My Walk in the Rain Exhibitionist & Voyeur

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My name is Katrina and I’m in my mid 20’s and have long straight blond hair. I’m single, I’m attractive, slim, a little on the tall side, and I love selfbondage. I’m well to do and I am widely known in the local broadcast business.

Now let me tell you how this all began.

I had the next three days off and was returning from an errand to the hardware store when I decided to take the long way home just for the fun of it. The weather was great and I was enjoying the ride. As I drove along, I noticed a Salvation Army store that was open.

My friend at work had told me about this store and some of the great buys I could find while at the same time I’d be helping the charity. It’s one of those places that you have to stop in every once in a while because the things they have for sale are always changing.

I pulled in, and noticed there were only two other cars in the lot and one of them had its trunk open. For a moment, I thought the store might not be open yet. As I walked to the door, I could see an older woman moving racks of clothing around inside. I entered and she greeted me with a smile.

Have you ever had a day where things just come together for you? Well, this was my day. I walked around looking at the different racks of clothes and used household items. Thus far I hadn’t seen anything of interest. I looked up and the woman was rolling in another rack of clothing. It looked like women’s coats and jackets.

I started to look at the items on this new rack when my eye spotted a black shiny coat. Having a kinky nature, I went straight for it. It was a black vinyl raincoat with a hood. Taking it off the rack for a closer examination, it looked to me like it was in perfect condition. I took my jacket off and tried the raincoat on. It fit me like a glove and, as my perverted mind kicked in, I thought it might be fun for my private bondage games. The coat was short it only came to the middle of my thighs, but that was fine with me. When I placed my hands into the pockets I learned that they had an opening so you could reach into your slacks pockets without opening the coat in the rain a very convenient feature.

I folded it over my arm and started to look for more hidden treasures. Two guys came in and the lady started to tell them where to place the new clothing and boxes they were donating to the store. As they set things down, I went to this new pile and immediately noticed shoe boxes. “Ding, ding,” a ‘jackpot’ bell went off in my head. You know how we women love shoes we just can’t seem to have too many pairs.

Most of the stuff had little appeal for me, though, except for the next to the last box. When I opened it, I learned it contained black vinyl boots, and they were in my size! They were knee high and had a thick sole at least 3 inches high, and the heel must have been three inches higher. I speculated that they must have been from the same donation, since they seemed to match the coat perfectly. I checked the soles of the shoes and there was no sign of wear. I guess someone bought them and thought it was a good idea at the time and then never had the nerve to wear them, or maybe they wore them only once and didn’t like them. But I sure did! They might be a little challenging to walk in, but I felt I was up to the challenge!

It suddenly struck me that I’d spent a lot of time searching the store it was getting late and I’d better get moving. I brought my discoveries to the counter and the lady came over. She started to look for the price tag on the boots, but since they had just come in they had none.

“Gosh, I don’t think I can sell these until we can put a price tag on them,” she stated.

“See this coat I’m buying?” I asked. “It looks like the boots belong with it. I’m running late, so how about accepting $75 for the boots?” (I’d done a quick search online and saw that brand new, they could be bought for about $150, so I though that about one half that would be acceptable for a ‘used’ pair.)

The lady must’ve thought so, too, because her jaw dropped a little and her eyes bulged slightly at hearing my offer. “That sounds most generous of you, Miss. You’ve got a deal.”

Loading my new treasures into the car, I pulled out from the lot and headed home. The radio was on and the weather report had just started. I was surprised to hear they were calling for two days of slow steady rain. Smiling, I thought to myself, “It’s a good thing I just bought a raincoat.”

As I drove along, I thought about what selfbondage game I might play soon since I had a long weekend ahead of me. Slowly I started to mentally put the pieces together for what was likely to be my most daring selfbondage adventure to date.

After I had eaten and showered, I settled down at my computer and wrote out some of the ideas for my adventure. Typing this stuff out helps me think critically, and allows me to work out the details.

When I woke on Saturday, the rain was coming down in a very steady flow. “Excellent! The weatherman has gotten it right this time,” I thought to myself. It was time to put my plans into action. I quickly got up and picked up the phone to call the local cab company and asked to be picked up at 8 AM sharp on the corner of my street. I didn’t want the driver to know which house was actually mine.

I went to the kitchen and made coffee and ate some cereal. As usual, I was kind of hungry when I got up and I always need my coffee to get me going in the morning. As it turned out, I would regret this little decision later.

Breakfast complete, I showered and did my makeup. I next got my short black wig from the closet and put it on. I really love this wig since it changes my looks to a point where people I know don’t recognize me. I wore it to a Halloween party one year and people I knew were shocked when I pointed out who I was.

I went to the dresser and found a new pair of black thigh high stockings, the type with the wide lacy tops. Don’t you just love those?! I love stockings for the way they look and feel. Standing in front of my fulllength mirror once I had them on, I admired the y woman that I saw in the mirror. As a precaution, I slipped a sturdy, blunt toothpick into the top of my stocking.

Next, I went to the closet and opened my suitcase. This is where I keep all my bondage toys. I have everything in it, so far, that a girl who likes selfbondage could want. I went straight for the black velvet bag. It holds my pride and joy, a real chastity belt. It wasn’t one of those made from cheap leather. This was custom made for me, and was made of metal and really locks onto me. I know its lock is good because one time I thought I’d lost the key and no matter what I did I couldn’t remove it! I was just about to call the fire department in desperation, when I found the key on the floor in the hall. From then on, I always made very sure I knew where any keys that I need are located before I start my games.

My belt has two locks, one at the waist and another one for the extra shield in front.

I locked the belt around my waist, and then brought the front shield into place. I just love the sound of the locks snapping close. The sound makes my heart accelerate, and that deepens my breathing. I don’t know about you, but after a lock closes I instinctively always try to get the belt off. But of course, I never can where would be the fun in that? My belt has ‘D’ rings on both sides and on the back. I’d bought several pairs of handcuffs and I’d cut the center link of one of the pairs, customizing them to work with my chastity belt. I then used smaller locks to attach one cuff to each side of the belt. I’ve had some real fun with this setup, believe me.

Time was getting short the cab was due soon. I grabbed the keys for all the locks, belt, shield and cuffs, and brought them into my back bedroom and placed them in the corner of the room, retaining just the key to the handcuffs. This is the farthest point in the house if I come in the front door. I wanted to make sure I knew where they were before I started this adventure.

I went back to my bedroom for a final check on my makeup. On a whim, I applied the brightest red lipstick I have, in a heavy fashion. I pulled on my new boots and slipped into my new short raincoat. Remember, other than the chastity belt and stockings, I had nothing else on. The cool vinyl pressed against my bare tits, tummy, mound and ass, and I shivered. That was somewhat due to the cold, but more from the thrill of what I was anticipating.

I wanted to have nothing with me except a twentydollar bill for a cab ride. No keys, no form of identification, nothing. I can’t imagine what would happen if I got caught. The media would have a field day word would spread through this town like wild fire. But you know this is part of the thrill of selfbondage the chance of getting caught.

It was time to go.

I walked into the back bedroom and checked one last time to make sure the keys were in the far corner of the room. This makes them a little harder to get to once I’m even in the house.

I carefully walked down the stairs, getting used to my new height, and the odd tilted angle of my feet. I had to enter the kitchen to get my spare house key, which I keep hidden on a shelf. I checked the backdoor and windows as I went from room to room to make sure they were all locked.

Looking at the clock, I pulled my raincoat closer, carefully fitted the hood up over my wig and stepped onto the porch. The neighborhood was quiet… I figured that everyone must be sleeping in on this weekend rainy day.

Looking around, I bent down and placed the handcuff key between the flowerpot and the dish under it. The pot is kept on the front porch near the steps. As I bent over it struck me I’d better be careful when bending over wearing this short jacket or someone will get a real eyeful! I then took my house key and placed it in the light fixture on the wall by the door. The fixture is high enough that I’ll have to reach up to retrieve the key to open the door. If I don’t free my hands from the cuffs, I’ll be stuck out here on the porch. I checked the front door to make sure it was locked.

As I walked to the corner to meet the cab I was glad there was no one out. In one way, I must really stand out a lone figure dressed all in black, walking in the rain.

I’d timed it well, and didn’t have long to wait. The cab came in just a minute or two, and the driver hardly gave me a look, and just asked, “Where to, lady?”

I told him, “Take me to the town park, please.” The drive didn’t take too long because hardly anyone was out yet. Except a crazy women playing selfbondage games, sitting in the back seat of a taxi cab.

The rain was coming down steadily. No one would be out in this unless they absolutely had to be, I felt. But momentary panic set in… I started to think about telling the driver and take me back to where he’d picked me up. I started to get that feeling in my stomach! You know, the one right before you push the last lock closed. The one involving those fluttering butterflies.

Suddenly we were there. “Should I get out or should I just go home while I still can?” I silently asked myself. I often have this nagging ‘is this a good idea’ question just before I commit myself to some selfbondage. At least it shows I still have the intelligence and wherewithal to do a final run through my checklist.

Gathering up my courage, I grabbed the twenty and handed it to the driver, telling him “Thanks, and keep the change.” I stepped out of the cab. I could hear the rain hitting the coat as I headed to my planned starting point, which was the flagpole in the center of the park.

I turned and watched the cab pull away, and my stomach lurched a little, “Have I made a mistake? Have I bitten off more than I can chew?” OK, so a little selfdoubt still manages to creep in. It was all academic now, because the cab was gone and all I could do was stand there in the rain and watch it head out of sight.

I turned and headed toward the flagpole, which was a good 100 yards into the park. The rain started to pick up a little and so did the wind. This made me think that the storm was going to be a little worse than they’d predicted. I looked around and saw that I was not the only fool braving this weather. There was a woman off in the distance who apparently wanted to take pictures of flowers coated with raindrops. “Well, it takes all kinds,” I thought to myself.

When I reached the pole, it was time to really start my adventure. I took inventory of my situation. I was naked under my coat, I looked like a hooker, I was locked in a chastity belt, the keys were at least two miles away, and I had no money or identification.

“Perfect?” I asked myself. Shrugging, I murmured, “Let’s get started!”

I reached into the pocket of the raincoat, passing my hand through the opening and across my body to grab the left handcuff. I opened it, trying not to attract attention to myself although I was a little contorted, doing this. I placed my left hand into that left cuff and pushed the cuff closed with my right hand until it was snug. I pulled out the toothpick, and feeling blindly, managed to depress the stud on the handcuff, double locking this one. “If I have to fall on my side, I’d better fall on my left side, where the cuff can no longer close any tighter,” I murmured to remind myself.

I started to feel the excitement build in me. I was tempted to do myself right there in the park while I had one hand free. Of course, I couldn’t get at my pussy with the chastity belt in the way, but with this level of arousal, I’d probably be able to cum by just playing with my tits! But I resisted this impulse.

Quickly, I also locked my right hand, leaning on the pole to close the other cuff on its wrist. I had no way to double lock this one, unless I was a skilled contortionist, with that toothpick in my teeth, which I was not. However, I was now truly trapped by my own doing, and I experienced a mental payoff. A sudden rush came over me and I almost came right there with no extra stimulation at all. But if I had an orgasm, my legs would probably buckle, so I shook the feeling off and started my walk in the rain.

Walking in these boots was a little tricky because you’re higher up and your mind still isn’t used to it. It suddenly struck me, I better not fall at all, not even on my left side. I didn’t know if I could get up with my hands cuffed to my sides with these boots on. I’d be so embarrassed if I had to call for help or wait for someone to help me. How could I explain why I couldn’t use my hands to get up?

I reached the edge of the park and was waiting for the light to change so I could cross the street, when I realized I had been walking in the wrong direction. Was that a proverbial blond moment or what?! I turned and started home, heading in the right direction this time.

All of a sudden, it hit me that I hadn’t looked hard enough at the map. I’d be walking through the shopping district for at least three blocks! I might even meet someone who knows me! If I did, I sure hope they wouldn’t want to shake hands! But I kept my cool, which wasn’t that hard with the short coat I was wearing. I could feel the breeze on my legs and butt. I could feel beads of rain running down my legs.

It seemed like the town just didn’t want to get up. I walked along and only one or two people passed and they didn’t give me a glance. I didn’t want to risk looking back as they passed me, in case they glanced over their shoulder for some reason. If we made eye contact, they might ask, “I’m sorry… have we met?” Think how embarrassing that would be! The rain was still coming down slow and steady.

I stopped and carefully turned to look in the windows of the stores as I went. I liked my reflection in the window. I looked every bit the mysterious women with her hands in her pockets, safe from the rain.

As I passed the hardware store I was in the other day, I looked in its window. This store was on the edge of the business district. I breathed a small sigh of relief. I’d be entering the residential area for the rest of my trip home.

As I stood there looking in the window I suddenly had the feeling I was being watched. I could just imagine some drooling red neck standing behind me. Due to the angle of the sun coming up I couldn’t see any reflection in the glass. I was starting to get scared! I was in no position to defend myself. What’s a girl to do!

Suddenly, a gust of wind lifted the back of my raincoat and I felt the wind’s cold touch on my ass! At almost the same moment I heard some guy call out “Hi there!” I gave out a stifled ‘Yelp’ from the unexpected shock of someone seeing my ass. I spun around ready to try to give some stranger a good kick where it would hurt if they approached.

Instead of some guy nearing me, it turned out that he was down the street with his back to me, calling out to a friend even farther down the street.

“Are you enjoying this lovely weather?” I heard a female voice reply. “I myself would rather be home in my warm bed than out in the mess, but I need to get to the hardware store,” she continued.

“The hardware store?” I mentally processed. “This hardware store where I’m standing right now? Oh fuck! How close is she?” I bent over at my waist and tried to peer down my side of the block, backing up a bit to hide myself better.

That was a bad mistake, because when I bent over, my coat came up in the back and as I slowly backed, my ass came in contact with the store’s very cold plate glass window! I literally jumped, and barely managed not to fall down. I suddenly realized I was wasting time trying to locate her, and quickly started to continue on past the hardware store. Again, I didn’t look back hard to try to see how close that woman might be, because I didn’t want to draw attention to myself by looking furtive.

I was really glad that was over! My legs were wobbly with relief. I’d never envisioned anything like that contact of my bare ass with a plate glass window happening to me during my little game. I started my walk again and I noticed that people were starting to stir. The traffic was still very light but it’d picked up. I could see lights coming on in various houses, and people were dashing out and picking up their plastic wrapped newspapers.

I figured I was still about a mile from home. “Oh no! Not now!” I mentally chided myself. You know that first little feeling that signals that you have to go to the bathroom? “Darn coffee,” I thought as I picked up my pace, heading for home. Why is it when your in a situation where you can’t relieve your bladder, it just seems to make the need all the worse?

I walked and walked until I got to route 202. Oh lord, I forgotten about this, too. It’s a twolane road, but it’s a major route in the area and is heavily traveled. I had to cross route 202 to get home. Of course there was a ton of traffic and I had to wait for the light to change, trying not to shift my weight from foot to foot with my thighs clamped together to try to stifle the urge to pee.

I got a couple of horn toots as I crossed the major intersection. I was hurrying across the road when I stumbled. Luckily I recovered, but I could’ve just imagined what a mess I’d have caused tying up a major road because I couldn’t get up by myself. I could just see all the people I know watching the channel 10 news with a live coverage from their chopper of the strange incident of the woman in a black raincoat and boots who was on the pavement, sprawled, blocking the 202 roadway.

I was starting to get desperate. I really, really had to go, if you know what I mean!

All I had to do was make the next right and then it would be a straight 3block trip to my house. I was glad because I was starting to walk funny because I had to go so badly.
