My Horny Housewife Harem Pt. 09 – Erotic Couplings

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My Horny Housewife Harem

Part 9 of 16


Carlos was a shy, fearful virgin when he enrolled in college. Then he met an older woman who made him a man. She also gave him some good advice: instead of looking for romance with clueless girls his age, seek out married women in sexless marriages. His horny housewife harem taught him the ways of erotic love.

All 16 chapters of this tale have been written and will be posted just as quickly as the good folks at Literotica can review them. Here in Part 9, Carlos learns to enjoy sex in a tent.


Ellen and I thoroughly enjoyed our trip to New York. She took me to a lot of popular tourist stops during the day. At night we dressed up and visited fancy restaurants and clubs. It gave Ellen an opportunity to wear designer evening gowns that displayed more than they concealed. I liked sitting across the table from her in five-star restaurants, having fabulous meals while enjoying the view of her stunning cleavage. It inspired me to go back to our suite afterward and ravage her well-maintained body.

One of the nice things about the trip was that I’d never done anything like it before. A lot of the kids I grew up with enjoyed summer vacation trips with their parents. My Mama and I didn’t have the money for stuff like that. I spent my summers working as a stock boy at the grocery store where Mama was a cashier. It wasn’t until I graduated from college and got a six-figure job as a software engineer that I had enough money to think about travel.

Since I’m writing this journal as a way to help me resolve issues I’m exploring with my therapist, I should mention that I tend to ruminate over memories of my impoverished childhood. Those lean years made me hungry to become a success as an adult. It pushed me to get a degree, find a good job, and be a success. In retrospect, it was also part of the reason I worked so hard seducing horny housewives like Ellen.

Going to New York with her got me thinking I should arrange trips myself. My first thought was that I’d enjoy taking Rita somewhere nice. She’d treated me well since we began dating, and I wanted to repay her for her kindness. I did a little research on the websites devoted to travel, and pretty quickly I saw that Las Vegas looked like a nice tourist destination. I felt certain that Rita would enjoy sightseeing, concerts, and shows. She enjoyed wearing sexy clothes when we went on dates; I figured she’d like doing that in Las Vegas, and that I’d enjoy admiring her hot young body.

“Carlos, that kind of trip sounds expensive! I can’t let you spend that much money on me!” Rita said when I proposed the idea.

“It’s not expensive at all,” I replied. “The travel agencies sell all kinds of package deals that make trips to Vegas very affordable. Tourism is the foundation of the local economy, so the hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues put a lot of effort into finding ways to offer bargains that lure people to town. Their goal is to get people to the casinos, where suckers spend the most money. It’s not too costly to go to Las Vegas if you just stay out of the casinos. I have no interest in gambling anyway, so we could have a lot of fun at a very reasonable price.”

I managed to persuade Rita that it was a good idea. She didn’t make enough money to help pay for the trip, so I assured her that I’d cover all the costs. Something about that bothered her, so she came up with a way for us to go on enjoyable trips where she shared the expenses.

“Carlos, I’d love to go to Las Vegas with you,” she said. “Go ahead and book the trip. Just tell me when, and I’ll arrange to get time off work.

“But if you’d like to take some trips, I’ve got an idea for something that doesn’t take a lot of time to arrange, and it costs a lot less than a place like Las Vegas. Carlos, have you ever gone camping?”

I explained that my Mama and I didn’t have the time or money for vacations.

“My parents took me on trips all the time when I was growing up,” Rita said. “They loved camping. We made several small trips every year, and a big one every summer. We went to a lot of great places. Yellowstone. Yosemite. The Grand Canyon.

“When I was a kid I didn’t appreciate it much. I wanted to go to Disney World or some big amusement park. But when I grew up, I realized how wonderful those camping trips were. I would enjoy going again.”

Rita explained that it would be affordable because her parents would happily loan us camping equipment. “Mom asked me if I’m dating anyone, and I told her about you,” Rita said. “When she found out you are a college graduate with a good job, she was thrilled. Believe me, my folks will do anything they can to encourage this relationship. They’ll give us a load of first-class camping gear anytime we want.”

That sounded great. I didn’t know anything about camping, but Rita was an expert, and I was sure I’d enjoy going anywhere with her. We made plans to go to Las Vegas in a couple of months, but we also made reservations for the next week at a big state park that was a short drive north.

Like the nerd I am, I did some research about the park, and I was impressed with the beautiful pictures of the scenery. The images were taken by professional photographers, and they did a good job convincing me that I’d love to see all those amazing landscapes with my own eyes.

Those professional photos also made me realize that the amateur pictures I shot in New York were pretty lame in comparison. I came back from that trip with a lot of pictures that did a good job of reminding me where I went and what I did, but the images were pretty boring artistically. Poor composition. Lousy lighting. Very amateurish. Even the nude photos I took of Ellen were nothing like the work of professional erotic photographers. There wasn’t a single picture good enough to hang on my wall.

It made me wonder how pros took pictures that were so much better than mine, and that got me thinking about ways to take better photos when Rita and I went exploring the park’s beautiful scenic areas. Naturally, I wound up looking at websites that teach the fundamentals of photography in general, and landscape photography in particular. I got so enthusiastic that I decided to buy a fancy camera and learn how to use it.

I felt pretty excited about photography by the time we loaded my car with camping gear and made the trip to the park. Rita always wears sexy clothes when we’re together, favoring pretty dresses with short skirts and lots of cleavage. Her camping wardrobe was just as sexy, but it gave off a very different vibe. When I picked her up, Rita was wearing a pair of denim jeans cut so low you could see the sparkly little chain hanging from her cute little belly button, and cut so high they revealed the lower cheeks of her beautiful round butt.

She completed the ensemble with a revealing halter top and a pair of hiking boots. Rita looked like she’d make a good Campmate of the Month centerfold model for Field & Stream magazine. Every outfit she wore that weekend made her look smoking hot. She turned heads everywhere we went. I was proud to be her date.

Rita showed me how to register at the park, find our campsite, and set up our equipment. Her parents loaned us a five-man tent that was much larger than we needed. They also loaned us a queen-sized air mattress, an inflator pump that plugged into my car’s cigarette lighter, and two freshly washed sleeping bags. Rita showed me how you could open the bags up, zip them together, and create one big sleeping bag for two people.

“Have you ever spent the night in a sleeping bag?” Rita said, sitting in the middle of our bed.

“Never,” I said. “I never imagined you could be comfortable in a tent. I have to say, this looks pretty comfy.”

“The air mattress is the most important part,” she said. “If we tried to sleep without it, we’d feel every rock and tree root beneath the tent. The air mattress lifts us off the ground and insulates us from the cold.”

“Sounds great,” I said.

“Would you like to try it out?” Rita said. She reached behind her head, untied her halter, and bared her big, generous breasts. She keeps saying that someday I’ll get tired of playing with her boobs, but I can confirm it ain’t happened yet. I stumbled forward, got beside Rita on our bed, and used one hand to squeeze her breast.

“If we’re lucky it will rain all weekend,” Rita said, giving me that sultry look she always gets when we start to get intimate. “We’d be forced to spend all our time in this tent. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I’d love it. Love love love it,” I said, kissing her breast, then sucking the nipple between my lips. “This is a great tent. I want to spend lots of time sleeping in here.”

“You won’t do much sleeping,” Rita said, leaning in and giving me a hot, soulful kiss. “Get out of your clothes, Carlos. I need you naked.” It took more effort than usual for us to get undressed because we were both wearing big, clunky hiking boots that had to be unlaced before we could get them off our feet. When I finally got her out of her clothes, Rita was so aroused that we had to force ourselves to slow down and savor the moment.

I wrapped my arms around Rita, pulled her close, and pressed our nude bodies together. We began to kiss gently, but gradually we grew more passionate, and soon our lips were locked together. My cock was hard as oak by this time, and Rita began grinding her belly against me. There was something exciting about being in a tent surrounded by nature. The fresh air, sunshine, and sounds of wildlife were stimulating in a way that got our blood pumping. Everything made us feel more alive.

It seemed as though something had awoken our animal nature. “Thank you for suggesting we make this trip,” I whispered to Rita. “I’m going to love spending so much time with you. This weekend is going to be amazing.”

“I think what you’re doing right now is pretty amazing,” she replied softly. “You’ve got me excited, Carlos. My pussy is hot for your cock. I’m going to need a lot of cock this weekend. Promise me you’ll give me lots of your cock.”

“I give you my word,” I said, rolling Rita onto her back. Although I wanted to plunge my hard dick into her wet pussy, I knew that it would probably make me cum immediately. I usually jerk off before I see Rita. That helps me control myself when we have sex. But we got up early that morning, loaded my car, and drove two hours to the park. I hadn’t had an opportunity to masturbate.

I needed to make sure Rita got plenty of pleasure the first time we had sex in the tent, so I did the only thing that made sense. I began kissing her neck, then her boobs, and gradually went south so I could go down on her. I was determined to give Rita as many orgasms as she could stand this weekend, and we were going to get started on that agenda immediately.

Rita spread her legs and relaxed. “I love it when you do this,” she said as I began kissing her outer lips. “I love it when you eat me.”

“I’m pretty sure I love it more than you,” I said.

“I’m pretty sure you’re wrong about that,” she replied.

I took a moment to admire the moist pink flesh of Rita’s inner folds, and to enjoy how it looked framed by her pretty outer lips. She sighed when she felt my tongue push inside her passage, then sighed again when I gently licked her clit.

By this point in our relationship, I’d spent a lot of time eating Rita’s pussy, and I knew exactly how to excite her. I slipped a finger inside and massaged the rough patch of flesh that marked her G-spot. I’d had difficulty finding it the first time I looked because it was deeper than what I’d found with other women. But now I knew exactly where she wanted to be touched, and exactly how to touch her.

I’m sure there are many ways to arouse Rita with my tongue, but what I’d discovered is that I could get her to become excited gradually if I sucked and licked her clit for a while, stopped doing that while I massaged her G-spot, then went back and forth slowly as I listened for the sound of the moaning that told me when she was close. I sometimes imagined Rita’s body was like a musical instrument, and I was trying to play an especially delightful melody. It was a pleasant thing to think about as I tried to please her.

Since I’m keeping this journal at the request of my therapist, I guess I should mention that writing these words reminds me of the fact that I always felt obligated to give more attention to a woman’s pleasure than to pleasing myself. In retrospect, it might be due to the fact that my first sexual experiences were with women who made me feel so grateful that they were willing to have sex with me. For a long time, I didn’t feel very confident in myself, and I expressed that by putting my needs second. The married women who had sex with me often complained that their husbands were selfish lovers who didn’t do enough to satisfy their wives. For some reason, something about my troubled past created an obsession with being better than that.

It seemed that Rita’s orgasms were stronger if they took longer to build, so I repeatedly stopped stimulating her long enough for her to calm down. Keeping her right on the edge of having a climax took some skill, but I’d had a lot of practice. Rita usually let me know when she’d had enough foreplay, and she was ready for an orgasm.

“Carlos . . . make me cum . . . make me cum . . . I need you to make me cum, baby . . .” she finally said.

That’s what I want to hear, I thought to myself. It was time for me to suck her clit between my lips, lick it with my tongue, and massage her G-spot at the same time. Soon I felt Rita’s pussy clamp down on my fingers as her climax began.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . .” Rita moaned. Her orgasm went on and on. I enjoyed feeling her pussy throb as the contractions continued. Then, just as she was peaking, Rita began to squirt.

It didn’t look anything like the sex videos that show actresses spouting geysers of fluid that shoot across the room. I’ve had sex with a lot of very sexy women, and I’ve never seen anything like that in real life. With Rita, and most of the other women I’ve known, what happened was that a small amount of creamy white liquid came gushing out in little pulses. The milky fluid ran down her pussy, over her anus, and dripped down between the cheeks of her ass. It didn’t happen often. The women who experienced it with me claimed it was one of the most exquisite sensations they’d ever known.

After a long moment, Rita’s climax began to fade, and I felt her relax. “You made me squirt again, didn’t you? Didn’t you? I think I felt it,” Rita said.

“It looked very sexy,” I said softly. “I love it when you do that.”

“I’m glad it makes you happy. You can’t imagine how good that feels,” Rita said.

By this time my cock was so hard the head looked purple. It ached and throbbed. I took one last look at Rita’s pretty pussy, then began kissing her belly, her breasts, her neck, and finally her face. “You promised me you’d give me your cock,” she said. “You promised. Please, Carlos, keep your promise. Please give me your cock.”

This was the way sex often went for us. Rita knew I liked it when she begged me to fuck her. As time went by, she did it more and more. It inflamed my passion so much that it took a lot of willpower to keep things going slowly. Every fiber of my body wanted to plunge my cock balls-deep into Rita’s pussy and pound her until I came like Old Faithful.

Maria, the woman who took my virginity, told me that it’s easy to go too fast during sex, but that it’s difficult to go too slow. I’d worked hard having slow sex with my horny housewife harem, so I knew how to do it while I was on top of Rita.

“Give me more, baby. I want more,” she said. “Please, Carlos, don’t make me wait so long this time. My pussy is so hungry. It’s starving for your cock. Starving. Please, baby, feed me your cock.” Rita knew I loved it when she talked dirty, but she also knew it wouldn’t make a difference. Nothing she said could make me go faster. I knew exactly what it took to make her pussy happy, and I was not going to rush things just because she was begging.

She groaned when she felt me push the head of my cock inside her, and whimpered when I pulled it out. I did it again, and again, and again, and Rita rocked her hips to match my motion. She began moving wildly when I pushed halfway in, so I stopped and told her to calm down.

“Behave yourself, Rita. Stop. Be a good girl,” I said. “You know I’ll give you my cock soon. You have to be patient. Stop acting like a child. I promised I’d take care of your pussy. You know I always keep my promise.”

“It’s hard to be a good girl, baby,” Rita said. “It’s hard to be patient when you’re driving me so crazy. I love how it feels when you’re deep in my pussy. I’m trying to behave, but you don’t make it easy when you’re so slow.”

We’d become comfortable with this kind of role-playing. The longer we were together, the more imaginative our sex life became. I began moving again, going a little faster and a little deeper with every stroke.

By the time I was all the way inside Rita, we were rutting like wild animals. Ordinarily, I’d be able to continue like this for several minutes, but it had been a long time since I’d had sex, and my cock was letting me know it had to cum – soon. My balls were overflowing, and nothing I did was sufficient to delay my climax one more second. I gave up and let myself go, hoping that Rita was close enough that she’d climax, too.

“Oh . . . God . . . you’re the hottest woman in the world,” I said as I came. “You make me crazy, Rita. Crazy.” I came again and again and again, thrusting into her pussy over and over as I filled her with warm, wet goo.

“You . . . you’re cumming in my pussy . . . in my pussy,” Rita said. I felt her climax begin just before mine ended. It seemed like every muscle in her body clenched, unclenched, clenched again, and on and on and on until she finally went limp beneath me.

I felt amazing. Our weekend had barely begun, and already we’d had some of the best sex we’d ever experienced together. I held Rita’s face between my hands and kissed it everywhere. Her cheeks. Chin. Forehead. Eyelids. Lips. I couldn’t get enough. It was almost as though I wanted to consume her.

I eventually rolled off Rita and stretched out next to her. “So . . . how do you like the air mattress?” she asked.

“It’s adequate,” I replied. “I’m sure we’ll sleep adequately.”

“I doubt we’ll do much sleeping, stud,” Rita said.

I turned toward Rita and held her in my arms. She looked so beautiful that it gave me an idea. “I’d like to take your picture,” I said.

“Not while I’m naked!” Rita said.

“No, not like that. I’ll show you. Trust me,” I said as I fished my new camera out of my backpack. I asked Rita to pull the sleeping bag up to her neck, then raise up on one elbow and rest her head on her hand. The light inside the tent was bright enough to take a decent photo, so I took a few shots, and then showed them to Rita.

“I like these pictures, Carlos,” she said. “You make me look sexy even though the photo doesn’t really expose anything. You can tell from my bare shoulders that I’m probably naked in the sleeping bag, but you can’t see any nudity. The fact that my hair is all messed up makes you think we just had sex. The little smile on my face says you must have made me cum like a volcano. But I’m covered up to my neck. That makes the picture G-rated even though it looks suggestive. In a cute way.”
