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Traffic crawled to a standstill as the sun sank lower in the sky. Inside his recently purchased, but slightly used, Honda Civic, Jacob sat mumbling expletives under his breath. The sea of brake lights seemed to stretch on forever in front of him with no end in sight. Letting out a yawn, Jacob toyed with the buttons on the radio and pondered the choices in life he had recently made.

Why did I ever take this stupid job in this stupid city, with all this stupid damn traffic? His mind raged, letting out a sigh of relief as the cars in front of him slowly crept forward.

It was an exciting time in Jacob’s life. Finishing college meant the beginning of his adult life with a new career and new adventures. As soon as school was over, he, along with two of his friends, went in on renting a townhouse in the suburbs. A few interviews later, Jacob landed himself an accounting job in a firm in the heart of downtown. The pace of life was fast and was fun. Finding the right job he went to school for and then going home each evening to hang out with his closest friends, fit the mold for a perfect life to a fresh face out of school. However, the novelty wore off steadily, and by Labor Day, here he was, cursing nearly every decision he had made since the start of the summer.

Eventually reaching his exit, Jacob’s mood remained salty as he turned into the neighborhood and parked in front of his house. He noticed he was the last one home for the day, as he locked the car and plodded his way up the driveway past his roommates’ vehicles. Closing the front door behind him, he halfheartedly greeted his friends, who were lounging in the living room. Loosening his tie, he grabbed a cold beer from the refrigerator and joined them. Plopping down with a heavy sigh, he took a big gulp of beer and kicked off his shoes.

“Bad day at work?” asked his roommate, Matt.

“Traffic is unreal.”

“I didn’t hit any traffic today,” Jacob’s other roommate Andrew quickly quipped.

“Screw you,” Jacob and Matt both rang out in unison, bursting into laughter.

“You lucky jerk, some of us don’t get to work from home and play Xbox all day, you ass,” Matt chuckled.

“Yeah, what do you just watch porn and yank it all day?” Jacob quickly retorted.

“Ah, screw you both, you’re just jealous,” Andrew poked back.

They jabbed each other for a while, drifting in and out of what was happening on SportsCenter. Andrew stood up and grabbed the group another round of beers as their subject changed to Labor Day weekend plans. Jacob had nothing going on per usual and felt thoroughly disappointed when he learned that Matt and Andrew were taking their girlfriends hiking and camping up north.

“Damn, guys, what am I supposed to do now?” Jacob said with dejection.

Andrew and Matt glanced at one another, both feeling sorry for their friend. When it was time to be with the girls, they usually hung Jacob out to dry. It was still fresh in their minds, the awful events that unfolded with Jacob and his now ex-girlfriend shortly before graduation. Matt and Andrew stumbled upon their former roommate, Mike, and Jacob’s girlfriend, getting busy when they returned home after a long evening of studying. Jacob had elected to stay back at the library a little while longer, saving him the agony of happening upon the scene himself. Jacob was too close a friend for the pair not to inform him about what they had seen. At first, it was tough going, but with a brotherly bond, formed day one of freshman year, the two young men helped their close friend through the breakup and hardships thereafter.

Since the breakup, Jacob focused solely on his career and nothing more. He didn’t go out on the weekends, opting to stay in and sober-cab whenever the two couples needed him. The stresses of his new lifestyle were taking a toll on him, and his roommates could see it a mile away.

“Hey, I know what you can do this weekend,” Andrew said with an exclaimed snap of his fingers. “Why don’t you go check out your mom and dad’s new place?”

Jacob thought for a moment about the idea. He had been meaning to see the new house, but those plans got put on hold and he hadn’t gotten the chance to see the place. His mom and dad had moved out of the old house where he grew up and bought a new place across town. His dad, making partner at his office, immediately enjoyed and the pay raise that was out of this world. Jacob’s mom recently told him about the large backyard and how they had added on to the patio to make it even bigger. Andrew’s idea was the only good one he had heard. His weekend plans consisted mostly of lying around, playing video games, watching TV and probably lots of porn.

“I’ll give my folks a call and see if they’re home this weekend,” Jacob said, perking up a bit. He went into the kitchen and gave his mom a call. “Hi, mom, say are you guys doing anything this weekend, by chance? I would love to come check out the new house if you are around?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie, we won’t be in town. Your dad has a work conference and we won’t be back until Labor Day.”

Jacob huffed out a defeated sigh. Looks like it’s going to be yet another boring weekend, he thought before his mom spoke again.

“Actually, Jacob, would you want to do us a big favor?”

“Sure, mom, what’s up?”

“Well, since we just got settled into the new house, your dad doesn’t really feel comfortable leaving it all alone for the long weekend. Would you want to come stay here and watch over the place? Of course, if you have nothing planned?” his mom asked in a chipper tone.

Jacob’s mindset changed dramatically. Sure, he might still be all by himself, but it beat sitting alone in the townhouse. This way, he figured he could get out into the country and change things up, something he hadn’t done in a while.

“Sure, mom, I’d love to come stay.”

“Okay, perfect. I’ll let your dad know. See you tomorrow, dear. Love you.”

“Love you too, mom, see you tomorrow,” Jacob said with a smile, hanging up the phone a bit more excited than he thought he would have.

After work the next day, Jacob sat through the sea of traffic, a lot happier than he ever had. Navigating his way home, he packed a bag and was out the door in a flash. The others had already left for their camping trip, so he locked up before hitting the highway towards his hometown. He couldn’t quite tell why he was so giddy about the whole idea. His life must be so boring, he thought, that getting the chance to house-sit sounded like quite the adventure. Brushing off the self-deprecation, he drove on, eventually finding his parents’ neighborhood. Turning off the main road, he noticed all the houses were quite large, a lot larger than the one he grew up in. Driving along the winding, secluded street, he took in that a large yard separated every house. Some houses even had patches of woods that hid them from plain sight.

Arriving at his destination, Jacob was in amazement as he drove up the driveway to his parents’ house. He couldn’t exactly call it a house; it was a small mansion in his eyes. The place had a high roof with an enormous garage. The front yard, though mostly wooded and, from what Jacob could see, opened up beyond the house to a backyard that was as big as his mom had said. Parking his car off to the side, he grabbed his bag and walked through the open garage door. Giving a gentle knock, he opened the door into the house and called out.

“Hi, Jacob!” his mom exclaimed, rushing over and giving him a big hug and a kiss.

His dad strolled around the corner with a couple of travel bags and also gave him a hug. Quickly, his mom took him to the kitchen and showed him around. They chatted about several topics, catching up on family matters and how he was doing. His mom talked while she wrote a few names and numbers of the neighbors. She then introduced him to the freshly stocked refrigerator, freezer, and pantry to satisfy his hunger needs.

“Call if you have questions about anything,” his dad said, giving him a final hug.

“Will do, dad, I’m sure I can manage.”

“Love you, dear, enjoy the new place and please try to keep it clean,” his mom instructed, giving him a kiss and hug before climbing into the pickup.

“See you on Monday. Have fun at the conference,” Jacob waved as they pulled out of the garage.

His parents waved back and then pulled away, leaving him all alone in a brand new, enormous house. Jacob went back inside and slowly made his way through the house. His favorite feature upstairs was the master bathroom shower with dual showerheads.

Returning to the main level, he eyed up the big living room and his dad’s office near the front door. Jacob nearly lost his breath when he arrived at the basement landing. On one side of the giant room was a huge bar, fully stocked with wine and liquor. A pool table sat in the middle of the room and on the other side was an enormous sectional couch. The TV was well beyond his standards and would be a perfect spot to set up his game console. Walking over to the bar, he opened the refrigerator and snagged a cold beer before going outside. Stepping out onto the freshly built patio, Jacob could only shake his head in disbelief. The patio was freshly pavered and new outdoor furniture was already in place. The grill looked large enough to fit an entire cow inside of it. A small, open-air gazebo in the corner housed a hot tub and finished his grand tour.

