Marnie Gets Me Alone –

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By Quillpen

A postponed party for her returning brother means an empty house and gives 11-year old Marnie Singleton a chance to finally fuck his best friend.

My name is Murray Wilson—just like the guy who played for the Montreal Canadiens in the 1970s. My best buddy in high school was Will Singleton, who lived about three blocks west of me.
Will came from a large family. He was the second-oldest of six children, four boys and two girls. There was a 15-year age gap between the oldest and youngest kid in his household. My friend’s name was officially William, but I never heard him called anything else but “Will” by friends or family. We passed the time doing what most high school boys did in the early 1980s: We played a lot of sports, attended a lot of sports, and watched even more sports on TV. Life was good.
Will and I frequently could be found at each other’s house. Will, more often than not, came to my place because it was a less hectic place to hang out. When I did go to his place, I did not have very much interaction with Will’s siblings. His one older sister had become pregnant as a teen, entered into a shotgun marriage, and no longer lived at the family house. One brother was a hippie wannabe, who was involved in all sorts of leftist causes by the time he was 14. I seldom saw him, which was just as well because we would have had nothing in common. Will’s two other brothers were just barely in elementary school. Will’s remaining sister was Marnie, a soft-spoken blonde who was nine years my junior.
Although I had known Will for several years, I had barely noticed the unassuming Marnie at all—despite the fact that she always seemed to be close by whenever I showed up at her home. One warm summer Saturday, when Marnie was nine, she was parading around the Singleton house in a one-piece, lime-green swimsuit. (The family had an above-ground, well-used pool in their backyard.) Marnie was especially cute that day, so I decided to give her a compliment. “Hey, Marnie,” I said. “You are very pretty in your swimsuit!” That comment stopped Marnie in her tracks. Slowly turned toward me and flashed a loving smile that would melt any male’s heart. Then, as if not knowing how to react further, she quickly ran into her bedroom and shut the door.
I happened to visit Will’s house three other times that week. Each time Marnie would amusingly change into the green swimsuit when she saw me approaching, obviously because of what I had said to her on the previous Saturday. We didn’t really say anything much to each other; we just exchanged smiles. On the third day, as I was leaving, Marnie made sure no one else was nearby and called my name. When I turned around, Marnie had pulled down part of her swimsuit to expose a nipple to me. (She didn’t have breasts yet.) I didn’t quite know how to react, so I just said, “Wow, that is beautiful, Marnie!” She quickly put her swimsuit back in place, winked at me, and disappeared into the household. Wow! I had discovered that little Marnie Singleton was a nine-year-old coquet!
Two years went by. In the summer of 1984, Will enrolled in a six-week national education/ summer work program for teenagers. It sent them across the country to experience different regions and various work tasks. I got occasional letters from Will saying he was enjoying the travel and meeting other likeminded young people his age. He was scheduled to return home on the middle Saturday in August. I already knew that because his family had planned a surprise party to welcome him home. Of course, as Will’s best friend, I was invited.
On the appointed day, I showed up at the Singleton house around 5 p.m. only to learn that one of Will’s connecting flights had been delayed for some reason or another. Nevertheless, Will was still scheduled to arrive home that night, but his plane would not land at the airport until about 8 p.m. Thus, the earliest he could possibly be home was 10 p.m. This meant Will’s welcome-home party had to be scrapped for the time being. Will’s parents had basically just learned about their son’s travel snafu and had not had time to let me know. They were still going to the airport with his little brothers—who had never been to an airport before—to pick Will up. They expected 11-year-old Marnie to go with them, too. But she had other ideas. “Can’t I just stay here?” she asked. “We don’t all have to go in the van to pick Will up, do we?”
“You can’t stay here alone,” her mom noted. Apparently, Will’s hippie brother was not at home and thus unavailable for babysitting duties that night.
Marnie had a self-serving solution ready: “Murray can stay here with me!”
Mr. Singleton tried to dissuade her from that idea. “Marnie, Murray probably has other things he’d rather be doing tonight since Will’s party has been postponed.” It was a good theory, but it what wrong. I had to jump into the conversation.
“Not really,” I confessed. “I have no other plans. I’d be happy to do everyone a favor and stay here with Marnie while you go to the airport.” My offer was immediately accepted—and I couldn’t help notice the huge smile that engulfed Marnie’s face when she realized the lustful opportunity this situation suddenly offered.
Marnie had finished the fifth grade in June. She struggled to get Bs on her report card. Marnie was about average height and had dirty blonde, shoulder-length hair. She had a slightly crooked smile like Elvis Presley did and a soft, appealing voice. Marnie had now matured enough to be wearing a training bra, as I could clearly see its outline through the light-yellow blouse had put on for the party. Marine was certainly a cutie that day, clad in a pleated red skirt, and pristine white knee socks—a fashion item that I have always found attractive on females whether they were six years old or 36 years old or anywhere in between. Among her school peers, I suspected Marnie was probably considered quite attractive.
The Singletons’ van had barely pulled out of their driveway when Marnie took charge of the evening’s activities. “Let’s watch TV,” she suggested. The Los Angeles Olympics were taking place so there was always some live or taped event being broadcast—so that’s what we watched, but for just a few minutes. I sat on the coach directly facing the TV. Although there were plenty of other places to sit, Marnie literally jumped onto the couch to sit beside me, on my right.
The sports from LA did not hold Marnie’s attention very long. In under a minute, Marnie had gently rested her head on my right shoulder and emitted a sexy little sigh. I was happy to play along, so I put my right arm around Marnie and brought he closer to me. She smiled and I gently kissed her forehead. Marnie grinned and then actively assumed the role of romantic aggressor.
I was wearing a loose-fitting tennis shirt and shorts. Marnie slid her left arm behind my back as if she was going to hug me. This is what I anticipated. Marnie was more creative, however. She took her right hand and slid it under my shirt. Moving it upward, she gently started to caress my torso. As a 20-year-old, I started to realize this girl likely had some life experiences far beyond what I had at age 11. Marnie rubbed my upper body in a very sensual manner for several minutes. It was my turn to emit contented sighs.
Then she started to slide her hand slowly downward in a direct line to the beltline of my shorts. When she got there, she stopped and looked at me for some sort of yes/no sign. I left her with no doubt. I informed her, “You can put you hand anywhere you want, Marnie.” She did!
Marnie lifted the elastic part of my shorts with her left hand and slid her right hand inside the shorts to caress my penis. The suddenness of Marnie’s actions made them very exciting. My dick responded by getting hard very fast. I had no idea a preteen could get me so thoroughly aroused in a matter of seconds—but little Marnie Singleton had the magic touch!
I decided I wasn’t merely going to be a passive participant in this episode. As Marnie explored my shaft and testicles, I started to unbutton her yellow blouse. Her training bra was revealed, which turned me on further. I gently cupped one of her 11-year-old breasts with one hand, and then the other. By the time Marnie had yanked my shorts completely off to expose my raging hardon, I had liberated Marnie’s precious titties from the constraints of her bra. I immediately sucked on one of her succulent breasts, which startled Marnie for a moment. Then she laughed somewhat nervously and proceeded to give me something akin to a hand job–which was a little rougher than I expected. “You’re not trying to churn butter, Marnie,” I told her. “Take it a little more gently, please. My dick wants to be your friend.” We both laughed.
At this point I decided to slow things down. I took Marnie in my arms and kissed her passionately. I moved the array of kisses down her neck at the same time I resumed playing with her lovely young breasts. “Marnie,” I said sincerely, “I’ve been wanting to do this with you since you were nine.”
“You should have!” Marnie insisted. “Look at all the time we’ve wasted. We could have been fucking for two years now!” Marnie certainly was a straight shooter!
Marnie retook the sexual initiative by kneeling to give me fellatio. My dick felt as hard as a diamond, but I did my best not to cum. After a few minutes, I said, “My turn!” I lifted Marnie to the couch. She was still clad in her skirt and panties, so I took care of those items in a matter of seconds. They ended up in a pile atop her discarded blouse. I deliberately left Marnie’s knee socks where they were. A beautiful, 11-year-old girl lying longingly in front of me wearing only virginal white stockings was an absolute fantasy come true. I put my face in her pussy and slowly licked and kissed it for who-knows-how long. It was delightful. My bliss ended only when I finally felt Marnie’s orgasm erupt.
“I never did that before!” Marnie excitedly exclaimed a minute or so later. “Can we do it again, Murray? It was great!”
“Well, maybe,” I said. However, I was curious to know just how much sexual experience this elementary-school nymphet actually had. “Marnie, I love you,” I began. “I want to know if you’ve done anything like this before. Will you tell me?”
She wasn’t one bit shy with her answers. Marnie began, “There are three 12-year-old boys in the class ahead of me at school. They like me. I like them. Sometimes at lunch we sneak away beyond the school grounds to a small, wooded area where no one can see us. It’s just outside the school property and it’s very private. Hardly anyone knows it’s there. We go there and we fool around with each other. That is, I look and their dicks and touch them. I sucked Jimmy Anserson’s dick once. It was fun. They look at me naked and touch me. Everybody has a good time. When I start to play with their dicks, they come easily, so it doesn’t last long. I’ve shown all three of them my pussy, and they’ve touched it—but not like the way you did, Murray. That was special—really special.”
I thanked Marnie for the compliment and then asked what I thought was an important follow-up question: “So no intercourse yet?” I asked. Marnie was not quite sure of the term, so I put it bluntly. “None of those guys have put their dicks into your pussy yet?”
“No,” declared Marnie. “Brad Bayley came close, though. I tried to guide his hard dick inside me, but he never got there. He lost control of himself and came all over my hand instead!”
I did my best to suppress a chuckle at poor Brad’s misfortune. “Well, Miss Marnie, you are quite the girl! I am about to correct that shortcoming in your sex life.”
I lifted Marnie back onto the couch. I licked her pussy a few more times for luck and then I mounted my best friend’s little sister. (When I thought of it that way—the excitement level went up another notch. Shame on me! My dick stiffened to the point where my erection was painful.) Be that as it may, I spread Marnie’s legs wide and thrust my penis inside her hole. Marnie picked up the rhythm of my jabs and we were very much in synch sexually. I am not especially well endowed, but I was surprised that my entire dick fit into this 11-year-old’s pussy. After a few minutes of basic fucking, I Instructed Marnie to remain on the couch but to change positions and get on her hands and knees. She was the perfect height. I stood behind her and fucked her doggy-style for several minutes, all the while playing with her luscious little titties, giving special attention to her hard, sexy nipples. I’m sure 12-year-old Brad Bayley, whoever he was, would not have lasted 20 seconds with Marnie that evening before losing his load.
Pounding Marnie from the rear, I was lost in rapture, but I heard Marnie give me this request, “Don’t come yet, Murray. Let’s try something I saw.” I reluctantly withdrew my throbbing penis from Marnie’s very wet pussy and waited to see what she had in mind.
“I once saw a couple do this in a sex video,” she said. That statement in itself was telling. In 1984, VCRs were just becoming a big thing in entertainment. Not everyone had one yet—and certainly not everyone had sex tapes lying about the house. How and where Marnie got to see one was a question that I did not ask her.
Marie put her hands on my shoulders. For a moment I thought we were going to dance naked, but instead she pushed me down onto the couch into a sitting position. The she mounted me! While descending to her knees, Marnie slid her pussy down my shaft like a real pro and proceed to bounce on my penis as if she had been doing it her whole life. Of course, I put my hands on her waist and guided her up and down. The dam had to break soon—and it did. I gave her fair warning in case she wanted to disconnect our hot bodies. She did not. “Here it comes, Marnie!” I said as I ejaculated warm gobs of sperm into this preteen love goddess. I felt squirt after squirt move out of my hard shaft. Marnie, age 11, had literally drained my balls.
I was exhausted. She was exhausted. We both embraced and started to fall asleep from our strenuous physical exertions. We may have dozed off together for a few minutes when I woke up with an anxious realization. “Marnie,” I said, “I love you and I wish we could fuck the whole night away, but we really have to clean up so no one knows what went on here.” She nodded. I did concede to both of us sharing a shower, where my dick just happened to slip into Marnie’s welcoming pussy again. But I had no ammo left in my weapon to fire. As a consolation prize, I got to give Marnie a very sexy and soapy shower. She did the same for me.
Marnie was already in bed, fast asleep, when the Singletons returned from the airport with Will in tow. Will looked like he could use about 10 hours of shut-eye, as did everyone else who emerged from the family’s van. Accordingly, Will and I only chatted briefly before I said my goodbyes for the night.
“Let’s get together as much as possible for the rest of the summer,” Will suggested between yawns.
“Sure,” I said. “Give me a call after you’ve had a solid night’s sleep, and I’ll come over here. I like it when I come here.” Those puns were wholly unintentional. Luckily for me and the sleeping Marnie, they made zero impact on the tired Singleton clan.

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By Quillpen

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
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love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
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Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
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Kamaveri Paiyan
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
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