Opening Your Gift [F4A] |

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Hey, I got your package. It’s right here by my chair. I’m going to keep recording for you while I open it, like you told me to.

I really hope you enjoy hearing it.

Let’s see what you’ve got for me.

[Cardboard box opening.]

Okay, it’s a set of mostly envelopes, and a couple smaller packages, and it looks like each one has a number on it. Oh boy, you’re taking me on an adventure here, aren’t you?

I’m guessing I’m supposed to open them in order.

Number one.

Number one is a regular envelope.

[Paper ripping and unfolding.]

With a note inside.

“My darling. Thank you again for entrusting yourself to me this way. Especially over such a distance.”

Aww, thank you. All I did was ask you to dominate me. You’re the one who puts in all the work setting up fun stuff like this for me to do.

Sorry, back to the note.

“I want to know everything that’s going on in your head. So, start by telling me exactly what you’re hoping for. Then continue to part two.”

What I’m hoping for….

I don’t know. I mean, the surprise is half the fun. I guess I’m hoping that you’re going to challenge me. I hope you’re going to whisk me away and make me feel like there is no world but what you give me. I hope that I’ll be able to hear your voice in my head when I read your notes, and pretend that you’re here with me.

I hope you’re going to push me a little harder this time, and you’re going to trust me to be able to take it for you.

And I hope you’re going to give me the chance to earn a little reward…?

Wait, you said exactly. And I’m not being very exact, am I?

Okay. I hope I’m going to get to touch myself today. And maybe, um, maybe even cum? If you think it’s a good time for that.

But I also hope that you’re not going to make it too easy for me. I hope you make me earn it.

Opening envelope two now. Let’s see how close I got.

[Paper ripping and unfolding.]

“Tell me why you think you deserve to cum today.”

What is this, a scholarship application?

Kidding. I’m kidding. You can decide when you hear this if I need to be punished for that.

Well, you get right to the point, don’t you? It’s a hard question, though. Not like there’s an established standard to measure by.

Okay. How about, I deserve to cum because I’ve been waiting very patiently. It’s been eight days, and I haven’t even asked about it. The other day, I was watching TV, you can guess what show. The one with my big crush. And there was a scene, like, an amazing one, the kind people are going to be talking about forever.

Before I asked you to dominate me, it was the kind of thing that would have been the only thing I’d get off on for weeks. Every day, multiple times a day, just replaying it in my head.

But instead, I lay back on the couch, and I closed my eyes, and I thought about you. Only you.

That didn’t make me any less horny, of course. If anything, it made it worse, but I still didn’t touch myself. I lay there, with my hands behind my back, thinking about all that pleasure just building up in my pussy, about how I could just reach out and take it, and you would never even know. But I wasn’t going to do that. And I didn’t do it. Because I wanted to be a good girl and save it all for you.

I don’t even know how long I stayed there, waiting to calm down. Honestly, it feels like I never fully did calm down. It’s like the minimum amount of horny I can be just keeps getting higher and higher the longer I wait for instructions from you.

I’ve been waking up with these really intense dreams, where your hands are all over me and inside me, but I can never finish. I’ve never been able to finish in my sleep, and when I wake up, I remember that I’m not allowed. Because I’m saving it for you.

So, I wait, and wait, and wait, just hoping that I can fall back asleep.

That’s my answer. That’s the best I’ve got. I think, I hope that I deserve to cum, because I’ve done a really good job waiting, even though it’s been so, so hard.

If I could open envelope three with my fingers crossed, I would be. Here goes.

[Paper ripping and unfolding.]

This note just says, “Beg.”

Of course I’ll beg.

Please? Please, please, please, please, please? Would you, maybe, pretty please consider letting me cum today? Could I please have just one, with your blessing, so that I can get some sleep tonight while still being good for you? I promise to be very, very grateful and do whatever you want in exchange.


Maybe envelope four has your answer.

[Paper ripping and unfolding.]

“Tell me why you think you don’t deserve to cum today.”

Oh, you’re tricky. You know I’m going to do what you ask. And I’m going to do it the best that I can. And you probably know I’m going to be much better at arguing against me than for me.

I don’t deserve to cum today, because I literally asked for this. I asked you to be my dom. I asked you to take responsibility for controlling me. And taking care of me. I asked you to be the one to decide what I get, and when I get it.

I asked you to take on all of that, and all I had to offer you in return was a promise that I would do whatever you say.

And now here I am, telling you that I deserve an orgasm, just for following the rules that I asked for? Telling you that I know what I need better than you do, when I’m the one who decided that wasn’t true?

I’m being pretty sneaky, trying to have it both ways. Making you make all these plans and then trying to make you feel bad and change them when it gets hard?

If anything, you should make me wait even longer for complaining.

Do you agree?

Let’s see what the verdict is.

Ooh, number five is a box. A long, narrow box. I’m already imagining what delicious things could be in here. And now I’m thinking about how horny I must be if I’m having dirty thoughts about a box wrapped in brown paper.

[Paper tearing.]

Oh, yes, yes, yes, it’s a vibrator.

I’ve been missing my toys so much since I asked you to take them all away for safekeeping.

This isn’t one I’ve seen before, though. It’s a new one, and it looks really nice.

It’s pink, and thick, and just a little bit flexible. Thank you.

Oh, there’s a note.

[Paper unfolding.]

“Put it in, turn it all the way up, and enjoy for one minute. Don’t touch your clit, and don’t cum.”

Ah. That would explain the lack of rabbit ears.

That’s okay. I can do that.

I can enjoy one minute of vibration without cumming. One minute isn’t that long, right?

[Vibrations start and escalate.]

Oh, wow, all the way up is a lot. Okay. Here goes.

I’m sliding it in, and everything’s getting really excited around it, even though I haven’t turned it back on, yet. My pussy thinks it’s getting a treat.

Shh, shh, calm down. We’re getting ahead of ourselves.

It fits really well, too. I can slide it in right to the base, and I feel amazingly, wonderfully full, but there’s no extra length, so I can sit up in the chair and hold it right there.

Okay, I’m turning it on.

[Fainter, more muffled vibration begins.]

I’m turning it all the way up, and I’m starting the timer.

I suppose you want me to describe how this feels, even though you know exactly what you’re doing to me.

The vibrations are so strong that I can feel them all the way up to my chest, and down to my knees.

You’d think that would be enough to set off my clit, especially with how long it’s been waiting, but it’s not. And you know that about me. It’s so hard, it feels like it’s about to explode, but it can’t, not without just a little bit of pressure on it from the outside. I really, really want to start humping my chair. That’s all it would take at this point. Just a few seconds of that. But I’m not. I’m not. I’m not.

I’m being good for you.

That’s a minute!

[Vibrations stop.]

I switched it off, but I’m just leaving it there for now. I’m so sensitive, I’m almost scared to move it. I hope that’s okay. You didn’t explicitly tell me to take it out.

What number were we on?

Six. Okay. This one’s a package, too. Kind of. It’s a manila envelope, and there’s something coiled up inside.

[Paper tearing, sounds of clinking metal.]

It’s your belt. The studded one that I like, wrapped up with a bow. With a note.

[Paper unfolding.]

“Darling, I know the task I’ve set for you is difficult. It may even be impossible. You may rest as long as you wish before beginning, but once you begin, you are to follow through without pausing. Your orders are to turn that vibrator all the way up inside you again, for two minutes. During those two minutes, you will place my belt between your legs, with the studded side toward your skin, hold the ends in front of and behind you with your hands, and rub it briskly back and forth against you. After two minutes, you will stop, turn off the vibrator, put it away, and deny yourself all pleasurable contact until we see each other next week. You do not have permission to cum. I know how much you hate failing at a challenge.”

I really do. You know me so well.

“I know you like to be good and perfect at all times. But I’ve prepared for the possibility that you might fall short today, and I want you to be prepared too. While you rub my belt over your clit, I want you to think about all the wonderful uses a belt can have, and about the possible consequences of your failure.”

Oh, you just love using that word on me, don’t you?

“If you do fail…”

There it is again.

“If you do fail, open envelope A for disciplinary instructions.”

Oh, I don’t get to know in advance, huh?

I guess it doesn’t matter. You know there’s no way I’m not trying my best. The punishment for cumming without permission could be a pat on the back, and I’d still try to hold out for you. I’d still want to be perfect for you.

I don’t know if I can do this, but we’re about to find out.

I feel like I should let myself calm down some more first, but I’m honestly not sure that’s going to happen. It might actually make it more difficult if I try to take the vibrator out and put it back in again, and have to deal with all that false anticipation.

So, I’m just going to go for it.

I’m sitting up on my knees so that I can put the belt in place like you said.

Oh, I’m tingling just from the cold little bumps of metal touching my skin. This is going to be so hard.

Starting the vibrator.

[Muffled vibrations begin.]

And the timer.

I’m dragging the belt backward, and forward. Backward, and forward.

I know, I know, you said vigorously.

Back, forth, back, forth, back, forth.

I wish you were here to watch me right now. I feel like a party stripper, rubbing myself with your clothes like this.

Back, forth, back, forth, back, forth.

Oh god, I’m so close. I’m trying so hard not to. Not to cum, and not to slow down. Just like a minute and a half left.

I have to think of something else. No. You told me what to think about. I’m thinking about your belt in my hands. I’m thinking about what might be in that discipline envelope if I… if I—


I’m sorry! I’m… fuck, I’m still cumming. I’m sorry. I tried not to. I really, really tried not to. It was just so good.

This thing is the most powerful vibrator in the world. I gotta get it out of me.

[Vibrations stop.]

This is probably what you wanted, isn’t it?

Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel better.

Okay, okay. Envelope A. Let’s see what you’ve got planned for me.

[Paper tearing and unfolding.]

“Darling, if you’re reading this, it means that you’re only human after all, and that I’m doing well at my job of giving you powerful and satisfying experiences where you are not in control. You’re welcome.”

You motherfucker.

“I’d love to soothe you, and tell you that you did your best and that’s all that matters, but if I know you at all, and I think I do, that’s not what you want to hear.

Yes, you know me. We’ve established that.

“You don’t care if it was only a friendly game. You don’t care if it was rigged against you. You’re beating yourself up, and you won’t stop until I give you an alternative form of atonement, and a new chance to show off. So, your next assignment is to take that belt, and hold it ready to swing with the plain leather side forward. I don’t want you to damage yourself.”

You underlined plain leather. It’s thoughtful.

“Your sentence is twelve strokes, three to each inner thigh, and three more to each breast. I know I don’t need to tell you how hard.”

No, you don’t. I won’t let you down.

I’m sitting down and spreading my legs apart to really get a good aim at my inner thighs. Starting on the right.

[Three smacks and gasps.]

I almost wish you’d asked me to hit my pussy with this. You know, with the same thing I used to cum? It would be a good way for me to prove that I didn’t mean to get away with anything.

I’m still feeling all glowy and satisfied, even though I shouldn’t, and I feel really guilty about it. You could take that feeling away. Help me get rid of it.

It would probably hurt a lot while I’m all sensitive like this. I might even cry.

I would do that for you, you know that, right?

But you wouldn’t do that to me. You wouldn’t want that. So, I’m going to stick to what you told me.

The left side now.

[Three smacks and grunts.]

Oh, that hurt a lot more than the first set. It’s like my body’s using up its endorphin supply and running out.

That’s good. I’m glad. I was afraid you were going to go too easy on me. I was afraid I’d get to the end and still feel like I hadn’t really repaid you for what I did.

Okay, now I have to figure out the best way to swing and hit my breasts as hard as I can without missing.

I think I’m going to rest them on top of the table and aim for them there. Yeah.

Starting on the right side again.


Oh god.

[Two more smacks]

I hit the nipple dead on the first time. I know you didn’t say that I had to, and I wasn’t sure I’d be that accurate, but I tried, and I hit it.

It’s okay. It’s okay if it bruises. I don’t need my nipples while you’re away. Touching them just makes it harder to wait.

Okay, just the left breast to go.

This one will probably hurt even more, because I’m righthanded, so I have better leverage and more space to work with here.

Here goes.

[Three smacks and a groan.]

Yes, I did it again. Yes, it was on purpose. I had to. I had to make sure I was doing everything I could to make this right. To show you how devoted I am to being perfect for you.

Thank you. Thank you for giving me this challenge to meet.

Looks like there’s just one envelope left. Number seven.

[Paper tearing and unfolding.]

It says, “Good girl. Send me the recording. I want to enjoy it while I count down to our visit, probably more than once. I’m glad you understand my not denying myself along with you.”

Of course, I understand! I know I’m a freak, and I want you to get off on it. It’s the only thing I have to give you.

“In the meantime, drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, and take good care of my darling until I’m able to be there again. I love you.”

Aww. I love you too.


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