Meeting The Prince –

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#Exhibitionist #Teen #Threesome #Virgin

By Courtney

Much longer story than usual. For those who want to skip to the sex, just scroll till you see the —– line. I hope you enjoy!

I’ve been writing stories for a year now, and many men and even some women try to contact me hoping to talk. Usually I don’t respond but this one time was something special. I found myself talking to a Saudi prince who was enamored with my stories and would do anything to have me in person. Naturally at first I didn’t believe this was real, but after some time to verify, I found out just how real and serious he was about this. What sold me on the idea of meeting him was his offer to pay my family a very handsome sum of money if I would fly to Dubai with my daughter Lucy. It was really my husband that started the talk of money. When the prince said he wanted my daughter and I to come out there to meet him, my husband jokingly said he wouldn’t let us go unless he got a million dollars. Totally joking as he knew no man would pay that just to fuck me and my daughter. When he transferred $250,000 over to us right then and there saying we’d get the rest when we returned home, my husband practically bought the plane tickets himself.

My husband and I were still a little nervous and hesitant but with that much money, we’d be set for years. We agreed to fly out and he told us his concierge would take care of us the rest of the way until we out out there. The next morning, I got a phone call from a woman saying to go to an address for a meeting with my daughter at 10:00am.

“What’s all this for exactly?” I asked her.

“Just some formalities to make sure everything is up to the prince’s standards. I’m sure you understand.” she answered.

“Very well then, we’ll be there. Thanks.” I said back.

I got my makeup done and a nice dress put on. I had to make a good first impression, and Lucy did the same. She looked stunning in my opinion and that’s not even because I’m her mother. We drove to the address provided, parked and entered what appeared to be a regular looking office building that was built in the 90’s. Nothing like what I thought, but we went inside and told the receptionist we were here for a meeting. Just then a lady in a business suit and skirt came out and introduced herself. She was slightly shorter than me, and had blonde hair and green eyes. I would’ve imagined someone more middle-eastern looking, but this whole thing was new to me.

We followed her done a long hallway to a interview room and she shut and locked the door behind us. There were no windows but a few chairs and a small table. She sat down with a clipboard to take notes, but told us to stay standing.

“This shouldn’t take very long, but it’s stuff I have to ask.” the lady said.

“No worries.” I replied, yet somewhat confused.

“Firstly, as I’m sure you know why you’re here, I hope this won’t be to forward or uncomfortable for either of you. But, I must ask for you to remove your clothing. I have to see what you look like as the prince is very specific about his ladies.” the woman said.

“Are you sure? Here?” I asked.

“I am. Remember you don’t have to if you don’t want, but then our business would be concluded so it’s up to you.” She answered.

“Alright, I suppose it’s not the end of the world. I told her as I unzipped my dress and set it on the chair beside me.

Lucy had on a black dress that she wore to prom that she slipped out of easily enough. From there we removed our bra’s and panties and stood side by side naked in front of the woman. My boos were hanging out and my pussy, framed underneath my trimmed bush sat between my soft, thick thighs. My little Lucy had smaller boobs, but for her age they were growing in nicely. She had a hairy pussy like her mother, but not as neatly trimmed as mine. Her ass though really popped, she got that from me as when I was a teenager I had a washboard body but a killer ass. I’m glad I finally developed the rest of my body but like Lucy it made me self-conscious not having tits like the other girls. She wasn’t as bad off though so perhaps that curse had lifted for her. Either way we were here standing naked for what felt like a job interview.

“You two have very lovely bodies. The prince will be most pleased with you both when you arrive.”

“Thank you.” we both replied.

“So firstly, I want to ask about sexual experience. Obviously as her mother, I know you’re not a virgin, but do either of you have any STDs or anything transmissible?” she asked.

“No, I’m clean.” I said.

“So am I” Lucy answered.

“Very well. Ms. Lucy, how old are you?” she asked.

“16, almost 17 in a few months.” Lucy told her.

“Are you still a virgin?” the lady asked, unphased by my daughters age, or lack of clothing in her presence.

“Yes, although I’ve… I’ve played around with toys, I don’t know if that counts.” she answered shyly.

“That’s good, and don’t worry, there’s no need to feel nervous. I’m simply asking questions, I won’t judge you for anything you say here, ok?” the lady asked.

“Ok.” Lucy replied.

“So, one virgin and one mother. No STDs, that’s good. Ok, so tell me Mrs. Courtney, is your husband ok with you being here?” she asked me.

“Yes, we discussed it and he agreed that the money would be worth it. Can I ask why you’re wondering?” I asked her back.

“Of course. The prince doesn’t usually seek out married women, or women in relationships as jealous men might try to come after him seeking revenge. He wants to ensure that your husband won’t try harm him after your meeting.” she explained.

“That makes sense, I guess. But it’s ok, we’ve been with other people and are open to this kind of lifestyle.” I told her.

“Excellent. So now these next questions are mainly for you as Lucy here is still a virgin. So, what would you say your favorite sex positions are, like top three? Also, is there anything you haven’t done, or are uncomfortable with that you would say are off limits?” the woman asked.

“Hmm, top three positions are usually missionary with my legs up at number 1, I just enjoy how it feels. Number 2 I’ve got to say cowgirl, but when the man is sitting in a chair or on the couch and I’m on his lap riding. Number 3 for me is doggy, as I love giving my man all the power to do what he wants, and that just gives him total power over me. It’s always so hot. As for things I haven’t done, nothing really comes to mind. Anything off limits would just include nasty things like scat or something similar. For me sex is sex, don’t involve weird stuff like that, you know? That and hardcore BDSM, I’m ok with light playful stuff like holding my wrists during sex, but getting tied, or chained down for hours just isn’t comfortable.” I explained to her.

“Very well, thank you. I think that covers the questions. The only thing I can say is make sure you both shave your pussies. The prince likes a clean shaven look to his women. I can send you to one of our specialists today if you like, it’s on us. Or you can do it yourselves.” she said looking down at our bushes.

“Let’s meet with your person.” I answered back.

She concluded the interview and Lucy and I got dressed again. When we were ready, she handed me a card with another address and Lucy a box, saying to use it tonight for practice before we go. When we got in the car, she looked inside to find a dildo and instructions to use it in both her holes so that her first time wouldn’t be as painful for her. We drove to the salon and got a free wax job done and even a full manicure as well.

We went home and told my husband all about the experience. How we had to interview naked, and got our pussies waxed. We told him everything was surprisingly professional and if you didn’t know, you’d think it was just a regular business. We spent the rest of the day as a family, and at night I went to Lucy’s room and saw her holding the toy she received. I offered to help her with it as we would be doing a lot more together soon, and she handed the toy to me and laid back on the bed. I slowly explained how sex works and what each party should do to please the other. Whispering to her as I slide the toy inside her pussy and back out. Her lady hole swallowed it easily and I knew she’d have so much more fun with the real thing. I put some lube on the toy and slowly pressed the tip against her little asshole. Her tight hole was puckered out at me while fucking her pussy, now it was expanding around the toy.

I slide it in nice and slow, making sure it didn’t hurt her, until I got past her ring and could go deeper inside. Her little eyes opened wide as she began to pant. “Hmm Mommy!” she moaned under her breath as I fucked her virgin asshole with the toy. I reached out and started to rub her clit as I fucked her ass, so that she’d remember this feeling of pleasure instead of pain. Then I reached my hand up and brought hers down so that she was rubbing her own clit as I felt up her soft, supple boobs. I gave her a kiss on the lips and whispered that she’d do just fine and that mommy and daddy love her very much. Hearing that caused her to convulse on the toy, as I massaged the toy in her ass to the point of orgasm. With nothing inside her pussy she clenched her lips together as a small pool of squirt bubbled out of her hole and onto the blanket. I walked back to my room and returned with my vibrator, giving it to her for the night saying to have fun, but remember to get some sleep. She was up all night pleasuring herself, I could hear it.

Soon the day came for us to fly out to Dubai, and we met the lady from earlier at the airport. She gave us each our tickets, and gave us both official passports to use. This prince must really be powerful if he can give those out willy-nilly. She gave us a good luck kiss on our cheeks, and a slap on our asses saying we’d love it out there. I was excited more and more, as the wealth and power on display simply to get my pussy was something else. Had we known, I would’ve made my husband ask for more money. Lucy and I followed a man that had accompanied the lady from before wearing an all black outfit. He looked like security with his cargo pants, short sleeve shirt and leather boots, all in black and covered in pockets. He had olive colored skin and looked more like the middle-eastern type I was expecting to see. I didn’t see his face as he had a black beret and aviator sunglasses on, too, and drove us on the tarmac to a private jet. We didn’t go through security or the terminal or anything, just straight to a plane and got on board.

Now let me just say, when i say private jet, I don’t mean those tiny little things you see regular businessmen flying around in, I mean a solid white 757 with no airline paint or anything. As soon as the three of us boarded, the stewardess shut the door and we pulled away towards the runway straight away. I’ve never had this smooth of an experience flying anywhere before. We had the whole plane to ourselves as it was just the pilots, the stewardess and the security man on board this massive airplane. Lucy and the stewardess walked around the plane, getting the whole tour as we flew over the ocean, meanwhile I asked the guard how rich this prince was that he could afford to fly us on so big a plane without anyone else. He said that the prince, as well as many others like him, had grown so wealthy off the oil money from other countries that he was rich beyond what I could imagine. I thought he was renting this plane for us but it turns out he owns it, as well as several others. He owns several yachts and limos, a massive car collection and even owns his own skyscraper in downtown Dubai, which is where we’re going to meet him.

After a long flight, we finally landed in Dubai. The sand and heat could be felt even inside the air-conditioned plane. As we taxied to the spot where the plane parked, the door opened and another security man stepped inside. This time he had on a crisp black suit and tie, with aviator sunglasses and a clear wire in his ear. The suit was the most crisp, well cut fitting suit I’d ever seen. God only knows how much it cost and he’s just a security man, we walked down the stairs from the airplane and got inside a black Rolls-Royce with tinted windows. Lucy and I sat in the back across from the well-dressed guard who was armed with a weapon I had never seen before, but one my husband would surely love to see. The inside was like a limo as the guard sat in the seat facing rearward towards Lucy and I as the driver speed off onto the highway. I guess his men didn’t have to follow traffic laws around here either as I felt the car going much faster than I’m used to driving.

We entered into the city and I looked out the window at all the magnificent buildings, all the skyscrapers shining in the sunlight. We passed the Burj Khalifa and the fountains in front on our way to the prince’s building. We pulled into a parking/reception area that was on the backside of the building and had less people. The car parked in front of the door and a man in a suit opened the door and helped us out. We met a man standing there waiting for us wearing a white linen suit with a navy blue tie and brown shoes on. Somehow he was even more well dressed than the guards and that was difficult. His suit must cost more than our house back home. He greeted us an introduced himself as the prince we had come to meet.

“Welcome to my home! I hope you had a pleasant trip?” He said.

“It was wonderful sir, I’ve never had quite the experience like it before. I’m afraid my daughter here is going to be spoiled.” I replied.

“I’m happy to hear it, please come inside.” he said showing us in.

We walked around getting a tour of the whole building, as our bags were brought to our room for us. Inside was even better than I thought it would be. Marble and granite were everywhere. Gold, bronze and silver decorations adorned the rooms, and the jeweled fountain in the lobby was a sight to behold. I felt like princess Jasmin being wooed and let me tell you it was working. I knew enough now to know that he wasn’t doing this for love, he didn’t want to keep me or my daughter here with him. He just wanted a quick few rounds with our bodies and was willing to pay anything for it. Money was no object for a man so rich, he probably had women like Lucy and I lined up from all over the world and would be having sex with all of them one day after the other. I wasn’t some desperate love affair, I was Thursday. But still, I didn’t care, I just had to give him my body and my husband and I would be paid a million dollars. Who wouldn’t do that?


The three of us spent the day talking and eating and relaxing. He made us feel comfortable before fucking us, rather than a quick pump and dump like some college frat boy. But as the sun fell below the horizon, we made our way to the penthouse. I had caught the prince getting handsy with my daughter throughout the day, but his flirting with me made me feel relaxed. As we went up to his bedroom, Lucy and I dropped our dresses to the floor immediately. Neither of us had on panties, neither of us had on a bra. Our tits hung out at him, and our bare shaved pussies, so smooth with the lotion for the skin, were staring him in the face. We could see his cock growing hard in his pants, so I walked up and got down on my knees. I unzipped his pants, and pulled everything down and took his meat in my hands.

“This is an impressive cock, sir. But it looks rather dry, I think I need to get it wet…” I said before swallowing it in my mouth. My naked daughter watched behind me as I played with this cock in my hands and mouth like a whore. Lucy had seen me and her father having sex before, but she never saw e fucking another man. I invited her down and she got on her knees beside me. We toyed with his cock kissing it and then each other on the lips with his shaft in between. My little girl took his cock head in her mouth and I slowly guided her head down on it. She would grow up to be an amazing dick sucker some day. She took the whole thing before gagging. I felt his balls with my tongue as I sucked them as Lucy was deepthroating his cock. I stood up as she kept sucking and whispered in his ear, that I had personally trained her holes with his toy and that she was a virgin, but ready to be fucked. I could see his cock grow harder in my daughter’s mouth as he moved us all to his bed.

I put my daughter on her back and knelt behind her so that she was resting against my ample tits while I held her soft little legs open for the prince’s powerful cock. We both looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes as he pressed against Lucy’s open hole before inserting himself deep inside. Lucy moaned so softly as her hole was stretched open, she barely felt the pain of her hymen tearing as the pleasure of sex overwhelmed her little body. He held her ankles as I moved to kissing her neck and rubbing circles around her exposed clit. Her soft ass clapped against his hips thrusting into her and filled the room with wonderful sounds of sex. Soon the feeling of a real cock inside her pussy fucking her as her mother rubbed her clit became too much and she started weeping in pleasure. I moved back and to the side as the prince wiped her tears away with his thumbs and held her face up, kissing her and plowing into her pussy as deep as his cock could go. This is how it must’ve looked years ago when I was just a teen girl loosing my virginity to a man, although my college boyfriend couldn’t compare to a wealthy prince.

I got on my back and brought Lucy up on top so that she was in a doggy position while I laid underneath her. Then he pushed his cock, slowly and gently into her virgin asshole, all while I held her waist and kissed her passionately. Her little back was arching with each of his deep thrusts, and her pussy began to dribble at first, then shoot squirt out all over my pussy as the pair fucked. Lucy and I made out like a pair of lesbian lovers, running our fingers through each other’s hair, fondling our tits, and holding each other’s necks. All the while she had the prince fucking away in her asshole. He went from ass to pussy, back and forth working her little holes out, bringing her to two orgasms, before he moved to me.

Worn out and well fucked, my daughter Lucy rolled to the side of the bed to watch as she rubbed her clit on her own. Before he could put his cock in me, I put my finger over his lips and turned him around so that he was sitting on the bed as I straddled his lap, reaching down to guide his cock into my well-used pussy. I could never be as tight as my virgin daughter, but I have the knowledge to fuck like a whore. I showed that ability off right away grinding on his cock, letting his hands grip my ass and tits, all while making out with him while my daughter watched. The weight of my thicker hips and juicy ass slammed down over and over on his cock, wrapping his shaft up like a present in a warm fleshy wrapping. He couldn’t keep his hands off my tits, nor my ass, and for good reason. I was more of a milf than most women were, and I knew how to use my body and enjoyed doing so. It’s a tragedy when a sexy woman doesn’t have the desire for sex, letting her body go to waste. Imagine all the girls that teased me endlessly in highschool for my thick ass calling me fat saying I’d never get a man now. Here I am fucking a prince with my daughter as early every man in the world seems to want a woman with a thick ass.

