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By Mr Rodd
She was just a friend who happened to be a girl, until the day we played Cowboys and Indians.
This is a fictional tale set in 1970’s England and uses the language of the period.
It’s only Part One of a teenage romance so nobody’s having it off yet.
We’d all known each other since our very first term at primary school, but this story starts during what we used to call our 4th year at secondary. Nowadays you’d call it Year 10, in England, or 9th Grade, in America.
It was the time of life when we were on the cusp of adulthood, starting to look at our childhood through the rear view mirror. The final seasons of youthful freedom before the pressures of public examinations, career choices and college admissions began to impose themselves on our halcyon days.
It was a lovely summer afternoon and the six of us were in no rush to go home after school. We all walked back towards our side of town, together as normal and decided take a diversion into the park.
It wasn’t unusual, especially on a Friday and our parents wouldn’t mind, as long as we were back in time for tea.
We all bought ice creams from the van at the gate and made our way down past the flower beds, over the river (on the rickety bridge), beyond the bowling green and towards the children’s playground where our mums used to take us when we were small.
Fortunately there weren’t any little kids around at that time of day, so we had the place to ourselves.
The girls all sat on the swings and rocked back and forth, casually. Us boys would have liked to have played on the swings or the slide or the roundabout too, but we were all 14 or 15 years old, so we were far too cool for that. We just stood around in front of the girls, chatting with an air of nonchalance and sharing a fag.
We began to reminisce about the games we used to play there.
We’d play tick, hide and seek, badminton and team games like football. We’d play 3-a-side, boys against girls. Obviously we won, but the lasses said that wasn’t fair and they got their own back a week later when all bought skipping ropes and challenged us to a relay race.
Suzanne reminded us of the hectic games of “cowboys & Indians” when we’d chase the girls with our cap guns and they’d try to shoot us down with pretend arrows. We all had giggle about that.
“Why don’t we do that again?” she suggested.
“Oh dear, I seem to have left my gun at home.” was Gary’s sarcastic reply.
But the girls backed up their friend.
“Go on, we’ve got the whole park to ourselves. It’ll be fun.” said Lynn.
“They’re just afraid they can’t run fast enough to catch us, now they’ve started smoking.” added Maria.
“We can catch you lot any time we want!” Gary took the bait.
“We’ll all close our eyes and count to 100 while you scarper!”
So that was that!
Gary, Rob and I hid our eyes and started to count out loud while the girls ran for it, chanting “wah, wah, wah” (like we the thought Red Indians did) and loooking for the best hiding places.
“…98, 99, 100. Coming ready or not!”
We pointed our fingers like pistols and began our search.
We spread out – there was a lot of ground to cover, but it wasn’t long before we heard Rob, “Pow, pow, pow.”
He’d spotted Lynn, trying to conceal herself behind a silver birch, but she was a big girl and the skinny tree trunk was never going to hide her from view.
She tried to get away, but she wasn’t built for speed and Rob soon had her in his arms, carrying her to the slide (which had always been our pretend prison).
Lynn giggled all the way wriggling and kicking and complaining that it wasn’t fair because Rob was just too big and strong for her.
We spotted Maria next. A tall girl, with auburn hair, it was hard for her hide. But she was something of an athlete and she had almost made it to the bowling green when we found her.
She was too fast for me, but Gary was a fit lad and he managed to track her down, despite his smoking habit. He didn’t quite catch her but he made her double back towards the bandstand, where I was lying in wait.
“Got ya!”
I grabbed her and led her back to join Lynne, in jail, under the slide.
So there was only Suzanne left.
But where was she?
We searched everywhere while our two captives laughed at us.
“Typical boys. Strong and fast, but too dim to find a clever hiding place.”
There was some truth in their comment, but it backfired, because Suzanne thought it was funny too and laughed out loud, giving away her hiding place.
She was 8 feet above our heads sitting at the top of the slide.
Crafty bugger!
Gary sprinted up the steps to try to catch her, so she slid down the chute as quickly as she could, but Rob was waiting.
He pointed his gun and the final squaw, raised her hands in surrender.
She was soon thrown into jail with her friends.
We’d won and fired our pretend guns in the air in celebration, but Suzanne cut us short.
“Well, now you’ve caught us what are you going to do with us?”
“Well we’ve caught you all, so we’ve won.” It seemed obvious to me.
“Yeah but you can’t just leave us in jail can you? I’m sure real cowboys wouldn’t have done that.” Lynne was supporting her friends again and Maria joined in too.
“Why don’t you all choose one of us to be your own prisoner?”
“Your own squaw” added Suzanne.
“Yeah, good idea.” Lynne joined in again. “Go on choose.”
It all started to sound a bit rehearsed. Maybe the girls had planned this all along.
Pairing off might be fun.
There had been the occasional boy – girl “crush” or temporary infatuation within the group, but no one had ever taken it very far. We’d always just hung out together as mates.
Maybe it was time to go a bit further, you know, try out some chat up lines on eachother, learn to kiss properly – heaven knows we all needed the practice.
But I didn’t want us boys to choose between the girls though. It just didn’t seem fair.
Tall, long haired, Maria and shapely blond Suzanne were obviously the prettiest, so chubby, brunette Lynne was bound to be the last to get picked, even though she was a jolly, cheerful girl.
I didn’t want her see her humiliated like that.
“Oh you can’t possibly ask us to choose, between you,” I protested, “That would be impossible. You’re all great. Maybe we could draw lots or something?”
The girls went into a huddle, whispering, then giggling, then turning to face us, grinning.
Maria had a particularly naughty look on her face as she told us, “Okay, you have to choose. Pink, blue or polka dots?”
“You’ll see.
Each choice will get you a girl.
Now, Rob, you made the first catch so you have first choice.”
“Blue.” he replied
I was next and I chose, “Polka dot,” because pink was considered sissy in those days, but Gary was left with it whether he wanted it or not.
“Right then,” the girls all laughed as they turned their backs on us and bent over. “On the count of three, yeah?”
“One, two, three!”
They all pulled up the their skirts and showed us their knickers.
One pair pink, one blue and one polka dot.
The underwear was quite conservative compared with what girls might wear these days but not even glamour models were wearing thongs in the 1970’s.
However, knickers were knickers and bums were bums and me and my adolescent friends were thrilled at the sight. A lovely line up of three sexy bottoms, displayed for our enjoyment.
And things might be about to get even better….
We each stepped forward to claim our prize.
Rob had won Maria, Gary had Suzanne and I had the girl in polka dots – Lynne.
I knew she wasn’t going to be considered the greatest “catch”, but she did have the biggest bum!
I couldn’t resist.
I knew exactly what to do.
A whole generation of TV comedians and actors had shown us how a man should treat a shapely female bottom.
I gave it a slap.
Lynne responded just like the girls on TV, “Ooh, you are a naughty cowboy, aren’t you.” She gave me a girly giggle and a saucy wiggle.
“What are you going to do with me?”
I had no idea.
I’d never even thought about it, but Lynne seemed happy to let me slap her on the bum, so l did it again.
Maybe she would let me go a bit further.
We needed some privacy, so I took my squaw by the arm and marched her into the woods.
“Are you going to take me back to your homestead, Mr Cowboy,” she asked.
It was a helpful prompt, “That’s right.” I took her up on her suggestion. “And I’m going to keep you there and make you look after me a like a woman should.”
“You mean cooking and cleaning?”
“Yeah… and other things…”
“What sort of “other things”?” she asked with suspicion.
“Well, missy, there ain’t no other womenfolk in these here parts, save for the dirty old whores down at the saloon and a man has his needs!”
I grabbed her arse to make my intentions clear.
“Oh no Mr Cowboy!”
She struggled as though she wanted to escape.
“I’m a good girl.
I’ve never let any of the Braves do that, not even our Chief.”
“Well I’m your Chief now and you? You are my squaw.
You have no choice.”
I pushed her back against a tree and looked at her longingly.
“I suppose you going to tie me up and have your way with me, aren’t you? My mother warned me that’s what you palefaces do.”
The game was on.
It was clear that Lynne wanted it and I was happy to give it to her.
We were both still wearing our school uniform, so I pulled off her tie our used it bind her wrists behind the tree.
“Oh no don’t hurt me Mr…”
She arched he back and pushed out her chest. I accepted her offer and grabbed her tits with both hands, squeezing and fondling them through her blouse.
They felt great.
Of course they did.
I’d never felt any before.
And I’d never had such a massive hardon before either.
I had to try to do more than just feel them through her clothes though.
I had no idea how big or juicy they might be. Lynne always wore baggy tops that hid her figure. Maybe this was the moment to reveal it.
I started to unbutton her. Nervous, fumbling, excited, but expecting my playmate to ask me to “stop”.
My squaw did tell Mr Cowboy that he “shouldn’t”, but she didn’t complain when I “did”.
I opened her blouse and stared at her big white bra, straining under swell of milky white tits, held high together to form a deep, seductive cleavage.
I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
I was amazed.
None of the boys wanted to be seen with her because “she carried a few extra pounds”, but they had no idea how good those pounds looked “in the right places”.
Lynne brought me back to my senses.
“Beautiful, b, b, b, beautiful. They’re… You’re…” I stuttered, “Just…”
I kissed the tit flesh on show above her bra and fondled her through the cups.
A unique feeling of smooth fabric, pressing pliant forbidden flesh with a softness and a firmness that I had never imagined before.
I let a finger slip down under the top of her bra towards her left nipple.
“Oooh, you are a naughty cowboy, aren’t you!” She didn’t try to stop me.
We both held our breath as I neared my goal…
Then we heard something.
A rustling in the undergrowth.
There was somebody in the woods.
Somebody coming towards us!
“Oh hell!”
We panicked.
Lynne tried to release her hands, but they were tied too tightly.
I would have to sort it out but I didn’t know whether to untie her wrists first or cover up her boobs.
We fumbled around, urgently, whispering desperate instructions to eachother, hoping not be seen.
I managed to free her hands, just seconds before a middle aged man and his labrador emerged through the trees.
There was no time to button Lynne’s blouse so I put my arms right around her, kissing her, snogging her and hiding her body with my own.
The man gave me a silent salute and a conspiratorial wink, as he passed us by.
“Phew, that was close.”
Lynne pulled me back into her arms and we snogged a little longer.
I walked Lynne home.
It was only polite.
I took her by the hand – I don’t think I’d ever done that before.
“Thank you,” I told her, “you were a lovely sqaw. I had a great time.”
“Me too, Mr Cowboy.” She hugged me. “You didn’t mind being stuck with me then?”
It seemed like a strange question.
“What do you mean? Stuck with you?”
“Oh come on.
Everyone knows Maria and Suzanne are the pretty ones. I’ve heard all the jokes and songs.
“Lynne, Lynne, She’s fat, not thin!”
I stopped he looked at her, face to face.
“Well you haven’t heard that from me have you?
And I don’t think it either.
And looks aren’t everything are they?
You’re funny and cheerful and you’re always fun to be with.”
“Thanks.” She chuckled and kissed my cheek.
“Anyway, weren’t you the one that was stuck with me?” I asked, “I’m hardly heart throb material, am I?”
“Don’t do yourself down.
You’re you and that’s all that matters, isn’t it?
I was pleased you chose me.”
“Yeah, of course.
Rob and Gary are great guys, but they’re always trying to keep up their images, aren’t they?
Rob had to carry me out of the woods, when he caught me, to prove how big and strong he is, and Gary had to outsprint Maria to remind us all how good he is at sports, but you’re genuine you’re not afraid to be yourself.”
“Do you think so?”
“I do, and you were the one that said you should draw lots to choose your squaws and not choose your favourites.
I liked that. It was thoughtful.
If you’d chosen your favourites, I know I’d have been left till last.
Don’t deny it.
It’s okay.
I would have made a joke about it, but it would still of hurt inside.
You saved me from that.”
She smiled and kissed me (again!)
“Well I’m just glad that you were the one wearing polka dots!”
We shared a hug.
“But if you’re still worried about your looks, I can assure you that when you all bent over to flash your knickers, you had the best bum!”
I gave it a another slap.
Is that why you like to smack it so much?”
“Definitely.” I gave her another one. “If you were really a squaw, I’d have to call you “Red Bum”, because I’d be doing it all the time.”
“You really are a naughty cowboy, aren’t you.”
Lynne & I had such a good time on Friday, I couldn’t wait to see her again at school.
I made sure I got there early on Monday and tried to spot her in the schoolyard, but I couldn’t find her amongst the crowded hubbub of noisy teenagers.
I searched for ages before I found her.
I saw Maria first. She was tall enough to stand out from the crowd, especially with her auburn hair. I pushed my way towards her and, of course, Suzanne & Lynne were both close by.
“Morning girls!” I called to them cheerily.
“Oh, hi Stephen.” Maria giggled.
Suzanne giggled too.
Lynne seemed to hide behind them, trying to avoid my eye.
I was puzzled, but there was no time to question them, because the bell rang and we were all called to our classrooms.
Rob and Gary were both in my class and the two of them met me with silly grins on their faces.
“Well? What was she like?”
“She’s a dark horse isn’t she?”
“What?” I had no idea what they were on about.
“You know!” Gary looped the thumb and forefinger of his left hand and pushed a finger from his right hand through the circle they’d made.
“We all know about it.
Lynne told the girls you had it off together!”
Rob slapped me on the back, “Lucky bastard!”
I couldn’t believe it.
Of course it wasn’t true, but I didn’t want to call Lynne a liar.
“Sorry lads, it’s none of your business.” was the best line I could think of.
“A gentleman never tells. Whatever we got up to, it’s between Lynne and me. Okay?”
It wasn’t enough to stop their pestering, but I had drawn a “line in the sand” and I was able to defend our secrets, until my friends got tired of asking.
Nothing could stop the girls from giggling and whispering though. Maria & Suzanne kept it up for days, while Lynne kept her mouth shut and tried to avoid me.
She wasn’t her usual, cheerful self at all, just an embarrassed, self conscious, nervous girl, who looked like she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her.
Anyway, the days rolled by and soon it was Friday once more. We all went to park after school as usual, “revisiting the scene of the crime,” as Maria put it.
Inevitably, we ended up playing Cowboys & Indians again and this time the girls all let themselves get captured within a matter of minutes.
“Are we going to choose squaws again?”
Gary was ready for some action.
“Why not?” Maria was up for it too.
She whispered with her friends.
“Oh, hang on. We’ve got a colour clash – two us are wearing blue ones!”
There was an air of disappointment, but I had an idea.
“Tell you what girls. You all get on the roundabout and we’ll spin you round and space ourselves out, while we watch.
We all get to claim whichever squaw stops in front of us.”
Everybody thought that sounded like fun, so the girls climbed aboard and our “resident strong man” Rob gave them a mighty spin.
They whirled around and around, laughing and squealing, for what seemed like ages before they finally started to slow down.
The tension built as the roundabout gradually lost its momentum.
Where would it stop?
Who would be paired with whom?
My cock throbbed in anticipation.
I expect the other lads’ did too.
I’d like to think the girls dampened their gussets in their excitement too.
Everyone wondered what the outcome would be.
Well everyone except me.
I had a plan.
I waited until the roundabout was nearing it final revolutions, then reached out and grabbed it.
Halting it abruptly.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“What does it look like, I’m doing?
The roundabout’s stopped and I’m claiming the squaw in front of me.
Come on Lynne!”
Our friends’ response was predictable.
“Oh, the lovebirds are together again.”
“Told you.”
There was even a badly sung chorus of
“Here comes the bride!”
I helped a dizzy Lynne down to earth and we set off towards the woods.
“Don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do,” was the final taunt as the others all paired up. They had all swapped partners from last week and were hoping to enjoy some saucy fun of their own.
We didn’t say anything until we were beyond earshot of our friends, when Lynne asked, “What did you stop the roundabout like that for? You didn’t have to….”
“Look, I had a really good time last week and I wanted to be with you again.”
“Yes, but…”
I interrupted her again, “And I couldn’t let the other lads be with you, could I? They both think you let me have sex with you last week, so they’ll be expecting you to do it with them too.”
“Oh… shit…. I hadn’t thought of that.”
We sat side by side on a fallen tree trunk, so we could talk properly.
“Why did you tell the girls we’d done it?”
Lynne spoke quickly, embarrassed by what she had to say, but anxious to get it off her chest.
“Oh I’m ever so sorry, Steve.
It was really silly.
Before we played cowboys and indians, we’d all been chatting about what we were going to do when you caught us. Sue & Maria both said they’d let their “cowboy” go all the way and I didn’t want to be the odd one out, so I said I would too.
And when Maria rang me, that night, I told her we’d done it.
And then,…” she paused for breath and sniffled, upset at her confession, “then, I found out that they”d both been joking and they’d only let Rob and Gary feel them up a bit – just over their clothes, you know? And I felt really stupid and thought they might think I was some kind of slut and they wouldn’t want to be my friends anymore.”
She started to sob and I gave her a hug.
“But it was too late to admit I’d lied about us, so I had to pretend it was true and then everybody at school heard about it and I felt terrible and… I’m sorry….
Thanks for not giving me away.”
She kissed my cheek and I wiped away her tears.
“What did you say to the boys?” she asked.
“Nothing, I just told that that whatever we do is private and it’s none of their business.” I explained quietly.
Lynne bit her lip, then looked up at me, “That was very kind. Thank you.”
She kissed me again.
“Am I forgiven?” She asked sweetly. “Please.”
“Yeah, I suppose so, but try not to do it again, eh.”
“Okay,” she snuggled up against me.
“But, erm, I’ve been thinking… I was very naughty wasn’t I. Maybe I deserve to be punished.
I think might need to have my bottom smacked.
What do you think, Mr Cowboy?”
“I think that’s exactly what my squaw deserves!” I smiled. I could hardly wait.
“Now then Red Bum, get yourself over my knee you naughty girl!”
Lynne couldn’t wait either, quickly getting into position and presenting her backside for punishment, as we balanced on the tree trunk.
I yanked up her skirt and took a good look at my magnificent target.
She wore flimsy sky blue knickers this time – very nice. I ran my fingers over them gently, caressing her smooth cheeks through the fabric.
“Aren’t you going to pull them down?” asked my squaw. “Our Chief always smacks us on our bare bottoms.”
“He sure sounds like a wise man to me,” I declared in a cowboy drawl and proceeded to gently ease her underwear down to her thighs unveiling her lovely, well upholstered bottom.
Fully naked and vulnerable.
Completely at my mercy.
I was so glad to be a boy.
I began to smack.
Left, right, left, right.
Taking care not to strike to hard, but wanting her to feel every blow.
Leaving my hand in place after each impact to fondle and caress the soft, yielding flesh.
Slapping and squeezing.
Taking full advantage of my opportunity to use her body to satisfy my base desires.
Slapping and squeezing.
Building the intensity, the arousal, the desire and the connection between us.
Slapping and squeezing.
Holding her steady, as she flinched and wriggled and giggled and squealed.
Taking secret delight in way her writhing body was brushing against my stiff, hard cock.
If only she knew the effect she was having on me…
I could have smacked and fondled her all night, but my hand was getting sore and I didn’t want to be cruel, especially as I had an inkling that Lynne was ready to offer me more than just her backside.
“Right then, Red Bum, do you think you’ve learned you lesson?”
“Oh yes sir. I won’t tell anymore lies. I promise.”
“Okay. I’ll keep you to that!” I warned.
I pulled her knickers back up and she sat next to me on the tree trunk again.
“Ow,” she complained, “that bark’s really sharp, can we go somewhere more comfortable?”
I took her by the hand and lay her down on the ground beneath a sycamore.
Lynne had accepted her punishment like a good squaw and now it was time for us to make up.
We put our arms around each other and kissed, snogging like randy teenagers.
We were both turned on after the spanking and I decided to carry on where I had left off last week.
I fumbled at the buttons of Lynne’s blouse and soon had it open right down to her waist. I peeled it back as far as it would go – exposing the delights of her full, deep bosom, encased in her soft white brassiere.
I’d been visualising her tits all week and I couldn’t help grabbing at them, hungrily, claiming them as my prize.
I was desperate to see them and reached around her to try to release the clasp.
“No Steve.”
Lynne stayed my hand.
“Don’t take it off. Someone might come, like last time.”
She sat up and pushed the bra straps off her shoulders.
“There… now you can… you know… get them out… if you like.”
Of course, I liked. I liked very much.
I released them both with pleasure and soon had two plump full, dark nippled, bare naked boobs filling my hands.
What more could I ask for?
I know now that they were a bit puffy and a bit saggy, but they were tits, real live tits and Lynne was letting me see them, squeeze them, play with them, do whatever I wanted with them.
No girl, no matter how shapely,
could have offered me more.
She held me tight, kissing me. Caressing my back and grabbing at my bum as I enjoyed her ample curves.
I was still hoping for more, though and I slid a hand up her skirt. Stroking up her leg, higher and higher until I reached her inner thigh. Her flesh got warmer, softer, smoother and more moist, as I edged towards her treasure.
I wondered how far she would let me go.
I reached the hem of her knickers and worked my fingers across the material. The cotton was thin enough for me to feel texture of her body, as approached her centre. My excitement grew as the smoothness of her skin was replaced by the soft cushion of the intimate hair that guarded her holy of holies.
Lynne knew what I was doing.
She made no attempt to stop me.
She just held still.
Eyes closed.
Breathing deeply.
Absorbing the myriad of new sensations igniting her sex.
Giving her silent consent as I investigated her most intimate, most secret places.
I discovered the groove of her slit and ran a finger along the swallow, damp, musty valley of her knickers.
She gasped.
“Oh… oh no Steve… that’s… that’s. Stop, please.”
Of course I took my hand away.
“I’m sorry Lynne…”
“It’s okay. I liked it…. but I’m not ready, not yet. Sorry.”
We kissed gently.
I stroked her tit and she stroked my hair.
We had gone as far as we were going to today.
And we were still friends.
I walked her home again, with my arm around her waist.
“I really am sorry that I lied about us having sex last week.” she whispered, so as not to be heard.
“That’s okay,” I squeezed her arse, “I think you’re paid the price.”
We laughed.
“But,” I continued, “you do know, the others are all going to think we’re a couple now.”
“Yeah, I suppose so, but that wouldn’t that be so bad, would it?”
“How do you mean?”
She turned and looked me in the eye. “If it was true and you really were my boyfriend and I really was your girlfriend. Would that be okay?”
“Are you asking me out?” I asked quizzically.
“Yes, Steve,” she laughed nervously, “Of course I am. You do want to don’t you?”
Of course I did!
I took her in my arms and kissed her.
Kissed her like my life depended on it.
I was such a lucky guy.
I’d never had a girlfriend before.
I’d always been too shy to ask, but now a girl had asked me!
And she was a sexy girl too.
A proper little saucepot!
She’d already let me see her tits and her bum.
She’d let me squeeze her and spank her. She’d almost let me finger her fanny, for heaven’s sake and we hadn’t even been on our first date yet.!
Who knew what she would let me do then?
We’ll find out in Part 2.
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By Mr Rodd