Latest sex stories about My French Mommy – The Futa Cuckold added for who looking to read new experience of teenager narrative My French Mommy – The Futa Cuckold story.
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#Cuckold #Group #Trans
By thenewagewriter
Joining the french class was your worst mistake!
You were getting bored because it has been such a long time since you have done anything productive. It is amazing how there were some weeks where you will be super productive like read 2 books, play 4-5 matches etc. etc. etc. and some weeks where you just did what most boys your age do, jerk off to girls all day.
You knew, you could not go like this anymore and decided you know what, I will go learn a new language. But you sweet summer child, this was going to be your worst mistake yet.
While you were bored, a friend suggested you, hey why not join the french class. in your university. This sounded like such a great idea and immediately after that you signed up for french classes.
This was a good feeling, because after such a long time, you will finally be doing something and not jerking off to futa porn all day, or so you thought because the very first day you meet Evie.
How did you see Evie? When you first saw her, you did not believe somebody could be that cruel, ruthless but also so hot. Evie was almost the same height as you, B-cup books, good hair and ass that girls would kill to have.
At 6PM you would have french classes from Monday to Friday. You still distinctively remember, you being a normal guy who was late to class and reached the class at 6:20PM and when you saw that there was no teacher in the class, you sighed a relief.
But your happiness was no longer when you saw this scene. Someone was under the ass of a beautiful girl. She was sitting with his head, not possible to be seen.
There were a bunch of things that ran through your mind at that moment. All of which were related to Evie and not the guy suffering under her. You asked one of your classmates, “I am sorry, but what is going on here?”
“Are you new here?” he asked you with a sad face.
“Yes, I am. Who the hell is that guy and what is that girl doing to him?” You asked frantically. The guy looked at you and said, “Dude got get involed with Evie, if you don’t want to end up like prof.”
“Profffff?” I practically screamed. What the hell was he saying? Why is a student, no matter how ‘badass’, why would she do it.
However that was the least of my concerns because the scream caught the attention of Evie and she was not looking happy with it. She stood from her seat and came towards me.
“Why are screaming here?” she asked calmly and I thought, “the nerve of this bitch.”
“What are you doing to prof over there?” I again practically screamed at her. Evie heard it loud and clear and after that punched me in the face.
Her punch was so heavy that it almost instantly broke my nose. Then Evie asked me, “Have you eaten anything yet?”
“No, but why do you…” before I could complete, she dragged me from end of the room to another and shouted, “You are excused” to the supposed prof.
He thanked her and thanked her and started kissing her feat. Evie smiled and kicked him aside.
I think it was my turn now.
Now I was Evie’s seat and I was definitely not very happy with that. But a lot of people here think that being under a woman is great pleasure but not so much here.
She started ripping up ones and for the next 2.5 hours, Evie’s farts were the only source of air for me, she would sometimes give me proper air, only to immediately snatch that away. After the end of the class, the prof. came to Evie and asked, “Was the lecture to your satisfaction, Mrs. Evie?”
With a smirk on her face, Evie said, “Yes, that is the tone I expect from you. But don’t do this Mrs. thing, call me Mommy Evie.”
Prof had that worried look on his face but in the previous 2 hours, I knew who was the real alpha here. “Off course, as you wish Mrs. Evie, no sorry, Mommy Evie.”
“That’s better” said Evie and now I believed it was my turn. But all she did was walk away from her seat.
So when you properly took air and everything, you decided to follow Evie and after a while, you caught up with her.
“Hey wait” you said, putting your hand on Evie’s shoulder and she turned back angrily. I immediately picked my hand up and apologized for it.
“What did I do to deserve such a punishment?” I asked her point blank and she smirked and said, “You little male shitheads, you think you have any right to ask Evie about what she does?”
I was terrified of Evie, no Mommy Evie and now my voice was extremely down and I asked, “Please, I deserve an explanation.” and she held your collar now and said, “Ok, you know what, fine, I will tell you.”
I braced myself for Mommy Evie’s explanation and she sticked out her tongue and shouted, “Because you guys are small dicked hindrances, who are nothing but cuckold pieces.” and yes she said it in the hallroom with a bunch of people there.
“WTF!!” I obviously shouted but now she was getting tired of my shouting it seemed and she said, “Don’t believe me, I am a futa and my dick is far bigger than yours.”
That was a wild roller coaster, how the hell did we end up here. “Don’t believe me, strip now.”
As soon as she said that, I started running but why was I in the same place? I saw Evie holding me by my shirt in the hallroom. She dragged my pants and underwear down to show my 3.5 inches hard-on to the world.
“Haha, I knew it was small but I did not know, it will be this small” Mommy Evie laughed and laughed with other in the hallroom soon joining her. “You know what, for this good joke, let me show you mine.” And then she pulled her pants and panties and there it was 6 inches of soft meat.
WTF. That was her soft, a guy would be lucky to have that length. But then Evie started getting hard and I witnessed 15 inches of full glory in front of me. The boys in the hallroom were so embarrassed but the girls were loving it.
“Can anybody here claim what I said earlier was wrong?” she asked in the hallroom and all the boys were looking at the floor and then said, “Didn’t think so.”
After Evie shamed every body in that hall, she looked at me, I was so damn humiliated, it was crazy. Then she asked me a simple question, “Do you have a girlfriend?”
Huh! Why the hell is she asking me that? Does she want to steal my girlfriend as well? As soon as Evie said that, I should have been disgusted, I should have said no. But seeing her huge cock, and I mean c’mon there was not even a comparison, I just imagined my girlfriend taking Evie’s cock and making me watch.
“Yes, but why do you ask?” I replied to Evie’s question and she gave me a smirk. At that moment I though, she can see right through me, can’t she?
“Good. It is a little unbelievable that a beta like you will have a girlfriend” Evie replied and then she said the words that I did not expect, “Do you do boxing?”
I replied, “Yes, I am boxing since I was 14. But why do you ask?” and on this response, Evie burst out laughing. After that she said, “Perfect, come at 8PM in gym as all the people will be gone by then.”
And that was it for the hallroom. What a random series of events right? But oh god, there was so much that will go wrong on this day.
At around 7:15PM, I went to the gym and some people were there, and some people were leaving. But I did my gym routine and while I was thinking about Evie and how I am itching to beat her (I did not forget about her lucky punch earlier).
At around 8:10 PM Evie arrived and I could not believe the audacity of this bitch. She did not have any headgear, and her boxing gloves were almost 16 oz, for reference, mine were 4 oz because I want to beat her so bad.
Evie declared, “Before we begin I wanted to tell a few things, but seeing how you are, let’s hold it for after the fight.”
Evie was wearing her gloves, she was looking strong, confident and while I was horny, I was not planning to lose. “Evie, I will remove your stupid smirk.” I shouted at her, as passionately and angrily as I could.
She gave me a smirk and we touched our gloves. Now the fight had officially started.
I made the first move as Evie was not wearing any head gear, I thought I will finish it quick. I went for a straight punch but Evie dodged it pretty easily. And then she went for a jab.
It connected.
It knocked the wind out of me. As it was a jab, I did not embrace myself for an impact. She continued throwing jabs, she was not putting any power into those jabs but they were hitting like a truck.
How the hell are 16oz gloves producing so much energy was beyond me. But whatever the case, I was in a lot of pain. She had a chance to finish me off but she stopped.
And then backed off. “Is that all?” she taunted me and then gave me chance of a lifetime.
“I will let you hit me once, give me your best.” Evie said with a lot of confidence. I had one chance to hit Evie and it might be my last one, I will give it my all.
I thought, I will be smart and try to do a uppercut, best case scenario, it hits the chin and she will fall, in the worst case, it will still be huge damage.
I went towards her and went for an uppercut. I hit it!!! But before I could even see the damage I created she gave me her first straight of the match and that was a K.O. It will be the best counter that I will ever see in my life.
I woke up after 20 or so minutes or so it felt. I was here lying in the ring, looking at ass of a girl who beat me so easily. The worst part? I enjoyed it. I should be freaking angry but no, her superiority was undeniable.
“So you finally woke up?” Evie asked as she genuinely gives a shit on if I mattered. I nodded my head and she again gave her smirk which at this point has stopped annoying me.
Evie then told me, “So you know how we did not put any win conditions and we need to decide it now.” she looked so smug and I wanted to throw a punch at her so bad but I knew that it was the worst idea I could think off as I am speaking it from all my heart, I cannot take anymore beating from her.
“Yeah, I know Evie.” i begrudgingly said. She looked satisfied and then she casually said, “First and foremost, call me Mommy Evie from now on.”
I wish I could say I did not saw it coming but this was not the worst part of this. This just showed what my life would be for the next few years at my university.
Then Mommy Evie started listing her conditions. There were:-
Let her meet your girlfriend.
If I want to be a cuck, I am free to do so but everytime I watch them have sex, I need to be the one to clean her cock.
Everytime I watch her have sex with soon to be her girlfriend, I will give her $200, as a “token of appreciation”
In the french class, she is going to use me as a chair whenever she desires and there is nothing I can do about it because in her words, she has a bunch of teachers as slaves and a bunch of hot friends.
I will agree to be her punching bag whenever she wants to practise her boxing.
“And that’s all.” Mommy Evie listed everything without missing her smile. “Isn’t that a little too cruel?” I asked it without thinking and as soon as the words left my mouth, a tight slap hit my face.
“Did I say, give me your stupid questions?” Mommy Evie said it with a bit of anger in her voice but then her voice returned to its usual tone and she continued, “I will add a condition in favour of you. Whenever you beat me in a sport, any sport, could be physical or mental, I will remove all the conditions. However if you lose, I will add an extra condition on top of the existing ones.”
WTF! The audacity of this bitch. She really thinks, she is that much better than me. However, looking back at it, I really could not think of a single thing I could win in against Mommy Evie.
So next day after classes, me and Evie went to meet my girlfriend. A little context here, my girlfriend’s name is Alice and we met through Tinder. It was a great first date, second date but at the third date, she asked me for sex. I was stroked about.
My first time was with Alice. She was great but after sex and ever since then, she always seemed disappointed with sex and that always made be sad.
When I saw Alice, I pointed Evie to her direction and she started walking towards Alice and I could see from a distance that they were talking and talking and talking. Looked like they were having fun.
Now, when Mommy Evie asked to introduce herself to my gf, I was actually glad. It was because if my gf said yes to her, hey, this unsuccessful relationship will end.
Then Mommy Evie signaled me to come to them and when I arrived (they were talking on a distance), Mommy Evie said, “So, I really like your girlfriend.”
The words that I wanted to hear, but then she continued, “But you can keep being in a relationship and I will only be there for ‘comfort'” she smirked (that stupid smirk).
“So are we crashing at your place?” Alice asked me and before I could say anything, Mommy Evie said, “Off course we are.”
So after university ended with nothing happening with Alice or Mommy Evie, I thought it will be a smooth day instead of the sex that I will witness in its full glory.
But before that, there was another incident that happened which was regarding my sister. My sister is a typical big sister stereotype, she is responsible, confident but still playful from time to time.
So at around 7PM in the evening, Mommy Evie and my girlfriend Alice came at my front door and I off course let them in. My sister was sitting in the living room and reading something regarding I am assuming biology as she wants to become marine biologist.
“Brother, who is the new face?” my sister asked me and I introduced Mommy Evie and she gave my sister a smile. I accidently let Mommy slip up while introducing Evie.
“Mommy, huh?” my sister exclaimed a little surprised and I tried correcting myself but then Mommy Evie kept a hand on my sister’s ass and asked, “Do you want to know why your brother calls me Mommy?”
Then there was just silence, the atmosphere was heavy, I cringed at the whole dialogue but Mommy Evie did not break any eye contact with my sister and sister turned red like a tomato.
“Brother, is your friend here insane?” my sister asked me and To be fair how the day has gone, god I agreed, this girl is freaking insane but why are you blushing while saying it. Don’t tell me this cheesy attitude works on girls.
“Don’t ask him, he doesn’t know insane if it hits him in the face.” Mommy Evie told my sister. Alice was there attentively just listening and then she said, “Febie, why don’t you join Evie and me? We are going to your brother’s room to talk and have some fun.”
“No no, I don’t want to be between my brother and his two friends.” my sister showed some concern that she will disturb the group but Mommy Evie spoke up and said, “Don’t worry your brother will not join us. To be frank, I am going to have sex with his girlfriend here and you are pretty awesome, so it would be a pleasure if you join us.”
So direct. She really is crazy. God, I will kill the person who suggested me to join that cursed french class.
My sister was lost for words and after several second, she spoke up and it was not what I was expecting at all.
When I heard what my sister had said, my jaw was literally on the floor. The hell is wrong with her, I thought that she was not into girls, I guess this day will keep getting better.
“Great choice” Alice exclaimed with full energy. “I know” said my sister and all three of these crazy freaks started laughing. Then they went to my room and as I was about to enter in. Mommy Evie stopped me from going in and said, “Give me 200 dollars and then you can enter.”
“I don’t have it on me.” I said and she looked at me with disgust. And then closed the door behind me and I was left there with feeling empty almost.
Then I sat in the corner and for the next 2-3 hours, I just kept hearing heavy moans, and girls saying these things.
“How are you so good.”
“God you are so big”
“Are you a goddess Evie?”
“That is a lot of cum”
“Your cock dwarfes the loser outside”
“Bet he is still listening to everything we are saying”
and more and more and more….. The girls were having fun, I knew it. Especially Alice, after the disappointment of having sex with me, she is now having sex with Mommy Evie, who I bet is so much better than me in the bed as well.
After all this, my sister stuck her head outside from the door and said, “I took permission from Evie and she said that she will do a one time thing and let you watch.”
“What do you mean? It’s been 3 hours already, she should be finished by now.” as I said that, my sister smiled and told me, “No. She has a lot left in her tank.”
The fuck.
How? So many questions ran through my mind over there but I decided that I will find out after I enter the room.
So that’s what I did.
When I entered the room, I immediately saw Evie’s huge dick and half of it was inside and after half was outside. WTF! My sister and me were standing there but then Evie pulled out and immediately put it back in, making a huge thrust. What a beast!
“I know right? Nobody can compare with her” my sister started speaking, she continued, “Bro, I have had sex with countless guys and let me tell you, Evie is better than them all combined.”
I mean there was not even a need to tell me that, she was so much better than me, it was like we were different species.
“What are you doing there, come to Mommy!” Evie shouted and I was dumbstruck that she was talking to my sister like that but my sister just smiled and went towards her. Then Mommy Evie instructed, “Before I pound you more, give your brother some spanks.”
My sister won’t do that. I was sure of it. She was so sweet, no way…..
As I was thinking this thought, I did not notice but my sister was in front of me. She spoke calmly, “Brother, turn around.” and I objected, “Sis, you don’t have to listen to that luna…” and bam. A slap hit my cheek and while the slap obviously hurt, the betrayal from my sister hurt more.
After that I started turning around, as soon as i turned around, my sister gave me a wedgie. When the hell did she become so strong. Earlier the door was still open and my sister, hung me on the door.
Gave me a swirl and started hitting my ass. By the fourth slap, I started crying but she did not stop, she gave me 3 more slaps and asked Evie, “Is this enough?” and I heard the voice, “Good job.”
Now I was faced towards the door and I heard their sounds and moans for majority of the night and I was awake the whole time.
I felt my undies being held again and finally my feat were touching the ground, I looked at the person who finally put me down, it was Mommy Evie.
“You all right bud?” she asked me as calmly as she could, but I was pissed off, oh god I was pissed off. So I started shouting, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I WAS ON THAT DOOR FOR 4 FUCKING HOURS!” and a little more I spoke.
Then Mommy Evie slapped me once again. God, her slaps are extremely painful. But she did not stop there, she continued, “Do you remember what were my conditions?”
“No… please… no… Not today” I pleaded her but she picked up her hand up. I started kissing her feet. “Please Mommy, I will do as you say!”
“That’s better, now pick your lips from my feet and bring them a little up.” Mommy Evie said and I picked myself up and started licking her dick. I licked it for a little bit but before I knew it, Mommy put it in my mouth.
I started sucking, seeming terrified. My sister and Alice were laughing at me from the bed, god I hate that I have a queen sized bed, so these bitches can do it in my room.
“Put your mouth to it, otherwise my hand is coming for you.” as soon as Mommy Evie said that, I started sucking her dick vigourously.
Her semen was thick, like really thick and after a while I gaged up after sucking it for 5 minutes or so. Then while I was coughing, Mommy got a little angry.
“So you liked it right? And there is only one correct answer here.” Mommy said.
“Off course Mommy Evie, I loved it. Can I get more?” I lied through my teeth. Or do I? I was not even sure anymore. I genuinely liked the taste the consistency of her tool. Mommy smiled and this was the point when I knew my life has hit rock bottom and it will stay like this for a long time.
To describe the semen of Mommy Evie, I will say it was thick, sweet and has a consistent consistency. It was white as fuck and after a certain point when I was not disgusted by it, I wanted more of it.
“Good boy!” I cleaned her whole dick and while I was think what she was going to do next, she took grabbed me by my neck and said, “Now you are a complete slave. Your sister is extremely nice though, be thankful that I did not go for your mom. Say THANK YOU to me!”
“T….h….ank You, Mommy Evie” I was hesitating at first but then I just accepted whatever happened with me for 2 days. It was good, to have a mommy figure in life.
Was it pathetic? No, not really! You rely on your parents to take care of you, don’t you, that was same with me for Mommy Evie and I was literally extremely happy to be in Mommy’s shride.
Are these excuses? Possibly! However I do not regret shouting that day in front of Mommy Evie and I am sure that I will be truly happy from now on.
“You learnt this lesson quickly. To be honest it is refreshing because you men, like to think that you are the shit and you resist” Mommy Evie stopped, looked at me with dominant eyes and continued, “You really are a good boy.”
Thus the night that I thought will be hellish ended. It was something that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
So after that night, I began servicing Mommy Evie and I tended to all her needs and wants. She along with my ex-girlfriend and my sister, started berating me even more.
The messed up part? I enjoyed it and I showed them that I enjoy it. Be it being, Mommy Evie’s seat in the class, being her cock slave, giving all my allowance and more from my extra job to Mommy Evie and I found happiness in that.
Mommy was THE GODDESS and I was only her slave. After challenging her two time to basketball and then football, 3 people, yes you heard it right, 3 people against Mommy and mommy crushed us with 4-1.
The more I think about it, the goal was a pity goal. I gave up. There was nothing I could do against mommy and that’s fine. I have accepted that I will be her slave as long as she desires.
——————- A couple years later ———————–
“Sweetie I am home.” A feminine voice entered as a girl in her mid 20s entered the house. She was a powerful politician now. And amid the elections comes a lot of stress.
“I am coming sweetie.” There was a feminine voice on the other end of the house that affirms her presence. I welcoming Mommy Evie and told her, “Mommy, your water is ready.” She looked at me and gave me a smile, Then Alice and my sister hugged Mommy Evie.
The situation was, after completing out college years, Mommy Evie planned to move away but Alice and my sister convinced her to stay. Now they are in a living relationship and why do you ask I am here?
I am their slave off course. I service to all the girls needs and when something is not by their standards, they beat me a lot. So I try my best to not disappoint my masters. At first only my sister and Mommy Evie beat me but after a while and getting comfortable, Alice joined in too!
All of them have crazy sex with each other every night and according to my performance in the day, I can or cannot watch them. This is my life for now and it will be like this for foreseeable future.
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By thenewagewriter
#Cuckold #Group #Trans