Night of the Togas – First Time

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Two virgins and a one-night stand

Ron Ehrs

Roman Weekend was one of the biggest party weekends each fall at State. The football team had an out-of-conference game against a team that didn’t really matter, so most students stayed on campus. It came in the middle of October, two weeks before Halloween, when some students indulged in costumes that took a lot of effort.

The defining feature of Roman Weekend was the Toga Party hosted by the Delta Zeds, following in the tradition of the Toga Party in the movie “Animal House.” The Delta Zeds were an independent fraternity. Originally, no one expected them to survive, but their annual Toga Party and its accompanying scandals had legitimized them as a campus player. Now they were even expanding to chapters in some other schools in the region.

As opposed to the potentially elaborate costumes some students came up with for Halloween — or the many “slutty” nurse, nun, schoolteacher, etc., outfits on sale at local stores — all that was needed for this party was a standard white bedsheet.

It was my junior year. I had never gone to Toga Party before, but I figured I might as well try it out. I wasn’t dating anyone, and it was pretty much a big deal for the whole campus.

I had a white sheet, but I had no idea how to turn it into any semblance of a toga. Fortunately, videos on YouTube offered step-by-step instructions. The starting point was tying two corners of the sheet into a knot, and then draping the rest of it around your body with various twists and tucks. Originally, I thought I would probably wear a pair of boxers and use them to hold up some of the sheet, but eventually, I got it to work on its own. I debated with myself about whether I should wear boxers anyway, but finally decided that if I was going to do this, I might as well go whole Roman — or maybe whole commando — even if it felt slightly weird.

* * *

It had taken me a while to get my toga sorted out, so I didn’t make it to the party until nearly 8 PM. By then, the party had overflowed the frat house and the front and back lawns were filled with students drinking and dancing. I got a cup of beer from one of the kegs out in the front yard. There was no point in trying to get into the building, it was already completely packed.

I stood there, watching the people dancing, and looking to see if there were any good-looking girls available. Not that I was all that good at meeting girls in situations like that (or actually, in pretty much any situation), but being here at the party was better than sitting alone in my room.

There were plenty of girls around, and it was early enough in the evening that they weren’t all paired off yet. Some of the girls seem to have come up with some very short togas, which certainly helped show off their legs. But as I looked around, I saw that the togas these girls were wearing all seemed to have the same sorority logo embroidered on them. After all, why bother trying to figure out how to wrap a bedsheet when you’re in a rich sorority and can have them custom-made?

Then another girl caught my eye. She had long blonde hair and a nice body (as much as you can tell such things when they’re wrapped in a bedsheet). The biggest thing was she had these deep blue eyes that seemed to sparkle like diamonds, and she had an amazing smile as well. Definitely out of my league.

I couldn’t help watching her, staring at her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I saw her look my way and notice me staring. I tried to look away, and pretend I had just been casually glancing around, but then I saw her coming directly towards me. “Hi,” she said. “I’m Teri. Want to dance?”

* * *

Look, I’m not that bad looking, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, fairly tall, in good shape (I run a lot), and I do pretty well in my classes. But I’m definitely not one of those guys who walks into a party and thinks all the hot girls belong to him as part of his droit du seigneur. In terms of my confidence with women, I guess you could say I punch below my weight.

So here’s this woman I had been staring at, but would never have dared to approach. And the thing is, when she asked me to dance, she had moved in close to me. Like we all have this social distance thing where we have a standard distance that we maintain between ourselves and someone else we’re talking to — maybe it’s room to defend ourselves? Or run from danger?

Anyhow, she was definitely inside that zone. There was no getting away. Not that I wanted to, at least not exactly. Still, I was intimidated. The band was playing a fast song, typical shake-your-booty music. I was an okay dancer, I guess, but I wasn’t somebody with fancy moves who knew all the latest stuff. But she was definitely good. More like mesmerizing. And even though her toga covered a lot more than I was happy with, she was doing wonderful things with her body and I was more than happy to watch.

When that song ended, the band segued into another fast song with another round of shake-your-booty music. I was dancing, but mainly I was just looking, still amazed that she had bothered coming up to me at all.

The next song was a slow song. I thought maybe she might just wander off looking for someone else to slow dance with, but she didn’t. She came right up to me and put her arms around my neck. I put my arms around her waist, and she pressed herself up against me.

Now I had gotten into this situation in the past, but normally this was what happened near the end of the evening. And she was not the kind of girl this would normally happen with for me, ever.

She had her head against my chest, and then I saw her looking up at me, waiting for me to do something. I leaned my head down to her face and began to kiss her. She responded quickly, and suddenly her tongue was running across my lips and then into my mouth and playing with my tongue. I responded, and when I put my tongue into her mouth, she began to suck me in. I almost wondered if I was going to disappear and never be heard from again. But that would definitely be okay, it would definitely be worth it.

I had made out with plenty of girls before, but I had never experienced anything like this. It was somehow like kissing a cloud, like kissing the cosmos, it was transcendent, and feeling her amazing body pressing up against me at the same time made me wonder if I had died and gone to my final best reward. We kept kissing through the entire length of the song.

When the song ended, Teri looked at me. “Jeff, you’re an amazing kisser. Have you ever thought of going pro?”

I kind of laughed. “I must’ve been inspired by you. You are absolutely amazing.”

The band’s next song was another fast number.

Teri looked at me. “Where do you live?” she asked.

“Uh… I have a room over the frat house. It’s on the other side of the quad.”

“Would you like us to go there?” she said. “I know it’s only a little after nine, but I don’t see any reason to hang around and watch everyone else get drunk, do you?”

My mind was not processing any of this. This totally hot girl asking me to take her to my room after one slow dance? This made absolutely no sense. This was not the world I lived in, not the universe I lived in.

Still, wouldn’t it be rude to refuse? My sense of protocol was lying on the floor, smashed to pieces.

“Um sure, that sounds fine. Good idea.”

* * *

We left the party and began walking to my frat. At first, we were just walking side-by side, but then Teri took my hand as we walked. I admit, that felt pretty good. Almost as good as making out with her.

Up ahead, there was a bench set back a little ways from the sidewalk. She headed towards it. “Jeff, can we just sit down for a moment and talk?”

This wasn’t a great sign. I mean, if you’re going to get laid, do you really have to listen to some kind of a story first? Like how the Salvation Army would make people listen to a sermon before they would give them food? On the other hand, I was feeling pretty nervous anyway.

We sat down on the bench, and she turned to face me. “Okay Jeff, this is all pretty complicated and probably none of it will matter to you, but I feel like I need to explain things now so you’ll understand what’s going on, and there won’t be any misunderstandings later.

“I guess I’m telling you all this is in part to remind myself why I’m doing this. I mean, the way I hit on you, you probably think I do with this all the time. The truth is, I’ve never done anything like this before, and I suppose I’m trying not to freak out. I mean, everything about this idea sounds stupid as hell.

“The thing is, I’m dating three guys right now. And yes, I know that sounds kind of sketchy — like why would I even mention it — but it just kind of happened. I don’t normally do that at all.

“I guess I need to tell you — or maybe I don’t need to tell you, but I will anyway — all three of them have gotten to second base with me, and two of them have gotten to third. Also, I gave one of them a hand-job. You probably don’t want to hear any of this, but it’s why I’m sitting here with you right now.

“I know this whole thing sounds like I’m some kind of slut, but the truth is, I’m a virgin. I’ve never gone all the way, not with any of them or with anyone else.

“Normally, unless the girl ends up getting date-raped or something, the first time is supposed to be with some guy she’s been dating and they are really in love and all. But I’m not in love with any of the guys I’m dating. I’m not really sure that I’ve been that in love with any guy I’ve ever dated.

“But if I decide that I’m going to wait for that true love situation, it would be too easy for me to start telling myself that I was in love with whoever I was dating just to make it okay. And that could make things even worse in all sorts of ways.

“The thing is, most of the girls I know in my sorority are having sex with their boyfriends, or even just with their dates. And they’re enjoying it. They talk about it all the time.

“I feel like I’m way behind the curve. I mean this is college, that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? When else are you going to have the same kind of opportunity with so many parties and so many guys?

“I’m certainly not interested in the idea of waiting until marriage, until my wedding night. That’s a really gross idea. It’s insane to think of marrying someone you never had sex with. Sex is a big deal, and you should know what you’re doing, right? I mean imagine marrying someone and then finding out they’re lousy in bed.

“So you’re probably wondering why I don’t just sleep with one of the guys I’m dating — or maybe all of them?

“Well, one guy I’m dating is one of those Alpha-Male frat guys who has been trying to get into my pants the whole time; if I sleep with him, I know he will tell his friends in the fraternity about it. Then he will dump me and start looking for his next conquest. But if he has any idea that he was my first, he will immediately brag about it to the whole fraternity and they will be cheering and high-fiving him. I absolutely don’t want to give him that satisfaction.

“The other two guys aren’t alphas, they’re just nice guys. The thing is, if I sleep with either of them and they discover that they were my first, it will be a huge deal and they will feel like they need to marry me or something. I don’t mind dating them, but I don’t have any interest in marrying either of them. I’ve been making out with them because that’s what you do. But I don’t want that kind of complication associated with having sex with them.

“If you’re wondering why I’m dating three guys, maybe it’s because none of them is special enough to make me want to choose. It’s not nearly as sexy as it sounds.

“So, I decided that the best way to deal with this situation was to find some guy, preferably some cute guy who knew what he was doing, and get it over with, with no complications. Just a one-night stand. I even went over to the health center last month and got on the pill so there wouldn’t be any accidents or anything.

“So you need to understand that basically this is just about having a one-night stand with you. No commitment, no complications. Okay?

“I’m not asking you to say anything at all. I don’t need you to tell me this is crazy, although I can’t think why you would be stupid enough to do that. But I also don’t want you to try convincing me that the whole idea makes sense. That would be like you were just one more guy out to fuck me, and that would totally piss me off.”

That didn’t leave me much room to open my mouth at all, so I just sat there.

* * *

Things had definitely gotten awkward. I was getting the feeling that she might bail on the whole idea at any moment.

Instead, after sitting there silently for another moment, she took my hand and slid it into her toga over her right breast. I’m not sure I could’ve said which I liked more, making out with her at the party, or having her put my hand on her breast while we were sitting on this bench out here in the open. Her breast felt wonderful, and I wanted to just pull her toga open and start sucking on her nipple, or preferably both of them.

I could tell she was enjoying my reaction. “In case you’re wondering, no, I’m not wearing anything under my toga. And if what I felt poking me while we were making out is any indication, you’re not wearing anything under your toga either.”

I had been wondering about whether she was au naturel and now I was thinking about dancing with her at the party and realized it was so much sexier than I had imagined. The whole idea that she was basically naked the whole time made me want to go back in time to do that scene over again. I had only just met her, and already everything about her was driving me crazy. She stood up and took my hand and we continued walking towards my frat house.

* * *

This whole situation was absolutely amazing. If I was a Hollywood screenwriter, I couldn’t have created a better fantasy.

There was only one problem, and I was a complete idiot for even thinking about mentioning it. What the hell was wrong with me? Still, I couldn’t not do it. I stopped and looked at her.

“Look Teri, I know there’s no way I should be saying any of this, but I have to tell you the truth.

“Yes, I’ve made out with a lot of girls, I’ve gotten to second base with a fair number, and I’ve gotten to third base with a few. But the truth is, I’ve never actually done it. I’m a virgin too. And I know you want someone who knows his way around. So if you want to call this off, it’s okay.

“The thing is, you’re really beautiful and a really nice person. I like you too much to be anything but honest with you. If you want to go back to the party and find somebody else, I understand. I’ll hate myself for having told you this, but you told me everything about you, and you deserve the truth from me too.”

I wondered how much more of an idiot I could be, but I was who I was. I couldn’t help myself.

She stopped, and let go of my hand. She looked at me slowly as if looking me over carefully. “Jeff, I had worked out this whole plan. I can’t believe I messed up like this.”

She stood there, looking down, trying to figure out how to deal with what I had just said.

Eventually, she looked back at me again, as if evaluating me once more. “I don’t know, maybe I didn’t mess up all that much. The thing is, I never start making out with a guy that soon, but I needed to check you out. And you’re a great kisser. Maybe the best I’ve ever met. That’s why I assumed you were pretty much a stud who had slept with a bunch of girls. I mean you were really cute, and at the same time, you definitely didn’t seem like one of those Alpha Male assholes, which was a huge relief.

“It took everything I had just to approach you. I’ve never done anything like this before. I sure can’t go back to the party and try again. No way. So, unless you want to call it off, it’s you and me. Two virgins on a road trip. At least it’s not like we’ve been in a convent or something all these years. We both know something about the lay of the land.”

She took my hand again and we continued walking towards my frat house.

* * *

The frat house was pretty much empty when we arrived. That was a relief, because it would been embarrassing for both of us to have other people checking us out as we went up the stairs.

We went into my room and I hung a tie over the doorknob to keep anyone from bothering us.

So here we were, the two of us, standing in my room. Suddenly everything had become real. We were going to do it. At least that was the plan, right? This girl I had just met and I were going to get naked and have sex. We had never been on a date before, and neither of us had any experience with anything remotely like a one-night stand.

I couldn’t remember ever having felt more awkward in my life.

I wondered if I should turn off the floor lamp. At least it wasn’t an overhead light like some room in a brothel or something.

I was moving my hand toward the lamp switch when Teri said, “Jeff, let’s leave the light on. I want us both to be able to see everything. We both have a lot to learn, and being in the dark is not going to help.”

* * *

I stood there, with no idea what to do next.

Maybe she should’ve gone and found somebody with enough experience to be suave and sophisticated about all this, which I obviously was not.

Fortunately, Teri was ready to get things started. I guess she had had a lot of time to think about it when she was coming up with her plan. “Okay, Jeff, time to see what’s underneath that toga of yours.”

I reached up and was trying to undo the knot at the shoulder. Unfortunately, I had tied the knot before grabbing the toga around myself, so trying to untie it from this position was really clumsy.

Teri stepped towards me and reached up and began untying it. “You tied this pretty tight,” she said. “Were you afraid someone was going to try to take it off you? Guess what? Someone is.” She smiled.

It didn’t take her long to undo the knot. She pulled the ends apart and then began unwinding the rest of my toga. I didn’t seem to have any say in the matter.

She let the sheet drop to the floor, leaving me standing there naked with my boner at half-mast. I was feeling kind of embarrassed, but what the hell was I expecting? You’re going to have sex, it’s a good idea to get naked.

Teri stepped back and looked at me, her eyes running up and down my body. “You have a great body, Jeff. You even have abs. And your cock looks very nice.”

She sat me down on the side of the bed, and spread my legs open. Then she kneeled down between my legs. “I want to get a good look at everything,” she said. “This is the first time I’ve really seen a cock, so I want to get a chance to get a good look at it.”

She leaned forward, looking at my cock from all sides, and then taking my balls in her hand and looking at them. All this attention was getting me harder. At least she seemed happy with what she was seeing.

Then she moved forward and began gently kissing my cock and then licking around the head. She pulled my pee-hole open and looked in. “I told you I want to see everything,” she said.

She ran her tongue over my open pee-hole and then started licking all around the top of my cock. Then she started licking and kissing her way down.

Very quickly I told her, “That’s it! Right there!”

“What’s it?” she asked. “There’s a little spot on the front below the head, it’s a little bunch of tissue, but that’s where most of the nerve endings are. It’s like the male version of the clit.”

“I never heard of that before,” she said. “That’s neat.” She started running her tongue back and forth over it.

“That feels amazing,” I said.

She started taking my cock into her mouth, moving up and down, taking in a little more each time. I was just sitting there, watching this absolutely gorgeous girl taking my cock into her mouth. It was amazing. I had never even had a fantasy this hot.
