Mark And Pam – Chapter 8 – My Assistant

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Mmmm, the smell of the coffee brewing in the kitchen and the perfume of my Pam from her pillow.  A wonderful start to the day.  Of course, not knowing what Pam will or will not be wearing is a wonderful tease.

“Good morning, my Love.  I hope you slept as well as I did,” Pam’s voice lilted through the air.  She was wearing an oversized tee shirt.

“This morning’s choices are coffee or coffee.  No coochie.  You have an important meeting this morning so tonight will be Nookie Night,”  she purred.  She has a way of turning me on just being serious.

“So you think you can tell me when I can you and when I have to wait?”  I was trying to act indignant.

“Um-hum, yes.  Here’s your coffee and please hold mine while I get next to my man.”  Question answered, problem solved.

Our morning coffee time is wonderful.  We talk a little and neck a little.  And of course, there’s always a little hanky-panky to help us through the day.  Pam always keeps our love alive and our hearts happy.  She is my driving force.

I headed to the offices of Platt and Dorrest.  At nine forty-five, I approached Mrs. Worth’s desk.

“Mr. Compton, you have an amazing habit of being early.  Mr. Pratt insists on punctuality,”  she grinned.

“I am I to meet with either of them?”

“No, here is the information you will need to start.  Mr. Dorrest did not seem over anxious for the results but may I suggest,” I interrupted her.

“I will send a text this afternoon with what I have found out.  You and the boss will be able to access the information I send you.  Your file will be “P&D – 1” since this is my first opportunity.  You have my phone number.  I want to give you the number of my assistant as well.” I smiled at Mrs. Worth.

“Thank you, Mr. Compton.  By the way, do you read everyone’s mind?”  She chuckled.

I thanked her and went to the car.  I gave Pam the info, then headed north out of town and drove for about an hour and a half.  I found the property which would be a builder’s dream.  Flat and nothing in the way.  No phone poles, buildings, homes, fences, nothing.  I think I did see an ant hill.

 I got out my equipment and went to work.  The pins were easy to find, and in the exact spot according to the information.  I should do this one as a freebie, but I won’t.  I was just about to finish marking my map when the phone rang, Pam’s ring.

“Hey, Baby.  How is my beautiful lady,”  I kissed her through the phone.

“Mark, keep that happy thought, you may need it.  From what I’ve found out, and verified, there are three liens against that property.  I don’t know how this guy pulled it off, he has three different mortgages against that property.” Her tone was serious.

“Well, that could be a talking point,” I added sarcastically.

“Are you still smiling,” Pam said dryly.  “I hope so.  It appears to have a utility easement that runs right through the middle of the property.  Still smiling?”  Pam knew that would be a problem.

“I knew this was too easy.  Everything as far as the surveying is right where it should be.  I should have felt a cold chill down my spine.  Shit.”  I sat on the tailgate and kicked the dirt.

“Well, baby. I’m sending my survey to you.  Upload it to P&D – 1.  I’m coming home unless I have to by the office.”  I sat there for a moment, trying to think.

Then the thought came to me.  If the boss(es) have a little ingenuity, how about two buildings with a catwalk connecting them?  I added it to my notes and hit “Enter”, then headed home to my girl.

I stopped at the quick side to replenish our beer supply and grabbed a bag of wavy potato chips.  Don’t ask me why, but I did, now for home.  I pushed the magic button for the garage the door was open just as I pulled in.  Closed the door, grab my purchases, now for my Baby.

I put the packages on the kitchen table, then walked down the hall to our office.  I stopped dead in my tracks at the doorway and almost pissed my pants.  Pam was sitting at the laptop wearing a bright blue wig, a tee shirt that had more holes in it than a golf course, a pair of shorts that would have made a hooker blush, and mismatched flip-flops.  She turned to face me, she had a pencil stuck in her hair and black-rimmed glasses.

“May I be of athithtanth, thir?” she asked through a high-pitched nasally voice.  She never cracked a smile. 

I was holding on to the door jamb just to stand up.  I ran to the john before I pissed my pants.   It started all over again when I went back down the hall and Pam was still staring at the doorway.  I was howling, Pam just stared at me.

Finally, she broke down and started laughing.  “Honey, I thought you may need a chuckle after your day.  She approached me, kissed me, and gave me a huge hug.  I held her close to me, and then kissed her.  My assistant!!

Pam finished what she was working on and then shut down her laptop.  She removed the wig and glasses and shorts she did have undies on.  She came over to me laughing as hard as I was.  We hugged and kissed and laughed some more.

“Baby, do want to have a beer first or shower or both?”  Pam asked.

“Boy, a shower sounds great.  It was very warm out there today.  Would you bring a beer to the bathroom for me, Baby?”  I was still breathless from laughing.

“You bet, Honey.  I’ll meet you in the bathroom.  I had mine about an hour ago, so I’m okay.  Then I want to ask you about something.  Nothing urgent.”  We kissed and I headed for the showers.

I enjoy a shower, period.  But this one felt especially wonderful, washing the day’s heat away.  I reached for my beer and this petite hand was holding it.  She held the curtain back and looked at my cock.  Pam smiled, licked her lips, then left.  Mentally, I told my cock ‘not now’.

I finished showering and then gave myself a hot shave.  Oh, life is good.  I downed the last of the beer and went into the bedroom.  Hmmm, boxers on the bed.  Could be a sign of a good night.  I slipped into them and headed for the living room.  Pam was there wearing only her puppy dog tee shirt.

“Mark, you caught me at a good time today.  I had just gotten back from the grocery when you called.  I heard a baby crying and looked down the next aisle, there was Cynthia.  I asked how she and the twins were doing. 

She was consoling Jack with a Binky while Jacquline slept away.  She said he’s just like his Daddy, and Daddy is getting impatient.  We had a good laugh over that.  Then she got serious.

She asked if you are bound to work only for Platt or if you can do side work.  I told her I didn’t know but would ask.  So, if you would give Jack a call.”  Pam sipped her beer.

“As long as I am available for P&D I don’t see any reason I can’t do a little side work.  It’s not like I have a say in the contract negotiations so I don’t see a conflict of interest.  Can I call Jack tomorrow or does he need an answer now?”  My brain was telling me to ask P&D first.

“I guess tomorrow will be okay.  She didn’t seem like it was a do-or-die situation.  Do you want another beer?”  Pam bent over to take my empty bottle and kissed my chest in the process.

“Um-hum, that’s mine,” she purred and went to the kitchen.

Pam called from the kitchen, “Do want dinner now or later?”

“Now is fine, if you’re hungry too.  Did you make your usual feast or sandwiches?  After being in the heat, I’d be happy with just a sandwich and chips.”  I was not very hungry, the heat, I guess.

“Can I tempt you with a hot roast beef on rye with Swiss?  The chips are an optional side order,” I heard her giggle.

“The sandwich and chips sound great.  The sandwich doesn’t have to be hot because I know the waitress is smoking hot,”  I wolf-whistled. 

Pam was rustling around in the kitchen making my dinner.  When she brought it to me, she placed it on the coffee table.  When she turned to give me my beer, she had dampened her tee shirt just at her tits.  Her nipples were hard as railroad spikes. 

“Pamela!” I reached for her, but she backed away just enough.  So I swatted her butt.

She handed me my dinner and sat next to me with her meal.  She was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.  We talked about the day as we ate.  She was telling me how much she enjoyed shopping for us.  Pam said she finally felt like she had a purpose in life.

“Baby, I have to tell you.  I’ve never been happier.  You make me happy I wake up in the morning.  You’re a wonderful woman and I love you very much,”  I smiled at Pam and kissed her.  She blushed.

“Honey, are you finished?  Do you want another beer?”  Pam was getting up and shook her butt for me.

“Yes, please.  But what I want more than anything in this life is my beautiful Pamela Renee Fisher.  The most wonderful and beautiful woman in the world.”  I smiled and signed.

“Thank you, Mark,”  she signed happily and headed for the kitchen.

Pam returned with our cold beer closed the drapes, then put a CD in the player.  The room was dark, save for the two candles on the coffee table.  Pam snuggled next to me and brought her legs onto the couch.  I put my arm around her shoulders, and she laid her head on my shoulder.

“Mark, I wish we would have left them.  I wanted you from the second I saw you.  You’re so tall and muscular.  You have a kind face, a warm smile, and strong hands.  You hold me in your arms and my legs go weak, my coochie gets wet, then my mind starts to go blank.  Nothing exists but your strength,” Pam whispered.

“I’ve never known love, true love until you.  Pam, I wish we would have left them eighteen years ago.  Then moved to another town and started over.  But thankfully we have friends who understand. 

When you’re in my arms, I feel like I rule the world, I can conquer anything.  With your beautiful warm blue eyes, soft satin skin, you have the perfect body for me.  Your full, warm breasts, slim body, sleek legs and you have the cutest butt in the world. 

You are my dream, my fantasy come true, my world all wrapped up in an amazing five feet five-inch package.  Just for me, all mine, to have and to hold,”  I squeezed her and kissed her forehead.

I moved my arm from behind Pam’s shoulders, she gave me a sad look.  I stood up and took her hand.  Pam stood up and our eyes met.  Her eyes were dreamy and alluring.  We kissed softly as we held each other.

“Mark, my legs are getting,”  I stopped her with a kiss.

When our lips separated, Pam signed and looked into my eyes again.  I lightly ran my hand up and down her spine, Pam shivered and pulled me closer. 

“Baby,” she whispered.

I picked Pam up and carried her into the bedroom.  I laid her on the bed, she looked up at me.  It felt like her eyes were begging to be loved.  I lay next to her and wrapped my arms around her.  We were lying on our sides, I used my hand to hold her head and bring her lips closer to mine.  When our lips met, Pam whimpered and squeezed me tighter.

“Mark, are you going to,”

“Yes, I am.  I’m going to love you forever,”  I whispered to her.

“I can only see your face, the room is dark,”  Pam’s voice was seducing me.

I rolled on top of Pam, she slowly opened her legs.  I slid between her soft thighs, my cock was touching her wet pussy lips.  Pam groaned with delight as my cock filled her, her pussy wrapped around my cock.  We lay there locked together, kissing and rubbing each other’s body, seducing us into a passion that would turn to lust.

With Pam’s legs close to her chest, I pushed my body against her hard clit.  Pam moaned and wrapped her legs around me.  I began kissing her neck down to her nipples.  When I gently bit her Pam inhaled sharply and exhaled with a long, low moan.  I continued sucking her tit. 

I ran my other hand over her tit.  I put her nipple between my fingers and squeezed it.  Pam moaned, ‘do that’, and grabbed my wrist.  Pam pushed my head against her tit when I moved my cock around in her pussy.  Her warm precum flowed over my cock which made me begin to pump her.

Pam grabbed my head and moved my mouth to her other tit.  I moved my hands and grabbed her ass cheeks.  My cock was grinding in and out of her more warm precum flowed across my cock.

I shot my first stream of cum into Pam’s pussy, she squirted my cock and balls with a stream of her cum.  I was pumping Pam with long, strong strokes, she was groaning with lust as she rode my cock. 

I shot another stream of cum into Pam, while her pussy responded the same way.  We were cumming together, matching each other stream for stream.  Pam held my head to her tit, I squeezed her ass cheeks, as we traded streams of cum until we collapsed from exhaustion.

I lay on top of Pam, our bodies crushing the water droplets, trying to cool our passion.  We looked into each other’s eyes, I held Pam’s head in my hands and pressed my lips against hers.  She reached for my ass cheeks and pushed them keeping me inside her pussy.

I rolled off of Pam, my cock slipped from her pussy.  We lay facing one another, looking into each other’s eyes.  I pressed my lips against Pam’s, she closed her eyes and sighed.  Then we cuddled together.  Her body pressed against mine, her tender cheek resting on my shoulder.