Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 43 Erotic Couplings

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This is the fortythird episode of my unreliable memoirs recounting ual encounters in the nineteen eighties. Each episode is selfcontained, so you can read them without having read the previous ones.

For a change, the next few chapters are written from Lesley’s perspective and this is the second in the series.

I hope you enjoy it.



Chapter 1 An Unexpected Turn of Events

It was odd not having to go to work on Monday morning. At some point I would have to go into the lab’ to say goodbye to people and collect my stuff, but that could wait until another day.

Peters, Daniel’s driver, had picked him up for work at eight o’clock. I tried to tempt Daniel into taking the morning off but it was never going to work.

I’d heard Steven leave for the gym on his Harley an hour or so earlier. Steven went to the gym every weekday religiously, providing he wasn’t away on business. On Mondays he had a session with a personal trainer who gave him an exercise plan for the week. He knew he no longer had the same time to train as he’d had at university so he tried to train smarter. I admired his work ethic, especially since I saw myself as the prime beneficiary of all of that exercise.

After we’d had breakfast, Kate gave me a lift home to Wimbledon in her Range Rover. We sat chatting in the kitchen for a while but then she had to leave for a hair appointment. She went every week and when she asked me whether I wanted to come with her next time I thought, why not!

When Kate left, the enormity of having no job really hit me. I’d given up my job to support Steven, but now, sitting here on my own, I’m not sure what that actually meant. I decided that the least I could do was keep in shape for him so I got changed and did some calisthenics. The great thing about calisthenics was that you could do it anywhere and with very little equipment, so as it was a nice day I decided to use the patio.

About half way through my routine however I thought I heard a noise from inside the house and it spooked me. It sounded like someone had broken in. Tracey had drilled into us at selfdefence class that you don’t walk towards danger unless you have to. So I tried to work my way round the outside of the house and peer in through the kitchen window.

That was when I saw Carole sitting at the breakfast bar, crying.

Carole wouldn’t be expecting me in the house either so I called out to her as I walked back inside then rushed into the kitchen.

“What’s the matter?” I asked as I went to hug her.

Carole got up and hugged me tightly.

“Fabien and I are getting divorced,” she replied.

“Why does he want to divorce you?” I asked.

“He wants to make a new life in Paris with Sybil. He says he doesn’t want anything from the divorce. He just wants to be able to begin again with her. He says it was a mistake and we should never have got married.”

“Carole, I’m so sorry. When did this happen?”

“A week ago. I came back from London and he was waiting to tell me. He’d already cleared out his belongings, his studio was empty and Sybil was gone. He told me it was over and that he was sorry, then he left.”

“What a bastard,” was all I could think of to say.

“I look like such a fool,” Carole said. “It’s ok for men to marry younger women but it doesn’t work the other way round. Now everyone will be laughing at me.”

“Nobody is going to be laughing at you and if they do then they’ll have me to deal with. Actually who am I kidding they’re going to have Steven to deal with.”

That, at least, made Carole laugh a little.

“Do you want me to call him?” I asked.

“Don’t be silly,” Carole responded. “I’d planned to go into the office today but when I got into the taxi at Heathrow I just couldn’t do it.”

“I’m so sorry Carole.” I told her again.

We hugged and I held her tightly. As I pushed my face against her neck it seemed so natural to kiss it. Carole pulled her head away and for a moment I thought I’d offended her but instead she kissed me on the lips. I was taken back by the passion but happily responded.

“I’m sorry,” she said afterwards. “It’s just that I’ve been on my own for ten days.”

“Come up to bed,” I told her, taking Carole’s hand.

I’d meant it in a compassionate, not ual, way and that’s how it began at least. I did my best to comfort Carole and we hugged and kissed but Carole seemed to want more. She hitched up the expensive navy skirt she’d meant to wear to the office then worked her way on top of me until she could grind her pussy against my thigh. I grabbed her buttocks and pulled them down onto me as Carole humped my leg. She seemed lost in her own need for satisfaction and, when her orgasm began, she buried her head in my neck and continued humping me for all she was worth.

Afterwards there were more tears, so I held her in my arms and we cuddled.

“You don’t have to go back to Provence. You can stay with us as long as you want. You know that, don’t you?” I told Carole.

“I’m not sure what I want to do right now,” she replied. “There are the boys to think of.”

I’d forgotten about Carole’s two dogs, Donald and Mickey.

“Who’s looking after them now?”

“Sophie and Pierre. It turns out that Pierre’s been taking them to work with him each day for a while now. All part of Fabien’s grand plan I guess.”

“Well at least you know they’re being well looked after.”

“I do.”

“You know we’re having a party on Saturday. You should come. It’ll take your mind off things.”

“I’m not sure I’m up to partying,” Carole admitted.

“It could be just the distraction you need,” I joked trying to sell the idea. “Promise me you won’t go back to Provence this week. You need to be with friends.”

“We’ll see,” Carole replied and I decided not to push things any further.

When we went downstairs I made us both a cup of tea. Tea really was the English answer to every crisis. Carole seemed a bit brighter now and wanted to hear all about our time in America. So I told her everything in intimate detail.

When Suzy came home from work Carole gave her the concise version of what had happened but there were no tears this time. As fellow lodgers in our house, Carole and Suzy had become close over the last year and I knew that Suzy would be there for her too, which only strengthened my belief that Carole would be best staying with us for a while.

The tears started again when Steven came home however and he listened intently as Carole told her for the third time. When she’d finished he simply told her that she was too good for Fabien and better off without him. If I’d have told her that, Carole would have cried, but hearing it from Steven somehow seemed to make her feel better about the situation.

I knew I was redundant at this stage and so I suggested to Suzy that we went to the pub and let the two of them talk it out.

“I’m not surprised,” Suzy said as we nursed our halves of lager.

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“Well it’s not normal, spending half your life away from your husband when you don’t have to, is it?”

“But Carole had to, for work.”

“No she didn’t,” Suzy told me. “Daniel suggested to her at Christmas that, if she wanted, she could work in Provence and just come to London once a month. I thought you knew that.”


“Ah. Well don’t tell Carole I told you then.”

“So, Carole chose to be here in London with us, rather than with Fabien in Provence.”

“It looks that way.”

When we got home, Carole and Steven were curled up on the sofa with a glass of wine, watching television. Carole looked relaxed as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

“You two look comfy,” I told them.

“There’s still plenty of room on the sofa,” Steven replied.

Suzy and I squeezed onto the sofa and the four of us cuddled up together.

“If the offer’s still there,” Carole asked when we were all comfortable, “I’d like to stay here for a bit. But only if that’s alright with you.”

I gave Carole a hug.

“I’m so glad,” I told her. “Stay as long as you want.”

“And I would like to come to your party too,” she added positively.

“Great. I might even be able to find you a date, if you like.”

Carole looked at Steven, who nodded at her.

“Why not!” she said.

I looked at Steven and gave him a smile. On any other day I might have been jealous of the effect he had on Carole but today I was just grateful for it.

Chapter 2 Any Excuse

While we were in Colorado, Steven and I had been to a swingers’ house party with Paul and Astrid Walmsley. We really liked the idea of holding a party ourselves and, although you didn’t really need a reason, Skye finishing her degree seemed liked the perfect excuse.

We’d first met Skye when Steven and I started going out together. She’d had a summer job checking out public rights of way in Lincolnshire and Steven had bumped into her one evening at his local pub.

Skye had been a bit of a hippy back then and a free spirit with it. She hadn’t taken much persuading to spend the night with us. In fact after a summer on her own, she’d been feeling starved and desperately in need of a fuck. So I wore my ‘strapon’ and Steven and I took it in turns to fuck her until the poor girl was exhausted.

We’d kept in touch after that night and when I moved down to London, Skye came to visit one weekend. As well as us, she’d ended up Daniel too, with Kate’s blessing of course. Kate liked Skye and helped her out a bit with money from time to time.

But Skye was now also Buster’s girlfriend. Buster was Steven’s best mate from Uni. A rugby player who’d had very little in the way of academic ambition. Destined to join his father’s dairy business in the West Country, Buster had been happy to cruise through university with the minimum of effort. Physically, he was an imposing guy who could be loud, boisterous and embarrassing at times but he was a gentle giant at heart. Everybody liked Buster.

Steven had introduced Buster to Skye a year ago and the two of them hit it off. They’d spent an idyllic summer together in Provence, paid for by Carole, in return for Buster’s help setting up her winery after Fabien had messed it up. Buster’s ability to speak French combined with his ability to get on with people literally saved the grape harvest for Carole that year.

When the summer ended, Skye had gone back to university in Sheffield for her final year, while Buster started work at the family business down in Taunton. Fortunately, distance hadn’t dulled their affection for each other and now, with her degree finished, Skye was ready to move down south.

Having fixed a date with Buster and Skye we’d then had to decide who to invite. We wanted to keep things small so that everyone could stay over. So in addition to ourselves, Buster and Skye, we invited Suzy and her boyfriend Uwe, Sam and Carly and our friends Mark and Sally.

Then at the last minute things got complicated…

Daniel and Kate decided that they wanted to come too. I’d previously asked them and they’d thought it best not to go but then Kate changed her mind. Steven and I were never going to say no to them but I had to explain that we didn’t know where they were going to sleep. Kate said that was fine as they could get a taxi home afterwards if they needed to.

Then Steven decided that, as both Sam and Uwe were invited, and since they both worked for him, he really needed to invite Lynne, his assistant, and her partner Siobhan too. I liked both of them so it wasn’t a problem. We just had to tell them that we weren’t sure where they were going to sleep either.

Finally, because there were so many people from Durolitum going we thought it wasn’t completely fair on our friends Mark and Sally, who wouldn’t really know anybody. So we invited their friends Martin and Jane too. We’d both had a great time with them at Mark and Sally’s wedding that inviting them was no hardship at all. If I was honest, I really wanted to see Martin again. There was something about his body that made me go weak at the knees.

Including Carole, that made nine couples in total. Provided I could find Carole a date of course. Steven and I hadn’t met many single guys. In fact we only knew one, and we hadn’t seen him in a while.

We’d first met Magnus eighteen months ago when we’d put an advert in a contact magazine looking to meet a single guy for a threesome. Magnus was a twentyeight year old Norwegian, posted to London for three years by his employers, an oil and gas company. He’d been looking for ‘no strings attached’ fun and had been honest about the girlfriend he had back in Oslo. We’d even spoken to her and she confirmed that, given the distance and the length of his posting they were both free to see other people.

Being Norwegian, Magnus had some of the Viking characteristics. He was blonde and muscular but he wasn’t so tall. He was fit though, and competed in triathlons on weekends. As the photos he’d sent us had shown, he was very well endowed, but what they hadn’t revealed was that he could cum by the bucketload. It had to be experienced to be believed.

Steven and I had played with Magnus at his flat in the Barbican and we’d had a really good night with him. The thing was, we’d only seen Magnus twice since and the last time had been over six months ago.

I think part of the reason we rarely had threesomes with other guys was because in that situation I liked the guys to be mildly biual with each other. Girls usually are in threesomes, so why not guys? Magnus had no problem with a bit of male touching and oral, but Steven avoided it if he could.

I called Magnus on the Tuesday evening. I was hopeful but I must admit I wasn’t sure what the chances of him being available to come to our party were though.

“Hi Magnus,” I said when he answered. “It’s Lesley, of Steven and Lesley.”

“Oh, hi Lesley. It’s been a while. How are you both?”

“We’re good. We’ve just come back from America. How about you?”

“Fine, thank you.”

“Are you going back to Norway for the summer?”

“Actually no. Anna and I have split up. I don’t have a place in Oslo any more so I’ll be staying in London for the time being.”

“I’m so sorry Magnus. Long distance relationships are hard on everyone.”

“They are,” he agreed.

“How are you coping?” I asked.

“My triathlon times are improving with all the extra training I’m doing,” he joked.

“In that case, how would you like to escort my friend to a swinging party at our house this Saturday?”

“Erm. Is she pretty?”

“She is. She’s my sort of shape. She’s a little bit older though,”

“How old. If you don’t mind me asking?”

Carole was forty five but could pass for ten years younger, so I lied.

“Thirty seven,” I told Magnus, “but she’s really good looking and very fit.”

“But why does she need an escort?”

“She’s just out of a relationship. She’s not looking for anything serious, just a bit of fun.”


“The rest of the people coming are all our friends. They’re a friendly bunch and you’re welcome to stay over.”

Magnus thought for a moment.

“It sounds like fun. Thank you for thinking of me,” Magnus said. “What’s your friend’s name?”

“She’s called Carole…”

Chapter 3 Buster and Skye

I picked Buster and Skye up from Paddington Station on Friday afternoon. Buster looked well, while Skye looked a bit dishevelled. After spending three months revising hard for her ‘finals’ and then three weeks partying hard afterwards, it wasn’t surprising. But it was a good thing that Kate and I had her scheduled for a morning’s pampering on Saturday.

After fighting through the Friday traffic it was almost six o’clock by the time we got back to Wimbledon and Steven was already home. Steven and Buster greeted each other like long lost friends. It was good to see him with his old university pal. He wasn’t as serious with Buster as he could be with other people.

“Don’t keep me in suspense. How did you get on?” was the first thing Steven asked after he’d hugged Skye.

“Twoone,” she said.

“Congratulations,” he told her. “You must be pleased.”

“I am. Now I can do my Masters.”

“That sounds like cause for celebration,” Steven announced. Then turning to Buster he asked, “Fancy a pint?”

“Does the Pope shit in the woods?” Buster Joked.

“Are you coming?” Steven asked me and Skye.

I looked at Skye and I think we both concluded that the boys could do with some time to catch up on their own.

“We’ll follow you in a bit,” I said and Skye nodded her agreement. “Remember we’ve got the Italian on the High Street booked for eight.”

Steven and Buster made a dash for the door and were gone before we could have changed our minds. I walked over to Skye and gave her a hug.

“How are you,” I asked.

“Good,” she responded.

“I bet it’s good to spend time with Buster again?”

“It is,” she said girlishly. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course,” I told her, slightly concerned.

“How long was it before you knew you loved Steven?” Skye asked.

I thought for a moment before responding.

“I know it sounds stupid, but I knew he was the one for me from the moment I met him. Why?”

“Because I’m pretty sure I love Buster.”

“Does he feel the same?”

“He’s asked me to move in with him.”

“Oh Skye, that’s great news,” I said hugging her. “But what about your Masters course? I thought you were coming to London to do that.”

“I’ve got an offer to do it at Exeter Uni. which isn’t so far from Buster in Taunton. We’re going to find somewhere to rent inbetween. Buster only asked me on Monday but we’ve already been to see a couple of places.”

“I’m so pleased for you both,” I said, giving Skye another hug. “But this doesn’t mean you’ve given up your wayward lifestyle, does it?”

“Of course not,” Skye laughed.

“Good, because I’ve been working very hard on your party. I’d hate it to go to waste.”

“There’s no chance of that. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

I made us a cup of tea and we caught up on each other’s news then walked to the pub to join the boys.

By the time we got there, Buster had already told Steven about him and Skye moving in together and after Steven had got a round in for the four of us, he proposed a toast.

“Skye,” he began. “Congratulations on finishing your degree and congratulations to both of you on moving in together.”

“We owe it all to you for introducing us,” Skye told Steven.

“You can thank me later,” Steven joked.

“Ok,” Skye responded teasing him.

Buster and Skye made a good couple. Buster was a bit too laid back for his own good. He needed someone like Skye, who had her head screwed on, to look after him. In return Skye got a guy who was loved by everyone, wasn’t afraid of hard work and never had a problem unscrewing the lids on jars. Physically they were a good match too. Skye was built on a sturdy frame which meant she didn’t look out of place next to the man mountain that was Buster. She also had a great pair of breasts, which of course I couldn’t help envying her for.

The Italian restaurant on the high street was already busy when we arrived and I was glad we’d reserved a table. Steven and I had become regulars there since moving to Wimbledon. The waiters all knew us now. To begin with they’d been terrible flirts but now they treated us more like family.

Being with Buster and Skye brought home to me just how much Steven and I had matured over the past year. They were still very much in student mode whereas somewhere along the way we had become more adult. That wasn’t a problem in my book. I was proud of us and what we’d achieved.

It was a foregone conclusion that we’d swap partners when we got home and Steven quickly disappeared upstairs with Skye, keen no doubt to get his hands on her breasts. Buster was always a bit bashful with me and I found that, with him, I needed to make the first move. I led him up the stairs and into our bedroom then suggested that he should get onto the bed. There was no point in trying to kiss while we were standing, the height difference was too great.
