No More Vanilla: Part Two, Kim’s Fulfillment

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The brand-new razor slid over Kim’s pussy lips with ease. She always liked her red pubic hair and left a little landing strip above, and totally understood why so many, including herself, liked a smooth vulva. Satisfied with the shearing, she shut down the shower. She wrapped herself in a towel and wiped off the mirror, seeing her wet, red hair and water dripping down the exposed portion of her sweet large breasts.

“What are you doing, Kim? This is crazy…” she asked her reflection.

Looking down in the mirror she saw her favorite piece of gold paper shining on the countertop. She never went anywhere without it, even sleeping with it in the pocket of her pajama pants. Once in her actual panties, although her arousal and sweat started the ink to smear. Good Lord…

“Call if you liked what you heard. Jules.” The invitation was followed by a phone number. She had received it in a restaurant last week after overhearing a man having sex with two women in the stall next to her.

“Oh I liked it… I liked it a lot,” she whispered toward the paper.

One of the women had dropped it off for her as the three had exited. With a burst of uncharacteristic risk taking, she had used the number and had set up a date. A date for sex with a stranger.

She liked the confidence the silly little thing gave her. In this moment it allowed her to point at the steamy mirror image with authority.

“No more vanilla!”

Two hours later, what would normally be a forty-minute drive to the city had taken her thirty. Of the three rendezvous Jules offered, she had chosen Tuesday as she already had a dentist appointment scheduled and had taken the day off. She shook her head and sighed at how practical she was being. At least her teeth looked nice.

Actually, she looked nice all over. She had her new light green lingerie set on: lacy bra and thong. She had dug out some of her old sexy underwear and they didn’t make the cut. This new set marked a new era. It uncomfortably dug into her pussy and ass crack, yet she endured as it looked good with her red hair and green eyes. She wore grey-ish thigh high stockings, also new. It was really too warm for them, but they looked fantastic with the sexy Louboutin heels she was wearing. Luckly, one of the only pairs of heels she owned that still fit.

She completed the look with a return-from-the-back-of-the-closet emerald dress that fit her curves nicely but did not scream, “I am a dull lab-tech going to meet a man for sex at a hotel.” Nor did it say, “I’m a slut.” It landed perfectly in the realm of “Holy cow, Kim you look hot.” The hemline sat just above her knees covering the tops of her stockings. The bustline was a V that displayed her ample offering without showing her green lacy support underneath. She topped it off with a heart-shaped pendant that hung just at the top of her captivating canyon.

Arriving early to the hotel, she sat in the car for six solid minutes, trying to get her respiratory rate to ebb. She looked in the rearview, raised her eyebrows and whispered once more, “No more vanilla. Time to get what I want.”

With resolve, she grabbed her Louis Viton bag she hadn’t used in years, making sure her phone was inside next to her wallet, and a few freshen up make up needs. As she walked to the hotel’s front door, her heart was beating so loudly in her ears she was sure the doorman could hear. He tipped his hat and opened up the lavish gold trimmed glass doors. The Hotel Norton was an older affair built over a century ago when the city was founded. Kim had been here a few times as it was a local wedding favorite.

The texts she had received from Jules’ bathroom babe, Anita, gave no specific instructions about where to meet in the lobby, but there was a bar to her left. A safe space to observe she thought.

She sat on the stool and provocatively crossed her legs, making sure the slit up the side of her dress allowed for a peek at the lines at the top of her stockings. Now, what to order? She had actually given this much more thought than one regularly would. Whatever she was to drink it must convey confidence, composure, and a little provocation.

White wine? Passe

Cosmopolitan? Come on, this wasn’t a Carrie and Miranda lunch.

Martini? Yes! But not one so strong as to make her face squinch with each sip. Her sister, Angela, would die laughing. A lemon drop martini! Yes, the perfect cocktail for her tantalizing adventure.

As she sipped, she looked about the room, making sure she hadn’t missed anyone. She took out her mirror and checked her hair and make-up. She looked good. More importantly she felt good – no…for the first time in a long time, Kim Delgado felt sexy. This dress was not her superhero costume transformation. This was her real identity, and it was time to let it fly.

Just as she was about to close her compact, the face of a smiling distinguished man filled the frame above her shoulder. She snapped it shut and quickly spun around.

“Kim, how lovely to actually meet you in person.” Jules was in a blue jacket with contrasting pocket square of mauve, and a finely tailored off-white shirt with the top buttons open. Put together, not pompous he offered his hand, and she took it.

Fuck, all I smell is pheromones and money!

Like an old-school gentleman he kissed the top of it, and she shivered in anticipation. She hoped he would let go but just as much that he wouldn’t. With her cocktail, her heart rate had slowed to a polite comfortable pace. Now it accelerated, allowing her body to react in the way she had hoped it would.

First contact had exceeded expectation. She had masturbated twice yesterday thinking about this very moment. Her currently contracting crevice was telling her she was right on target with the speculation. This was going to be epic.

Reading her mind, he closed her hand in his making a soft sandwich.

“I am so glad you decided to come today.” His baritone melted the room. “We have so much to explore and learn about one another, do you agree?”

“I do.”

Her mouth suddenly felt dry, and she took a sip of her drink, which caused him to chuckle. “Sorry, just need a little more courage. I’m very nervous; I’ve never done anything like this be-“

He held up a finger and she stopped talking.

“You look quite ravishing, Kim.”

He sat to her left and the bartender set down a small glass of scotch. Kim was impressed. He had either pre-ordered, or he was a regular. Jules tilted his glass and the two clinked.

“To new adventures,” Kim offered and sipped a bit more than usual. Feeling emboldened, she placed her hand on his and smiled in a way she hoped was sexy. She allowed her finger to trace the contours of his knuckles.

“I feel the need to inform you, Kim, that I am going to kiss you,” Jules announced.

This was another moment she had played over in her head the last two nights before she fell off to sleep.

Where will we first kiss? How should I respond? Turn my head, offer a cheek, or -?

She let herself be in the moment. Her voice came out as a needy breath, rife with her arousal. “Alright.”

Jules leaned over and their lips met in what she could only describe as the best first kiss she had ever had. It was soft, wet, and moved with ease. There was just the right amount of pressure. His breath had the sweet burn of his scotch. As she moaned softly, she let her tongue say hello. Jules laughed softly and reciprocated.

Kim was on fire. Her breasts were heating up and she was sure her nipples were drilling out smoking holes in her dress. Her pussy was so inflamed, fueled by a firm arm around her shoulder and his hand on her waist. She had to open her legs to allow for ventilation! It was intoxicating.

Jules broke the kiss.

Kim gulped then regained her composure. “I assume we have a room waiting.”

“I have a suite. We will be more comfortable.” He stood and she saw his hand was extended. She downed the last of her drink and took his hand. He gestured toward the elevators outside the bar’s entry.

The ride up was strangely uneventful. Kim was concerned she had overstepped with the room thing. Yet he was taking her to a suite, so maybe she hadn’t.

The tenth floor was not the top, but it did contain luxury accommodations. Jules stopped at a door and took out a gold keycard. Not the usual hotel issue, she thought as she took a controlled breath trying to get her body to calm the fuck down! He opened the door and gestured for her to enter.

This was it. If she stepped through there would be no turning back. She stared at the threshold with wonder on top of a trepidation she had earned it with the dull life she had allowed David to give her. Jules was a god send but he was not a savior. This had to be her time.

She whispered softly to herself. “I don’t need saving, I need to be noticed and appreciated.”

Her pause with this thought made Jules think she was hesitant, or worse, fearful. He stepped in front of her, breaking her stare. “What was that, my dear? If you have seconds thoughts, we can postpone, or even cancel. The last thing I want is for you – “

She locked onto his eyes halting the sentence and she smiled; resolved, ready, wanting.

With the face of a child trying new food, Kim hurried past him making him once again laugh as he closed the door behind them.

The suite was magnificent. The ceilings were ten feet high easily with a wall of windows behind a sumptuous seating area. To the left was a dining room for eight and what appeared to be a small kitchen. She sighed with her mouth open having never seen such lush accommodations in person. She looked to the right at French doors that were opened to a bedroom where a white and gold bed waited. It looked like it was big enough for four. There was a bouquet of red roses laying at the foot enrapt with a red ribbon The romantic image made her heart jump.

She turned back to her left and was met with Jules and two glasses of champagne. He had doffed his jacket and unbuttoned two more on his shirt. She placed her purse on a nearby table and took the flute. The two clinked again and she sipped. It was marvelously subtle, and she knew it probably would cost her a week’s salary.

“Shall we sit?” the electrically charming man asked as he moved around the end of a puffy maroon sofa. Kim took an audible breath. ‘Your time,’ she told herself.

“I’d rather fuck.”

She paused for effect, her heart hammering in her ear. “If that is alright with you?”

Jules was actually stunned by her boldness. Then completely turned on by it. He had expected to perform his usual recruitment routine. The dance of romance and suave that never failed to yield another convert for his harem. “As you wish,” he smirked and gestured to the bedroom doors. Kim set down the champagne by her purse and walked toward the doors, then stopped. Without turning around, she unzipped her dress and slide it off her shoulders. With a wiggle and a push down, it pooled on the floor. She bent at the waist giving a full-on thong-split ass shot. She picked up the dress and turned toward her would-be lover. She laid the dress on the couch arm and slinked toward him.

“Oh my god…” he mumbled in complete aroused shock at her hefty bosom nearly spilling out of its emerald confines. Kim slid her fingers up his chest and pushed his shirt down and off his shoulders. He helped her untuck it and let it fall to the floor. Their lips were inches apart the entire time, their eyes locked in fiery fascination.

Kim began to unbuckle and unfasten his trousers. “We’ll start here,” she whispered, and he nodded. They were going to use the couch, and he was fine with that. Kim knelt down and removed his shoes and trousers. Next, she took hold of his silver silk boxers. These suckers probably cost more than her entire outfit. With a slow ease she lowered them allowing for his impressive manhood to pop out, firm and prepared. She moaned softly, eyeing its hole as if it was eyeing her. She took hold of his hips and turned him. Next came a gentle push and he sank onto the cushion. She turned herself and then stood.

He had expected this repressed suburban mom to be timid and corruptible. Standing before him in resplendent green lingerie was a red-haired mortal transforming into a goddess. She actually took his breath and made his cock pulse.

Kim rubbed her erect and needy nipples through her bra and then slid around to unhook. She seductively let it fall, allowing her impressive DD girls to hold it in place. She wiggled twice and it fell to the ground. Jules actually laughed softly, and she smiled knowing it was in appreciation, not mockery. What a change from her life in the bedroom of bland.

Kim Delgado, now stood in the fanciest room she had ever occupied wearing only a wet green thong, thigh-high stocking, heels, and her necklace. She felt…

“My dear, you are magnificent.”

…yes, magnificent.

The praise made her blush softly and look down. When her burning eyes came back up, they were focused on a target that now stood eight inches tall and shiny with anticipatory dripping. She stepped forward and took it in both hands. She tugged on it using it as a tether to pull her down. His eyebrows shot up at the slight pain and then softened to lustful bliss. Her mouth was open, and her splendid tongue swirled the head.

Kim realized, as she licked this impressive love tool, that she hadn’t breathed in the last few minutes. The air rushed into her like a whirlwind and she felt light-headed. This was only the third cock she had ever had in her mouth, and it was by inches (and manscaping) the finest ever. It actually smelled like a mild cologne. She savored the feel on her lips and tongue as she slowly sucked him in.

She felt her body relax some. This was it; she was doing it. If she wasn’t so happy sucking this man, she would be crying tears of joy. She was in a zone she had not entered in literally decades. She was aggressively moving up and down, her right hand slipping to his balls and her other corkscrewing up the shaft as she pulled her lips up leaving a copious spit trail. Jules wanted to close his eyes and let the sensations carry him away but his fascination with this surprising siren had him in steel-eyed focus. She was not just sexy to gaze upon, her skills were out of this world.

Kim pulled off and looked up at him, both hands stroking. “Your cock is amazing,” she breathed, “you taste incredible!”

“Your mouth is divine. Please, complete me.” The word choice bordered on romance-novel silly, but it worked. Kim took him back in deep. She gagged and pulled back Then dropped down again, another inch in her throat. He took hold of her locks, and she slapped his hands away. He gasped in shock, and she popped off his cock. Her hands flew to her mouth.

“OH my GOD! I’m so sorry – I was so in the – oh my god, Jules!” The gorgeous man threw his head back and laughed heartily. Then he put his hands behind his head and nodded for her to proceed. “I am yours…”

Kim awkwardly laughed and took him in again. This time she let her left hand slip to her pussy. She opened her thighs and her womanhood seemed to sigh as she ran her finger up the well soaked silk. She shook as if a breeze has swept through the room. Her orgasm was imminent and would need to wait. Time to get her fill.

She stopped again and he knew why. His aching need was near eruption but he squeezed the base to dissipate the inevitable. Kim took hold of her thong and peeled it down. She stepped out of it and dropped it on his chest. He took it up and sniffed lewdly. Her now bare, freshly shaven sex wept in anticipation. Kim walked forward and staddled Jules’ legs. The two took hold of his cock and in tandem guided it to her entrance. As she took him in like another mouth, he groaned along with her sigh of fulfillment. When she bottomed out, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with deep passion and snaking tongue.

She pulled out of the kiss and with eyes closed in ecstasy slid up and then back down. She whispered a triumphant, “finally…” and the two began to fuck.

Jules had his hands on her lovely full hips and rather than just grip he was sliding his fingers up and down the ample flesh. He was enthralled with this woman, and he had no idea why. He literally dozens at his beck and call. And his current harem had a half a dozen who he could easily fuck at a moments notice. Yet not one of them had fired him lately like this stunning creature riding his cock.

“Mmm my God, Kim! Your pussy is divine. I could fuck you all day.”

Kim laughed as she got into a slow grind and lift pattern. Her clitoris was stimulated by his pubic bone, which had a small bush of hair that made her button tingle more intensely. “Ungh! Fuck, I agree! Not all day, but at least for the next couple of hours.” She leered at him with primal need. “Let’s get this one done quickly so we have time for more – oh my God, I’m going to come very soon!”

With that, she began to move faster. Her beautiful nipples were inches from his mouth, and he could not resist. Grasping her left breast, he sucked it in and squeezed simultaneously. She grabbed his head and pushed it harder into her breast. Her speed was faster than she had ever fucked her husband or any other man she had ever been with. Thus tamed she beast had been released and it was never going back in its cave.

Jules was bucking up as best he could in the awkward position of his head being held to her fantastic breast. He sucked and licked and bit on her nipple, and she cried out with passionate glee at the delight of his ministrations.

This one was a keeper, no doubt, he said to himself.

Now in overdrive, Kim was ready to orgasm and hoped he would join her. “Oh God, Jules, I’m going to cum sssso hard on your beautiful cockkk!” she grunted and hissed.

She pulled his head off her tit and kissed him deeply, her tongue shoving itself into his wide open mouth. He had never had a woman take his mouth so forcefully and it was all he needed to set off his fuse. He grunted and stiffened, pushing them both up off the couch and fired his rocket deep inside her. Kim shook as her own orgasm seemed to burst from her cervix, then scream past her pulsing walls, then ignite her labia and clit!

“Ahhh fuuuckkk!” Her entire body was a raging inferno.

The self-administered orgasms she had had lately had been fantastic. But nothing had prepared her for this mind blowing, flash seeing, breathtaking climax. Her hands dug into his shoulders as her body spasmed. He wrapped his arms fully around her as the final pulses of his prick blasted into her.

When she finally released her muscles, she collapsed completely on top of him and he fell back onto the couch. For several minutes, the two just held each other, panting and sweating.

Jules spoke first. “Kim, my darling, that was no doubt the best fuck I’ve had in months. You are a lioness and I am blessed to have your body.”

She pushed herself up, her red hair dangling around the two of them and kissed his forehead. It just seemed the right thing in the moment. She smiled and ran her hand along his jawline. She was taken by the statement, but wondered if it was just another line. Then again, she honestly didn’t care as she agreed with his assessment.

However, a teasing jab might be fun. “I bet you say that to all the girls!”

Jules surprised her with his next move. With effort, he pushed himself up, not disengaging from her at all. His hands grabbed her thighs and he held her aloft. She guessed he must be at least in his mid fifties, but he was in phenomenal shape. Without breaking eye contact, he walked them towards the bed. He laid her down next to the roses and kissed her neck and chest. He lifted the bouquet and held it to her face. “These are for you, my darling, obviously,” he made a bashful face that seemed completely uncharacteristic, but intensely charming. “They pale in comparison to the most beautiful thing in this room.“ he punctuated the statement with a sultry kiss to her breast bone dead center between her lovely orbs.

It was romantic, it was exciting, and it was just what she needed to hear.

“Thank you. You make me feel like you are telling the truth.” He made to protest, but she held a finger to his lips. “I know who I am; at least I knew who I was. And now I know who I want to be.”

She crawled towards the head of the bed, lay on her back and hooked her hands behind her knees and opened herself wide, wanton, and wanting. “And in this moment, that woman needs to be fucked thoroughly. Can you do that for her?”

He answered with a growl and a very quick mounting that made her laugh with abandon!

For his part, Jules wanted to anchor her to the bed in an act of claiming this treasure. He planned on showering her with physical pleasures for as long as possible.

As he firmly drove his experienced extremity into her deeply soaked and swollen slit, Kim let out a sultry scream of pure bliss from her open mouthed smile. She shook out her red hair and spread her arms wide, gripping the pillows nearby. She was free, and never going back.

For the next three hours, this previously quiet, sheltered woman allowed the aforementioned lioness to roam free.

Thanks for reading! If you liked it, please hit the like❤️ heart. And leave a comment. I read them all and will do my best to respond.