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#Group #Lesbian #Mature #Tween
By Slutty Becky
Hi, I’m Becky and I’m 14 years old but this story is of my 11th Birthday. It was the first time I got fucked in the ass too. Hope you enjoy!
Part 6 – My 11th Birthday
I met Dave, a 40-year-old pedophile who had never had the chance to be with a young girl before at my best friend’s pizza party. We fucked and I gave him my phone number so we could hook up again sometime. I told my Daddy that I had a boyfriend. It was later that night and Daddy and I were sitting on the couch together. We were naked because we were always usually naked together when it was just us at home. Being naked was more comfy and if we wanted to fuck each other it was easy to just do it without stupid clothes getting in the way. Daddy was watching some porn on his laptop, porn of young girls about my age. He had his cock in one hand, stroking slowly, and his other hand between my legs gently rubbing at my slit. I was scrolling through TikTok on my phone when I got a message from Dave. He’d sent me a pic of his cock, with my panties wrapped around it, the white cotton with lavender flowers. His message said, “I can’t stop thinking about you Becky.”
The picture made me happy and I started chatting with Dave and let my Daddy keep watching his kiddie porn. I was never really into porn, I never really liked watching other people. Since I was getting excited sexting with Dave and I guess Daddy could tell how much wetter it was making my pussy. He asked “What are you doing, Becks? Texting your new boyfriend?” I blushed and nodded. Daddy said I should ask what my guy was doing tomorrow night because he wanted to meet him. He was going to have Riley over too, we could make it a double date. I asked Dave and he said he would be happy to.
Daddy closed his laptop and patted my thigh. He said, “It’s getting late, Becks, better get you to bed.” He took me to my bedroom and since he was already hard and horny I asked Daddy if he wanted to fuck. I put on a sweet face and said “Can you please fuck me into bed, Daddy?” It was our little joke. He got on top and fucked me real slow, real deep, taking his time and making me cum three times as he slid his fat cock in and out of me. Daddy shot his load in me while I was cumming for the third time. I had my eyes closed, feeling exhausted, and felt Daddy kiss me on the forehead and say “Good night, Becks. Pleasant dreams.”
The next night we had that double date. Daddy ordered in some food and we all ate together and talked. Dave was super nice and polite. When Daddy asked him if he was my boyfriend he got all shy and said “I-I guess I am.” That made me happy and I hugged Dave tight. After dinner, we all sat on the couch to watch some movie on Netflix. I can’t remember what movie because none of us were even really watching it. Pretty soon we were all naked. Riley was riding on my Daddy’s cock, moaning about “Oh fuck you’re so big.” I was naked and bouncing on Dave’s cock, moaning loud and begging “fuck me” as he had his hands on my ass, moving me up and down. For a moment Riley and I glanced at each other, both naked and riding our boyfriend’s cocks. The two of us held each other’s hands as we rode our boyfriends together.
After the sex, when we were all just sitting there naked together and vibing, Daddy told Dave how my 11th birthday was coming up soon. We were going to go to Disney World for a few days and he invited Dave to come along as my boyfriend. Daddy brought up how he was renting a nice suite in the hotel, a big king-sized bed. Daddy said, “Spend all day at the park, getting hard watching little beauties run around, then we all get into bed and fuck our little princesses.” Of course Dave said yes.
My 11th birthday was wild but it wasn’t what I expected. The four of us traveled there together. On the way, I had the worst pain in my belly and didn’t know what it was. I kept trying to ignore it because I wanted this whole birthday party fuck fest to be the most enjoyable thing ever. Eventually, I felt something between my legs. I asked Riley to go to the bathroom with me and it was exactly what I suspected, I was having my first period. Riley was very good about the whole thing and said it was no big deal. She got me some tampons from the dispenser in the bathroom and showed me what to do, even though I already knew from reading about them before. But I was still very upset and crying about it. It was my birthday and we’d planned this whole thing and here I was on my stupid period. Riley hugged me, like a good friend, and told me it was all right. “Just have him fuck you in the ass. It’s no big deal.”
I looked at Riley confused. I knew anal was a thing, I’d seen it all the time in the kiddie porn my Daddy watched, I just didn’t think it was something I would do. It didn’t really look that comfortable. Riley said “Sure it feels a lot different, still fun. And if you rub your clit during it, oh man, you cum really good. And a good orgasm really helps with those cramps.” I was still thinking it over, not sure what to think, sitting on the bathroom counter with my shorts and panties on the floor, staring at that string hanging out of my pussy.
Suddenly, Riley leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. Not just a little peck either, she was kissing with passion. Her tongue was playing at my lips like it was asking to be invited inside and I let it. She stopped for a moment and said “Trust me, Becky.” She was kissing me again and I felt her hand between my legs, rubbing at my clit and it felt so fucking good. She knew what she was doing, of course. Girls know pussy better than guys and Riley really knew how to rub at my clit just the right way. I couldn’t believe it, I was making out with my best friend as she rubbed me, doing such a good job of making me cum. She’d been my best friend since 3rd grade and now we were doing this. It felt fucking crazy as we were kissing and she put all that good pressure on my clit. Soon I was cumming and it was intense. I pulled away from the kiss and was holding onto Riley’s wrists with both hands panting “stop stop.” Riley took her hand away and smiled at me She said, “There, don’t you feel better.” And she was right, I did, those cramps I was feeling earlier felt totally gone. Riley is such a good friend.
I threw away the bloody panties. As I was putting my shorts back on Riley said to me “I’ll tell your Dad to buy some lube. We’ll still have a good time.” We got back to the guys and I snuggled right up with Dave. He put his hand on my ass, squeezed gently, and kissed me on the forehead. “My little birthday girl,” he said. Riley sat on my Dad’s lap, kissed him and then whispered something in his ear. Probably about the lube because Daddy looked at me and said “Don’t worry, Becks, everything is fine.”
Disney World was fun of course. It’d been my birthday trip every year since as long as I could remember. Of course, this was the first time I went with a boyfriend who had his arm around me so lovingly the whole time. When we’d go on rides together he would have his hands all over me but when he’d be caressing my thighs and moving towards my pussy I’d push his hands away. He’d just laugh and say “Oh you little tease, you’re just making me wait till tonight.” I’d giggle and kiss him let him believe that. It’s not that I didn’t want to get fingered on Space Mountain, that would have been wild. I just didn’t want to admit that I was on my period.
We got back to the hotel at night. Riley and I started to undress as we watched our men take some shots of whiskey, high-fiving each other and getting hyped about what was to come. They laid down on the bed as Riley started to get on top of Daddy. I stood naked next to the bed and that’s when Dave noticed the little tampon sting hanging from my pussy. “What’s this?” he asked. I had to explain to him that I had started my period, my first period. My Daddy had one hand on Riley’s head as she was sucking his cock and he used the other hand to reach into the table next to the bed. He took out a bottle of lube and tossed it towards Dave. “Go ahead and fuck her ass.” Dave caught the bottle and looked at me as I smiled and nodded.
I got onto the bed on my back and put my legs up. Leaning back, I held my ankles in my hands, giving him good access to my little asshole. He squirted some lube on his fingers and started rubbing it all over my hole and it felt great. He had one finger going in and out as he looked down at me, making sure I was okay, then he added another finger and I was moaning, I knew I was going to like this. As he fingered my asshole with one hand he rubbed lube on his hard cock with the other. He got on top of me, rubbing his cock up and down my ass, and asked “Are you ready for this?” I nodded and moaned, moving to help him more. It took a moment as he squeezed the head of his cock into my asshole, moaning out loud “That’s tighter than your pussy, Becky.” As he started to put more in and I could see how much he enjoyed it I realized it didn’t really hurt, not as much as I was afraid I would. I realized that if I kept my ass relaxed it made things easier. It felt different than getting my pussy fucked.
Dave was sliding his cock out of my ass and moaning even more than I was. I looked over at my Daddy and Riley. She was on her back and he was on top of her, pounding into her savagely. Riley and I made eye contact for a moment and then quickly turned her head and moaned out “fuck, I’m cumming!” I looked back at Dave who was fucking my ass and he was sweating. I could tell he was gonna shoot soon and I wanted to cum too. I started rubbing at my clit and bringing myself to orgasm. I saw Dave tense up as he pounded into me one last time.. He was cumming, filling my ass with his load. I kept rubbing at my clit and came as well, my whole body tense with pleasure. Dave was lightly tapping my butt and saying “Come on, Becky, let me out,” and I realized I was cumming and squeezing so hard I’d trapped his dick in my asshole.
Riley and I lay in bed together as our men got up and took a few more shots of whiskey. Riley said to me “See, I told you assfucking was fun. What did you think?” I rubbed at my ass, feeling Dave’s cum, and said “It was great.” The men came back to the bed and my Daddy looked down at me and said “I’ve never had your ass before, Becks, and that looked fucking hot. Mind if your Daddy gives it a shot?” I smiled and got up on my hands and knees, offering my ass to Daddy, and said “I’d love it.”
Daddy put some more lube on my asshole even though it really wasn’t needed since I was already lubed up and dripping with Dave’s cum. Daddy got behind me and his thick cock slipped in pretty easily. I felt so full as Daddy started going in and out, both his hands on my hips. I was moaning and loving this as I heard my Daddy say “Hey, Riley, go ahead and get your head between her legs. Riley moved on the bed, on her back with her head between where my body and Daddy’s were joined. I couldn’t quite see what was going on but felt her face there and knew that she was sucking at his balls.
Daddy put his hand on my pussy, looking down he said “Riley do you know what red winds are?” I felt him pull the tampon out of my pussy and heard the faint splat as he tossed it onto the bedside table. “Go ahead and eat Becks out.” She did and OMG it was fucking crazy. I had my Dad pounding my ass and my best friend’s tongue in my pussy. I couldn’t stop the powerful orgasms from coming one right after the other. I know I squirted at least once all over Riley’s face, I totally felt that. I heard Daddy shout “I’m cumming Becks,” as he held me close and I felt that warmth within me.
I collapsed down onto the bed and rolled onto my back, feeling more than satisfied. Riley looked at me, my blood all over her face as she said “That was crazy!” She crawled on top of me and started kissing me, my menstrual blood smeared all over our faces. My Daddy looked at us and laughed “Okay, girls. Let’s shower up and get ready for bed.” I showered with Dave and after we got all clean I got on my knees and sucked him off, letting him cum in my mouth. I don’t know what my Daddy and Riley did when they showered together but I was pretty sure I heard her shout “My ass” at one point.
And that was how my 11th birthday went. We were at Disney World for three days, seeing the park and then fucking like crazy at the hotel every night. I hope you like this part. Next time I’ll talk about that summer before I started middle school and how we learned about what was going on with my friend Samantha and her Stepdad. Leave a comment, and let me know what you think. Maybe chat me up. Till next time. Kisses!
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By Slutty Becky
#Group #Lesbian #Mature #Tween