My Neighbor Vicki Pt. 01 – Mature

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When I left home for college 8 years ago, I never expected to return for longer than a summer break or a holiday together. My mom had passed away while I was in high school, and my relationship with my dad was challenging, at best, and I never felt like the house I grew up in was my ‘home’ anymore after my dad started dating again, and introducing a revolving door of drinking buddies turned lovers into my life, none being able to tolerate him more than a month or two.

My dad died suddenly from a heart attack earlier in the year, and I was left the responsibility of sorting through his affairs — and the many things he didn’t address after my mom died — so I went on temporary leave from my job and moved back into the house I had left, vowing never to return to again.

I lived a hermit’s existence the first couple weeks back; my dad was a bit of a hoarder, and just sorting through piles of junk to feel like I had the space to think and live was a challenge. But the more I discarded, the clearer I felt in my head to tackle the really challenging parts ahead for me.

My dad was very popular with his friends and neighbors, and I had a couple open houses to let them come in and take away anything of his they would find meaningful; my sister and I had taken the few things we wanted, and I coordinated with his current girlfriend — whom he had been with a few years now — to collect anything she wanted. But that still left a lot, and as the spring turned into an early summer, I quit my job fulltime after deciding I needed more time to sort through everything.

I didn’t have much of a social life in this period; I had a couple friends from high school still in town, but I spent a lot of nights home alone, smoking pot and drinking a little too much. On this Friday in mid-May, it was warm and a little humid, so I was comfortable sitting out on the back porch in just a t-shirt and soccer shorts, enjoying a cold beer and a freshly packed bowl when the back porch light of the neighbor, Vicki, flicked on.

Vicki moved in a year or two before my mom passed away, and she and my dad loved to sit outside on either’s patio drinking beer and telling stories. My dad knew everyone in our city it felt like, and it just so happened they knew a lot of the same people since she was an accountant for a large union he sometimes did work for.

I had a crush on Vicki from the first time I met her, helping her move in boxes from the truck when she moved in. She was younger than my parents, but ironically had children who were older; she moved in with two sons following her divorce, but both had moved out by now. She was much shorter than my 6′ height, and was chubby with an amazing set of large breasts that I jerked off thinking about for years. She played college softball and maintained muscular legs despite her round stomach. She had a pretty face and maintained short hair that was dishwater blond like mine.

“Hey Tommy,” she called over to me from across the 4′ chain-linked fence that offered no privacy to either yard. She let her little dog Winston out with her, and let the screen door slam shut behind her. I noticed she had a drink in one hand a pack of cigarettes in the other.

“Hey Vicki,” I replied, waving over to her. “What are you up to tonight?” I asked.

She walked over to the fence and leaned against it, flashing a bit of her cleavage in my direction. Similar to me, she was wearing a simple v-neck shirt and shorts combination.

“Oh, just watching the Cardinals game, ” she replied, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. “Winston was whining at the back door to come out, so I thought I’d come out too and grab a smoke. He must have heard you out here which is what got him so excited,” she finished, exhaling her smoke into my direction.

“Aww, sorry about that, buddy” I replied to the dog, who was now sniffing at the fence line at Vicki’s feet. “What’s going on in the game?” I asked Vicki, honestly, not really caring what was going on in a mid-May baseball game.

“Eh, it’s still scoreless, bottom of the 2nd,” she replied, taking another long drag of her cigarette. “You’re free to come over and watch it with me, if you want some company tonight.”

And I did want some company, so I agreed to her offer and gathered my items to take them back inside while she finished her cigarette. I grabbed a couple extra beers out of the fridge, and left through the front door and crossed the few steps over to Vicki’s yard. She met me at the door, and opened the screen door and gave me just enough space to squeeze past her, but not enough to prevent me from brushing my left arm against her breasts. It was the first time I’d even accidentally touched her breasts, and I started getting a little hard as I thought about the contact.

“I grabbed a couple beers,” I said, offering her one which she happily took. She offered me a seat on the couch as she flopped into a recliner and cracked open her beer, informing me the bottom of the 2nd had just ended.

We spent the next hour or so more engaged in conversation than the ballgame. Vicki had a lot of questions on how things were going with clean-up, and what my plans were for the house, in addition to the general chatter about what I was doing in Chicago before moving back home, what I might do next. Twice I got up to replace our beers, and on the third trip, Vicki announced she would join me and pip outside to have a smoke. I replied that I could also use a smoke break, and stepped onto the back patio with her. She was confused as I’d never been a smoker before, but gave a nod of understanding as I pulled the marijuana bowl out of its satchel and put the mouthpiece to my lips. I offered it to her, but she waved me off, and I took her hit for her.

“So are you dating anyone?” she inquired, taking a long drag off her cigarette just as I was exhaling my second hit.

“No,” I replied, choking a little bit. “I broke up with my college girlfriend about a year ago; I’ve been seeing this woman casually but she’s married, and it’s all a little complicated especially with me down here now.”

“Married?” she asked, inquisitively.

“Yeah…it’s a long story,” I lied, it wasn’t really that long of a story. “She and her husband are basically roommates now and live separate lives; we’ve been fucking for a couple months, honestly it’s been pretty great for me. I really like her, but, she’s married so…” I trailed off.

“Well then maybe some time and space will be good for you, help you get your head on straight and figure out what you really want.”

“Yeah,” I responded, taking yet another hit. “I fell for her pretty hard, to be honest with you. And she’s easily the best I’ve ever had in bed. I realllly wish she wants married,” I concluded, stressing the really part.

Vicki just kind of looked at me with a little sadness, and reached out to touch my arm which she started to stroke lightly. I turned to give her a reassuring smile which caused her had to slip off my arm onto my chest which she stroked a couple times while bringing the cigarette up to her lips and taking one final drag before stepping around me to put it out in an ashtray on the table.

Something about the way she was smoking, and the way she was looking at me, that started to arouse me. I felt her walking behind me, then her hands on my hips as she scooted me forward a step or two so she could squeeze behind me. Then she was standing in front of me again, looking into my eyes, taking both of my hands in hers.

I was struggling to maintain my composure between the beer, the weed and my increasing desires. I held her stare as she ran her thumbs across the tops of my hands, but from the peripheral of my vision I could see her amazing cleavage, so I broke our eye contact to quickly steal a peak, which she obviously caught me doing.

“Like what you see?” she asked in a sultry voice, causing me to quickly raise my eyes back to hers. I was tongue tied and couldn’t respond.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” she asked more jokingly now, finishing the question with a laugh while letting go of my hands. “Finish your smoke and we’ll go back inside” she said, turning around to grab her beer and taking a swig from it.

“I think I’m good on that for now,” I replied, “we can go back inside if you want.”

“Sure,” she replied, turning around and leading me back into the house with Winston trailing in third.

“Grab us another drink while I visit the ladies’ room” she said over her shoulder as she walked through the kitchen and down the hallway towards her bedroom. I opened the fridge and fished out two more beers, then retook my seat on the couch as the top of the 6th inning was ending. I set Vicki’s beer on the end table between the couch and her recliner, and sat back and adjusted my growing hard-on within my shorts.

After the second batter of the bottom half of the inning popped out, I started to get a little worried and walked down the hallway towards Vicki’s room. I gave a light couple taps on the door with my knuckle and called out to see if she was ok.

Without a verbal response, she flung open the door and all attempts I made to conceal my erection were wasted because she had changed into a silk, pink nightgown that featured a plunging neckline that offered up her ample breasts to my view and ended in a cute skirt just below her waist. It took all the control I had not to grab her breasts in my hands, but she crossed that divide for me as she leaned in close and whispered into my right ear, “Do you want to watch the game or come in here and hit a home run?” she asked me confidently whilst reaching out to grasp my hard cock through my shorts.

“Mmm, I think I know what you want to do,” she continued, before moving her lips over to meet mine. She locked her hands over my head as we shared an intense, passionate kiss, our tongues engaged in a playful dance as my hands found her back, and then her barely covered ass. As I kneaded her ass cheeks in my hands, I could tell she was pantiless under her nightgown. I was lost in the intoxication of our kiss, her smokey, boozy breath turning me on more and more as the kiss continued.

She broke for air and pulled me into her bedroom by my hands, then quickly pulled at the hem of my t-shirt, removing it over my head. She brought both of her hands to my chest then leaned in to initiate another kiss which I met with full gusto, grabbing her ass cheeks in my hands to pull her close to me. She let out a little yelp of excitement as I spanked her ass, and tugged at the back of my head, indicating she wanted to move to the bed where we resumed our kissing.

Immediately, my right hand found her ample breasts which I began to knead and squeeze, one breast than the other. Each was more than a handful, and I was lost in the trance of our passionate kissing and the wonders of her large, soft breasts. She was getting turned on by my molesting, squirming underneath me as my right hand left her breasts and traveled over her ample stomach down to her sex which I grabbed and cupped in my hand. I could feel the heat radiating from it as I used two fingers to slowly start rubbing around her barely concealed opening, slightly pushing the fabric away to feel how wet she was becoming.

I moved my hand back up to her breasts, then broke off our kiss, her lips searching mine out in response. I moved up to me knees and asked her to sit up, and as she did, I released the thin straps of her nightgown to expose her breasts to my view. I had never been harder than when her full, naked breasts were exposed to me for the first time. The subject of many of my fantasies, and now I had both hands on them, cupping them together to bring my mouth down to them and start kissing and sucking on them as my life depended on it. Vicki grabbed the back of my head to encourage my oral assault, then laid back down to get herself over fully to me. She reached out and grasped my hard cock through my shorts, squeezing it a few times for added effect.

“Wow, Tommy,” she said a little out of breath, “I need to see this cock of yours.”

I didn’t need any more of an invitation, this was my dream coming to reality. I stopped my worship of her breasts and stood up off the bed, standing off to the side as she rolled over to her side to watch me. I didn’t waste any time, but hooked my thumbs into my waistband and pulled off both shorts at the same time, flipping them up into my hands with my left foot and tossing them on the ground.

Before I could finish, Vicki had taken my cock in both of her hands and started pumping it up and down, from tip to base and back up again.

“Holy shit,” she said as she drew into a pumping rhythm, “your cock is amazing. So big and thick…” she added, trailing off.

“Yeah?” I asked her to confirm. I’m sure any guy would take a compliment to his penis size as a giant compliant to his ego. I couldn’t believe I was naked with this goddess I had fantasized about for so long, and now she was complimenting the size of my cock, too?

“Mmm hmm,” she replied, not taking her eyes off her hands and my cock. “It’s really thick. Women love a nice thick cock, and so long, too. It’s probably 7-8 inches long, even thicker than that…mmmm..” she continued before inching forward on the bed slightly and taking the tip of my cock into her warm mouth.

I was surprised I didn’t come immediately, but instead I tried to get more of me into her warm, wet mouth. She held onto the base to guide the tempo, but she quickly built up a quick rhythm up and down on my cock, sliding her tongue all over the sensitive head and underside. I did my best to stay standing but I found myself leaning against the side of the bed for support and grasping her head in my hands and we worked a steady pace together.

She took me out of her mouth and rolled over onto her stomach, not letting go of her grip on my cock. I reached out and grabbed her ass cheek, then gave it a powerful smack, before grabbing it again. She jumped a little at the smack, but asked me to repeat it which I did, a little harder this time. She let go of my cock and rose up onto all fours, as I rested my right knee on the bed and gave her ass another smack, two, three times, each a little harder than the last.

Her breath quickened into a light pant, and after the fifth smack I let her stay on all fours, her hips shifting backwards anticipating the next impact. But instead of smacking her ass with my right hand again, I snaked my left and grabbed hold of her left breast, let it trace down her hanging stomach and began to rub her pussy through the thin fabric. “Oh shit,” she let out as I vigorously rubbed her pussy a couple times before stopping on her clit, my fingers starting to press down hard against her button…as my right hand came up and then down again, smack, right on her ass cheek.

After a couple more smacks, I stood off the bed again and grabbed her left ankle, asking her to spin around onto her back. Before she was settled down again, I sank to my knees on the floor and brought my face right down into her pussy. Her scent was intoxicating, and I used my right hand to stroke my cock a few times as I started to plant kisses around her inner thighs and her pussy lips as they started to expose themselves around the thin material of her nightgown. I could smell her scent of excitement as I started to make full licks of the sensitive spot where he legs meet her pelvis, then kisses and nibbles over the top of sex, before using my left fingers to peel away the tiny fabric and bringing my mouth and tongue to her aroused sex.

As my mouth met her wet pussy, Vicki arched her back off the bed and brought her hands up to grasp her full breasts, most of my view blocked by her stomach. I had a focus now, a focus to make her come as quickly as I could.

Her vagina tasted amazing, and I continued my tongue’s dance inside her vagina. I began probing lower down her vagina, leaving her clitoral area completely to cool off, before once again repeating long, flat passes from her hole to her clit.

She was breathing heavily, and repeating my name over and over again in a passionate, moanful way, “Tommy…Tommy…fuuuuuck, Tommy”

All I wanted to do was pleasure her and make her come, to show her how much I wanted to be with her. I shortened my licks again and focused on the areas that got the most reaction from her, inching closer and closer until I was dialed in on her clit again, taking circular passes over the top as it presented itself fully to my assault. She grabbed my hair with both hands and held on tight as her orgasm washed over her. I had to reach up with my right arm and pin her to the bed to keep her from busting my jaw with her flailing hips.

And I didn’t stop licking her clit, either. Her orgasm carried on, longer and longer. Was it multiple orgasms from my continual licking or was it one prolonged orgasm? Does it really matter? I was pleasuring this woman – this woman I had dreamt about for years – and, as it turns out, I was hornier than I had ever been before.

As her orgasm crested and she returned to earth, she asked me to ease up and let her rest, so I started kissing above her vagina and sucking in the juices that wet her pubic hair. I reached my right hand forward and grabbed as much of her left breast in my hand as I could, as I started licking traces through her pubes and back down into the crease where her leg meets her pelvis area. Small kisses on her inner thigh, a little nibble here and there as she continues to groan and slide along the bed.

I adjusted and repositioned myself so I was laying off to her side, my right hand open to explore his stomach and breasts while I lightly brushed the hair away from her face with my right. She shifted and rolled slightly towards me and brought her lips up to meet mine.

We began a very slow, very passionate kiss. She was clearly still recuperating, and I wanted to prolong this moment for as long as I could, so I didn’t rush anything, and she was happy to comply. Our tongues explored each other’s mouths as I continued to massage and explore her torso and breasts with my left hand. Her repositioning meant I had much freer access to her breasts, and I continued a physical assault with my right hand. It was obvious she loved having her nipples played with so I broke off our kiss and brought my mouth down and sucked it into my mouth.

She oohed audibly while pulling me in closer, running her hand through my hair. “Ohhh, that’s it baby, I loooove have my nipples sucked” she encouraged, so I drew her right one into my mouth and sucked hard, trapping it in my teeth and pulling on it slightly.

“Ohhhhh, fuck, Tommy” she moaned while stretching her body out in response to the sensation. I trailed my hand lower and started running my fingers across her stomach, back down to her vagina.

She removed the remainder of her pink nightgown, finally exposing her naked body to my lustful eyes, my roaming hands and insatiable mouth. As we resumed our kiss, my right hand immediately trailed down to her vagina and I started working two fingers along her slit, then over her clit and back down again. After a few passes, I inserted my fingers inside of her and slowly finger fucked her a few stroked before cupping my fingers up and pressing against her g-spot before coming out and making long strokes along her vagina from open to clit.

I rotated my body to get my mouth closer to her vagina, using my fingers to spread her lips, and I reattached my tongue to her clit to help her to a second oral orgasm of the evening. This time she grabbed my cock from underneath as she rode a wave of pleasure.

She begged me in a panting breath to stop. I asked if she was sure, and she confirmed she was, so I gave her vagina a few more passing licks and sat up on my knees next to her breasts, my hard cock protruding lustily from my waste. She looked up at me, and emitted a large, satisfied exhale while adjusting her body to lay on her arm, extended above her head. We both looked down at the large erection protruding from my waist, and she looked up and smiled at me. I took my fluid-covered right hand first to my nose, and then inserted the two fingers into my mouth to enjoy the last bits of her off my body. She moaned in encouragement and started massaging my cock with her free hand.
