My sexual awakening –

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#Gay #Incest #Teen #Tween

By Phil meup

For me it started at about 10. A neighbour boy touched me one day. He was only a year older than me at the time. I remember feeling it was nice as his hand crept inside my shorts and he softly fiddled with my tiny cock and balls. If memory serves I returned the favour and after a while we finished playing and went our separate ways. He was definitely more feminine than me and eventually came out as gay when he left our small village at the age of 19. I remember not really feeling the need to tell anyone about what had happened between us. It didn’t seem wrong and I didn’t feel abused. I just felt I had enjoyed the sensation because at that young age I knew nothing about sex other than innocent flashing in a joking way to girls at the infant school, who were only to happy to return the favour until a lunch lady caught us and told us to ” stop being naughty”.

Anyway next morning I walked down my path to see my friend a few yards away standing at his front garden gate, I know imagine waiting to see if I’d come out to play. Now I won’t spend all day setting the scene suffice as to say it was the mid 70s in England and it was a very different time. So long as your parents knew where you were, or who you were with, you pretty much had free range to wander off. We’d always be playing in the adjacent school fields or amongst the many trees that divided the schools. So long as you were within shouting range of your parents, you were set, and as long as you came home when the street lights were on, that’s was fine, I digress.

We jumped the fence and headed round the back of the school hall. I don’t even think we talked about the previous day, before his hands were back in my shorts! I do recall telling him why didn’t we go behind this massive bush at the back of the hall so we did. I remember we both pulled down each others shorts and were fondling each other. Both of us saying nothing as we caressed each others privates. Not knowing why but loving the feeling and it didn’t feel wrong.
I was raised in a very prudish household bu an ice queen mother. Sex was a taboo subject, I was 8 years older than my next sibling, yet between the 5 of them there was only 2 years so when I got older it was obvious to me I was a mistake.

I began to look forward to seeing my friend on a daily basis and soon the fondling also included kissing as we discovered our bodies. This continued for years and we sound literally have daily experiences in some way shape or form. At the age of ten I managed to penetrate his ass for the first time and our drive orgasms we’d have dry humping and masturbating each other, culminated in me cumming first up his asx and leaving a load of cum in him and then a few months later, he returned the favour by depositing his first proper orgasm over my stomach. I still remember how it felt as my naked body sat up. ( we were naked fucking in a nearby corner field on hot summers day) and i remember his warm cum dripping down my flat stomach and dripping all over my cock and balls.

He then definitely became the girlfriend in the relationship and was always happy to suck my cock at any given opportunity and who was I to stop him. Even bu this stage, I’d have been about 11 by then I had had relationships with female girlfriends and had fingered and kissed several girls and had enjoyed those experiences too. However I always gravitated back to him as he never refused and was always happy to do whatever I wanted him to do to me or let me do to him. As I said he was happy to suck my young cock and swallow, I do recall one time feeling obliged after I had made him cum to return the favour but didn’t like the taste of his cum residue, it seemed bitter to me so I stopped sucking and as I said he wasn’t bothered so I rarely sucked him again and never took a load in my mouth.
He was definitely destined to be gay and at the age of about 11 or 12 I recall him introducing me to a much older gentlemen who had allegedly chatted to him one day as he walked past his house and offered him some apples from his tree. My friend told me about the gentleman and said we should visit him. It was only about ten minutes walk, I remember we knocked the door, an old grey haired man older than my father, I’d have to say late 60s appeared and said to my friend the apples were in his garage. Opening the door I remember going in, it was probably late summer or early autumn and I do recall it was chilly. He asked me and my friend if we were cold? He then told us that when he was in an all boys school, before he became a teacher that he’d been caned and it was a good way to warm you up!

