Latest sex stories about Migrants are bosses – added for who looking to read new experience of teenager narrative Migrants are bosses – story.
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#Gay #Group #Teen #Tween
By Thomas
It was summer of 2015 when we welcome migrants and refugees, our town had 100.000 ctizens, most of migrants, refugees were families and men of all ages. At first all was perfect, most of us helping them with clothes, food, goverment sending support but we the children soon learn that migrants werent all innocent.
I was 10yearsold, fifth grade student of elementary school and i have 2 sisters, 14yearsold twins Paola and Korina. It was friday evening, i my friends Philip and Afred were at our small paradise, one not very small beach with rocks which were perfect for jumping and dives.
Because only we and some other kids which we trusted knew for our paradise we had the pleasure of swimming nude, we werent shy for each others body because we knew each other of kindergarden. Besides from first grade we had starting sex education and we knew anything about body, its organs and their use.
We had a lot of fun when a group of 11 black kids made their appearance, probably migrants. They surprise us and we immediately cover our special areas with our hands, 5 of the kids were around 15-16yearsold and rest of them same ages with us or alittle older. Of course they doesnt speak our language but after talk with eyes and hands we learn they want also to swim.
They were looking friendly so we let them, like us they get nude revealing us their physically fit leaving us in shock. Guickly we become friends and playing inside the sea but with games we come very near to each other and having some inapropirate touching and acts, many times i could feel their hard penis.
Of course we start feel really uncomfortable, we decide to leave but boys stop us, we undestand they had bad intentions and we would have to fight. We try but they outnumbere us and it ends with me and my 2 friends bend over the rocks with legs wide open and three of the oldest them behind us stroking their hard dicks while the rests of boys keeping us there with our hands behind of the back crossing and others kids watching.
I and my friends looks each other, we undestand what would happen and we started to sceam, asking of them to not harm us, they doesnt speak our language so they doesnt understand our screams but they were laughing. Soon boys take place behind us and touching the tips at the entrance of our anus, we start scream more intence and trying to escape but without result.
Of the beggining they were very rough, they show no mercy, pain incredible, i and my friends screaming and crying i at least could feel every inch of his cock streched wide my anus. Things get more worse when 3 of the young kids come in frond of us with their hard cocks in hands. Kids which fuck us us and in frond of us place their hands behind of our head so their cocks touching our lips.
We keep our mouths close but not for long because of strong push behind us so soon they were spitroast us, it was disguisting, for us, for them it was pleasure they were moaning like animals. Soon they fill anus with hot liguids, their cocks split out with POP but it doesnt finish, other cocks take their seat.
It was one wild and agrresive evening, we eat the cocks of all the kids, they fill both of our mouths and anus, the worse was that of a moment and later we start enjoy all that, our cocks were hard which make them laughing more. When they finish they let us there above rocks without can talk or moving. Cum runns from our holes.
We hear and see them wearing their clothes, one of oldest come near us speaking at our language
A big thanks from all of us boys, we havent idea we would find cumsluts there, in our country white boys and girls we have them for fuck, we are dominant. Dont say something to anyone we will found you and wont like it, we havent problem to visit your moms or dads. We will see you again and he left together with other kids.
We stay alot later we couldnt believe what happen to us, later we take our swimsuit, clothes and leave, walking like dusks, worse we were still hard down there. This summer, winter and all next of them, next years were crazy. Maybe i write more of our adventures because we join up their gang.
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By Thomas
#Gay #Group #Teen #Tween