My feelings aside, his cock felt so good inside me. I was moaning out like a whore begging for it deeper inside me. A part of me was doing it to teach my daughter what sex really looked like, and the other was real and truly captured into it. When he picked me up and stood over the bed as I bounced on his cock in the air, before he slammed me down and fucked me hard into the bed, I looked to Lucy and said with my eyes to find a man that will fuck her like this. With my ass hanging just over the edge of the bed, as he stood before me fucking deep into my pussy I recoiled off the bed back up onto his cock which forced me right back down. Like when you’re on a trampoline and everyone jumps around as you’re laying down getting bounced around. I was fucked into a screaming fit, an orgasm like no other as I squirted all over the room like a whore. He pulled his cock from my pussy and turned me on my hands and knees. Reentering my cunt from behind he pulled on my dyed blonde hair as he fucked me. I arched my back like the experienced slut I was, and he held my hips and thrust hard and deep into me. Then he pulled back, groping my tits, then wrapping a hand around my throat pulling me back towards him keeping the arch in my back. Choking me out as he fucked me he whispered how much of a filthy whore I am, and that my pussy meant nothing to him.

His degradation as he plowed my cunt made me orgasm so fucking hard I about passed out. I could see him turn to my daughter and tell her, “You see this? This is how you fuck! This slut fucks like a true whore!” as my daughter circled her clit with her hands, watching me get railed out. I orgasmed so many times I felt faint, and almost couldn’t continue as I lost feeling over my body. He thrust into me one last time then cast me aside like some used up old sex toy, a whore to be discarded like trash as he pulled Lucy back in front of him. He had her on her back and forced her pale legs apart and rammed into her dripping cunt.

“Fuck mommy! He’s so big! Oh fucking God please!” she moaned out like a cock drunk whore. It didn’t take long for her to have another orgasm, and when she did it was with his cock buried so deep there wasn’t any of his shaft left exposed. I knew what this meant, he had creampied my daughter, and was still actively pumping her full of his cum. The two breathlessly kissed as his cock held deep inside her stretched open cunt. He pulled out and a stream of thick white baby batter dribbled out of her hole. He ordered Lucy to kneel over me as I laid on the bed, and to grind my face with her cum stuffed cunt. I had to eat my daughter’s creampie out of her pussy as she cleaned his cock up with her mouth. He left us to sleep in the bed after we finished cleaning and Lucy and I collapsed in exhaustion from the night of intense fucking. We slept next to each other naked as the cum my tongue couldn’t reach remained in her cunt for the night.

When we awoke the next morning, there was another well dressed woman standing in the room preparing clothing for us to wear as she greeted us good morning. She had no concern about the fact that my 16 year old daughter and I were totally naked. She told us to put the dresses on and enjoy our breakfast. Lucy and I got dressed in the the softest silk dresses we’d ever felt. One a soft blue and the other a pure white. So thin that you could see straight through, but had veils that covered our hair and faces. The lady helped us put them on properly, and when finished the only part that wasn’t transparent was the folding over our nipples and our pussies. She gave us a gold necklace each as well and showed us to the dining area for our food. This morning we ate with the prince’s wife, a beautiful Arab woman wearing similar attire in a pink color. Her hair a nice black color, and her skin a lovely olive. She spoke English with barely an accent as she asked us how we enjoyed her husband last night.

She told us the dresses and jewelry we were wearing were her gifts for us to take back home. I could hardly believe it but thanked her for such gifts. I asked her why she was so accepting of her husband sleeping with us when she’d married to him and is easily the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. She said that the two had fallen in love and married in secret, but her father had arranged a marriage to another man. She said her father was cruel to her and gave her a poison that left her barren and unable to have children. So now she allows her husband to use other women like Lucy and I to satisfy his sexual desires as it is painful for her to have sex ever since. She says he has certain women that have given him children but he still enjoys bringing in outsiders like us for a night or two of fun. I felt so bad for her, such a hard life, an unable to ever have sex without pain would be terrible. As we finished she walked us to a large balcony courtyard with many plants and small fountains with a cushioned bench in the middle. She said to wait here and we’d be joined by the prince one more time before we left. A few short minutes later, three new women came out and set up camera equipment before the prince once again joined us outside.

“What are they doing out here? What’s happening?” I asked him.

“It’s ok, they’re here to film us having sex. It’s for my wife and I’s private collection so there’s no worry about you ending up online. I promise I wouldn’t expose a woman like you or your daughter like that.” he told us.

“Well, if you say so. I’ve never filmed a porn film before.” I told him.

“Just do what you did last night and you’ll be wonderful.” he replied.

He took our dresses off slowly and we began making out once more on the seat. This time he had us skip the blowjob as his wife didn’t like watching women suck his cock. Instead he caressed my thighs as I laid back while he buried his hard shaft in my pale white pussy. He fucked me as deep as he did last night but now with even more vigor from a night of rest. My husband and I had only fucked before bed and then again the morning after three times in our life so far. Here I am putting out that way already for him. As he fucked me, he stroked my hair and kissed me calling me Aisha and rubbing my tits for the camera. Aisha was his wife’s name and it seemed they made porn like this for them to watch since he couldn’t fuck his wife anymore. He fucked me with the love and vigor he wished he could fuck his wife with but couldn’t. He fucked me hard until I had an orgasm, then he just laid on top of me making out and groping my tits while holding his cock inside my cunt. It was so tender and loving it almost felt like my husband on top of me. Then he flipped me over and went to town on my asshole, fucking me doggy style the way I said I wanted it.

I got fucked in the ass so hard my pussy was shooting squirt out on the bench as I wept like a slut while begging for more. I wanted to give his wife a show and he fucked me accordingly. After my second orgasm, he lifted me up and I stood as he moved my daughter into place on the bench. He turned to the camera and asked his wife, how beautiful their daughter is today, how supple her ass and tits are. All before running his cock in between her pussy lips and nailing her against the bench. “Oh fuck daddy, I love this dick! Please fuck me daddy!” my little Lucy moaned for the camera. She knew she had to act like a whore, too. Or maybe she was just feeling her real emotions and was a true slut like her mother. Either way her pussy wrapped around his cock as he railed her deep and hard. The women filming all had growing wet spots over their pussies as they filmed my little girl getting fucked. As my daughter was fucked on her back in missionary, once more the prince grunted and slammed his cock down deep into her young fertile pussy as he erupted with one more load of cum for her to take home. She was crying as she kissed his lips as a thank you for cumming inside her once again.

He cleaned himself up and the ladies filming us helped us clean and get dressed again as well. I asked for a cop of the film and got one easily. We left the building as the prince and his wife said their farewell’s by the entrance of the building we arrived in yesterday. We left with our agreed upon one million as well as our new silk dresses and gold necklaces which were worth thousands at least. As well as a copy of our porn film to show my husband when we returned home. We drove back in a Ferrari to the airport and boarded the prince’s airplane once more. Like the journey here, the return trip was quick and luxurious. By the time we landed I felt like I had been on a vacation. The woman who had interviewed us two days prior drove us home from the airport in a nice Mercedes-Benz SUV and talked about our trip. When we got back home, my husband greeted Lucy and I with a kiss and a hug. Boy would I have a story for him, one that I knew would make him horny. That night in bed was a wet night for me indeed…

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By Courtney
#Exhibitionist #Teen #Threesome #Virgin

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DELETE THIS. NOW.... Collapse
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse