Neighbor Wife’s Naughty Workout |

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Pulling into his driveway, Will parked his car and breathed a heavy sigh. The stress and nervousness of the day had all but subsided as he stepped out onto his driveway. Loosening the tie around his neck and removing his suit jacket, he heard a whistle from the neighbor’s property that caught his attention. Turning towards the house next door, a big smile filled his face.

“Looking good, Will!” his neighbor Amber shouted with a grin.

She was standing in her typical workout attire just outside of the garage that was converted into a home gym. She wore tealcolored leggings and a matching sleeveless top of Lycra that accented her lightly tanned skin. She was always in some sort of outfit that showed off her incredibly toned physique. Her auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail, provided a full view of her sparkling eyes and wide smile.

“Thanks Amber, you don’t look half bad yourself,” Will said with a grin, giving her a thumbs up.

He moved across his lawn towards the property line, Amber following suit. As they drew near, Will couldn’t help but give her the once over from head to toe. She was a fox. There was no doubt about that, by far the iest woman in the neighborhood and someone he had enjoyed getting to know well since moving into his house the previous summer.

“What’s with the suit?” she questioned as she eyed him up and down.

“I had an interview at work today. I’m hoping to promote to Captain.”

“Will, that’s awesome! How do you think it went?”

“I think it went well. I should hear from the chief in a couple of weeks,” Will said with cautious optimism.

“What’s the difference between a captain and a firefighter?” Amber asked with curiosity.

Will began explaining some of the added responsibilities entrusted with if he got the promotion. He went on about leading a group of firefighters, keeping them safe and highly trained, and making important decisions on emergency scenes when necessary.

Amber smiled as she listened, her mind beginning to wander. She had really come to enjoy having Will as a nextdoor neighbor. He was quiet and shy when he first moved in, but slowly opened up once he got to know her and her husband, Jason, a little more. The couple was slightly older by about ten years, but Amber was quick to realize her young neighbor’s maturity, especially because of his line of work. He was handsome, physically fit, and was an overall nice guy. The total package. And she often wondered why he wasn’t married, or at least had a steady girlfriend.

As he continued, she couldn’t help but admire how good he looked in a suit and tie. His wavy, brown hair trimmed neatly and his face clean shaven. His blue eyes were deep and piercing as he talked. She knew he had a great body too from the many times she’d seen him shirtless while mowing his lawn. Other times when they had invited him over to hang out by the backyard pool with others from the neighborhood.

A subtle, playful banter between the two of them began as they warmed up to each other’s company. Often it was something as innocent as a warm smile or a wink. Every once in a while, escalating to a compliment of one’s attire and how it looking good on them. Amber recalled the first time they had seen each other in swimsuits. She found herself surprised and happily taking aback by Will’s boldness when he verbally admired her in her new twopiece in front of her husband. Jason didn’t seem to mind, knowing full well that his wife was the talk of the neighborhood, particularly with the men. That was one thing that Will picked up on as he got to know the couple better. They were very open and honest; something Will enjoyed about them. Both he and Amber knew it was just flirty fun between a man and a woman who were friends, but deep down, they both wondered if there was more to it.

“And that’s pretty much the differences between the two positions,” Will said, ending his explanation.

Amber shook herself from her daze, not hearing much of the back half of what he was explaining. “I’m happy for you, Will. Let me know when you hear something. I have to get back to it,” she said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

“Yeah, sorry, don’t let me keep you. Your workouts are doing wonders too, by the way,” he said with a playful smile and a wink before turning back towards his house.

Amber couldn’t help but blush as she turned away, sauntering back to the garage. Just before she stepped out of view, she looked back at her neighbor, who was just about out of view himself.

“Hey Will, you’re always welcome to come over and workout if you’d like,” she said with a glowing expression.

Will stopped in his tracks and turned his head. “Thanks for the offer. I might just have to take you up on that.”

They smiled at one another before disappearing back into their homes. Some extra, not so innocent ideas ran wild through each of their minds. Those thoughts were quickly subdued by Amber’s resumed workout and Will’s much needed post interview shower that brought both of them back to reality.


As each hot summer day wore on, Will waited patiently to find out if he had gotten the promotion. Every shift he worked increased his anticipation and anxiety a little at a time. He thought it best to take Amber up on her offer of working out in her garage gym. He could blow off some steam with a hard workout and it might help ease some of the stress he was feeling. On top of it all, he’d get to see Amber too, a bonus.

One morning as he finished his shift, Will pulled into the driveway and noticed Amber’s car parked outside. The door to the garage was open and music was playing. Walking across the grass, he poked his head around the corner and treated himself to a mouthwatering sight. Amber was on her hands and knees atop a yoga mat. Her Lycra clad bottom pushed out towards him as she arched her back. Breathing deeply, she lifted her head up, pushing her chest outwards. He glimpsed her ample cleavage straining her sports top. The view looking incredible from the large mirrors bolted onto the garage wall.

Will sat there and watched as the muscles in her body flexed and relaxed. A tingle ran down his spine as he felt the blood rush between his legs. Hoping to stay and watch forever, he felt disappointed when she slowly rose to her feet.

Talking a deep breath to slow his heart rate, he cleared his throat to get her attention. “Room for two in there?”

Amber turned around and gave him a happy smile. “Good morning Will, plenty of room in here.”

He returned her smile, still hiding his body around the corner so as not to expose the bulge growing in his pants.

“I’ll go change and be right over,” he said as he quickly turned and bristly walked away.

“Don’t be too long. I need a spotter,” Amber beckoned when he was out of sight. A crooked smile forming on her face.

A short time later, Will returned to the garage wearing an old cutoff tshirt and athletic shorts. Starting his workout with some light stretching, he made small talk with Amber as she worked her core with some situps on a stability ball. The workout was uneventful and the two of them respectfully keeping their distance and allowed the other to get the most out of each rep. Will stole subtle glances at his gym partner whenever he could, admiring her form and her figure. Amber graciously returned the favor, admiring the sight of Will’s bulging muscles as he curled a couple of dumbbells.

“Spot me?” she asked as she added some weight to the squat rack bar.

“Sure thing,” he nodded as he got into position behind her.

Amber started her set by bracing the bar on her shoulders. Slowly, she took a deep breath before squatting down. Flexing the muscles in her legs and glutes, she exploded upwards. With each rep, she watched her form in the mirror in front of her. Will stood right behind her with his arms ready to catch her if she couldn’t complete a rep. His body squeezed to hers as he followed her down and back up again with each squat. Concentrating on keeping her safe, he couldn’t help but notice her firm ass pushing out towards his crotch each time she descended.

On the last rep, Amber drew one last deep breath and made her final squat. As she lowered herself down, she gave a look in the mirror at Will and his firm arms there to protect her.

“Closer, I might need you on this one,” she said as a bead of sweat trickled down her temple.

Quickly, Will pressed his body into her backside and braced under her. As she rose from her final squat, she knew she didn’t need any help, but enjoyed feeling his powerful figure pressed against her.

Will stepped away as she reracked the bar. “Nice job,” he said, giving her a fist bump.

“Thanks, wow that felt good,” she huffed as her heart pounded in her chest.

“Looked good too,” he said as he handed her a water bottle.

“Which part, the form or the figure?”

Will blushed as he tried to come up with a quick answer. All he could do was grin from ear to ear and shake his head as he drifted off towards the pullup bar.

Their workout ended, and the pair parted ways to start their day. Amber to do some work from home and Will to settle in for a muchneeded nap after a long twentyfourhour shift the day prior. Both were eager with anticipation for their next workout together.

Will woke from his nap with a stretch. It was early afternoon, and the sun shone brightly through his bedroom window. He gave a big yawn and rubbed his eyes as he shuffled to the pane and peered out into his backyard.

Another beautiful summer day, he thought as movement to his left caught his eye as he shifted his view over the neighbor’s back fence.

Will’s eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat as he watched Amber step out onto her back patio. She was wearing a sheer white cover up and from his vantage point, he could make out the pink bikini she wore underneath. Her long, toned legs kissed by the sun from lying out and they seemed to run on for miles. She wore her hair up and had on a pair of sunglasses. Stepping around a pool chaise, Amber set her water bottle and book down on the table next to her seat.

Will watched with excitement and delight as she slowly untied the drawstrings around her waist. The front of her cover up fell open, exposing her toned core and ample cleavage, barely contained by the material of her bikini top. Amber slipped her arms free and with a lazy shrug, the cover up fell to the concrete pool deck. His jaw dropped as she stood there in the skimpiest swimsuit he’d ever seen her wear. Her breasts nearly spilled out the top as the two little straps tied around her neck held on for dear life. The bottoms were just as breathtaking, tied high on her hips, leaving little to the imagination. As she turned to lie back, Will got a full view of her impressive backside. The material doing little to cover each one of her tanned, toned cheeks.

Feeling the growing bulge in his shorts, Will slid them down to his feet. Reaching for his stiffening shaft, he was about to indulge in some muchneeded relief when the ring of his phone nearly gave him a heart attack. Annoyed and frustrated by the interruption, he yanked up his shorts and grabbed his phone. Looking at the caller ID, Will’s heart raced even faster when he saw it was the Chief’s name.

Sliding the phone open, he took a big breath before answering. “Hello this is Will.”

“Will, Chief Sykes calling. How are you?”

“I’m doing…,” he started as he glanced back out the window towards the neighbor’s backyard, “really well actually, thanks for asking.”

“Glad to hear Will. Well, I’ll get straight to the point.”

Will’s emotions rose and fell like a rollercoaster as he nervously waited to hear what the Chief had to say. He thought he might pass out, throw up, or jump out the window as every scenario played through his head.

“Will, you’re a great firefighter. One of the best we’ve got.”

Here it comes, he thought as his heart sank, awaiting the bad news.

“With that being said, I’d love to keep you as a firefighter. But we need your abilities more now as a captain for our organization. You think you’d be up for that?”

Will could have done a backflip right there in his bedroom. The anxiety and nervousness were instantly replaced by a pure, euphoric joy as he graciously accepted the Chief’s offer of promotion.

“Yes, sir, I’ll do my absolute best for you, sir,” he said, pumping his fist in the air.

“Glad to hear it, son, Battalion Chief Larson will iron out some details for you in the next few shifts. Congratulations, Will, much deserved. Have a great rest of your day.”

“Thank you, chief, take care,” Will said with a happy smile as he hung up the phone.

He jumped for joy. He was so excited. Pacing back and forth around his room, he quickly made his way downstairs. Trying to catch his breath and calm his nerves, he dialed his parents and informed them of the good news. After his brief conversation with his mom and dad, he hung up the phone and stepped outside. The fresh air felt good as he took a deep breath, his emotional high beginning to subside. In all the excitement, he’d completely forgotten about Amber in her scantily clad bikini. Those images hastily refilled his head as he took a deep breath and stepped towards her backyard.

Opening the gate and making his way along the side of her house, Will rounded the corner onto the back patio. “Hey Amber, I’ve got great news…,” he began saying.

Suddenly, he froze in his tracks. His jaw went slack, and a look of utter disbelief formed on his face. Amber, not ten feet away, was standing topless next to her pool chaise. Her bikini top rested gently nearby on the table. She was in the middle of rubbing oil into her firm breasts when she jumped at the sound of his voice.

“Oh my God, Will, you scared me!” she gasped, covering her breasts with her arms. “What are you doing here?”

Still in shock and overwhelmed with embarrassment, Will tried to respond, but the words caught in his throat.

He balked several times before finally murmuring his rebuttal. “I, ah, I, came over to tell you I got the promotion.”

Will stood there quietly, averting his gaze to his feet to avoid staring at her nearly naked body. Amber looked at him with curiosity as the initial feelings of being startled drained from her body. The two stood in silence for several long moments, both of them trying to put together what to say or do next. Finally, Amber broke the tension as she dropped her arms and moved towards him. Stepping close, she wrapped him in a hug, pressing her bare breasts into his chest.

“Will, that’s great to hear. I’m so happy for you.”

Will slowly returned her embrace; his brain unsure of what to do next.

Slowly, they separated as Amber stepped back. Not bothering to cover herself, she rested her hands on her hips, allowing Will’s gaze to roam freely over her.

“I’m sorry for snapping at you. I just didn’t expect any company back here, is all,” she said, giving him a warm smile.

Will briefly took in the view of her firm breasts before forcing his eyes above her chin. “I’m so sorry, I feel like such a perv,” he retorted with disgust. “This is so embarrassing.”

“It’s okay, don’t be. I’m not one to hide my body anyway, you know that,” Amber said, making Will feel a little better.

“Fair point, it just caught me off guard, is all,” Will remarked, giving a quick glance over his shoulder towards his bedroom window.

Amber connected the dots quickly with a devilish smirk. “I’m sure you didn’t feel like a perv up there, did you?”

Being caught, Will returned her smirk with one of his own. “Was it that obvious?” He sighed.

“It wasn’t until you just confirmed it now,” she said, letting out a laugh, her jiggling breasts a mouthwatering sight as Will joined in on the laughter. “It can be our little secret. You good with that?”

“Yeah absolutely. Is Jason working out of town this week?” Will asked, a sudden feeling of nervousness casting over him at the thought of her husband catching them this way.

“Yes, a big project up north. He won’t be home all week.”

“Gotcha, that must be hard on you when he’s away for so long?”

Amber made a thoughtful expression as she tried to answer his question in the most appropriate manner she could think of. “Let’s just say we’ve adapted accordingly.”

What in the world does that mean? Will thought as she gave him a playful smile. Glancing once more at her exposed breasts, he couldn’t help but stare a little longer.

“They’re pretty nice, aren’t they?” she said, interrupting his stare.

“I’ve seen better,” he quipped.

“Oh, my god, Will, you ass!” Amber spat sarcastically. Playfully pushing him on the shoulder.

With the awkwardness of the situation subsiding, Will thought it best to leave her to her tanning and motioned towards the gate.

“Once again, I’m sorry for startling you. Also, for catching you in this,” he gestured towards her, “state of dress.” 

“No need to be sorry, sweetie, I’m glad you rushed over here to tell me your great news. I’m so happy for you. Got time for a workout tomorrow?”

“Last shift tomorrow before my four days off. Does the following day work for you?” Will asked with anticipation.

Amber gave him a grin as she turned back towards her pool chaise. “Sounds good to me. See you then.”

With that, Will turned and slipped out and closed the gate. Stepping back into his house, he couldn’t help but rush back up to his bedroom window for another look. This time, he hid himself the best he could. As he slowly peeked out the window, he laughed out loud at what he saw. Amber was giving him a wave from down below. She had her whole body covered with a beach towel and was laughing hysterically at his expense. Will returned the wave and pulled the curtains shut. His long weekend couldn’t come soon enough.

The next morning, Will was up early for work. As he pulled out of his driveway, he gazed over at his neighbor’s house in anticipation of the following day’s workout. His entire shift drug on and on and it seemed like each hour moved slower than the last. A large fire helped to kill some time and get his mind off of things back at home. A surprisingly rare night filled with plenty of sleep had Will up and ready the next morning. He zoned out on the conversation being had at the kitchen table as his crew discussed several topics, none worthy of piquing his interest. He sipped his cup of coffee and waited impatiently for his relief to arrive. Once free from his duties, Will changed into his street clothes and exited the station in a flash, bound for home.

His commute flew by in a blur as he quickly turned down his street. Pulling into his drive, he glanced over at the neighbor’s house, surprised to see the garage door closed.

That’s odd, he thought, knowing Amber always had the garage door open when she worked out.

Stepping out of his vehicle, he gave another look towards the neighbor’s house and felt a slight pang of disappointment. Her SUV was out front and he wondered if maybe she had slept in later than normal. Walking inside, he wandered up to his room and opened the blinds, looking down into Amber’s backyard. All was quiet, which was puzzling. Will sighed as he stripped his clothes and changed into his workout attire of shorts and a cutoff shirt. He made a light breakfast and lay down on the couch. He slowly dozed off when his phone buzzing on the coffee table stirred him. Reaching for the phone, his heart skipped a beat when he unlocked the screen to find a text message from his neighbor.

Good morning, ready for our workout? he read as he glanced at the clock on the wall.

He’d napped for about fortyfive minutes and was eager to get his blood pumping. Be over in a few, He replied as he stood up to stretch his arms.

Stepping out his front door, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Retrieving it, he read another text message from Amber and was a little puzzled.

Come through the front door, he read as he walked across the lawn.

Confirming with his own eyes that the garage door was in fact not open, he stepped between her vehicle and the garage door around to the sidewalk and up to the front porch. Reaching for the doorknob, his curiosity got the better of him.

Maybe the garage door broke, he pondered as he slipped into the foyer.

Will had been over to the neighbors’ house frequently since moving in. Each time he’d been inside their home, he always felt comfortable and at ease. But today felt different. He couldn’t figure out why as he made his way through the kitchen and into the mudroom leading out to the garage. Approaching the door, he heard the muffled sound of the speakers playing Amber’s workout playlist. Reaching and slowly opening the door, the volume increased in his ears as he stepped inside the garage. What he saw next nearly took his breath away.

His mouth fell open as he blankly stared across the garage. His expression was oddly similar to that of the other day when he stumbled upon Amber topless on her patio. Now, his gaze fixed on his workout partner, who was smiling from ear to ear. She stood completely naked, holding a water bottle in her hand. Her mane of auburn hair cascading down her backside past her shoulders. Her lightly tanned physique was on full display as Will roamed freely over her body. He ogled her impressive chest, admiring the firmness and size of each breast. Her flat stomach, accented by her hips and strong legs, resulted from lots of hard work and motivation in the gym. Between her legs, Will could make out the cute little slit of her pussy. She was clean shaven, with not a hint of a tan line to be found.

“Amber, what’s going on here?” Will nervously asked, averting his gaze.

She slowly sauntered across the room. Will’s body trembled as he watched her every movement. As she cut the distance, he nervously stepped backwards, backing against the door leading into the house.

“Amber, wait, please. What’s going on? What if Jason finds out?” He pleaded as his rapidly inflating manhood strained in his compression shorts.

Amber moved in close, bracing her arms against the door frame. Her nude body lightly brushing up against him.

“Will, I need to ask you a few questions. Do you think you can answer them for me?”

He sucked in a shaky breath before slowly nodding his head.

“Good. Will, do you know what an open marriage is?” Amber asked as she stared deeply into his eyes.

“Yes, I do,” he squeaked, his height allowing him to look down into her eyes and peek into the deep crevice of her bosom.

“My husband and I have a certain arrangement,” she began as she slowly slid her hand between his legs. Will inhaled sharply as he felt her hand press against his pulsating member. “The thing is, he has the hots for one of his project managers and they work together all the time. He gets really lonely being on the road, so I let him share a bed with her. In return, I get to find a friend to share my bed with. Do you follow?”

“Yes,” he gasped as she continued caressing the bulge in his shorts.

“Since he’s always getting some while on the road, he said it was only fair that I find someone to keep me company. Someone fun, nice, maybe young and athletic, like our neighbor…,” she trailed off as she pulled Will into a long, hungry kiss.

Will was in a state of euphoria as their lips touched and she slid her tongue into his mouth. Her hand never ceasing its movement on his rockhard cock. He slowly returned the kiss as the state of arousal in the room heightened. Just before she broke the embrace, he reached his arms around her and drew her into his chest. Amber lightly bit on his lower lip as she leaned back to look into his eyes.

“I take it you’re interested in helping me out with my situation?” she asked, giving his erection a light squeeze in her palm.

“Definitely interested,” Will said with a moan.

“I’m glad. Just one more question for you,” she began as she slowly got down on knees.

Releasing her grip on him, she slid her hands along his thighs and reached for the waistband of his shorts. Her fingers trailing under the material as she lightly tugged down. Both his shorts and compressions slide down his legs.

“Do you know why today is special, Will?” Amber asked as she continued to expose more and more of his lower body.

“No idea,” he exclaimed as his erection sprang free from its confines.

She tugged harder, his shorts pooling at his sneakers. Looking up into his eyes, Amber gave him a devilish grin as she admired his cock on full display. The veiny organ standing at attention mere inches from her face.

“You have a very nice cock, Will,” she said as she reached up and brushed her fingers against his bulbous head. A moan of approval escaping him as his eyes rolled back. “Today is special because it’s National Nude Day. That means we won’t be wearing any clothes when we workout, when we lie out by the pool, and of course when we fuck each other’s brains out.”

Will couldn’t find a single word as her grip on his shaft intensified. He let out a growl when she slowly took his tip in her hot, wet mouth. He gazed down and watched with wonder as she licked and sucked on his shaft. Her head bobbed slowly as she worked more and more of him into her mouth, eventually poking down her throat. She rolled his balls with one hand and slid her arm behind him, grasping a firm cheek in her hand. She bottomed out, her nose brushing against his pubic bone. Her wet slurps and the occasional gag filled the air as she gave him the best blow job he’d ever had.

Amber could feel his cock pulsating between her lips and knew he was slowly getting close to the edge. With one final slurp, she released his cock from her mouth with a wet pop. His manhood glistened with a heavy coat of saliva. She slowly rose to her feet, her knees sore from kneeling on the concrete floor. Reaching out, she took hold of his cut off shirt and lifted. Will took the hint and raised his arms, still trying to come out of the foggy, post oral state he was in. Up and over his head, his shirt went as Amber tossed it to the ground. Will kicked out of his shoes, joining her in complete nudity.

Motioning him towards the stability ball in the center of the garage, Will slowly shuffled in its direction when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. The garage door was suddenly opening and a feeling of terror flooded his body. He was naked, his cock rock hard and glistening with a slippery coat courtesy of his neighbor’s wife. Will whirled around to find Amber wearing an evil grin, garage door opener in hand. The sunlight flooded into the once private space as the garage door stopped at the end of its tracks.

Setting the device in her hand on the shelf, Amber took Will by the hand and led him over to the stability ball. She turned to face him as she leaned back to balance on the ball, her feet resting square on the floor. Still in shock, Will cautiously peeked around her parked vehicle to see if anyone was outside their homes. Her SUV did a decent job of hiding them, but they would still be visible if someone were to walk or drive by. Taking a nervous breath, he slid a mat next to the ball and knelt in front of her. Slowly, he spread her knees apart, exposing her pussy that was glistening with her arousal.

“First nude day exercise is situps, ready?” she asked as she put her hands behind her head and flexed her midsection.

Without a word, Will dove in between her legs as she began her routine. Her scent was intoxicating as he kissed her inner thighs. Slowly, he slithered his tongue across her folds, eliciting a primal moan of approval. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and quickly picked up the pace. Lapping her juices into his mouth, he tried to hang on as she writhed around him. Her situps exercise was in vain as she tried to stay balanced on the ball, letting her head fall limp. His face slathered in her tangy nectar, Will found her sensitive button and sucked.

“Fuck Will, that feels so good. Don’t stop,” Amber moaned.

As the blood rushed to her head, her vision blurred. Will didn’t relent as he dove in deeper, probing her with his tongue. In and out, he slid before circling her clitoris with his hungry lips. The pitch of Amber’s moans and cries of pleasure intensified as her orgasm drew near.

“Don’t stop, Will, I’m so close!” she shrieked, her body beginning to shake vigorously.

Will doubled down on his efforts, giving her every ounce of energy he had. His tongue flashed across her sopping nether lips as he slid in a curled finger. Amber wailed in approval as he slid in and out of her. His tongue and slippery finger were too much for her to bear as the hot, white wave of orgasm crashed through her body.

“I’m cumming, fuck Will, okay, okay!” she cried out.

Will slowed his efforts, nearly spent with exhaustion. He continued to hold her in his grip, the aftershocks of her massive orgasm still ripping through her body. Slowly, he freed himself from her clenched knees against his head. Amber lie limp atop the ball, her breasts heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Will leaned back on his knees, observing his handy work. His face covered with her juices, as were her inner thighs. He peered around her, nervous to see if anyone was watching from outside. Turning back, he steadily admired her tight figure as she lay there gasping for muchneeded air. He looked down at his erect cock, her coating of saliva beginning to dry. He knew what was to come, and he waited passionately for her to recover.

Rising to his feet, he towered over her limp body as she slowly lifted her head. Looking into his eyes, a satisfied smile filled her face. Her gaze grew hungrier as it moved down his body to his cock, pointing straight at her. Will reached out a hand, and Amber graciously accepted the help to her feet. She was a little wobbly on her feet, but recovered quickly.

“You have a talented tongue,” she said, still trying to catch her breath.

Will smiled and let out a light chuckle. “I could say the same thing. Wow, you have a rocking body.”

Amber blushed as she felt a tingle between her legs. She embraced him in a long, slow kiss. The kiss quickly grew in intensity as their tongues battled for dominance. Their hands roamed freely across one another’s skin. Will took hold of her tight ass in his hands as she reached between his legs and began pumping his cock. They breathlessly kissed and caressed until she broke the embrace and directed him to lie on the ball. Without hesitation, Will took his position as she straddled him. Taking hold of his member, she slowly sank down, rubbing his bulbous head across her slick entrance. Painstakingly, she descended, enveloping every inch of him until deeply buried within her womb.

“Fuck, that feels good,” he gasped as she slowly ground her hips.

Will growled once more as she picked up the pace. He reached out and forcefully took hold of her breasts in his hands. Massaging them, he rolled her nipples between his fingers as she slammed her hot, wet pussy down onto him. The movement of their carnal act made it difficult to balance. Will realized this and wrapped his arms under her back. As he stood, Amber kept him wrapped in her folds as she slid her legs around his backside. Carrying her, he plodded over to the weight bench and sat down.

 Lying back, he reached up to pinch and claw at the supple flesh of her breasts. She arched her back, fixing her gaze to the ceiling. Amber rode him with a vengeance. Their moans of ecstasy and the staccato slaps of sweaty flesh quickly overcame the sound of her workout playlist in the background.

Will began meeting her downward thrusts as she let out a cry, “Fuck me, Will!”

He didn’t hold back. Releasing her breasts from his grip, he took hold of her firm ass cheeks, slippery with a fresh coat of perspiration. He pounded into her as she fell limp against him. She screamed with pure, rapturous delight as another orgasm overcame her. Her body tingled and shook as she saw stars shoot through the blackness of her tightly clenched eyelids. Not wanting to relent in the slightest, Will panted heavily as he put his head against her moist bosom and impaled her. He felt the churning of a mounting orgasm slowly building deep in his loins. It grew in intensity the harder he worked. Amber’s orgasmic cries edging him to the brink. Nearing release, Will leaned her back with a sense of urgency.

“I’m going to cum, w…where do you want it?” he croaked.

Without saying a word, Amber popped off his cock with a yelp. Sliding down his body, she hovered over him on wobbly legs. Quickly taking him between her lips, she savored the flavor of her juices on his throbbing member. She sucked with reckless abandon, vigorously pumping his shaft.

“Shit, Amber, I’m, oh!” he gasped as his seed shot into her mouth.

Amber doubled down and milked him for every drop he had. Rope after rope of semen painted the back of her throat as she sucked his rapidly deflating cock. Subsiding to dribble, Amber released his sensitive manhood from her mouth. She swirled the rest of his salty treat in her mouth and swallowed with a loud smack and an evil grin.

“Holy shit, I didn’t think I was ever going to stop cumming,” Will exclaimed as he panted for breath on the bench.

“Some muchneeded protein after a hell of a workout,” Amber said with a giggle, glancing out the open garage door for any onlookers.

Still wobbly, she walked over to a cabinet and took out a couple of towels. Wiping away the sweat and juices from her body, she handed one to Will to do the same. Once cleaned up from their dirty tryst, they both took a bottle of water from the fridge and sat on adjacent yoga mats. They rested, listening to Amber’s workout playlist as they sipped from their waters and slowly regaining their composure. 

“So, Jason is okay with this?” Will asked with curiosity.

“Yes, we talked about you being my hall pass for quite a while now. He liked how you were nice and respectful, even if you did flirt with me from time to time. Are you okay with all of this?”

Will gave Amber a grin as he admired her body. “A good friend, workout partner, and now fuck buddy, I’d be crazy to say no to that. Tell me, what would you have done if I ran out of here the moment I saw you naked?”

Amber laughed, making her breasts jiggling to Will’s delight. “I knew that wouldn’t happen. Especially after you didn’t cut and run the other day when you saw me topless on the patio.”

Will chuckled, knowing his testosterone had gotten the better of him. He sat there and couldn’t help but drink in the sight of her. Amber enjoyed having the attention on her. It felt good knowing she turned him on the way she did. She eyed up his toned core and muscular body, naughty thoughts of the fun yet to come racing through her mind. They both noticed the slowly recovering girth between Will’s legs. He looked down at his erection and turned his attention to her as she bit her lower lip.

“Round two?” he asked with a smile.

Amber scooted off her bottom and rose to her feet. “Fuck me on the patio.”

Will rose quickly as Amber led him into the house, hitting the garage door button on the way in. Making their way towards the patio, Will couldn’t believe the series of events that had just unfolded. With eager anticipation of what was yet to come, she opened the sliding glass door, and they both stepped outside into the hot summer sun.


Amber and Will were lying out, enjoying some drinks by the pool. The sun was lazily fading in the sky as the afternoon turned to early evening. Burgers sizzled on the grill and were creating an enticing aroma. The pair sat silently, listening to the water jets bubble in the pool. The events of the day playing on repeat in both of their heads. Repeatedly, they relished the memories of their first time together.

Following their maiden encounter in the garage, they found themselves out on the back patio. After a steamy session of sixtynine atop a pool chaise, Amber screamed through another intense orgasm as Will pounded her dripping pussy from behind. She thought she might blackout as she came all over his rigid member. She replayed the feeling of having her back arched in lustful agony as Will wrapped a tight fist in her auburn hair. The cracks of his slaps against her bare bottom ringing out against the privacy fencing. She sensed a tingle between her legs just thinking about.

Will sipped his beer as he stood up to check on the burgers. The images of the day danced through his mind. The events in the garage that spilled onto the back patio, followed by a relaxing skinny dip in the pool, locked away forever in his memory. He silently flipped the burgers as he predicted more salacious activity to come.

As he glanced over at the naked beauty lying before him, his selfconsciousness of being nude outside had by now completely drained from his body. He loved the way the sun kissed every inch of his skin and a new sense of self confidence radiated over him. He moved back to his seat as Amber turned and gave him a big smile as he sat down.

“What do you think?” she asked with a curious grin. “You enjoying your first National Nude Day?”

“I’ve definitely warmed up to the idea. Wish every day could be National Nude Day,” he said with a chuckle as he took a long sip of his drink.

Amber turned onto her side as she gazed into his eyes. “If you want, every day can be nude day when we’re together.”

“I’d like that very much,” he said with a wide grin. “Our workout productivity might suffer, though.”

“True, maybe we can come up with some alternative ways to get our workout in.”

A devilish grin filled her face as she slowly rose from her chaise. Will watched with pleasure as she sauntered in front of him and slid down atop his chair. Slowly crawling up his legs, she gently took hold of his rapidly inflating cock.

“I think I’ve got a few minutes to play with this before dinner is ready,” she purred as she slid his manhood into her wet mouth.

Will sucked in a breath as the warm sensation enveloped him. Laying his head back, he could only try to imagine what might be in store between him and Amber the rest of the day, the next week, month, etc. He looked up to the warm, summer sky, and thought it best to just bask in the present moment, a wide smile across his face.