I just remember thinking “weirdo” took some apples and left. It was only many years later I look back and for some weird reason I have certain regrets. Now briefly again, I came from a very small town, if you could even call it that. I never considered myself gay, like I said I was 11 or 12 by now, all I knew was that I liked the sensation and the thrill of the sexual adventures with my male friend and girls I had played with in various ways. If there were such people as peadophiles we were just told to stay away from that person as they were odd! Never a proper reason, just to keep away. Well had i been told specifically, maybe each morning when I delivered papers at 7am I might have been more concerned when nearly every single morning, at the same house at the same time, as I delivered papers to house, some guy I’d say probably in his 40s would always pull his curtains back at exactly the same time as I walked up his path and his robe would be wide open exposing his cock to me. I had been warned by the previous paperboy when I took his round over but we just laughed it off and never put any sexual undertones to it.
I do now look back and think my friend was lying, I do wonder if when he’d spoke to the old man before if anything had happened and he was to scared to tell me? I wonder if the old man had asked him of he knew anyone else who might like his “apples’ i look back now and wonder had he maybe offered more than apples, what may have happened? We were skint kids with little pocket money. Had to offer to mow his lawn for a couple of pounds enticed us into his house? What if then something had happened that had made the situation more plain to a somewhat nieve 11 year old?
Had he accidently walked in naked or asked what we may have been willing to do in exchange for money, how much would have brought our silence? Looking back now, as silly as it may sound, I feel it could I’d have gone back and knocked on his door om my own. I think the inquisitive nature of my sexual being may have tempted me well enough so had he asked me anything sexual such as did I have a girlfriend or had I don’t anything sexual such as masturbating, a
The inquisitive sexual mind I obviously had from a young age, may well have said, yes, had he offered me to the chance to touch him or to be touched. I certainly wouldn’t have rushed off to tell anyone had he not been rough or forced himself onto me. In my mind looking back at my age, knowing what I know now, he was definitely as people would say most likely a peadophile and I am sure had it been made clearer to me what his intentions were towards me, I don’t think I would have seen it as abuse and I don’t think if could have the time over again, anything I wouldn’t have let him do to me sexually or anything sexually had he asked I wouldn’t have done it return to him. I had only ever been fucked up the ass by my friend once and I recall I enjoyed the sensation of his cum dripping into my underwear as we walked home but he was 99.9% a bottom and had only fucked my ass in revenge as the fact I’d fucked his ass and came in it the weekend before even though he’d told me not to cum in him.
So other than the odd dalliance with other girls on occasion over the next 3 years I continued to fuck my friend on an at least twice weekly basis due to the dynamic of our friendship.
I always felt his mother had wanted him to be a girl so she let his hair grow longer than the boys, he was definitely more comfortable around girls and didn’t engage in the other sports and rough sand tumble activities or males our age. As we became teens,the fucking wasn’t as frequent as my other male friends always wanted to do manly activities and wondered why i talked to that poof or home. I just said I had known him all my life and I was sure he wasn’t gay as he had lots of “girl friends”. However we’d still manage to either sneak off or if one of our families were out, sneak over to the others home for some sort of sexual fun, nine times out of ten that usually meant me fucking and cumming up his ass then him blowing me or getting a facial.
As I got older by about 14 I had lost my virginity to two local flags, purely by accident, they were both rough as fuck and not the type of girl you’d take home to meet your parents. They were 16 or 17, one from a strict Catholic household and was right off the rails thanks to her stepmother. The other was dragged up and I know for a fact had been fucked by pretty much anyone including her own brother. I had bumped into them down a quiet lane and they were sort of teasing me about sex and were egging each other on asking me various things I had done. Had a kissed a girl? Had i touched a girl? Seen a girl naked? I said i had kissed girls, seen them naked, fingered a few so they asked me had i ever French kissed a girl? I said i had so they told me to prove it. We started kissing when all of a sudden I heard a car door slam and my mother yelling at me to get home immediately. I didn’t want to but however I left and was bundled into the car and driven the short drive home. Once inside my mother yelled at me, asking what did I think I was doing with those two girls? I said nothing and typically rather than give me a specific reason as to why I should stay away, all I was told was to stay away from girls like them! Just to get her to shut up i promised I would and immediately ran round the corner to bump into them going into a blaock or garages families could rent.
Pulling the first open garage door we could find down to obscure anyone view should they pass, we continued with the making out and soon there were tongues from both girls going into my mouth. Again I look back and it occurs to me that though these girls were neither overly attractive this made little odds to me as again the sexual demon on one shoulder was shouting louder than the sexual angel on my other shoulder lol. Soon hands and fingers were getting involved and again being agged on I was asked if I was a virgin? I don’t recall even responding before one girl dared the other to bend over and as fast as she pulled her panties round her knees my rock hard cock was in her and with know idea of time I had cum inside her pussy. A brief bout of inane small talk and no more that 20 minutes later, not wanting to miss out the other one did the same and as fast as her panties got to her knees she got the same treatment and cum filled pussy as her friend. Then it was literally a case of well that was fun and as fast as it started,having had their fun with me I returned home and promised my mother I had kept clear of those “sort of girls”
So now I was splitting my time between my long term male friend and whatever mischief I could get up to with whatever girl I could get away with doing whatever she’d let me do to her.
What made me think i wasn’t particularly into boy was when at the age of about 14, 15 at most, a boy a couple of doors away maybe 11 or 12 at the most wandered by the school as I was sat under a huge tree round about dusk. I had known his family all my life as most families had moved onto the estate about 15 years previous. We chatted and all of a sudden he started taking a piss. An absolutely massive stream of piss appeared from the side of the tree like someone was firing a water pistol. I laughed and asked what was going on? He explained he was pissing and it was like that due to the fact he needed to be circumcised due to having a very tight foreskin! I remember just saying wow, that’s mad, when out of nowhere he asked if I’d like to see it? I just said sure whatever and he sat down to my right. I recall it was about the same size as mine at his age, probably about 3 inches and he was trying to pull the foreskin back to show me the issue. I remember feeling light headed at the situation as I just assumed to him he was just niece and thought the whole situation was amusing! I don’t recall if I did touch it initially as he kept pulling his foreskin back , I remember not wanting him to put it away as I recalled all those memories I had had with my friend growing up so I too what I now realise was a massive risk and asked of he’d let me suck his cock? He don’t actually recall him saying ok or yes he’d like to before my head was in his lap and bobbing up and down as I felt him stuffed in my mouth. I carried on for a while until I heard his dad call his name to get home so he quickly did up his trousers and left. I recall telling him to not tell as we’d grt into trouble and thankfully he never did, but that was the one and only time I ever instigated with another male.
Around that time I got a job in a restaurant waiting tables, apart from a paper round jobs were sparse and this one paid a small wage plus tips. The only issue was as far as any of my friends could see was that the owners were a gay couple and in a small by now town in the early 80s that was still frowned on.
My friend had gotten a job there and had promised me if there were anymore he’d put a word in. A few months went by and if I saw him we’d chat and he told me about the gays and how they’d have other gay friends over. Shortly after he quit and told me he was under a sink when one of the gay couples friends stood next to him and started fiddling with my friends hair. Hes gotten angry and asked what the hell he thought he was playing at and had basically quit.
Now for no other reason I soon saw a job vacancy in the window and was offered the position of new waiter. Now I obviously have a gay friend and have met other gay and bi men and have heard them talk about gaydar! However I have never been openly hit on and that was only recently when I visited a gay bar to watch a friends drag act. Again I digress, the owner were nice and very professional and ran a tight ship. After a few weeks I settled in and was earning good money compared to my other friends. At the end of our shift we’d tidy up and chat and nothing ever happened, there were no visits from this friend ( well not on my shifts) and the two gay owners in their 30s I’d say we’re hardly flaming or particularly out there. No apart from my friend, I am sure there were other gays hidden in plain site but again, years later, I look back and think, what if I had been working on that evening when the gay friend, fungered my friends hair? He was 100″ straight so why try it on with him? Why was i supposedly jealous? Was i that short of attention? In my mind had he tried it with me, and again remember we were 14 and he was again in his 30s most likely? What a risk? Had they banned him from the restaurant incase of a scandal in our small town? All that was in my mind was had I been on the end of his intention, how would I have reacted? When he told me what he’d done to him part of me started to hope would I be next perhaps? What if he came back or one of the owners had picked up something about me? As we washed up in the end of the shift, part of me wanted to be talked to suggestively or sexually in some innocent probing way? Had i been under that sink and the friend fingerex my hair, would I have reacted in a way to let him know I was ok with it? I had masturbated to a scenario where I looked up and he unzipped himself revealing a large hard cock for me to actually get to suck. I had wanted to try to learn to suck my friends more but as I said he never wanted me to. I imagined my mouth classed onto his large adult cock and him placing his hand on my head as he pushed into my mouth teaching me what a man wants and how to have a boy suck him off? Its still on my bucket list even though I don’t think I am even really bi. It just goes back to being my first sexual experience and regardless of how it happened I never felt abused, it just seemed organic and natural and I don’t regret a single adventure.
In my other fantasy as I am being slowly face fucked by the gay couples friend, I look up to see them both arm watching their friend pushing into my mouth. He smiles and tells them he was right when he told them he thought I might like some cock fun! They laugh and agree his gaydar was spot on and did i have any objections to them joining in? I tell them know and soon I am on my knees with 3 hard cocks in front of me as I take it in turns to hold their balls as I suck them all until eventually I stick my tongue out and jerk them all off and swallow their warm loads. I then pick up the phone and call my house. I lie to my parents I al staying at a friends and hang up. They look confused until I tell them I want to stay at their apartment above the flat and the 3 of them can use my 14 year old body in anyway they see fit too. I’m this piece of meat they pass between themselves ejaculating repeatedly in my ass as they take turns using me all night until we collapse into a naked pile of flesh and sweat. But alas it was not to be. Those are the only two “what if” gay experiences I wish had happened, I don’t think they’d have tipped a scale and convinced me i was supposed to be gay. I have always believed if your born gay you will be gay regardless of how long you choose to fight it for whatever reason. I did after many years of losing touch meet my first lover again and he was suprised when I asked him to suck my dick for old times sake. Once he realised I was serious he did and we resumed fucking for a while. He’d assumed I was straight as I had married someone. I explained I would always be attracted to the thrill of him as he was my first and had ignited whatever feelings in me for whatever reason that happened. I could just have easily ran into the house screaming he’d touched me and fuck knows how mine or his parents would have reacted. But for whatever reason I didn’t and I am so glad I never did. I am not saying it shaped me into who I am today. Things happen for a reason and it’s taken me 50 plus years to be happy in my skin. Do I think I am gay? No, not even bi. I think like a lot of people on this site, I liked what happened to me and i became interested in sex younger than most but equally having talked to numerous men and women about their childhood experiences I feel I am not alone. Like any addiction you enjoy it may or may not become a problem. I loved the rush, the adrenaline, the naughtiness of it all when as a teenager I understood more that the feelings I was having weren’t normal in a straight laced mid 80s country where poofs and homos were frowned on. Like I said have never even thought of myself as bi and and grateful I was never caught doing something that was frowned on back then, the repercussions would have been hellish. I do still get urges for male company, not enough to get me tempted to act on them to any real point, however who knows? Never say never, one day part of me still hopes if an attraction or circumstance presents itself , would I act in it? Would I get to be fucked and cum in again? Would I learn to suck cock properly and swallow a load of a mans cum? Part of me still hopes so
So anyway, if you have read this and it has made some sort of sense to you then thanks.
I am not looking to get critiqued as I am no wordsmith.
What I am is a horny male who may have had a few lines of coke who’s been reading lots of these stories and comments for a few weeks and decided I needed to write this for myself. I love hearing about people’s experiences growing up, I have rarely met anyone who thinks they were a victim of abuse. Men or women I love talking about our lives and how it’s shaped us into the people we are today. If I could go back and relive it all I would in a heartbeat, the only changes I’d make is I wish I hadn’t missed out on the 2 opportunities I wish I hadn’t missed or could have perhaps instigated.

Here is my session


Feel free to message, however, I have put my session before and certain people seem to ignore it when I say.
NO Pedo shit. I am not interested in some guys asking me if I had CP or so I want any? I want to talk to people who had my sort of experiences growing up. Nothing else.
Hope you enjoyed it and understand why I posted it, we can’t help who we were or the experiences that happened to us.

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By Phil meup
#Gay #Incest #Teen #Tween

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse