My Miserable Life Chapter 15B

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#Abuse #Cheating #Group #Rape #Tween 46 seconds ago

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By RoughLife Carlos and Janet’s affair gets discovered and bad things ensue.

The rest of class was uneventful and when we were dismissed for the day I headed to the parking lot. I figured it would be Linda picking me up but it was Maria waiting for me. She told me she had offered to pick me up because Linda had been busy; I thanked her and got in her car. Maria offered me a drink she said she had brought for me so I sipped it as we drove and she started talking to me. I got a little scared when she told me she knew what I had been doing with Carlos and that she wasn’t happy about it. I started feeling lightheaded as she told me that she knew it wasn’t my fault that her husband was a cheater but she couldn’t stand the idea of me stealing him. I tried to respond but my mouth wasn’t working and all I could do was mumble some sounds. Everything faded to black as Maria told me that she was sorry but she wouldn’t let me have Carlos.

I don’t know how long I was out for but I started waking up to a jostling feeling and realized someone was on top of me. I was able to open my eyes and saw the face of a man I didn’t know as he looked down on me. I got more of my senses back and understood the man was fucking me and I was on the ground in what looked like a barn. The man looked to be in his late fifties and I could feel his eight-inch dick swell up and start cumming in me, he quickly climbed off me. I looked around the barn and saw seven other men in their late fifties to early sixties all standing around me. The men were all naked and as I regained more of my senses I could start feeling how much my pussy hurt. I was able to move my head a little now and when I looked down and was shocked at the amount of cum pouring out of me and into a large puddle that had formed between my legs.

Between the amount of pain I felt between my legs and the large size of the puddle I knew I must have been getting fucked by many men over and over again. I started to cry as one of the naked men climbed on top of me and rammed his nine-inch dick into my now raw swollen pussy. While he jackhammered me, I noticed a few more men wonder into the barn and started begging them to stop. The man fucking me just covered my mouth with his hand and started fucking even harder. After this man came another man got on top of me and repeated the rough fucking the previous two had been doing. The pain finally got to be too much and everything faded to black again.

When I woke up again I could see from the openings in the barn that it was dark outside and now a boy who was about twelve was on top of me moaning as his six-inch dick emptied his nuts inside me. I looked down and started crying as the cum pouring out of me was now tinged pink and I knew I was bleeding inside. The boy looked scared at my crying and quickly left the barn. I was now alone and tried to sit up but realized my hands were tied and I was in incredible pain. I don’t know how long I had been laying there crying before an older woman wondered over and pulled me to my feet. I couldn’t stand so she pretty much drug me beside her out of the barn and to a little shack beside it.

My entire body was now hurting as she pulled me into the shack and placed me into an ancient looking tub full of hot water. There was something in the water that smelled nice and made my skin tingle as I soaked and tried to regain my composure. When I got to the point where I could speak again, I asked the woman where I was. She explained to me this was a commune for people that had rejected modern society and now lived off the land. She also explained that there were fifty-two men and boys in the commune and they had all fucked me multiple times today. I asked her how I had gotten here and she said Maria had sold me to them to use as a communal cum dump for all the men. She said I would be resting tonight and the men would be back at it again tomorrow and I started crying again.

The old woman pulled me from the bath when the water got cold and told me I shouldn’t waste my tears because it wouldn’t help. She said the men all needed a place to cum and I was as good a place as any. I begged her to please let me leave but she didn’t respond and instead just gave me a plate of cooked vegetables and told me to eat because I would need my strength for tomorrow. I held back my tears and ate the bland vegetables while the woman did busy work around the shack. I thought about running but when I tried to stand my legs gave out and I almost fell out of my chair. After I finished eating the woman started tying me up again and I continued to beg her to let me go. She just ignored me now and then drug me out to the barn.

I fell asleep in the barn still in a lot of pain and got woken up by an old man pulling my legs apart. The sun had just come up as the man roughly entered my sore pussy and I knew I was in for another day of torture. All fifty-two men and boys fucked me at least three times and some of the younger ones fucked me four or five times before the day was out. I was once again drug into the shack by the woman and cleaned up and fed before going back to the barn. This process repeated for almost a month before I was finally saved.

On the twenty sixth day of my being the communes cum dump instead of waking up to being fucked I awoke to the sound of gun fire. I heard shouting and screaming and wondered what new hells were being unleashed on my life. When someone burst into the barn I was relived instead of terrified, Monster saw me lying in the dirt and quickly pulled me up and held me like a baby. I could see tears in his eyes when he told me he was happy to see me. I started crying and hugged him as hard as my sore tied arms would allow. When Monster carried me from the barn, I was shocked to see the entire gang was here and that Jefferson and his gang was here also. All the men and women of the commune were gathered in a group down on their knees while the two gangs pointed guns at them.

Chainz approached Monster and I and asked if I was ok, I told him I was in pain but would live. He said he was glad to hear that, he then asked me what I wanted to do with the people of the commune. He said if I wanted, they could “take care” of them all now or they could just do that to the men and they could find black market buyers for the women. I said he should do what he felt was best with the woman but I was glad the men wouldn’t be around to do this to another girl. I realized the irony of being mad at the commune members but not the gangs that pretty much did the same thing. I saw Linda was there and started crying again as Monster handed me to her and she held me gently and kissed my forehead. She started carrying me away from the crowd and to her car when a little naked boy from the commune caught my eye. He was around ten years old and very skinny; he had long black hair and was covered in dirt. What caught my eye was that he was sporting a six-inch erection which looked ridiculous on such a young boney body. I got Chainz attention and asked him if I could keep the boy, and he said that was up to me. I asked Monster and he nodded and picked him up, an older woman started to say something, and Chainz back handed her and told her to shut up.

Linda put me in the back seat and Monster pushed the boy in beside me. When started driving away as I heard shouts and gunfire start up again, the boy tried to look back but I forced him not too. While Linda drove I asked her how they found me, she explained that Maria had played dumb about my disappearance at first but had gotten in a fight with Carlos and told him what happened. Carlos immediately told Monster and swore he came to him as soon as he found out. Linda explained that the gang now had Maria and would make her sorry for what she did. A part of me felt bad for Maria because I knew I had wronged her, but for the most part I was glad she would be gone.

When we got back to the trailer Carlos was outside and started crying when he saw me. He begged me to forgive him and he was sorry for what Maria did and he would spend his life trying to make it up to me. I told him I forgave him but for now I just needed rest and time to heal. Linda carried me into the house and sat me down on the toilet while she filled the tub with hot water and some soothing oils. She had the boy climb in with me and she gently scrubbed us both, I asked the boy his name but he just looked at me. I kept asking him questions but he never said anything, he would nod or shake his head at the appropriate times but never made a sound. I finally asked if he could speak and he shook his head no. Linda let out a little laugh and said “well he might be perfect, never talking back and always sporting a hard on.” I looked down to see he was rock hard and also laughed.

Linda dried us both off and helped me to my room, the boy followed behind us and climbed up onto the bed behind me. Linda put a soft heavy blanket on us and told us goodnight before turning off the light and shutting the door. I felt the boy cuddle up behind me and his hard on pressing against my ass as I fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later felling the boy pressing between my legs from behind while he gently kissed the back and sides of my neck. I was still very sore but he was so sweet I cocked my hips and let him enter me. He made a sound like a grunt and gently pushed in and out of me. I was still to soar to cum and I started to worry that I would be all stretched out after this last month of being gangbanged. It only took the boy a few minutes to cum and I was not only surprised he could cum but also by the sheer size of his load. He held me tight and kissed my neck one last time before we both fell asleep.

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By RoughLife #Abuse #Cheating #Group #Rape #Tween