New Mexico Heat – Ch. 3

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#Interracial #Rape #Teen #Virgin

By HistBuff

Now that they have overrun the entire palace, the infantry battalion proceed to gang-rape each and every woman in it.

Chapter 3: The Countess Of Santa Fe

In the drawing room, any man who had been cowardly hiding was quickly found and butchered. The rug got wet and soggy from all the bloodshed—it was dark green, now darker and stained forever.

A couple of important men were spared. Such was the case of the overweight secretary, Jesús Alarid. They spared him all right, but they unceremoniously struck him, making his face bloody before dragging him into the ballroom where the “big fat sack of shit” would be comfortable to watch the gang-rape of Maria his favorite niece!

The Catholic soldiers ransacked the drawer room. They cursed and signed themselves upon seeing the playing cards and the silver coins—Gambling! The rich had been gambling while it was officially forbidden to gamble in Santa Fe as per the Governor’s laws! ¡Bastardos! ¡Sacos de mierda! (Bastards! Pieces of shit!)

Helena screamed out in rage and humiliation as soldiers found her trying to hide behind the marble statue of Cupido, the cherub of love.

“Pagan idols!” yelled a soldier as he tossed the statue down and Cupido’s marble head was broken and severed from its winged body. It now looked like the headless statue of a chubby child in the act of taking an arrow out of a quiver while raising a composite bow that looked strangely like the meeting of two butt curves.

Helena looked at them with hellfire in her eyes as they seized her and began calling her “darling”, “honey” and “dos pesos puta” (two-peso whore). She soon found out she wasn’t Medusa and those men weren’t going to turn to stone no matter how angry she got. She couldn’t believe they were groping her! How dare they!

One gigantically tall Private grabbed her shoulders and shook her like a mesquite tree in a hurricane. He said he was going to press out all the cactus juice out of her. Then the brute stooped down and pressed his lips on hers with violence, in a kiss filled with lust and hatred. Then he slapped her twice with his huge hand and everyone laughed around her as she felt the stinging pain on her angry-red cheeks. The humiliation hurt the most.

Then there was a sharp pain at her neck as a Native half-breed Sergeant snapped her pendant and took her diamond jewel as his own from now on.

“I’ll give it to my daughter Juanita, but of course I won’t tell you what I’m gonna do to you and your Juanita! Hombres! Tonight we have two whores for free! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“¡Sacos de mierda!”

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

Helena shouted Juanita’s name as they found her and pulled her out of her hiding place as she screamed and tried to fend them off by hitting their arms with her open hands, but they took her wrists and slapped her, all this while Dolores rushed at the side of Diego, mortally wounded, and she knelt by his side under the enraged eyes of his tied-up fiancé.

So she had been seeing him! In a way, De Sevilla felt glad his orderly was dead and he half-rejoiced upon hearing Dolores’s screams of grief as she knelt by the corpse of her lover while that big stout Sergeant and two other soldiers—the very three who had killed the orderly—surrounded and grabbed her. Dolores didn’t scream at all. It felt to De Sevilla as if she was accepting her fate.

Everywhere else, girls and women were getting similarly dishonored amid a pack of men. No amount of screaming or cursing would stop the mutiny! It was too late, far too late! The fire was raging and all was to be consumed!

Upstairs in the third story, the white maids had been cornered by the slaves in livery. Female black slaves were there too. Those maids were going to get punished for being of a higher status and better paid, and free, while they all did a similarly tedious work. The Negroes were going to have justice now that nothing would stop them!

The hapless maids had run out of exits and were pressing themselves against the corner of Helena’s bedroom as if searching for some secret passage—there was none.

The fifty-something butler and the other Negroes grabbed the screaming maids and tossed them on the Turkish-carpeted floor, on Helena’s queen bed, or even on the billiard table, and then the whole place echoed with shrill screams of horror as the white girls realized they were going to get raped by Negroes. They’d rather die!

The loud ripping sounds of tearing fabric resonated along with a chorus of roars of primal elation as the bow-tie-wearing servants did the unthinkable and uncovered the Latina maids’ bosoms, legs and soon rejoiced at the sight of their dark triangles of cunt velvet while their white aprons and dark robes got discarded along with their cheap corsets.

Those girls weren’t as delicate as the rich maidens downstairs, but they were available and—more importantly—they were unmarried damsels who were supposed to be virgins, although most of them had been violated by their master or a master’s son or brother at some point in their harsh life. Now that they were without their corsets and stripped out of their torn undergarments, their pale breasts were free to move and to have. The sight and touch of them fed the slaves’ fierce lust. Justice was to be done!

Maids shrieked as nipples got pinched by black women, and viciously so. One of them, a portly cook, said she was going to sit on the face of a slim pretty one once the men would be done with her. She said so and she had a butt nearly as wide as a house.

The prettiest one was given to the butler, who knelt on the wide bed and bucked the naked maid from behind, with other Negroes holding the sobbing girl. Another one shrieked like a lost soul as she was viciously sodomized against the billiard table, her face screaming against the green felt as she learned the true meaning of pain with some elusive notes of shitty pleasure. The slave loved this savage meeting of his black meat with her cream-white bottom.

Any maid who was actually a virgin lost her status within two minutes as they all got stuffed with African seed, crying and wanting to die as they thought of the real risk for a dark baby that would be a constant reminder of that night in Santa Fe.

Downstairs, French-spoken yells and shouts were heard! Amid Spanish laughter. Gunther’s Parisian wife had managed to run into the ballroom, with a pack of horny soldiers right behind her. She slipped on a pool of blood and fell on her ass, and they grabbed her!

“Non! Non! Mais non… Non! Laissez-moi, bande de sales culs terreux! Non! Ôtez vos sales pattes! J’vous interdis de me toucher! Nooon!!!” (No! No! But no… No! Let me go, you filthy peasants! No! Take your dirty paws off me! Don’t touch me I say! Dooon’t!!!)

She did all the possible jerking and bucking in trying to weasel her way out of this, but there were too many of them! And each of them was too strong for her.

The only time she could buy didn’t come from her purse—this they had already taken. It came from her striking beauty. Organically, the growing number of cock-growing soldiers around the lovely brunette decided to strip her out of her fashionable Parisian dress—They had to see her in the nude! They just had to! Otherwise their mutiny would be in vain!

Terror grew in her wonderful eyes of sapphire as the vile plebeians in white uniforms and black shakos surrounded her and undid her hair, which beautifully fell in magic waves of black satin on her shoulders and all the way down to the small of her back. One man kissed her as she begged them to please stop this, but those half-Mexicans didn’t speak French. Hands were already venturing under her dress and petticoat. Such heat and passion in those hands on her legs! She felt them inside her corset—her breasts were swelling as her body responded to their pressing assaults from all sides at once. Pedro stroke her hair. Miguel groped her ass and marveled at its firm softness and surprising width relative to her corset-restricted waist. She felt their will to urgently strip her. So different from Gunther! Her husband was now only fucking her now and then as an afterthought. But those men! So fierce! So full of lust for her!

She kept protesting, and she felt so very ashamed, but her body made her curious as what it would feel like to be naked amid this low-class rabble. But she was so scared!

“Do not worry, Miss, uh, Milady (the man just noticed her wedding ring). We will be very nice and gentle with you! You’re not from here, and you’re so beautiful! What is happening is not your fault, but you are here and we are here, and, and we can’t help ourselves. You are the most beautiful woman we have ever seen and we respectfully ask you to let us have you, very gently. We will not take no for an answer, but we will take our time. Oohh, ¡Santa María! ¡Tan bonita!” (… so pretty!)

As the Sergeant spoke, the men all gently began to strip her out of her Parisian dress, undoing the buttons one by one, treating her pale purple dress is if it were a holy relic. But she kept protesting! But she felt so overwhelmed by their collective lust that she didn’t resist her undressing, perhaps knowing that resisting would mean the tearing and destruction of her favorite dress, which she had put on to impress those high officials and distract them while her husband would tin-horn their gold coins out of their purse and into his. Jeanne, this was her name, also preferred to be taken gently since she had no choice, except perhaps some liberty as to how violent or gentle her rape was going to be.

They were just as gentle with her corset. They took the time to unlace it at her back and removed it very efficiently. Then she cried and screamed as the Sergeant grabbed the top of her petticoat and with a beastly grunt, he violently lowered it and uncovered her swollen breasts!

“Aaaahhrrrr!” uttered he as his eyes landed on her splendor.

She moaned, round-eyed as she found herself topless amid the assembly of sun-tanned men who now gazed at her bosom under their soot-black shakos. Her pussy was flooded with juices as a gun-powdered hand reached her slit under her lingering petticoat, the top of it now bunched down about her waist. Jeanne saw the tell-tale bulges at the front of their white trousers, as she tried to ignore the grim scene where a raven-haired maiden was Eve-nude with her torn garments lying here and there and presently forced to remain down on all fours, her head resting on the still chest of a dead young man, who had been shot through the head, while a line-up of soldiers began raping her from behind.

The Sergeant plunged into Jeanne’s pale breasts! He licked them! Slobbered them, his cock painfully hard under his trousers and screaming for a fuck! Her skin was so white! Her face so pretty! She was maddening! And she was now panting and moaning and repeating her protests, “Non! Non, j’vous en prie! Noon!!!” but each time she said No! the French woman became more aroused. It had been years since she last had a man sucking and petting her breasts like this! And this Mexican Sergeant! He was so gentle! This was when Jeanne decided to surrender.

She began to picture herself as a 14th-century countess amid a band of soldiers when her husband’s castle had just fallen, and the enemy men were now celebrating their victory by uncovering the whiteness of her noble skin after undoing the long marvels of her dark hair, and even her legs and feet now wanted to feel their hands. They were so surprisingly gentle, although their hands were so strong! Oh, so strong! What shame was there to be had when she was the prize in a castle that had fallen to such a strong party?

And as the Sergeant got lost in her breasts and playfully pinched her pale brown nipples between his lips before rolling his tongue around her areolas while kneading those hand-sized knolls of French splendor, the soldiers slid down her vanquished petticoat down to her feet.

Then they lifted her and gently laid her down on the lacquered floor, while the violated maidens were screaming their hearts out amid other soldiers here and there in the vast ballroom. They laid her down and began to kiss and caress her everywhere, celebrating her one-of-a-kind beauty using their hands, tongues and soul. Some black dust of gun-powder marred the luminous perfection of her abdomen just under her navel, when one young man soon landed a kiss and licked his way up to the flattened softness of her breasts, which now lay a bit higher on her chest since she was on her back.

Her eyes rounded with shock as she felt one tongue entering between her folds! For the first time in her life, Jeanne had a man who licked her entrance! She felt his nose poking into the trimmed patch of hair she was now showing between her legs. Her head rested on the natural satin bed of her hair where it fanned out and gave a novel rug of silk to that ballroom floor while the Sergeant kissed her and gently stroked her hair. She could tell he genuinely loved women. And she sank deeper in her medieval fantasy where she was a countess gang-raped inside her fallen castle.

Whoever he was, the man down there who gave love to her pussy with his tongue was very good. She moaned and exhaled hard into the Sergeant’s kissing while a forest of hands was touching her all at once. How many of them? Ten? Eight? Yes, eight. One queen amid eight pawns. Her white-queen skin and the blackness of their gun-powdered hands, now dirtying her in so many places from head to toe! Jeanne realized she was now well on her way to a powerful orgasm, that her body longed for their cocks inside her. She was accepting her rape. It was so horrible, but no one in her family would know about this. They were all in France.

“¡Está lista para que la follen, sargento!” (She’s ready to be fucked, Sergeant!)

It was the young man who had been loving and tasting her pussy who spoke. She saw him and noticed how young he was. So young! So handsome a boy! His hair just as black as his removed shako. Two soldiers were in some sort of religious frenzy as they covered her feet with hot kisses after undoing and removing her shoes and getting rid of her long socks. Her jewels were all gone now, including her wedding ring, but Gunther was a scoundrel and a coward! A man who wouldn’t stay and defend his wife in the face of danger wasn’t really a man. No, Gunther would never fuck her again! She was far more willing to give herself to those soldiers than to this… this weasel!

And starting with the Sergeant, each of the men unbuttoned his trousers and let out his eager cock. All eight of them, an oasis of love amid the horrific nightmare of hatred, they each mounted Jeanne. She took each one inside her, lying under him and wrapping him inside her legs, crossing her ankles atop him and pressing herself into a position where he slid better inside her and she could work herself into a heated orgasm, again, again and again. She was defiled, but she also gained a weird sense of control by choosing to become a whore, the Countess ravished by unwashed soldiers inside her fallen castle, near the main fireplace, with her family shield witnessing her defilement.

One by one, each sank his granite-hard cock inside her. All of them took her vigorously, strongly and with purpose, but gently just like the Sergeant had said. Those soldiers were honorable rapists. Were they to blame? They were just following the time-old laws of war. So each of them gave her his sperm… the Sergeant, the Corporal and then the Privates, from the forty-something heavyset one all the way down to the handsome lad who was barely eighteen. The lad was the one who gave Jeanne her strongest climax; Jeanne was twenty-six years of age, already, and getting so forcefully taken by so young a boy! It felt so erotic!

“Oh, Milady!” the lad said just as he was about to burst inside her, “Milady, you taste as good as you look!”

That’s what did it for her! She screamed like a sweat-flushed banshee as she experienced her strongest orgasm barring her solo sessions. It was so strange to have this amid a palace where all the other women were savagely and cruelly abused. Those eight men were trying to make love with her instead of raping her, and they were good at it!

Most of the time, the soldier on top of her would scream, his mouth wide open and his lips trembling in some sort of sensual madness as his sperm would flow inside her. She kept protesting in a way that aroused her. She gave her body the orgy her husband had denied her for far too long. It was his fault! And where she kept her ankles crossed atop the soldier ravishing her, kisses and tongue strokes were landed on her feet, and she also got kissed on her forehead, her face, all along her legs, in her hair… on her breasts whenever the space was clear after a man was done inside her. She felt utterly taken from head to toe, just like the gang-fucked countess in her fantasy. Maybe it was her, the true countess of Santa Fe.

Of course, other infantrymen had been watching, but none of the black slaves were allowed anywhere near her by the armed soldiers, who organically decided to keep Jeanne for themselves as a “regimental bride”. Sergeant Lopez, her first rapist, made sure each newcomer treated her gently by enjoying her with gallantry. They moved her around, kept kissing and tasting every inch of her body. And then, once she was on all fours, the next men had the fuck of their life when they took hold of her waist and found she was so gorgeous, her buttocks and the rest of her so white and erotic that it was impossible to last more than two minutes inside her, but most of the soldiers had a rapid return of their battering rams, and Sergeant Lopez screamed his bliss even louder after pounding her for two minutes of heaven.

They gave her sperm and tequila. A lot less tequila.

* * * * *

Juanita also had a similar reprieve thanks to her striking beauty, but in a sense, it felt worse, like a slow death is often a lot worse than a quick and clean one.

Instead of quickly forcing her dress up and getting done with it, the soldiers said they had a moral duty to undress and fuck her properly, and now the Sergeant, a brute with a dark scar-face with native blood, avidly tore her burgundy décolleté after denting it with his bayonet—they had sharpened their blades all day long as they meditated their revolt.

Her décolleté gave way to the fancy whiteness of her corset, which was laced in her back, so the half-breed Sergeant forcibly turned her around and he basically slammed her face-down on a betting table, pressing her face down on a bunch of playing cards like one would scold a dog for relieving its bowels where it should not.

“The cheap whore! Gambling two-face devil! She asked for it!” a grinning Corporal said as he held Juanita by the arms and watched his Sergeant doing away with the laces, with ease, using his bayonet while a Private undid her long hair and let it flow down upon her back, “as it was fit for a tramp,” he said. Helena was kept busy in the arms of her own admirers, but she saw it all and screamed with rage! A dozen men obscured Helena’s view as they pressed themselves around Juanita, their cocks more than ready for the long night of fun.

Juanita called Helena’s name, desperately, as she felt male hands under her dress, now reaching up her thighs, getting at her hips and she yelped with horror upon feeling the first hand on her virgin cunt! It killed her to hear the man comment on how her bush of hair felt!

And she couldn’t move! They held her bent over with her face pressed hard on that cards-playing table! And the scarred Sergeant was drooling on her exposed backside where he sliced her linen petticoat and tore it wide apart after opening the rear of her corset, then the others flipped her around and pinned her on that same table, now face up as the brute, his hot slobber landing plump in the middle of her cleavage, reveled at the sight and anticipated the treasures he was about to uncover!

It broke Helena to see her beloved Juanita like this, under that dark-faced brute of a Sergeant, a half-breed Apache! For heaven’s sake! What did she do to deserve such cruel punishment? She felt so powerless, cornered and pinned against a wall by her own pack of jeering mutineers. They too took the time to cut and tear Helena’s dark purple décolleté, then they urgently cut off all laces of her fancy corset—one Corporal was a small man who was especially dexterous with a knife.

Once rid of her corset, they made short work of her petticoat, and all grinned at her unwilling display of richly pale tits with wide areolas and strong nipples of light-brown Hispanic ancestry with perhaps a distant Native heritage as well. All those unwashed soldiers let out one collective grunt of satisfaction! Helena had the most gorgeous pair of tits they had ever seen in their life! So this was what Pérez, this pig of a governor, had every night! They ought to have her now!

And starting with a handsome Sergeant whose breath reeked of garlic, followed by this small Corporal, they all took turns in licking and sucking Helena’s pale breasts, which were perhaps showing some slight sagging, but they looked absolutely priceless all the same—She was already twenty-nine. Each man in the garrison knew all those personal details about her, but now! Now those men understood she was even more beautiful than they had first thought!

Each man took his turn in displaying his personal way of slobbering, kissing and kneading Helena’s curvy bust, and none of them felt cheated by fate for having stumbled into the older one instead of her young cousins. As they played with her milky jugs like jiggling pastries, Helena felt a sense of unthinkable humiliation, looking at all those men with dark eyes that tried to kill, but failed, as her debasement settled like rotting carrion in her soul. She felt its pang all the more as she realized this was just the beginning!

Helena could hear Juanita! Poor Juanita! The men were completely stripping her naked! Each of the youngster’s wails made them keener as they tore off her petticoat—Juanita’s suddenly naked buttocks put lights in their eyes as her curves seemed to magically dance under their gazes, along with her legs to die for, as she wriggled and squealed in their midst. They catcalled and cheered, greatly enjoying her humiliation as she found herself naked, wearing only her evening leather shoes.

One man tapped her eighteen-year-old butt! Then the saber-scarred Sergeant kicked her butt until she danced for them! Juanita now did some New Mexican version of Arab belly-dancing as they clapped their hands for her and one man poured tequila on her head, for she was quite shorter than most of them. Helena saw this! She was so livid she nearly forgot that low-class men were sucking her own tits!

“¡Juanita! ¡No! ¡Sacos de mierda! ¡Hijos de putas! ¡Bastardos!” Helena’s screaming rage only fed their fun and laughter.

The men around Helena just laughed. The one having her tits bit one of her nipples, not too hard, just enough for her to understand she needed to shut her mouth if she didn’t want him to bite her to the blood.

The half-breed Sergeant and his boys began tossing Juanita left and right within their circle, just for the pleasure of watching how her perky breasts jiggled as she cried and begged them to please stop this! Just for the fun of watching how the lights from the chandeliers played on her buttocks and the curves of her hips as she was pushed and forced to move about! Just to see more of her in the nude, at last! The bush of her cunt hair was quite a sight to see! Its lush darkness made her rich complexion look luminous! It felt like playing with a naked sorceress after stripping her from all her powers!

They took every opportunity to kiss or touch her whenever she got pushed into their arms, and no parts of her were out-of-bounds. Some even put a quick finger inside her before tossing her to his mates. Their mutiny was a success! The result was Juanita in the nude! More oil lamps were lighted ablaze and put nearby so they could see her even better in this unforgettable moment!

They now really looked forward to sink their pricks inside her!

The unspoken agreement was to take their turns in descending order of ranks as per military tradition, and have Juanita from behind, so they bent her over that table and the most senior of two Sergeants—a man with grizzled hair and a bald spot as he took off his shako and wiped the sweat from his olive face—began the real festivities in a deafening chorus of jeers and whistles and catcalls that rained on her much-talked-about butt.

This grizzled Sergeant put his hand on her flesh, and he closed his eyes as he fully enjoyed the baby-soft feel of her skin, and as one large Corporal held her face down on the green-felt table, all held her breath as this Sergeant took a firm grip on her hips, and realized he had forgotten to unbutton his trousers…

He quickly corrected his faux-pas, then made sure he properly slobbered his bulging erection with impatient hands. No one dared to make fun of the terrible man. Not even the half-breed Sergeant who now politely stood and waited his turn.

With a scream of joy-filled rage, the grizzled Sergeant came charging back!

“¡Toma esto, puta!” he barked as he rushed into Juanita’s door to paradise and began to strain while groaning with a mix of impatience and elation. He had lots of size, and Juanita was a tight virgin. But then he got angry and Juanita shrieked in shrill agony, and shame, while he ruthlessly forced her cunt open! The gallant Sergeant kept at it until he let out a wicked cry of joy as something inside her tore and gave way, and he pushed hard! Inside her to the hilt! And with primal grunts he began pounding her, holding her waist and calling her a divine puta!

The men couldn’t believe how beautiful she was when fucked from behind! Juanita displayed that perfect mix of girly fat and curves with some slender firmness that was only seen on maidens and nymphs and goddesses—so really, only maidens.

The grizzled Sergeant smiled a mile wide as he found the crease of Juanita’s hips to be a perfect holding place, and he kept bouncing her on and on, with shameless abandon as he kept looking down on the fascinating vastness of her butt, so pale and spotless! Just like her entire backside against the sorceress contrast of her hair. So beautiful it was a crime. She ought to be burnt at the stake for being too much of a temptation for the garrison, but not before they all gave her their semen!

He kept hammering her amid the cheers from his waiting men until he half-closed his eyes and basked in the heat of a wonderfully sweet ejaculation. He pulled her hard against him and felt an all-encompassing sense of elation and power as his thick bolts of seed shot out of him and made Juanita understand she was now their bitch.

Helena witnessed this and nearly passed out, more than livid, as her own pack of sun-face pigs kept sucking her breasts, one by one, after the little Corporal added to her shame for being shorter than herself!

The man behind Juanita was now the half-breed Sergeant, whose darker skin against hers accentuated her defilement. Her lost virginity still made a stand and stubbornly resisted the advancing invasion from the half-Apache. He strained, his copper-brown face full of sweat and enjoyment, his eyes rounded as he ran his hands around the heart-shaped contours of Juanita’s buttocks, while the maiden desperately balked and bucked, her arms firmly restrained by jeering men who told her she was going to enjoy this.

The half-Apache pushed inside Juanita, disbelief burning his eyes as he won and pushed deep inside her! Helena was so horrified! A half-breed! So dark in his skin! This was more than she could take! But he couldn’t care less as he began to buck Juanita against that playing table. Her waist was a dream to hold in his hands as he kept his strokes hard and steady, grunting loud and proud, forcing her face to slide back and forth near that same Queen of Spades that Helena had in her winning hand when she said this was her lucky night.

Juanita whimpered and groaned out of pain and shame, but also from the natural response of her youthful body. It responded fast and eased her pain, even added a bit of horrific pleasure that added a heap of shit to her shame as she began to whimper, louder and louder, under the relentless barrage from the scarred half-Apache, who grinned wider and wider as he approached his eruption, now holding the crease of her hips and accelerating into a grunting frenzy.

Helena heard all the changes in her sounds! She shuddered out of control, melting with rage amid her pack of tits slobberers.

“¡Gloria a Nuevo México!” the half-breed Sergeant shouted as he erupted deep inside Juanita, his legs going wobbly under him as he became truly one with her!

The oldest Corporal had the worst in store for the maiden! Juanita learned, the hard way, that there existed another level down in her debasement. After a few strokes inside her baby-making hole, the man pulled out of the maiden and then speared his hickory-hard stick one notch higher and he began to strain against Juanita’s shit-hole!


The pain! Juanita’s long shriek said it all as the Corporal’s cock sank and pushed inside her rectum, forcibly enlarging it, and yet the juices coating that cock helped some, while Helena shrieked out of horror upon hearing her lover’s agony!

Now he was deep inside Juanita’s ass! And he began to really punish her! Reveling in her shrieks of agony, he pounded her and grunted like an absolute orangutan in a heated rut. His head nodded with each stroke as he lost much frothing slobber out of his openly grunting mouth, and this hot rain landed on the surprising vastness of her butt and gave it a nice shimmer where the lights fell and showcased the richness of her complexion where the Corporal raped her ass in a mad frenzy, going as fast and furious as he could while in a deep trance of contemplation of her butt crack as the ever-moving blur of a dream come true.

Hombre! He loved the feel of her bottom colliding against him in urgent repetitions, and the best was in store for him! His cock remained stiff and proud inside her anus, really something that honored his Aztec ancestry. Her butt looked so intensely pale and spotless against the warm brown of his cock!—Its base the only part visible where the unthinkable was reality.

Juanita let out an even louder shriek and begged him to stop, sounding something like… “Aahh Nn-St-phh nnnnnnnnhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnhhh!” and he felt it! Juanita sort of climaxed! Or was it just her going mad from the pain?

But then he passed his edge and gave his all, hypnotized as he was by the graceful shocks with her ever-colliding hourglass figure! What a hourglass she was! Time flew way too fast! Time flew very fast indeed inside her! When holding her by the crease of her hips! Aahh yeah!

At last, the middle-aged Corporal looked high at the chandelier-lit ceiling and screamed his relief as he shot raging bolts of sperm, pressing his lap hard against Juanita’s immaculate figure while driving her back by the waist as he tried his upmost to add insult to injury by impregnating her shit. A compact circle of soldiers were eagerly waiting and masturbating as they watched, grinning and filled with savage anticipation.

The next Corporal took his turn. Juanita screamed! She begged him to please just rape her pussy, saying she was going to move and moan for him if he did so! But please, not her ass!

The Corporal in his mid-thirties smiled out of his half-native face and felt the sense of power and control as he rested his redskin erection on her slobbered butt, again making a statement as to the fact that an earth-faced soldier like him should never seen such a high-rank lady in the nude, let alone resting his prick on her buns.

“Why is it so easy for them to submit us?” Juanita thought and even wondered why they hadn’t done this sooner since there were so many more commoners than aristocrats and guards. They could have stormed the palace anytime had they wanted to. Such was the train of her thoughts as she was kept bent over the table with her face pressed amid playing cards. She was paralyzed with the fear of another anal deflowering! This bastard knew it and made his fun last.

But finally, the half-native Corporal chose to enter her pussy and started pounding her, and Juanita began to moan as agreed, and to move herself back to meet his bull charges, as if she were enjoying being gang-raped!

“Aaaaa… aaaaa… Aaaa! Aaaaahh… Aaaaaa…”

“Hhnn, hnnn, hhn hhn hhhnnn hhnnrr…”

The Corporal’s authentic grunts answered her fake moans in leitmotiv. Another Corporal poured some tequila on the exposed side of Juanita’s face and ordered her to moan louder! To say it! To say she loved getting gang-fucked by the garrison!

“AAAAH YES! YES! I… I love it!” Juanita blurted out amid the bobbing from her stiff rape, out of fear of getting sodomized again. Anything but this!

“Say it again! Louder! More convincing! You love the pricks of garlic-munchers, don’t you?”



And as the Corporal flooded Juanita with his half-native seed, this other Corporal who just poured tequila on her came behind to replace his mate.

“Lucky for you, young lady, I don’t really like sodomy and we may actually get court-martialed for it, but as you no doubt noticed, discipline is a bit lax tonight, so keep telling us you love our cocks and I might just shoot my sperm inside your womb! Nnhh-aaahhrrr! Ooh yeah! Yeahh! Ooohhhh…”

The soldier had already begun! Holding his dream in the flesh, he kept her butt in his heated grip and gave her a traditional military pounding fit to be written down for posterity, and hombre! She did keep shouting and telling them, amid her fake moaning, how much she loved getting raped by the entire garrison of Santa Fe! She also said she was sorry for being such a snobbish tramp.

One after the other, the Corporals took their turns, and after them the long line-up of privates began. Nobody wanted to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to copulate with Juanita. Certainly not the rank-and-file in the infantry!

Helena heard all of it from the rocking disarray of her own collective rape. Her breasts were openly exposed and well spit-polished by the rank-and-file; her long hair now in absolute disarray, but not as much as she was herself. She’d rather be dead than hearing THIS! Poor Juanita!

After the quick round of tits-sucking, the tall Sergeant leading her pack was now having her with her dress and petticoat tossed up while the others held her against that wall, and as she was raped by this vigorous man, Helena realized he had already done this, he had already raped women before, probably and hopefully native squaws.

With his hardy cock inside her, and with so many other men groping her all over and especially her breasts, where her brown nipples kept meeting those dirty hands—With all of this going on, Helena felt arousal in their arms, incredibly and very surprisingly as the inside of her thighs kept brushing the uniform of that Sergeant she had so often seen on the parade square when he walked the entire grenadier company for the weekly inspection—a time when Helena always stood on her balcony to enjoy her sense of power over the lowly infantrymen.

And now the lowly Sergeant was taking his pleasure, and while in his arms amid the press of even lowlier privates, all of whom were going to rape her as well, Helena experienced a growing feel of unstoppable arousal. Now it was her who was the lowest of the low. And they kept calling her a two-peso puta. This reversal fed her secret fire.

Helena couldn’t take her eyes off Juanita whenever the crowded press of men allowed some glimpses of her. But the lights were many and bright in the room, and what she was able to see, she did see. And seeing her like this felt morbidly erotic.

The maiden was kept in her unmovable bent-over position against the bluff-game table as a Private, also a half-Apache, looked like a man who urgently searched for the meaning of life deep inside her using his cock and helping himself with his hands in the crease of her hips—a violation that Helena found grotesque, unbearable, yet also profoundly erotic.

Helena had even fantasized about it when the two of them had girl-girl sex together, or when she secretly allowed De Sevilla, his orderly and a handful other dragoons to gang-fuck her in a country barn after riding there along with them—a weekly rendezvous she had grown very fond of and it also helped the young officer in the waiting for his wedding with Juanita.

Now Juanita, her ever-sliding face stamped against that same Queen of Spades, was getting told she was the entire regiment’s whore, the dirty little tramp each man would have for free—those words stuck to her ears like hot horseshit as the half-Apache soldier uttered a loud series of baboon-like grunting as he filled her up. He was flushed with sweat and had the face of a dying man! His eyes half-closed, his jaw hanging and shuddering as he muttered something unintelligible and gave Juanita all he had inside his balls, down to the last droplet! What a marvelous fuck!

The next man patted him on the back and laughed his head out as he made his social introduction by slapping her butt cheek before pushing himself inside the maiden to be had for free. He then bucked her like a breeding stallion for two wonderful minutes before screaming his glee and adding to the insulting bank deposits inside her. Another Private was already ready to take over. Juanita had nothing to be afraid about a shortage of lover boys.

Some of the young recruits in their ranks actually lost their virginity to her—if only she knew! Juanita was now very familiar with the sensations of a man inside her, but she was so numb and insane from so many rapes that she no longer could think much about anything.

She did obey whenever they ordered her to say she loved their cocks, and that’s when they knew she was now ready to get face-fucked.

As the second round of forced sex began, the half-Apache Sergeant had her kneeling on a chair and he ordered the naked maiden to open her mouth! And when she obeyed, he introduced his half-erect cock and took her jaw between his hands, putting lots of tension on her neck as he began to rape her mouth while pinching her jaw painfully as to make sure she wasn’t going to bite, but the girl felt like putty and needed to be held in place—not to keep her from resisting, but to keep her from falling off the chair where she knelt so gracefully in a wonderful show of aristocratic nakedness. Two men were positively maddened by her bare feet and went down to cover her heels and soles with their gross slobbering adoration.

A Corporal moved those two idiots out of the way before nudging Juanita into raising her butt a bit more. Then he took her from behind, holding the sore crease of her hips as he enjoyed this stallion’s ride—it felt so good to be raping this snobbish little tramp! And from behind, like a bitch!

And while she got rear-ended, the Corporal now held her by the hair and kept forcing her face against his crotch, where the head of his cock boldly ventured into her throat, and he grunted like a love-struck buck, sounding almost like a braying donkey as he kept so blissfully raping her mouth. He spewed hot ropes of jism and flooded Juanita’s mouth! She had to drink all lest she drowned in his sperm! And all this while the man from behind kept using her butt curves as the perfect cushions to fuck against.

The Corporal then exited her and frantically masturbated—And he admired the proud shots of his own semen as he burst out like a geyser and decorated her nubile curves with pools of his sticky offering, watching the glossy sludge as one large dollop formed a shimmering river that got lost down inside her butt crack.

Helena was now kept very busy amid her small crowd of “suitors”. After she had taken the valiant Sergeant and two Corporals of seniority, one of them a bit overweight with tobacco-brown teeth, she was still pinned on that wall and forced to welcome the short Corporal between her legs. But the man was too short where she was—He was shorter than Helena!

No one made fun of him. She could tell the men worshiped the little Corporal, who was said to be the best shot in the company. This added an unbearable excess to her humiliation!

She heard the little Napoleon speak and her heart turned to water and she screamed, “Noooo! Please, have mercy! I’ll take you all inside my mouth! But nooo! Nooooo, not this!”

“Strip her naked! Strip her naked and lay her down for me!”

Helena screamed with rage and jerked in their collective clutches, but her screams and shenanigans were to no avail. They only jeered and laughed the merrier as they indeed laid her down and pulled her arms above her head as she felt the carpeted floor against her naked shoulder-blades while laughing soldiers pulled the remnants of her dress and her petticoat all the way down!

Down her stomach, down her hips and down her legs it went! All the men went stiff and held their breath and marveled as they saw how gorgeous she really was!

In a frenzied shuffle, the dark purple of her ruined dress was urgently pulled and tossed off her feet! Her ankles hurt where soldiers pulled her leather shoes along with her silk socks off those feet—such pale olive feet that a famous painter would feel honored to immortalize.

Two grenadiers—the grenadiers served as the palace guards—were now down on their knees, face down as they worshiped their Mecca—Helena’s feet—with heated kissing and she hated this and let out a sick scream of rage amid the silent stupor of the troops. She was so gorgeous in the nude! To some men, her feet—especially her heels, her soles and that tender skin under her toes—felt extremely erotic and turned them into animals who had to fuck her and give her all their sperm. Such men were already thinking of Helena’s feet or Juanita’s or Dolores’s as they fired their muskets before charging inside the palace and beating down the doors with the battering ram.

All those men were only used to see her from afar when she watched them from her balcony, drinking lemonade, while they stood at attention with the rest of the company, their mouths dry under the unforgiving sun… Now their eyes owned all the secrets of her beauty, even the two birthmarks on her right ankle. Helena was diminished, yet made a naked Queen to worship, and fuck.

Helena’s luxuriant triangle of hair was the black center of a debauchery of pale Hispanic beauty! She had such curves with such a flat stomach and such a navel amid a perfect waistline as to make all men mad! Their cocks got swollen and veiny as the entire platoon urgently stripped themselves naked—only the soldiers holding her down on the floor kept their uniforms. The rest of the men gave her a forest of cocks to see and appreciate. Horror filled her eyes along with notes of fascination.

It got even better when they turned her over! Her butt was curvy and mind-boggling in its perfection! What a hourglass figure! All the unsaid madness was summed up in their painful erections and their mad eagerness to fuck!

The little Corporal, now stark naked, got behind her and they spread her legs a bit wide as they forced her down on all fours, so the small man would be at ease to take her like a mating stud.

And it started anew! The rape of Helena! From behind, with love and hatred, by the garrison!

She took the Corporal’s strokes face down in defeat, resting on her elbows as men taunted her. One began to slap her face with his cock while pulling her long hair to keep her looking at those cocks with the bitter expression of a woman who just drank a glass of ink, and it became a trend to cock-slap the governess while calling her a puta, or sometimes Milady in a mocking tone, while the little Corporal lived the dream of holding her waist and watching her buttocks repeatedly hit his lap while feeling the hot glove of her pussy around his trusty cock as he grunted and grunted, everything going crazy and upside down, advance! Forward! Deeper! All the tables turned as the Milady got the soldiers deep, she, the prize for storming the palace…

After the little Corporal proved that a small man could give a big load, another Corporal took his spot. As the newcomer took his kneeling position and vigorously pushed himself inside Helena, he spoke as he began to hammer her while running his hands around the vast softness of her butt…

“Don’t you worry, Milady, we’re having you by order of ranks, us Corporals after the Sergeants first, since we’ve killed all the officers! Ha! HA! Haaarrrr! Milady’s a tight girl! I like that! Since the, ahh, since the time you’ve known us, hnn, you should know… we respect traditions! Aahh, God!”

Amid the general laughter and Helena’s cursing and rage, the Corporal bucked Santa Fe’s first lady and soon, his eyes almost exploded out of his face as he passed his edge and couldn’t believe it! He erupted with a proud overflow of sperm! His legs got all funny under him and he panted hard, sweat running down his mad-smiling face as he filled her up. He had to be helped back up his feet by his fellow naked soldiers while still contemplating his own sperm where it spilled out of her slit.

None of the men dared penetrate Helena’s cursing, foul-speaking mouth, but it was so much fun to keep slapping her face with their cocks!

After two more Corporals, she was told she was to remain on her knees and elbows and take no less than fifteen privates, or perhaps the whole platoon—the same one she liked to watch from her balcony, where the building’s shadow kept her comfortable while they stood at attention under the scorching sun, sweating under their black shakos on the hell-hot parade square.

One of the naked soldiers had an idea. He took a dueling pistol that lay next to a dead officer cadet and he came back near Helena and knelt near her face.

“Open your mouth! Open, or else I’ll load this pistol and fire it inside your shit-hole!”

As soon as the first lady opened her mouth, where some rouge survived, Helena got familiarized with the subtle art of sucking the muzzle of a dueling pistol! She was told to take the thing deeper and not to bite! Biting would mean a ball fired through her rectum!

And as one Private after the other took his gallant turn inside her with his hands on her rump, the “first whore of Santa Fe” was seen with her lovely head bobbing back and forth along the spit-polished muzzle as the soldier holding the pistol scared her by cocking the hammer, knowing there was no ball inside, but she instinctively recoiled and the soldier punished her!

He iron-slapped Helena with the pistol and told her to resume, and never stop! Or else!

And this dance went on. Tall or short, handsome or ugly, naked or still in uniform, each and every soldier had his turn inside Helena, who was given the leisure to appreciate who felt bigger and thicker inside her pussy, all this while sucking the pistol as her tormentors agreed—it was much better now that she was silent.

“Hey, let’s rape her ass!” one of the men said at some point, just after the Sergeant had taken his second turn and made a loud statement by yelling like a tortured man, hit by such a bliss that it felt weirdly painful as he dumped a huge load to honor the first lady. Seeing her butt-crack from so close was the additional fire that nearly killed him out of sheer joy.

“Let’s rape her ass!” the same man repeated.

“Eh, imbécil! Do you want the Corporal to go to Hell?”

But the little Napoleon didn’t seem to fear the Devil. After the first Corporal, a tall, superstitious man and a devout Catholic who usually only fucked his wife and his favorite niece, after that God-fearing Corporal had had his second round of fun inside Helena, then the little Corporal came and put a finger inside Helena’s asshole!

She squealed with surprise, forgetting the pistol and biting into it as her muffled scream came out, her tongue heavy with the flavor of gunpowder.

“Aren’t you ashamed of being so unwashed, Milady? You stink!” said the little Corporal as he exited his index finger out of her anus. It was indeed light brown with a film of shit.

“You bit my pistol, you cheap whore!” said the man at the other end. “Now you suck again! But this time, this time the pistol will be loaded!” the Private said as he went and fetched one ball from the dead lad’s pouch along with his enemy’s gunpowder horn.

“No! Nooo! Noo! Please, have mercy, Sir! I’ll be a good girl, but please! Don’t load it!”

“Hey! What do you know! She now calls me Sir!”

But then Helena shrieked suddenly and then shrieked even louder as the little Corporal forced her anus open with his valiant prick and pushed without mercy! The head of his enlisted man’s cock met Milady’s shit as he began to pound her rectum, every one of his strokes pushing one shrill scream out of Helena, whose buttocks and long raven hair were a constant pole of attraction while she suffered.

“Will you suck my cock or this loaded pistol, Milady?” the naked Private bellowed for all to hear.

“The cock! The cock the cock I’ll take the cock!” Helena blurted out in rapid Spanish, speaking like the peasant she had been all her childhood and forgetting her snobbish accent that pretended to be from Madrid. Helena had never set foot in Spain. Being raped deep in the ass is a very good way to revert back to one’s natural accent.

“Fat chance! Do you think I trust you, you scheming lady? Now take the loaded pistol!”

“NaaNooo!!! Nooo,! NNNooooo mmmfffhh nnn hhhhhh…”

“Don’t worry, Milady! There’s no danger as long as I don’t cock the hammer. So now suck! Oh, well, an accident could happen! What if one spark flies off from one of the candles of those lavish chandeliers? It could fall and ignite the gunpowder, really it could!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmhhh…” Helena uttered, from her anal rape, but mainly out of terror of such an accident! No! She didn’t want to die!

“Hey hey! No biting, Countess, no biting! Just suck and be a good girl. Yeah, that’s it! Give my barrel a nice spit-polish, Countess! yes! You suck very well, Condesa! Such a pity I can’t trust you with my own cock!”

Just as he spoke, Helena felt the painful grip of the little Corporal on her waist along with his mad shivering as he filled up her rectum like a champion. He even exited her and his farewell shot of semen graced the vast paleness of her butt! The soldiers from his section loudly congratulated him! The best Corporal in the garrison!

The soldiers loved this! One Private spread the dollop of sperm all over Helena’s bottom, making a thin film of semen as he wanted this moment to never end—this surreal contact between his hands and her flesh, so baby soft! So well-polished by the most expensive dresses from San Francisco or even from Paris! The butt of a countess indeed!

And from that point on, Helena was known as the “Condesa de Santa Fe”—the Countess of Santa Fe.

“¡Gloria a la Condesa!” “¡Viva la Condesa!”

“¡La Condesa, muy buena para follar!” (the Countess is a very good fuck!)

Amid the general laughter and lewd exclamations, Helena sucked on, giving a brighter and brighter polish to the steel muzzle, her tongue always stung with gunpowder and her heart petrified with terror—What if it misfired?

And as she remained on all fours and kept sucking the loaded pistol, more men came! A compact circle of men materialized around her—among them, the butler himself and a couple of other Negroes, each of them naked.

Each man wanted to fuck the Governor’s whore! Each man was going to.

She was so delightful to behold in this position that all agreed—She was to remain on her knees and elbows and keep sucking that dangerous toy while each and everyone of them was going to enjoy her. Her hurting knees would teach her to be more humble in the future. And as her knees hurt more, she shifted more weight on her elbows and her buttocks protruded even more invitingly.

And another long round of forced sex started anew!

Many a man sounded like a sick donkey when he came inside her. Every time a new pair of hands landed on her rump, Helena shuddered and cursed within her, but she continued to suck the well-slobbered pistol, in great fear of what might happen, but her mouth was now running dry.

When it was the butler’s turn, he called her Milady as usual, but not in the same tone, not at all. He spoke to her like one speaks to a horse.

“I’ve been dreaming of this for so long, Ahhhh! At last!” the old Negro said as he watched the unthinkable encounter between his hands and her pale derriere! It was gross and fabulous.

The Negro kneaded those buns! Ravenously so as the soldiers watched in fascination for a while.

“Hey, ape man! Don’t push your luck! Get it done now!” one Private hollered while others near him nodded in agreement.

And the butler took and pushed his impressive size deep inside Helena, and all watched its moving base as he properly Africanized her. It was happening!

“AAAAH AAH AAAAAh aaahhh, Milady! Aaahh aaahh aaaah aaah aaaaaahhhhhhh!” he went on, moaning as his pleasure quickly became too much while Helena kept sucking the loaded pistol with her dried-up mouth. It was as if she had cold gunpowder on her tongue. This steel muzzle felt so cold, so terrifying!

The naked butler screamed and really screamed when he exploded like a fuse bomb, one solid black bomb that went off and made Helena aware that her womb was getting a powerful flow of African seed. And the pistol-sucking “countess” felt a tiny oasis of arousal in the hellish desert of her horror and debasement.

Mercifully, the Private finally pulled out the pistol and discharged it through a shattered window. This signaled a trend. Many soldiers, most of them naked, went to the corner of the room where lads kept watch over their weapons.

After swiftly loading their muskets, the half-drunk group of soldiers all went to windows and fired their muskets, which made quite a series of loud cracking shots.

“¡Viva la revolución! ¡Viva la revolución!” they shouted, naked or uniformed or half-uniformed, as they discharged their muskets through the night. Those shots were echoed by other ones throughout the city along with other cries of ¡Viva la revolución!

Santa Fe was ablaze with the sacking of the homes of anyone who was associated with the fallen government as the word of the Governor’s final defeat got around.

Officers, ministers… They didn’t have a chance! No time to flee! It had been so sudden! Groups of soldiers roamed the streets of Santa Fe, and soon, citizens joined them. When a rich man’s house was overrun, the same scenario unfolded—pistol shots, musket shots and the screams of dying men, the yapping of dogs that got killed as well, and then, the shrill screaming of girls and women being gang-raped.

The looting and raping got a lot worse when a band of Santo Domingo Indians showed up and paraded Governor Pérez’s severed head at the end of a spear. The head had been scalped.

Governor Pérez had tried to flee to safety, but just 10 miles out of Santa Fe, he and his small remaining party of followers had run into that band of Indians. Nearly all his followers were killed and scalped. That’s where Captain Diego Rodriguez met his end, shot through the heart by a rifle that one of his relatives had sold to those same Indians

As for the Governor himself, the Santo Domingo Indians gave him the honor of decapitating him after scalping him while still alive. They then played soccer with his head before planting it on a spear. And then they rode into Santa Fe, knowing there would be lots to plunder and many rich white women to rape.

The news of his demise spread like wildfire and a lot more citizens swelled the pillaging mobs and more houses were invaded and raided, with the screams and lamentations of the women saluting their forceful coming once the male occupants had been butchered or made defenseless.

Mobs of citizens headed for the palace along with the war party of Santo Domingo Indians who proudly displayed that head on a spear.

In the palace, some naked Privates washed Helena’s butt with tequila, giving it friction all over her fabulous buns, so rich and fascinating was her skin complexion! They amorously kissed and licked those buttocks and those legs and feet that magically made them hard again. They hated her, but they loved her body.

Mercifully, they turned Helena on her back, her knees killing her after such a long spell on all fours, and as she lay on the blood-polluted carpet, they forced her to drink tequila before pouring some on her breasts—which they proceeded to kiss, lick and knead the same as they had done for her bottom, and then her never-ending nightmare of rapes was resumed. They all seemed to be trying to hammer her deep into the floor as they took their pleasure with unbridled fury, calling her “la condesa” and a “dos-pesos puta”.

Mercifully, those God-fearing Catholic men all raped her pussy. It was well deserved, they all agreed on this.


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By HistBuff
#Interracial #Rape #Teen #Virgin

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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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Naanum En GF um epdi matter pannom nu theriyanuma..... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse