Party Girl Pt. 03 – Fetish

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Disclaimer: Everyone in the story is 18 years old or older at all points. A resemblance to any person, living or dead, is merely coincidental.


It had been a few weeks since the slumber party, and I was watching Jenny while Shelly and Marc went out and had fun. It was a typical Saturday night when you were broke and had parents like mine. After Jenny went to bed, I sat in front of the TV, not really watching anything in particular. I was half asleep when her parents returned; I stretched and yawned, not wanting to wake up again fully.

“Did you have any issues with Jenny?” Shelly asked as she tossed her coat on the end of the couch.

“Nope, she played until bedtime and then went right to sleep.” I glanced at my watch and noticed how late it had gotten. “Can Marc run me home? I don’t want another lecture about being out late.” They returned from their date later than usual, and my mother always assumed the worst when I was out past curfew, even if it was to babysit for Shelly.

“Yeah, already he’s waiting in the car.” Shelly dug through her purse and held out two twenties. Just before I could grab onto them, she jerked them back with a smile. “Ever thought about moving out of that house?”

“At least once a day and twice on Sunday,” I told her, trying vainly to capture the money in her hand.

“How about moving in here? We have a spare bedroom, and Jenny would be ecstatic to have Auntie Abi live here. Besides, you are over here all the time anyway.”

I stopped reaching for the money. Watching Shelly, I could tell that she was pretty wasted. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. Marc and I spent half the night discussing your parent problem. At least think about it, okay?” Sighing, she relented and gave me the money. “Promise you’ll think about it?”

I looked at her, searching to see if she was only saying it because she was drunk. “Sure, I’ll think about it,” I said with a hint of sarcasm. I never knew with Shelly if she was being serious or not.

Shelly giggled as she walked to the kitchen. “God, you are worse than your father.”

I followed her, noticing that her black skirt was tucked into the top of her panties, which showed off her hot pink thong. She opened the refrigerator and bent forward to grab a bottle of water. I laughed as I pulled her skirt out of her panties and smoothed it down.

She glanced over her shoulder at me with a smirk on her face. “Having fun?”

“Not as much as you had — or should I say everyone else had, looking at your ass.”

Shelly locked eyes with me. “Bitch.”

I crossed my arms. “Slut.”

We both tried to look severe but failed and busted out laughing.

“See, if you lived here, no one would be scandalized seeing my butt. Fucking Marc. The asshole had to know my skirt was fucked up.”

“I’m sure he didn’t notice,” I assured her. I knew he must have; he was a guy.

Shelly put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. “Promise me you will think about it? You must leave that house before it turns you into a little old lady.”

I rolled my eyes. “I promise.”

She searched my face for a few seconds before accepting that I would at least consider moving in with her and Marc. With a hug, she pushed me toward the door. “Now go get in the car before Marc wonders what happened to you.”

I left her in the kitchen and went out to the car. Marc was listening to some old crap on the radio. “Your taste in music sucks,” I said as I got in.

Marc put the car into reverse and backed out of the drive. “Nice to see you too, Abigail.”

I fastened my seatbelt and glanced over at him. “I can walk home, Marc. I only live a few blocks away.”

“I know you can, but Shelly and I — not to mention your parents — feel much better with me taking you home.” We coasted through a stop sign, and I gave him a look. “It’s fucking three a.m. There aren’t any cars out, so relax.”

We drove the next block and a half in silence. With about a block to go, Marc pulled over to the side, stopped the car, and pointedly looked at me. “Did Shelly ask about you moving in?”

I laughed. “Yeah, she did. I still don’t know if she was serious. You know how she gets when she has been drinking.”

Marc smiled. “She has occasionally done things she doesn’t remember, but inviting you to move in won’t be one of them.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I don’t want to fuck up things between the three of us. I couldn’t live not being able to see Jenny anymore.”

“Please think about it. Shelly hates that you can’t be out late without permission, even though you’re twenty years old. She had enough of that shit when she lived at home.”

“Okay, okay. I will think about it. Are you happy?” I was smiling, and so was Marc. He put the car into drive and got me home.

“Talk to you tomorrow, Abigail,” he said. Then he pulled away, leaving me in my driveway.

I took my time walking in, hoping that my parents were in bed. I had no such luck. No sooner had I opened the door than my mother started in on me.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Mom asked. She was sitting in the easy chair, smoking a cigarette, her hair in rollers. She had her favorite look on her face: a combination of disappointment and disgust, like when you step in dog shit.

I glanced at the wall clock. “three-sixteen a.m.,” I said before turning and hanging my coat in the closet.

“Don’t you get smart with me, young lady,” Mom said, kicking the footrest on the chair so she could stand.

Trying to keep my face neutral, I sighed quietly before turning around. “I wasn’t trying to be smart with you, Mom. I honestly thought you didn’t know.”

“I know what time it is, Abigail. Why are you just now getting in? Out running the streets again?”

For some reason, my mother thought I had nothing better to do than run up and down the street, fucking anyone who would let me. I guess some of that might have been my fault. A few hot guys who liked to party lived on the block. One time, shortly after my eighteenth birthday, I got so drunk that I still can’t recall what happened except that I woke up half-dressed and covered in cum. My sister snitched on me, giving my mother another reason I wasn’t allowed out after dark without supervision.

“I was babysitting for Shelly, and they got home late. Marc just dropped me off.” I showed her the two twenties, knowing the money would distract her; it always did.

True to form, Mom held out her hand for the cash, making it disappear into her bra like magic. “Well, that had better be what you were doing.” Her anger dissipated just as abruptly – though what replaced it wasn’t anything sweet. Neither of my parents had worked full-time for as long as I could remember. As my sister and I got older, they depended on my grandparents, the church, and us to pay for everything.

I put my coat up and entered the room I shared with my sister, hoping the little shit was asleep.

“You’re home late,” she said from her side of the small, dark room.

“That seems to be the consensus,” I replied as I undressed. I donned an oversized shirt to sleep in.

“Out whoring around again?” she asked, her voice full of condescension.

I didn’t bother looking at her. “Just because the boys don’t want anything you have to offer doesn’t mean the rest of us are whores.”

She was still a virgin at eighteen, and if she stuck to her plan, she would be up until after she got married. I almost felt sorry for whoever would get suckered into that.

“Slut,” Peg said.

“Bitch,” I returned.

It was our way of saying we loved each other and goodnight. Pretty fucked up, right?

The next day, Sunday, I was awoken by my family getting ready for church. Mom pulled the covers off my head. “You have ten minutes to get ready, Abigail, or we’ll be late.”

I grabbed my stomach. “Can’t I just stay home? I don’t feel good.”

“Well, maybe next time you will get home a decent hour. Now get out of bed, young lady! Don’t make me send your father in here.”

Shit, I guess I am going to church, I thought. I forced myself out of bed and threw on my clothes. Don’t get me wrong: church is great if you like to go. My sister loved going, singing songs, and listening to our father preach. Most of the sermons were about worldly sins, and she also enjoyed punctuating them with looks towards me. God, sometimes I wonder why I didn’t drown her when she was younger.

Anyway, after church, we stopped for lunch. I frowned at my wonderful mother. I guess that’s where my babysitting money is going.

Dad looked at us while cutting into the finest steak ten dollars can buy you. “I got a call last night from your Aunt Tammy. Chris got accepted into the university, and they are throwing him a party next weekend. We have all been invited to go up.”

Mom didn’t look pleased. She couldn’t stand my uncle Frank. Something had happened years ago, and she’d refused to be alone with him ever since. My parents never talked about what had happened.

Mom looked at Dad, shooting daggers with her eyes. “You told them we’re busy, right?”

Dad either didn’t see or chose to ignore her. “How could I? It’s a big deal. Chris will be the first one on their side of the family to go to college. She invited us to stay for the weekend, and I told her we would be delighted.” As Dad finished speaking, he looked at Mom, making it even clearer he wouldn’t entertain any of her comments.

Mom bit her lip and looked away, suppressing whatever she had been about to say, knowing it wouldn’t change his mind. I, on the other hand, was ecstatic. Mia, Chris, and Ron were my favorite cousins; their house was amazing. It was on a large plot of land with plenty of places to hide while you got drunk.


The week went quickly. I had to turn down watching Jenny that weekend, but Shelly understood; she liked my cousins, too. She reminded me again about moving in with her, and I promised to consider it.

I enjoyed the trip out. It was nice to escape the city and all the noise and pollution. My mother and sister looked like someone had drowned their best friend; that may have contributed to my mood. It was a wonderful couple of hours. The car had just stopped when Chris and Ron ran up and opened my door.

“Abigail!” Chris yelled, pulling me from the car, picking me up, and spinning me around. Chris was over six feet tall and weighed around 220 pounds, all muscle from working around the farm.

“I missed you too,” I replied when my feet were back on the ground. Then I went and hugged his brother. “Hi, Ron.” Ron was the complete opposite of his brother. More introverted, he was skinny, maybe five feet ten, and what we liked to call wiry.

While people left his older brother alone, they often picked on Ron, underestimating him. This didn’t always end well for the other person.

Ron smiled at me. “Hi, Abigail.” His warm, soft voice gave me butterflies. If he wasn’t my first cousin… Mind out of the gutter, Abigail. I felt my face blush as I turned back to someone hiding behind the boys.

“Mia!” I squealed, pushing past my aunt and uncle to get to my only female cousin.

“Abi!” Mia laughed as I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

“Good grief,” my sister said. The next part, she outright screamed. “Chris, put me down!” I didn’t have to look; I knew Chris had given her the same treatment he’d given me.

“She is such an old lady,” Mia whispered into my ear before pulling away and looking me over. Smirking, she tossed my long, light brown hair upward. “I like what you did to your hair.”

She knew my parents wouldn’t let me do anything with my hair other than keep it long. Hers, on the other hand, was dyed pink. That day, she was wearing a light blue sundress that came to her knees. The dress spun upward as she twirled, giving me a good look at her athletic legs. Pink and blue were her two favorite colors.

I glanced at the others. Chris and Ron were playing keep-away with my sister’s purse. I caught Ron’s eye and mouthed, “Thank you.” He winked and tossed Peg’s purse to Chris.

My mom stood behind my dad, keeping him between my uncle and herself while my dad and aunt talked about Chris and college.

I wonder what happened between them? I thought.

Mia followed my glance, leaning in until her lips were against my ear. “How about we go somewhere else?” she whispered, gently biting my earlobe and sending shivers down my spine.

I stood still — in shock, mainly — as Mia ran a hand up my leg and inside my loose shorts until her forefinger rested against the side of my mons. My panties were the only thing between her finger and my skin.

That little bitch! I thought as shivers ran through my clit. The shock of her finger touching me broke the spell. I grabbed her wrist and easily pulled her hand away. I was stronger than her.

“Remember our deal,” Mia whispered, licking my neck.

Fuck! I forgot about that.

The last time we’d been together, at Sam and Lindsay’s house, Mia had been my slave. She had agreed, but only if I would eventually be hers for a few hours. It sounded like she was planning on cashing in that chit. Glancing at the others, I could see that everyone was caught up in their little world, completely ignoring Mia and me.

“Fine,” I muttered. I let Mia’s hand go, dropping my arms to the side.

“Good puppy. By the way, that will be your name for the rest of today. Anytime I say ‘puppy,’ you are to do whatever I say – or whatever I said the puppy did — without argument. Okay?”

“Okay,” I muttered, resigned to several hours of humiliation. I had been pretty hard on Mia; images of her unconscious body carried into the club still haunted my dreams.

Mia slipped her hand back inside my shorts. “Good puppy. After we leave here, you are not to wear any underwear for the rest of the time you are a slave.”

“But my parents…” I started to say, but Mia cut me off.

She grabbed my hand and led me off. “It doesn’t matter; there’s no underwear. Now, let’s go somewhere more private.”

I glanced at the others. “Should we tell someone?”

Mia shook her head and kept pulling on my arm. Ron seemed to be the only one who noticed us walking away; he just smiled as he caught Peg’s purse. We didn’t go far — just over a few hills and around a curve in the woods until we came to a downed tree.

Mia stopped and stood close in front of me. “Okay, now, strip.”

“Everyone is right over there, Mia. Hell, they walk past here to get to the house.”

Mia crossed her arms under her small breasts and looked at me down her nose. “I know, and the longer it takes you to strip, the more likely you will be caught.” I quickly stripped and handed her my clothes. I tried to cover up as best as I could, but the area was too open, and the smirk on Mia’s face meant she had known it all along.

Fine, I can play along. I dropped my hands to my sides and straightened my back, pushing my larger breasts out as a taunt. My breasts were twice the size of hers. Mia tossed my clothes in a duffle bag hidden in the tree’s hollow before returning to me.

She twisted my nipples hard. “Don’t get too cocky, you little slut.” I didn’t move, even when it felt like she was ripping my nipples off my chest. I might have balled up my fists and pushed a little on my toes. I do have limits, after all. Mia started to say something when we both heard it: the sound of brush and leaves being stepped on in the direction we had just come from.

I gave up all pretense of being a good little slave. “Shit. Mia, they can’t find me like this.”

Mia pulled me to the fallen trunk. “Over here.” Mia pulled me to the fallen trunk. She pointed to an opening between the trunk and the ground. The limbs that had broken its fall kept it suspended a few inches off the ground — enough that I could wiggle under it.

I quickly slid my feet into the opening, hoping that I would fit. Most of me could. My breasts turned out to be a liability. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t force them into the cavity the rest of my body was in. I was almost in tears at that point. The bark scraping the undersides of my breasts was painful, but the thought of getting caught like that was terrifying me. I could clearly picture my dad and mom screaming before beating my bare ass with a belt.

Mia grabbed a book she had hidden in the grass. “I got this, ” she said, kneeling over my head. She spread out her sundress, which tinted the light filtering through it blue. Unable to do anything but look up, I could see that Mia hadn’t worn panties and was still shaving her pussy. Fuck! The bitch had set the whole thing up. Maybe she hadn’t cut the tree down, but she had ensured that only so much of my body would fit. It was already apparent to me that I’d be eating her pussy while the entire family walked by, none of them the wiser.

I didn’t know if I was proud of her or pissed.

My thoughts were interrupted by her hand twisting my right nipple. “Get to work, slave.”

With that, Mia lowered her pussy onto my face and began rubbing it back and forth, forcing my nose between her lips. I heard her moan as my tongue slipped inside and wondered if she would give the entire thing away. The rustling of leaves got closer, and my nerves got worse. I just knew someone would see my body under the tree — or worse, that Mia would be forced to stand up.

I could feel myself getting wet and tried to shift my right arm around so I could get some relief as well.

Mia felt me move. “Don’t you fucking dare touch yourself, slave,” Mia whispered loud enough for me to hear. I certainly didn’t want to do anything that made her repeat herself louder. I stopped moving and concentrated on Mia, grabbing her ass.

Mia purred. “That’s a good little puppy.”

As footsteps approached, I heard Uncle Frank’s voice. “I thought you girls had gone to the house.”

“We were going to,” Mia replied, “but I wanted to sit out here, and she had to go take a piss.”

“Really, Mia,” Aunt Tammy said. “Do you have to be so crude?”

From her voice, I could tell she had stopped beside Uncle Frank on the other side of the log I was hiding under. I held my breath, hoping they wouldn’t notice the pasty white body under the tree.

“Sorry, Mom. I wasn’t trying to be crude. You do know that everyone pisses, right?” Leave it to Mia to argue with her mother about pissing. I felt Mia start to tense and knew she was about to cum, so I stopped for a few seconds, letting her calm down.

“You’re just as bad as the boys,” Aunt Tammy said.

As what I assumed were Aunt Tammy’s footsteps faded, Uncle Frank said, “You shouldn’t bait your mother, princess.”

Mia, always defiant, replied, “She shouldn’t tell me what to say.”

They were both quiet for a few seconds before I heard him follow after Aunt Tammy. Once he was gone, Mia pushed down, rubbing her soaked pussy on my face, so I started licking again, determined to get her off so I could get out from under her. I could feel things crawling on my legs!

“Oh, fuck. Right there. I’m going to cum, puppy. Are you ready for it?” Before I could do anything, I heard my sister screaming as multiple people ran past where I lay hidden.

“Give it back to me this instant!” Peg screamed as she chased Chris.

“I’m open,” Ron yelled.

Peg squealed again as the noise of running feet faded away. They were still playing keep away, and Chris must have thrown Peg’s purse to Ron.

My parents finally walked by. “Hey, Mia,” my dad said, sounding annoyed. “Have you seen Abigail? She just wandered off without telling anyone where she was going.”

“Yeah, she said she wasn’t feeling well,” Mia said. “You know, cramps.”

I imagined his expression shifting. He hated talking about any kind of female plumbing issue. “Well, if you see her,” he grumbled, “let her know I was looking for her.” Mia’s little gambit had worked like a charm. The annoyance had drained from his voice, replaced by an eagerness to talk about anything else – or just leave.
