smile not saying a word. I jump up in the truck and there’s a pair of red thongs on my seat. wtf! I ignore them and sit right on them. We talk and I can see she was upset. Why? Why the panties under my ass and the owner with an attitude? I ask again if she had fun and I asked why leaving so early. Now I’m being the good adult and she looks right at me and says. I wanted u to take me and I wanted to hang out with you. I’m freaking out. She says but you didn’t even notice. I play dumb but I’m in trouble. I say baby your to young she said she wasn’t and tells me she loves me. Please don’t be mad. Now I’m crying no no no but my cock is tasting that ass. I tell her I have to go lock the trailer up. She cons in behind me
And before I could get the lights on my little girl was naked and wanted to make out. Her lil body was a perfect cross between lil girl and young woman. Somehow she slipped the panties back on and I broke right there. I grabbed her and flipped her upside down and buried my tongue in her lil ass. Right away she obpened my pants and pulled out my cock. I can’t honestly tell you how many times she came and I worked that bitch over. We danced and I ate pussy. Until 11 o’clock I was inheaven. God damn that pussy was perfect and wet as any I’ve ever seen. The ride home was hazardous tosay the least. She was on me laying across me under me. I was just trying to get us home. About 10 minutes out I tell her we got to stop and pull it together. I don’t know how but we got to stop. I wreak of 12yr old middle school pussy. Her red thongs are on the floor at the trailer and I’m preaching we have to behave. Well I drop her off and go around to my cousins house less then a block away. Whew! The next day I got up early and went to gather the evidence. To be continued.

After our night at the trailer I was a bit fucked up to say the least. I am ashamed of myself but I was ready for more. I see my cousin and he wants the dance break down, what if I say something wrong or what is she telling her mom and what if our stories don’t match. I get ready and haul ass to the scene of the crime. I. Swear it smelled like sex when I walked in and sure enough there was those damn thongs. I grabbed them up and of course they went straight to my nose. Let me say I jerked off more that day then I had during any week prior all together. I knew right then I was done. I would never be the same. I knew prison was coming but msybe I could talk to her and stop now before it came crashing down.
When I get back my cousin calls and asks me to ride to the girlfriend’s apartment. I walk in and we have the grand parents and cousins wife there having a grand ole time. The grandma is an interior decorator and wants to help out. After I arrive Summer comes running down the steps. Now I’m standing there when she ran into the room. I swear in 24 hours she went from 7th grade lil girl to goddess. Boy shorts with that ass out and her pussy was eating the rest. I pay no attention while her family is giving her hell. Grandma looks at me and I see I’m in trouble. Well I’m holding my own up until Summer grabs my hand and says I need to talk to you. So to the basement we go. By the time I hit the bottom steps I had my finger in her ass and one in her pussy. She was grinding me like a true freak. I’m saying no and she is saying go go go! It was crazy. I couldn’t stop myself. Understand one hand I have 2 fingers in her ass and 2 digging in that pussy. She was coming over and over. Sweating and those feckels on her nose were killing me. I did mention mom grandma and grandpa upstairs wondering what da fuck are they up to? Now I’m not a stupid man and I knew what could happen but this bitch was on it. I was trying to stop her get her to understand but she climbed right up my body. Finally I make it to the chair in this unfinished basement and she threw her legs around my shoulders and that perfect pussy was in my face. I open my mouth wide open and dove in. That was the best thing that ever happened to me up to that day. Fuck me! To be continued.

I finally get control of Summer and it may have saved my freedom. Mom comes thru the basement door from outside. I caught a glimpse and got Summers attention. I think anyway. We get summons back upstairs to the looks of my peers. Yeah my peers her family. She is told to go upstairs and I’m told she is too much for her mom to handle right now and the kids will be going with the grandparents. I said to myself after what I just went through in the basement, Good luck! Besides what does the mom do? Get high and fuck a married man and oh yeah, we now have a boyfriend to add to the party.

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By Lost@18

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49 entries.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse