My Futa Roomate 1 –

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#Bisexual #Cuckold

By Pyro0ptik

Chapter 1

It’s already Friday, but it’s been a long week. Just have to get thru this day and it’s finally the weekend. I need a month vacation or something, I’m so burnt out. This weeks been damn near a living hell at work. Nothing wrong with where I work or what I do, just everything that I’ve done this week has been an absolute shit show.

Well, at least it’s finally Friday. The only thing I’ve got scheduled today is a water heater install. It shouldn’t be too bad, I’ve got a really good apprentice with me today. He’s a good kid, and enjoys working , which takes some of the stress load off of me.
It’s 8am already, the apprentice is on site already, I’m at the supply house picking up the new water heater. I’ve been plumbing for about 10 years now, I’m not too shabby at it, but definitely enjoy having a good hand for the day.

As I’m loading up the water heater my phone starts ringing, I pull it from my pocket and see that my roommate Marie is calling. We’ve known each other for years now. Been living together for about 6 months. I bought a house about a year ago, and she ran into tough times so I asked her to move in. She helps with the bills, which saves me money every month and we’re also pretty good friends.
“Hey Cole, sorry to bother you at work, but I’ll make it quick. I’ve got a doctors appointment tomorrow morning, any chance you could take me”? Marie says.
“Yeah, I can do that. What’s up? What’s the appointment for”? I reply.
“Well, you know how I haven’t been able to smell for years because of my accident ? Yeah, well the doctors have a new drug they think could help me out. Hell, I might get my sense of smell back, or at least a bit of it” She says.
“Yeah, I can do that. I’ll be home later tonight we can get all the details ironed out then” I reply.
“OK, sounds good. Thanks Cole” She says as she hangs up.

I get the water heater and all the material all loaded up and head to the job site. The kid has the old heater drained down and everything ready to go. We get the old tank removed and the new one installed in about 6 hours. Not too bad of a day, especially with a good hand. I tell the apprentice he’s good for the day, to pack up and he can head home. I’ll handle the paperwork and such.

I get everything loaded up in my truck and get on the road. About halfway home, I decide I’m gonna stop by the liquor store and grab a case of beer, a bottle of bourbon and a few packs of smokes to get me thru the weekend. I don’t want to have to leave more than I already am with Marie’s doctor appointment.
I grab the few items from the store and get back on the road. About 20 more minutes and I’m pulling onto my driveway.

I pull right up to the garage and park my work truck, grab the alcohol and smokes and head inside.
“Hey Marie, you wanna put this stuff in the fridge for me? I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick” I say.
“Yeah, I can do that” Marie replies.
I set the stuff down on the counter and walk towards the bathroom.
“Thanks Marie” I say as I’m walking down the hallway.

I walk into the bathroom, undress and turn the water on to the shower. I always have to let it run for a few minutes to get hot water to the shower. You’d think being a plumber I’d do something about that huh?
I step into the shower and start washing my hair and body, as I’m rinsing my hair off I hear the door creak open.
“Want some company Cole?” Marie asks.

Well, I guess nows the time to elaborate on our friendship. We’ve known one another for awhile. We live together, and we both know each other very well. We’ve talked about the things we like and don’t like sexually, we’ve talked about our kinks and we both help one another out when we want/need sex. We’re both single. We both kinda date other people but nothings really stuck, so we just enjoy one another’s company and enjoy each other sexually.

“Sure, hop on in, just got done cleaning up though” I reply.
Marie steps into the shower, I’m facing the showerhead, just letting the hot water run down my body. Marie presses her chest against my back and wraps her arms around me.
“Damn Cole, that water is awfully hot for you” She says with a chuckle.
“Well yeah, I need it, this week was brutal” I say with a laugh.
Marie reaches down and starts playing with my cock while still having her breast’s pressed against my back.
“Well, maybe I can help you release some stress” She says.
” I wouldn’t say no to that at all” I reply.

Marie starts stroking my cock, which is already rock hard at this point. She also begins kissing on my neck, which she knows is definitely my spot. I tilt my head to give her more access to my neck as she begins kissing and biting my neck. I begin moaning as her mouth moves along my neck and down to my shoulder as her hand continues stroking my cock.
“Cole, I need you to cum in me please” She whispers in my ear.
” I think I can manage that” I reply as she turns around , bends over and spreads her ass cheeks apart.

“Please fuck my ass baby” She says.
My cock is so hard it’s throbbing, I need release already, but I don’t want to leave Marie without her orgasm too.
I turn the shower head to spray the wall instead of spraying on us. I kneel down and begin licking her pussy. I push two fingers inside her and begin finger fucking her as I lick her clit.
“Oh my god Cole, I love when you eat me” She says.

I continue fingering her as I slide my tongue up to her asshole. I begin by running my tongue in circles around her asshole before I try to push it inside her tight hole.
“Put more fingers inside me please!” She begs.
I push two more fingers inside her wet pussy and I continue fucking her.
I push my tongue inside her tight asshole as I’m still fingering her pussy. I begin trying to work my thumb inside her soaking pussy.
“Yes baby! Fist my pussy! Fuck it! It’s yours! Please!” She cries out.
I push my thumb inside her pussy and begin fisting her beautiful pussy while eating her ass. About three minutes of that and I feel her pussy tighten up and clamp down on my hand.
“Oh my god I’m cumming ! ” Marie shouts .
I start fisting her pussy as hard as I can as she starts squirting all over the place. My hand is buried in her soaking pussy, my tongue is still buried inside her ass and she’s squirting buckets.
” Holy shit Cole, that was amazing … now fuck my ass!” She demands.

I slowly ease my fist from her as I stand up, I place one hand on her hip as I use the other hand to guide my cock to her eager asshole. I press the tip of my cock against her asshole as I slowly push into her.
As my dick head enters her ass she yells ” Holy fuck! Just shove it in!!!”
I place my other hand on her hip, and push hard into her asshole. She pushes back against me as I push into her tight hole.
“Your asshole is so damn tight babe” I say.
“Well, then loosen it up, fuck my ass hard please! Cum deep inside my ass baby” She replies.

I start pounding away at her asshole, slamming so hard into her ass, her ass cheeks are rippling from the force of me slamming into her.

With each thrust inside her I feel her asshole allowing me deeper and deeper. My entire shaft is ramming in and out of her asshole.
“Fuck Cole! Please, please fuck me harder” She shouts.
I grab both her wrists and pull them around her back and use her wrists as leverage to slam my cock inside of her.
“Shit, I’m getting close” I say.
I feel my balls tighten and my cock starts pulsating inside her tight asshole.
“Stuff me please baby! Stretch my hole and cum inside me” Marie orders.
I continue ramming my cock in and out of her tight hole. Savoring every thrust.
Marie’s body begins to arch, I can feel her asshole tighten up as she starts squirting all over the place.
I shove my entire cock as far as I can inside her as I begin pumping my cum deep inside her bowels. I keep ramming in and out of her ass as I blast spurt after spurt of my hot cum deep inside her ass.
“Oh my god babe”! I shout as I continue fucking Marie’s ass while unloading every bit of my cum deep inside her. My body is convulsing, and twitching with every blast of cum inside her.
“That was fucking amazing babe” I say to her as I slide my dick from her gaped asshole. As my dick slides out of her ass my cum starts leaking out of her ruined hole, sliding down her thighs.
“God damnit Cole that was absolutely ridiculous, I needed that ” She says with a laugh.

By this point the water in the shower is barely hot at all, but we both got off so it’s all good.
I turn off the shower and step out , wrap a towel around me and hand Marie another towel. We both walk down the hall together into the bedroom.
We both finish drying off and start getting dressed.
I slide on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt as I look over towards Marie, shes sliding on a pair of crotchless panties and a sexy bra. I act like I didn’t notice as we both finished getting dressed.
At this point it’s getting pretty late so we decide to order some pizza and sit down on the couch and watch some TV together.
“So what’s on the agenda for tonight”? Marie asks.
“Well, the motocross races are on so I thought I’d put that on. We can’t be up too late with your appointment in the morning.” I say to her.
“Ok, sounds good to me. I’m gonna grab a beer, you want one? ” She asks.
“Yes please, pizza should be here soon too.”
I reply.
Marie walks into the kitchen and grabs us both a beer and walks back out, hands me the beer and sits down on the couch next to me.
About 20 minutes go by and the doorbell goes off.
Finally the pizza is here, I’m so damn hungry.
I get up and go to the door, pay the delivery guy and leave him a decent tip.
“Have a good night sir. ” he says as he walks back towards his car.
“You too, thank you” I reply.
I walk back to the couch and place the pizza on the coffee table. Marie and I both grab a slice of pizza and sit back to watch the races. She’s never really been a big fan of motocross, but she’ll watch them with me.
We sit there eating our pizza and drinking a few beers while the race is playing.
As I’m sitting there, Marie finishes her last slice of pizza, slides down off the couch and onto the floor in front of me.
“What’re you up to woman”? I say to her with a smile.
“Noooooothing” She responds with a devilish grin and she slides my pajama pants off.
“You really wanna start something up again?” I say with a laugh.
“No, no I don’t. You’re watching the races. Just don’t mind me” She says as she wraps her hand around my dick and puts my flaccid cock in her mouth. I can feel her tongue running circles around the head of my cock in her mouth, and in just a few seconds I’m rock hard. I lay back on the couch and just enjoy her sucking my cock. “I want you to cum in my mouth this time” She says.
“You know that doesn’t really ever work out right”? I respond to her.
Marie has always had a bad gag reflex and never has been able to swallow my loads.
“Well, we’re going to try again ” She says as she shoves my entire cock down her throat.
Her head starts bobbing up and down while she’s actually handling my entire cock. She looks up at me with my cock in her mouth and gives me the sexiest, most seductive look I’ve ever seen.
She begins fondling my balls with one hand as she continues sucking my cock. I lay my head back on the back of the couch and just enjoy the sensation. As she’s still playing with my balls I feel her hand slide up my shaft as she uses her hand and mouth at the same time.
“Holy shit hun, please don’t stop ” I say.
I feel her hand slide back down my shaft and under my balls. She starts running circles around my asshole with her fingers while gagging on my cock.
I take the hint and pull both my legs back to give her more access. She presses 2 fingers inside my asshole, her head continues bobbing up and down on my cock. She hasn’t missed a beat altho I know at this point what she’s up to. I feel her slide a 3rd finger inside my asshole as she presses up against my prostate with her fingers. My cock starts twitching, precum begins oozing out but she just keeps going. She increases the pressure on my prostate and shoves my entire cock down her throat.
“I’m gonna cum!” I shout.
Marie picks up the pace as she continues sucking my dick and playing with my asshole.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, I’m cumming ” I say as she once again shoves my entire cock down her throat. I start blasting my entire load down her throat, while she begins finger fucking my asshole. I pull my legs back all the way to where my ass and cock is about all she can see of me. Load after load I blast in her throat, my body starts shaking, the prostate pressure , her fingers in my ass, my cock in her throat is just too much. My eyes roll in the back of my head as I continue cumming inside her. After a minute or so, I feel my cock beginning to go limp, Marie raises her head off of my cock and slides down to my asshole. She begins tongue fucking my hole, cum is still dripping from my cock, she uses her thumb and twirls circles around my dick head with my cum as lube.
“Damnit Marie ok, that’s enough for now” I say with a laugh.
“Awww… fine ” She says.
My body is still twitching, almost convulsing .
“Damn that was a good one hun” I say.
“You’re welcome ” Marie says with a devilish smile.
“Well, that’s not very fair now tho Marie, you didn’t get yours” I say.
“Eh, we still have a little bit till we have to go to bed. You’ll make up for it I’m sure” She says with a smile.
“Deal” I reply as I stand up to head into the kitchen.
“Want another beer?” I say.
“Sure” She says
I grab us both another beer and walk back to the couch.
As I sit down the 450 series race is starting, these are honestly the only ones I care about, the 450 guys are a lot more fun to watch, faster , harder racing in my opinion. I’ve got a favorite racer I always root for too.
As the race begins, I’m still sitting on the couch without any pants on.
“Guess I might as well take this shirt off now, kinda weird sitting here with no pants on with a shirt still on” I say as I slide my shirt over my head.
“You naked is always a good look anyway Cole” Marie says.
“You’re just lucky I’m a weirdo and like being naked” I say with a laugh.
“Fine, I’ll join you in the nakedness” She says with a chuckle.
Marie then slides her shirt over her head, revealing a sexy lingerie bra, and then she slides her pants down her legs and drops them to the floor.
“I won’t be naked, but I definitely think you’ll like what I’m wearing” She says with a wink.
Marie settles back on the couch and sits down in the corner of the couch with her back on the backside of the couch and also on the arm of the couch. She spreads her legs and shows me the crotchless panties.
She reaches her hand down and touches her pussy ” I’m so wet already Cole ” She says.
“Wanna see” She says as she spreads her pussy lips apart. I can see the glisten of her juices dripping down her legs and on her fingers.
“I want to want you finger yourself” I say to her.
Slide slides 2 fingers in her wet pussy and spreads her legs as far apart as she can.
“Mmmm, you like the baby” She says while fingering herself.
“Absolutely ” I say with a devilish smile.
Marie raises her ass up off the couch just a bit to give me a peek of the butt plug she some how snuck in without mentioning it at all.

She gives me a seductive little smile and says ” So Cole, how important is this race ?”
“Well.. that’s a loaded question, I love my supercross, but that beautiful, wet pussy looks like it needs eaten, so I think I’ll choose the latter.” I responded.
“Good choice babe” She says as she spreads her pussy lips apart.
I lay down between her legs and beging flicking my tongue across her clit while spreading her open with my fingers.
I use my thumbs to spread her wet pussy apart as I shove my tongue deep inside of her.
“Ah, yes.. that’s a good boy Cole” Marie says.
I begin devouring her pussy. Running my tongue in circles across her clit while also plunging my tongue as deep as I can inside her.
She reaches down and grabs the hair on the back of my head and pushes my face harder into her soaking wet pussy.
” Eat me baby, please eat it!” Marie begs.
I begin ravishing her pussy with my entire face. Rubbing my face on her pussy while licking every single part of her. With my thumbs still holding her lips apart I begin slowly teasing her. Just barely touching her pussy with my tongue while gently blowing air across her engorged clit. Marie begins rubbing her own clit as I focus just on her pussy. Pushing my tongue in and out of her over and over. Running the tongue inside every inch of her beautiful pussy. I slowly slide one finger down her pussy as I slowly put pressure on the plug in her ass.
“Oh, what have we here?” I say with a dorky smile.

Marie just grins at me as I continue eating her out. I slowly wrap my fingers around the base of the plug and gently pull it slightly out of her, not all the way out but enough to get a reaction from her. I push it back in her ass and apply a bit more pressure on the plug as I shove my tongue deep inside her wet pussy.
I decide to leave the plug alone a for awhile and focus solely on Marie’s beautiful pussy.
“I’m gonna make you squirt all over me babe, I want you to completely soak me” I say to her.
I push 3 fingers inside her soaked pussy, and begin finger fucking her and I devour her clit. I start sucking on her clit, running my tongue in circles around it and across it as I continue fucking her with my fingers. Marie reaches back onto the end table and grabs a small bottle of lube we’ve must’ve left there previously. She squirts a generous amount all over her pussy while my fingers are still buried inside her. I ease my fingers out a bit and decide to take full advantage of the lube. I slowly begin to ease my entire fist inside her pussy. I get most of my hand in. I’m about to push in up to my wrist. My wrist slowly pops inside her as she lets out a loud moan.
“Holy shit babe” She says as I begin fucking her pussy hard with my entire fist while still paying attention to her clit.
I can feel her pussy begin to clamp down on my hand, her body arches up ” I’m about to cum babe” She yells.
She starts to rub her clit vigorously as I keep fucking her with my fist.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Marie yells as she starts cumming. She’s squirting all over my face , the couch, herself , literally everywhere.
“Fuck yes, keep cumming for me hun” I say to her. I keep pumping away with my fist, she keeps rubbing her clit, Marie just keeps squriting all over the place. I think it’s so fucking sexy watching her squirt all over.
My face is completely soaked, the couch is soaked and so is Marie, ” Holy fucking shit , that was ridiculous Cole” Marie says.
“Oh I completely enjoyed myself” I say with a laugh.
“I know you did” She replies with a smile.
“It’s getting kinda late, the races are over now, I think we should be calling it a night” I say to her.
“But I haven’t made you cum yet” Marie says.
“You’ve got me off twice today, and I’ve got you off twice now. I think we’re even” I reply.
“Oh, come now Cole, cum in me again, you know I put the plug in for a reason. Fuck me again and cum inside me again. I love feeling you blast your hot cum inside me” Marie says with an evil smile. She knows I love her dirty talk.
“Damnit … fine ” I say as i playfully roll my eyes.
“But first, I wanna do something, I’ll be right back” Marie says as she walks down the hallway and into her room.
“What’re you up to Marie” I shout down the hallway.
Marie ignores my question, as I watch her walk back down the hallway carrying a butt plug.
“You know we don’t have time for all of that tonight” I say.
“Will you just shut up and let me play ” Marie orders.
Marie walks back up to me on the couch, she grabs both the back of my thighs and pushes my legs back towards my head.
“Mmm I love this view so much ” She says as she begins licking my asshole, Marie starts running her tongue in circles around my asshole.
“Marie, I love when you eat my ass.. ” I say.
She sexually glances up at me as she plunges her tongue inside me.
” I just wanna get you loosened up, get this plug in and then you’re gonna fuck me again. I want your cum leaking out of me” She says.
My cock is already hard as a rock and I know I can’t say no at this point.
Marie gently pushes 2 fingers inside my asshole as she continues licking the outside of my asshole.
“Good boy cole” She says with a smile.
” You know when we actually have more time I’m going to make your cute little asshole sore” She says.
She then pushes another 2 fingers inside my asshole. She starts fucking my eager hole with all 4 fingers.
“Yes babe, oh my god that feels so good” I say to her.
“Oh, I’m not done yet Cole ” She says.
Marie squirts a bit of lube on her hand and rubs it around my asshole as she pushes her entire fist inside of me.
I loudly let out a gasp ” Holy fuck, fuck, fuck.. Marie.. damnit..” I say.
Marie starts pumping away at my asshole with her entire fist buried inside me, in and out in and out for a few minutes before she pulls her hand straight out of me.
“Oh look at that nice little gape babe” She says.
She plunges her fist back inside me and fucks my ass with her fist for a few more minutes before retrieving her hand and pushing the plug inside of me.
“Ok, now fuck me Cole” Marie orders.
I stand up from the couch and push the coffee table out of the way.
“Lay down on the floor” I say to Marie.
Marie lays down on the floor on her back, I climb on top of her and slide my cock inside her pussy.
“Oh yes…” Marie gasps.
I push my entire cock deep inside her soaking pussy. Marie reaches back and grabs my ass and pulls me into her even more.
I start fucking her nice and easy at first. I pull her bra down to get to her amazing tit’s. Sucking on her erect nipples and kissing on her neck. I’m slowly moving my hips in and out, just taking my time and enjoying being inside her with her tit’s in my face. We start making out as I begin to pick up the pace. Our tongues are twirling together in each other’s mouths while my rock hard cock is buried inside her wet pussy. I begin fucking her harder and faster.
Marie digs her nails into my back right as I begin slamming my cock in and out of her.
I fuck her hard for a few minutes before pulling my cock out of her and rubbing the tip around on her clit. I slowly ease the plug from her ass, toss it to the side and push my cock into her asshole.
“Oh shit” Marie shouts.
I start pounding away at her tight asshole , slamming my pelvis into her ass as hard as I can.
I reach up and grab both her tit’s with my hands and squeeze her nipples, twirling them both in my fingertips.
“Im cumming ” Marie shouts.
“Well damn that was fast” I reply as I keep ramming into her asshole. She starts once again squirting all over me again. I continue pounding away at her asshole until she’s done having another orgasm.
“My turn” I say as I pull my cock from her ass.
” Bend over for me” I say.
Marie rolls over to her hands and knees.
“I want you to arch your back as much as you can. I want you to make me cum as soon as I put it back in you.
Marie follows the directions and gets into what can only be described as the 18 years of child support position. Her ass up in the air, her face buried in the carpet.
I slide in behind her and push my cock inside her pussy again. I grab her hips and start slamming my cock into her.
After a few minutes I feel like I’m going to explode. I decide to bury one thumb in her asshole as I continue thrusting into her.
” I’m gonna cum. Oh shit” I say as I bury my cock all the way inside her and start blasting my load inside her. I stay in that position for a few minutes until I think every bit of cum has come out.
” God damnit hun” I say as I slide my cock from her. My cum starts leaking out of her pussy and running down her thighs. Her pussy is glistening with the mixture of both our juices. It’s so damn sexy. I stand up and give Marie’s ass a nice little smack.
“Ok, we’ve both got ours multiple times now” I say with a smirk.
“Yeah, we should probably get to bed” Marie says.
“Hopefully everything goes good at the doctor tomorrow and we can get back home at a decent time” She says with a devilish smile.
“You know we can do other things than just fuck right?” I say.
“Are you complaining Cole? Where else can you fuck someone as much as you want, when you want and someone who can fuck you the way you want , without any strings ” She says with a smile.
“We are the best kinda roommates ” She replies.
“You’re right. You’re absolutely right, I’ve honestly got no complaints ” I say with a smile.
“Anyways let’s get to bed. Maybe we can pick this back up later tomorrow. We do have all weekend ” I say to her.
“Sounds good to me” Marie says.
We both clean up our mess, put the living room back in order and turn off the lights as we head to our rooms.
As I start walking towards my door, Marie smacks my bare ass and says ” good night Cole”
“Good night Marie” I say as I walk into my room.

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By Pyro0ptik
#Bisexual #Cuckold

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse