Me, Trish & Adam –

#Bisexual #Incest #Threesome

By Ann

I think she’s frightened that she’s very attracted to you, how would you feel if she did make a move.

Hello guys my name is Helen, I know my story is long but please read it or skip to the middle if you want, I was 27 then when all this happened 5 years ago so all of this is still fresh as a daisy in my mind as it changed me & my views and possibly my life forever, I sell very expensive GT cars and still do, two weeks prior to this I went to work every morning by the same route passing the park everyday and noticed some had put up a tent, of those family sized ones just inside the tree line.

I didn’t think anything of it and never paid much attention to it after that, a week later i was out with my boyfriend Neil at a night club a couple of miles from my house, he had money but I never asked him for anything preferring to get it myself and it was always a thorn in his side but I didn’t care but I wasn’t with him for what he could give me, I really loved him, I know these days it sounds like an outdated concept doesn’t it.
Everything was about to change this night, when all of a sudden he appeared with this girl, “Oh by the way we are finished Helen, this is Christine my new girlfriend I’m sure you can make your own way home I’ll be along tomorrow sometime to pick up my things” I just stood there thinking it was some kind of weird joke but it wasn’t, he meant it, I was too shocked to be mad trying to take in what the hell just happened, and with that he left with her.

The heels I was wearing were not really suited to walking in but decided to walk home as I was seething underneath and I’m not the crying type, roughly half way I pass a park and it started to rain, it turned very heavy with lightning so I did what your not supposed to do, I sheltered under some trees, I got totally soaked, even tried using my bag as a rain cover for all the use that was, I heard a voice behind me, “You can shelter in here till the rain stops if you like” it was one of the people living in the tent, Being soaked and chilly by now I accepted, “I’m Adam and this is Trish” introducing themselves, “Would you like a cup of tea” Trish said, thank you but I only live a mile that way replying, “Well I think this is here till the morning so you might as well and your soaked through” Adam said, adding “Go on It’ll warm you up” okay I said and my name is Helen I said.

You too camping out then, “Not really no” Trish replied, not really I said, “Oh it’s a long story” Adam replied, I suddenly realised they were not camping but living in the tent but I decided not to push it, the rain got heavier too really pounding on the rain cover but it was still really warm. I said I should really call for a taxi and leave the two of you alone, “Well finish your tea first” Trish said then call for one, so I did, when it came I thanked them and off I went, Mmm really nice couple doing that for me I thought on the way home.
Next day obviously Neil (my now ex) being all bombastic and full of himself last night forgot I had work today, well I’m not missing work because of him, I’ll pack his things tonight and wait, on the way to work there was a police car and two officers talking to Trish, out of curiosity I stopped and wound down the window, sounded like they were moving them on, I stopped and got out walking down the path towards them. Hello Patricia anything I can do to help, Being dressed the way I was shocked her I think, they were being told to move on as there was no camping aloud there and several of the residents had complained, “Adam has gone to work and we have to move, I explained we were not harming anyone but we still have to move on”, she looked distraught, I thought they helped me so I will help them or try, I had a word with the officers saying she couldn’t do it by herself but promised they would be gone by tonight, Well I suppose that would be okay” one of them said, “As long as it’s tonight we’ll be back to check” the other one said.

Hold on Trish I have to call in sick or something if I’m going to help you, I never miss work, never and I certainly wouldn’t have done it for Neil but this was different, Okay Trish where do we start and can you get in touch with your boyfriend and tell him what’s happening, “No not really he charges my phone up
During the day in his van” What’s his number you can use mine, I dialled the number and gave it to Trish, after talking to him she handed it to me and I had a word with him, I’ll stay here and help Trish pack up and take her back to mine and here is my address this is where she will be okay, “But why would you want to help us” Cause you helped me more than you know last night so I’m repaying your kindness, leave this to us and when we see you later you can have a hot meal and a shower okay, “Can you put Trish back on please” he said.

I heard her say, “Yes I’m trusting her, stay at work and come to the address she gave you after work” Just over two hours later she was all packed up and off we went, there was a lot of stuff too, to much to fit in my car but we got it all up to the road and I called a taxi asking for a large estate car, putting her and their stuff in it I told him to follow me home, and that is how I met Adam & Trish, I didn’t know how it was about to change all our lives especially my life though.

After getting back home I said we’ll put it all in one of the spare rooms, you can have a shower and we look about the same size as each other I put out some clean clothes for you while we wash yours, after he shower I made us a coffee, I asked her why they were living in a tent, She looked all alone and frightened now, “Will Adam be able to find me here” she asked, of course he will I said, Now why are the two of you living in a tent cause you don’t seem like your homeless and Adam has a job, “Well I told my parents I was bi-sexual, there was a huge argument and they threw me out” and Adam is your boyfriend I take it I said, at that moment she went quiet, “I’m really scared to tell you the rest after what you’ve done” Well I’m open minded on most things and after what just happened to me how bad could it be I replied, “Well Adam is my brother she said if I was going he was going with me, and he grabbed the tent and a few things and we left half expecting them to say it had gone far enough but they never did, they let us go, that was six months ago, I love Adam and he loves me, we’ve been having sex for the last two years but my parents never found out, I suppose you think it’s disgusting that we should have a relationship like that” I really wasn’t prepared to hear something like that.
Trish I’m not going to judge the two of you and it’s nothing to do with me but thanks for telling me, I’ve heard of this happening but never came across it before.

We spoke all day and she really opened up to me, later that night Adam knocked on the door from work, Trish told him straight away she told me everything but it was okay, he looked a little embarrassed but I told him It’s nothing to do with me and Trish looked like she really needed to tell someone, I told them the whole story of what had happened to me too, “Looks like all of us have had a really rough deal then from people we love” that’s for sure yes I replied.“There was no way I was going to let Trish be on her own out there and our parents didn’t seen to care so fuck them” Adam said, That’s very noble of you Adam, now I have two spare rooms but only one has a single bed so sleeping arrangements are going to be a bit strange, Trish can share with me until we can sort things out, I sleep naked but it’s all girls together so I hope you don’t mind, in the meantime you have a roof over your head, “Well it’s a huge step up from the tent and sleeping bags, not something we were expecting, I have my name down for a council house but the waiting list is long so god knows when I might get an offer” Give them my address and say your staying here it might make thing a little easier, “Okay I will thanks, is that your car on the drive” Adam said, Not really it’s a company car goes with the job, I sell them but that is last years model.

And that is how we met, moving about three months, and Adam said he wanted to tell me something, okay what is it, “Maybe I shouldn’t say this but over the last few weeks I know Trish has become very fond of you if fact we both have as a couple, I got a call from the council today and there is a flat on offer but Trish wants to stay here but she’s afraid to ask you” Well Adam I said, the two of you have never taken this situation for granted, you go to work like I do and Trish keeps the house clean and does the laundry and shares the cooking although I never asked her too but appreciate it, I know she is attracted to girls but she’s never once made a move on me like that, “I think she’s frightened that she’s very attracted to you, how would you feel if she did make a move?” Well I wouldn’t act like you parents did Adam, I don’t know how they could but to be honest with you I don’t know, I have got used to having both of you around but this is the best I can do, thanks for telling me but I want Trish to ask me herself, as for the other I have no idea but I’m willing to let things fly for the moment and see what happens, this is new territory for me so I can’t give a you positive answer, good enough? “Well your very open minded to the idea so yes it is”.

Never had girl attracted to me before but I don’t blame her for holding herself back especially after what their parents did, she probably thinks I’ll throw her and Adam out, I gave them time to themselves too so they could, you know, I figured they would do it anyway but insisted they did that laundry themselves, as far as I was concerned, they were just a couple but I had noticed her flirting with me, smiling, complimenting me and trying to make me feel special, have I just given Adam the green light I thought.

The place they had been offered was not in a good spot, I took them over to view it and you would have thought they might have made some effort to clean the place out before hand but no, in my opinion what it really needed was demolishing! The look on there faces said it all, the communal entrance and passageway reeked of cats pee and it was just disgusting. Come on you two I’m not letting you take this and we left, I don’t think they thought places like that existed, honestly they were better off in their tent and that was no fun for them.
I guess this was the second time I showed them I really cared without actually saying it, That night Trish’s feelings must have got the better of her as I was about to find out, going to bed that night would prove to be a revelation, After some small talk about the flat I rolled over, maybe 10 minutes later a tap on my shoulder, I turned around so I was face to face with Trish, “Thank you for today, I don’t know how we would have managed in that place it was awful” She looked at me expectantly and I instantly knew what was on her mind but I still wasn’t prepared for it, then her mouth was on mine, It was soft, warm, and gentle. It was strong. It was wonderful, The heat swelled in me as I shivered inwardly but I never backed away from her.
Her tongue danced around the tips of my teeth, supple, delicate, as our lips locked lightly, not pressing but communing. This was so different from any kiss with any boy I had had. There was no thrusting tongue, no rough scratch of stubble, no chapped lips or stink of cigarettes. She tasted faintly of peaches, like an Archer’s and lemonade, and smelled of vanilla.

Her hand cupping my breast, my nipple hard in her hand, I groaned It was so strange but felt so natural. There was no hesitation. No moment of doubt. It felt right somehow and I never had sex since Neil left, Trish’s kisses were deep and passionate, she was a great kisser and made me melt, I’ve never done this before with another girl I said, “Do you like it” Trish said, I just nodded my approval, it was enough for her to continue, I was nervous at first but it felt so right and nice, We started making out and I said to her, I’ve never gone down on a girl and I really want to. “Do you want to try” she said, I didn’t know what I was doing, so I let my feelings take over, it was enough and with that she climbed over the top of me, she kissed my thighs working her way up, by now I was so turned on by what she was doing my legs, as if under some spell opened for her, she found my clit and sucked it while I moaned and groaned.

Trish’s pussy was right above me, I started kissing her legs and slowly she lowed herself down until her vagina was so close to me, it had a mild musky scent, Trish put her fingers into my now soaking wet pussy still sucking my clit, for the first time in my life I licked another girls sex, I moved my tongue all over pussy lips, gather up the courage to eventually to put it inside her, I found her clit and started sucking on it, feeling my own orgasm build momentum I broke off saying I’m coming, Trish never took her mouth away preferring to swallow my juices, “Suck my clit Helen I’m so close” I did as she asked and was rewarded with squirts of cum in my mouth, her cum tasted slightly sweet and swallowed most of it with some trickling onto the bed, Trish gave me another orgasm this time more powerful than the one before we went to sleep, in the morning when I got up the room smelled of sex so before I went to work I asked Trish to change all the bedding and open the windows, I took it as read she would tell Adam what happened but I was fine with it, I was not sure if this made me gay, a lesbian or bi-sexual but there was no doubt about it I enjoyed the attention of another girl, in fact It was such a natural and liberating experience I positively floated through my day at work!

This went on one on one for about a month, Trish never mentioned Adam joining us it was me and my bed was certainly big enough as Neil ordered it from the USA and it was huge, the one saving grace from our relationship, Trish had told Adam he could join us if he wanted too and that night he had a huge smile on his face and to be honest I was really missing not having a cock inside me, it was a Saturday night so no work tomorrow, after a shower I removed my robe and climbed into the middle of the bed. I watched as they both undressed and joined me.
It was too late now for second thoughts now, I’m laying on the bed with a Adam and Trish either side of me. They each put a hand on one of my breasts, and a couple of fingers on my pussy.
My whole body was shaking as they set about exploring my body. The feeling of my breasts being fondled as my pussy was being stroked was almost too much to handle. I started to climax almost immediately, I started kissing Trish. Adam took the hint and started rubbing his cock along the wet, swollen lips of my pussy. A moment later and he was inside me. There really are no words to describe how good that felt, kissing Trish as she fondled my breasts, at the same time feeling her brother moving inside me.

Adams cock was delightfully big, feeling him deep inside mind was in a place it had never been before. I was filled with lust and passion, I had to stop kissing Trish as I felt my second orgasm building up. I screamed out with delight as I felt Adam shooting up inside me, my pussy was soaking with her brother’s cum as they traded places.
Adams presented his cock to my mouth and I sucked it in, tasting my and his cum on it, after a couple of minutes of that and with Trish’s pussy above my face he slid inside her, it was the most sensual erotic thing I have ever seen, While Trish recovered the cum from me I had another orgasm, I wanted to bottle that moment and keep it forever.

Adam knew his sisters body. He understood what to do and when to do it and how to make her cum, seeing her cum on his cock with her juices was an amazing sight, this of course dripped down to me, as his pace quickened, he pushed up inside her as deep as he could, it was a wonderful sight seeing his cock throb filling her up with his hot cum.

As he pulled out his cum started leaving her, she lowed herself closer to me as I tongued her pussy swallowing Adams cum.
We had a good open and honest chat after that. It was actually a bit surreal, laying naked in bed chatting about sex.
That was the first of many such evenings, they both agreed they could have me as a couple or one at a time, or I could have them one at a time, without anyone getting jealous or feeling animosity, now five years later we are all still together, covid came and went and we all pulled through it, I’m still in the same job and Trish has a job so all three of us are working now, the fondness became love and we love our life together and Adam said he wouldn’t have it any other way now, he said “When one ot you is having a period, the other one isn’t, great having two girlfriends!” his words not mine.

Oh I nearly forgot, about a year after Neil did what he did I saw him, that girl ripped him off badly apparently, he ended up in debt and his parents had to step in and prevent him losing his house! He never did turn up to collect his things either so I donated them to a charity shop.
I hope you enjoy the pic of me and Trish that Adam took, try and figure out which is which!

Strange how thing work out sometimes.

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By Ann
#Bisexual #Incest #Threesome

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love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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