Jacob took a sip of beer and laughed. “Why couldn’t Dad have gotten this promotion when I was younger?”

Feeling his stomach suddenly growl, Jacob returned upstairs to the kitchen, chowing down on a couple of granola bars from the pantry. He opened the freezer and retrieved a package of burgers, setting out to compile the rest of his dinner ingredients. As he thawed the burgers in the microwave, Jacob went over the list of names and numbers on the pad of paper. Rob and Stacy Andrews lived across the road, Paul and Rhonda Smith were to the south, and Veronica Gibson was the closest house just to the north. On the drive in, Jacob had made a mental note about how the house closest to his parents was even larger than theirs.

“She must make a shitload of money,” he said, thinking about the size of the house next door.

Placing the burgers on a plate, he went out back and fired up the giant grill. Letting it preheat, he retrieved another beer and sat down on one of the patio chairs. The late summer sun was slowly making its way towards the horizon as he slapped each patty on the grate with a hiss. Turning around, he noticed some movement towards the neighboring property. A woman had stepped out onto the patio and sat back on an outdoor chaise. Even from a distance, Jacob couldn’t help but get a little aroused by the sexy way she moved.

Turning back to the grill, he went about his business and finished the burgers. Enjoying his dinner and the rest of his beer, he continued to make glances at the neighboring property, hoping to see the woman again. Finishing, Jacob cleaned up and took everything inside. After a thorough inspection of the kitchen and knowing his mom would approve, he grabbed another beer from the fridge and went back outside.

Stepping out the back door, he gazed towards the neighbor’s patio and was in for quite a sight. The woman had sat up from her chaise and was stretching her arms over her head. She was wearing what appeared to be a tight-fitting, white tank top that only reached about to her midriff. Her ample chest jutted out, straining against the snug material. Jacob gulped, feeling the stirring in his pants. Curious and increasingly horny, he wanted a closer look. He slowly made his way towards the property line. Breathing deeply, he readjusted himself and continued the slow walk, his heart beating faster with every step.

The woman noticed him approaching and stood to meet him at the edge of the patio. Drawing closer, he drank in the attractive scene before him. She stood barefoot, a pair of short, pink shorts exposing much of her toned thighs. Her taut midsection proved she exercised a lot. Her white tank top was so thin that a dark-colored bra showed through. The bra was doing its best to contain a pair of very large breasts. Her raven hair fell across her shoulders, accenting her deep brown eyes and perfectly sculpted nose.

“Hi there, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Jacob. I’m watching over my parents’ house this weekend,” he stammered.

She flashed him a warm smile as she sized him up. Oh my, he’s cute, her inner self toyed. “I’m Veronica Gibson, but most people call me Nicki. It’s nice to meet you, Jacob,” she said, trying to push the thought out of her head.

The two warmly shook hands and smiled. Sparks immediately flew between them as the handshake lingered longer than normal. The awkwardness building before they slowly broke their grip. Jacob glanced around at the yard, taking a sip of beer.

“Hey, I was just getting up to mix a drink when I saw you coming over. Have a seat and I’ll be right back,” Nicki said, stepping back towards the house.

“Sounds good. I’ll go grab another beer. This one is almost gone,” Jacob responded, rushing off towards his parents’ house.

Closing the sliding door behind her, Nicki sighed and took a deep breath. Keep it together, girl; my God, he has to be half your age, her mind screamed. Though her conscience was telling her no, her body was saying otherwise. A growing tingle between her legs betrayed everything her mind was against. She felt her nipples steadily growing, pushing hard against the cups holding her breasts in place.

Slowly mixing a vodka cranberry, she just couldn’t get the image of him out of her head. His strong firm-grip handshake, crooked boyish smile, and his built frame had Nicki fantasizing about several naughty things. Lost in a daze, she shook her thoughts aside and went back outside.

Finishing the last of his beer, Jacob recycled his can and grabbed a new one from the fridge. His mind raced back and forth the entire time as images of the woman next door flooded over him. About to step back outside, he turned towards the bathroom, contemplating relieving himself of the straining in his pants. Taking a deep breath, he decided against it and returned outside and headed back over.

Jacob breathed deeply, attempting to quell the demons in his loins. He didn’t want her noticing him in this state, for fear she might take it the wrong way and think he was a pervert. As he reached the edge of the patio, Nicki reemerged from the house with a drink in her hand. Jacob sat quickly, concealing his stiffness as best it could be. Nicki took a seat next to him, taking a long, slow drink from her glass.

“Ahh, that hits the spot,” she sighed, kicking her feet up onto the chair’s footrest.

“Tell me about it,” Jacob quickly responded. “It’s nice kicking back and having a few drinks to wind down the week.”

“Mmm, you could say that again.”

Jacob’s hormones soared as she moaned her response. Nicki took another sip from her drink; all the while, Jacob drank in the sight of her, his mind and his body punishing him for not relieving himself when he had the chance.

“So, tell me about yourself. I’ve met your parents several times since they moved in. They said you live in the city somewhere?” Nicki asked intently.

Jacob told her about his job, where he was living, and explained to her how he had finally seen the new house for the first time.

“That’s the basics of me, so tell me a little about Nicki Gibson?” Jacob asked curiously.

Nicki sat back and sipped her drink. She told Jacob about marrying into a very wealthy family and how she and her ex -husband had lived in this house for several years. They filed for divorce and she ended up with a large sum of money. The house being already paid for stayed with her and her ex-husband moved to the coast.

“Oh wow, that’s something,” Jacob expressed with sympathy.

“Sorry for bringing the mood down, but I’m happy where I am in life, and that’s all that matters. Are you going to have another one?” Nicki asked, changing the subject.

Jacob polished off the last bit in his can and smiled. “I suppose it is the weekend.”

“Why don’t you come on inside and I’ll mix us both one?”

Jacob flew to his feet, embarrassed by his eagerness. Nicki let out a giggle as she turned and led the way into the house. As she walked, she felt the burning feeling of eyes on her. The little angel and devil on her shoulders were at war, and the devil was gaining the upper hand. She slowly sauntered towards the sliding glass door, swaying a bit and show off her toned backside. The hungry young eyes behind her feasted on the sight. Jacob’s jaw dropped as blood surged to his member.

Holy shit, he thought, quickly rearranging himself as he followed her inside. Stepping into the house, the coolness of the air conditioning snapped him out of his lustful gaze. He hastily found himself a seat on a stool next to the bar, similar to that of his parents.

Nicki walked behind the bar and began mixing drinks. Jacob, attempting to avoid staring at her yet again, took in the rest of the open basement. His eyes fixed intently on the vintage posters of his alma mater on the wall.

“You a big fan of State?” he asked with growing interest.

Nicki handed him a drink and stepped over to the posters. “Yep, I’m an alum. I usually never miss a home football game either,” she said excitedly, taking a sip of her drink. “You a big fan?”

“I went to school there as well,” Jacob smiled warmly.

“I graduated with Brian Drews. He spent some time in the league back in the day.”

Jacob knew all too well the name Brian Drews, the standout quarterback who spent nearly ten years in the pros. He quickly did some math in his head from when Drews left campus till now and felt shocked when he discovered that the gorgeous woman in front of him was over forty years old. There’s no way she’s that old, he thought. It doesn’t matter, she’s hot as hell!

The pair talked about their time on campus, realizing they had quite a bit in common. As they chatted like old classmates, the stories continued to flow. Time seemed to melt away as Nicki mixed a couple more drinks for the two of them. Their conversation transitioned from one subject to the next.

After a while, Nicki excused herself to use the bathroom. Locking the door behind her, she set her half-empty drink on the counter and stared into the mirror. Her mind was in a whirlwind of thought. The angel and devil on her shoulders were whispering once again to her. Oh my God, Nicki, he is half your age, what are you doing? It doesn’t matter; I haven’t felt the touch of a man in so long. I need it now!

Her body’s desire was winning over her mind as the tingle grew stronger between her legs. She took a deep breath and pressed her breasts together before straightening out her top. She gave herself the once over and smiled, satisfied with her appearance. Nicki worked hard to keep her body looking the way it did. All those hours at the gym and eating right kept her appearance at least ten years younger than she actually was. She was proud of her image; all she needed now was a tight-figured man to enjoy her.

Returning to her guest, Nicki’s eyes met with Jacob’s and she flashed him a smile. “How’s the drink?” she asked, peeling her eyes from his, settling on the glass in his hand and not towards the rest of his body.

“It’s good, thank you. It should probably be my last, though. I’m feeling it a bit,” Jacob replied with a long, slow sip.

Nicki sat herself atop the stool next to him, following his sip with one of her own. “Me too. If I have any more, I might not be in control of my actions,” she giggled.

Jacob gulped hard and thought about her response. Anyone could see that she was a beautiful woman, one that most men would thoroughly enjoy being with. The question racing around his mind was if she was coming on to him? They sat there, only feet apart, in silence. The quiet awkwardness grew as they sipped their drinks. Then Jacob opened his mouth.

“I probably couldn’t control my actions, either.” The words rolled out to Jacob’s horror. “I, uh, I just meant.”

His stuttering was hushed by a long, slender finger pressed against his lips. Slipping from her stool, Nicki pressed close to the young man, holding her finger to his lips to keep him silent. By now, her shoulder devil had won out and was in full command of her every thought and action.

“Do you find me attractive, Jacob?” she quietly asked, still holding her finger to his lips.

Jacob gulped again, his throat going dry. He nodded silently at her question. Nicki let out a sigh that sent tingles up Jacob’s spine. Locking her eyes to his, she inched closer until she pressed against him, their hot breath intermingling.

“We’re both adults, right? Should we have ourselves a little fun?” she whispered, sliding her hand away from his mouth and down his body to the growing erection in his shorts.

Jacob let out a groan as she caressed him, sliding her fingers lightly along his entire shaft. Nicki giggled in amusement, enjoying his package as she lightly pressed her lips to his. Jacob, in a daze at what was unfolding, instinctively returned the light kiss. Softly and silently, their lips locked, allowing their tongues to find each other in a romantic dance. The kisses grew hungrier and soon they were both out of breath. Breaking the embrace, Nicki released her grasp on him and took his hand in hers.

“Come with me, I need your body now!” she exclaimed, pulling him off the bar stool to his feet.

Dragging Jacob along, Nicki ascended the stairs towards the main level. Reaching the first landing, she felt a sudden tug and fell back into the young man’s strong arms. Jacob pressed his body into hers as their lips embraced, their hands roaming freely along each other’s backside. Losing the fight with her tongue, Nicki quickly reached around to the front. Her hands felt in desperation to unbutton Jacob’s khaki shorts. Successful at last, she reached in and slid her hand beneath his briefs, taking hold of his skin for the first time.

“Oh fuck,” Jacob let out breathlessly at the feeling of her soft fingers touching him.

Multitasking, Nicki slid along his length with one hand, while she continued to pull down his shorts and briefs with the other. Finally, both items pooled at his feet. Dropping to her knees, she inspected Jacob’s member, eyeing it up from the tip to the base. Looking into his eyes, she gave him a wicked grin and kissed his bulbous head. Jacob let out a groan as her hot mouth enveloped him. The warm, wet suction felt incredible as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. The quiet landing soon filled with the sounds of ragged breathing and the wet slurping of Nicki, hard at work. She loved the feeling of him in her mouth. He wasn’t the largest she had ever gone down on, but he felt so comfortable. She slurped and sucked until he was down her throat. Then she would slowly withdraw and do it all over again. Freeing him with a wet pop, she quickly grabbed hold and slowly stroked as she slid her tongue along his undercarriage.

“I’m getting close,” Jacob stammered alarmingly.

Nicki released him from her grasp and stood up. “Not yet, stud, I haven’t had mine,” she said urgently, wiping some spittle from her mouth.

Once again, taking his hand, the pair moved up the stairs to the main level. Turning the corner into the living room, Nicki spun around to lie back on the love seat, gesturing a finger towards Jacob, who was naked from the waist down. He slid up and hovered over her, kissing her deeply. He kissed his way down her chin onto her neck, slowly trailing to the tops of her supple breasts. The moans of pleasure coming from the mature beauty let him know he was on the right track as he slid his fingers under the fabric of her tank top. Raising her arms to the ceiling, she allowed the young man to slide her top up and over her head.

Stripping the garment, Jacob cast it aside and devoured her chest, his strong hands massaging her melons, still held in by the dark bra. He planted kiss after kiss along her decolletage, making his way to her tight core and naval. Ever so tediously, he teased his way to the waistband of her shorts. Releasing her breasts from his grasp, his hands slid along her curves and lightly tugged on the shorts. Nicki raised herself up slightly, letting the shorts slide down her legs. Freeing her from the article of clothing, Jacob threw the shorts over his shoulder, eyeing up the small, dark thong before him.

“Please don’t make me wait,” Nicki whimpered in anticipation, her body begging for release.

Jacob smiled deviously as he moved in. He brushed his nose against the dark fabric, feeling her moisture on his skin. The first touch sent shock waves up Nicki’s spine, causing her to throw her head back. The young man delicately brushed aside the tiny piece of clothing, revealing his prize. Taking a deep breath, he dove in for the kill. A rumble escaped Nicki’s mouth as Jacob probed her with his tongue. Licking up and down, he slowly spread her lips and quickly sucked on his index finger. Nicki squealed with pleasure at the sensation of being invaded. Jacob slid his finger slowly in and out, continuing to work with his tongue. As he fingered and tongued, he felt her grab fistfuls of his hair and hold on for dear life. Nicki did everything in her power to hold on. A tidal wave of ecstasy was rapidly approaching, and they both knew it. Jacob picked up the pace, sliding his finger in and out. He felt the grip on his hair tighten drastically as he found her sensitive nub.

“Ooh, right there, don’t stop!” Nicki shrieked, nearly at her peak.

Jacob flew into overdrive, lapping and sucking at the river of sweet nectar that was being poured forth. Nearly out of breath, the sudden deafness surrounding him threw him in a daze. The toned legs wrapped tightly around his head muffled the screams from her orgasm. Jacob eased up with his tongue, feeling as if he might lose consciousness. The hot white flood crashing over Nicki slowed to aftershocks as she released the young man from her grip. Suddenly freed, Jacob wobbled on his knees and fell backwards in the center of the living room. On his back, staring at the ceiling, he had to smile at what had just happened. Wiping the juices from his face, he sat up to catch his breath. Across from him, Nicki was breathing heavily as the last tingles of her orgasm faded.

“Thought you were going to crush my head for a second,” Jacob chuckled.

Nicki took a deep breath, slowly sitting up. “Sorry about that, I just kept cumming,” she said, still trying to find her breath.

“Awesome,” Jacob grinned, taking in the glistening wetness between her legs.

“Oh, you like that, do you?” Nicki laughed, raising an eyebrow. She let out a silent gasp as her eyes fixated on the stiffness between the young man’s legs. Licking her lips, Nicki stood and pointed towards Jacob’s crotch with a smile. “I think I’ve got a perfect place for that to go.”

Jacob glanced down at his member and quickly rose to his feet. Nicki slid out of her damp thong as the two embraced feverishly. Nicki slid up the young man’s torso to his toned chest, helping him slip off his shirt. With clothing scattered all over the living room, she reached down, taking hold of his throbbing cock. Giving it a few good pumps, she locked her lips with his, enjoying the tang of her juices on his tongue. Taking him by the hand, the pair made their way towards the stairs. Nicki’s legs were unsteady as she took the first step. Halfway up the flight of stairs, she felt a tug from behind. Jacob reached up and took hold of the clasp of her dark bra. After a couple of attempts, he unclasped the hooks, revealing her entire bare back. His eyes roamed her tan backside, from her plump cheeks all the way up her spine.

“So this is what you’ve been waiting to see all this time,” giggled Nicki, still facing away from him.

Jacob moved back a step and continued to eye her up. “Let me see you, all of you,” he said with anticipation.

Nicki slid the shoulder straps down and popped the cups away from her already engorged nipples. Letting the bra fall carelessly on the stairs, she slowly turned and faced the wide eyes of the young stud before her. Jacob stood with his mouth hanging open, his eyes taking in every inch of her skin.

“Well, not bad for an old woman, huh?” She smirked, putting her hands on her hips.

Jacob smiled widely as he stepped close and took her in his arms. “The older the violin, the sweeter the music.”

The deep kiss cut Nicki’s laughter off as the young man planted firmly on her lips. The pair continued their embrace as Jacob moved her backwards up the stairs. Slow and steady, they caressed each other, making their way to the top of the stairs and into the hallway.

“End of the hallway,” Nicki let out breathlessly, moaning into his kiss as his hand moved between her legs.

The room was brightly lit as the couple groped their way in. Nicki took control, breaking the kiss with a smile. She gently nudged Jacob onto the small cushioned bench in front of the bed. Lying back, Jacob looked upside down at the closet mirror doors. From his vantage point, he watched the sexy goddess straddle him. Lifting his head up, he gazed into the lust-filled eyes of his partner. Nicki gave him a wicked grin as she squatted, sliding her finger along his erect meat.

“I love watching myself fuck in the mirror. My ex-husband and I used to do it all the time,” she said with a sigh. “Now I’ve got you, stud.”

Jacob’s rebuttal came out as groan as Nicki enveloped him. Slowly sinking inch by inch, she reached the base and rested on his hips. Slipping her feet to the floor, she took a moment, reveling in the sensation of being filled up. Then, out of a primal urge, she went to work. Nicki slowly bounced and ground atop the young man, feeding her needs. The room filled with the sounds of her skin slapping against his and the moans of pleasure escaping the two of them. Jacob reached up and took a handful of her breast as she rocked back and forth. She was really getting into it, her eyes never leaving the mirror in front of her. Nicki ran her fingers through her raven hair as Jacob leaned his head back to watch the scene upside down.

With the blood rushing to his head, he quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around her. The pair embraced in a fiery kiss of passion as they met each other’s thrusts. The sounds of pleasure echoed throughout the room as they drove each other towards bliss. Quickly fading, Jacob freed his lips and attempted to stand. Nicki took the hint and freed herself from him with a wet pop. Her juices covered both their under regions with a glisten. Jacob moved up onto the bed and rose to his knees. Nicki followed, sliding onto her stomach and popping his cock in her mouth. She ran her tongue along its length, slowly pumping him in her hand. Jacob’s mouth hung open as he watched. With a wet kiss on the tip, Nicki released her grip and pushed herself up on her hands and knees.

Spinning to face the mirror, she stuck her firm cheeks high in the air and looked back over her shoulder. Jacob’s knees walked into position behind her, a wide smile on his face the whole time. Grabbing hold of his shimmering sword, he slid the shaft along her moist lips. Fresh juices lubricated his instrument as the head eased in. Painstakingly, he sunk down until his entire shaft enveloped in her needy sex. Jacob’s hands filled with her plump rear as he worked in and out. His hips moved delicately to keep the pair connected. In no time, he found momentum, and he slammed home. Nicki moaned with pleasure, dirty words of encouragement escaping to aid the young man hammering into her. His speed continued until his hips moved in a blur. The smacking of flesh on flesh and the groans of pleasure he was helping to create caused Jacob to feel the growing itch deep down.

“Faster, faster, don’t stop!” Nicki encouraged, squealing with delight.

Jacob’s loins boiled as his long-awaited release rapidly approached. Taking a fistful of her raven hair, Jacob pistoned home, giving everything he had. Nearly at the breaking point, he jolted suddenly and felt relieved to hear a scream from his partner. Nicki’s orgasm crashed over her, sending electricity sparking through her body. Every nerve ending tingled as her vision faded in and out. The last image she had before everything went dark was of her on her hands and knees, watching every muscle of the young man behind her rippling as he gave her the pounding she so desperately needed.

Coming back to her senses, Nicki lay prone on her bed. Her entire body was numb from the powerful orgasm that had washed over her. After several deep breaths, she managed an exhausted glance towards the mirror. Jacob knelt behind her, panting for breath. His glistening cock rapidly deflated as her juices mingled with the fresh sweat that covered his body. He sure was delicious, she thought as her mind spun around. Recovering enough, she slowly sat up, realizing just how wet she actually was.

Smiling tiredly at the young man, she scooted towards him and lightly kissed his lips. “Thank you, Jacob, I needed that.”

“Be careful, I had to pull out quickly,” Jacob said, pointing towards her backside.

Nicki felt to the small of her back and touched the spunk that decorated her. Swirling her fingers around, she brought them to her mouth and licked them clean with a dirty grin. Rising from the bed, she stood up to make her way to the master bathroom. Looking at the clock, she felt surprised to see that it was barely past nine pm. Turning around in the doorway, her eyes met those of the young man, who was now lying back in her bed. A grin broke over both of them as they eyed each other.

“So, stud, how about we clean each other up in the shower and then settle in for a movie? If you play your cards right, I’ll let you stay the night,” Nicki smirked, knowing full well she wasn’t kicking him out anytime soon.

Jacob sprang out of bed with youthful enthusiasm and met her in the doorway. As she turned, she felt a playful spank on her rear. Giggling with delight, she chased after him into the shower.

Jacob was busy fixing lunch for himself when the door opened from the garage. His parents looked exhausted as they dropped their things to the floor.

“Long drive, huh?” Jacob questioned by their demeanor.

“It’s just nice to be home. How did everything go?” his mom said, sitting down at the counter with him.

“It went well. I just hung out and enjoyed myself.”

“That’s good. Thanks again for staying here. I’m sure you had better things going on, but we are glad you looked after the place,” his dad said, shaking his hand.

“Anytime. I look forward to doing it again,” Jacob said with a devious grin.

He thought a lot about those last three words, and about the events that unfolded the last few days. The dirty little secret that he and the woman next door shared, he laughed just thinking about it. They got to know each other a lot more, inside and out, in her bed the rest of that evening, in her kitchen and on her patio, once on top of her bar and in his parents’ hot tub, and of course in his parents’ master bathroom shower with those amazing dual showerheads. As he left his parents and headed down the road, he continued to glance back in his rearview, not at his parents’ house, but at the one next door.

Back home that evening, Jacob sat mindlessly watching TV. The weekend’s events had briefly left his mind with the help of a hot shower and a little personal time with his imagination. Flipping channel to channel, he felt the sudden vibration of his phone in his pocket. Pulling it out, he opened the screen to a text message from an unfamiliar number. Jacob’s eyes grew wide and his mouth hung open as he read:

Hey Jacob, your mom gave me your number so I could properly thank you for all your “help” this weekend. Don’t be a stranger, stud, I look forward to seeing you again!

Attached to the text message was a mirror selfie of Nicki, wearing nothing but Jacob’s t-shirt from Friday night.