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#Group #Interracial #Pregnancy
By Courtney
It has been three months since Madison left our home to go back to college. Being born and raised in Japan, she choose to live with us during her breaks from school because it’s cheaper and easier. We became friends with her and loosened her up from her initial shy and timid self. My husband also made sure to loosen her up in other places as well, which is probably why she stayed. But now she’s back in school and from what we’ve heard she’s turned into a party girl. She only has a year left of school, but her formerly strict study regimen has taken a backseat to wild parties. IT turns out my husband fucking her made her realize how much everyone in America loves a hot Asian slut.
I figured she’d have her fun, but still finish strong, until I got a call from her last night. She called asking to meet me for lunch today, she really wanted to talk. So this morning I got ready and drove to the restaurant to meet. I found her sitting in back corner away from anyone else looking worried and scared.
“Hey Madison, what’s the matter? What do you want to tell me?” I asked sitting down.
“I need to tell you this…” she replied putting a pregnancy test on the table.
“Oh Madison, you’re pregnant!?” I asked, initially happy for her.
“Yes, and I don’t know what to do. If my parents find out they’ll kill me. I came here to study not get knocked up!” she said shouting in a hushed tone.
“Tell me how it happened. Who do you think the father is?” I asked .
“It happened three weeks ago. I went with a friend to a party, she disappeared with a guy, I found myself with one, too. Everything just happened so quick.” she said.
“So do you know his name or where to find him?” I asked her.
“It’s not that simple, he… wasn’t the only one I was with that night.” she confessed.
I went out with my friend around 8:30, we always get into trouble. She got the invite to this frat party at the all black frat house just down the street and said a girl like me would get in easy. So we arrived and the kid they had acting as “security looked us up and down and said to have a good time. Inside we found the usual loud music and drinking. I don’t remember how long it took, but my friend was taken upstairs by some guy, she always hooked up with someone on a Friday night. After a few drinks, the boys started to crowd around me. It doesn’t take a lot to get me drunk, and when I’m drunk, I’m horny too. So I’m surrounded by a group of drunk frat boys flirting in my own drunken state. As much as they’re taking advantage of me, I’m letting them do it.
By now it’s well past midnight, I’m wasted as is everyone else and while the party kept going downstairs, the actual frat themselves took me upstairs. I found myself laying in bed surrounded by a number of black guys, all by myself and feeling horny and drunk as hell. They’ve been flirting and groping me for so long I finally say, “Are you guys going to fuck me anytime soon?”
Right then two guys come up and literally rip my clothes off my body. My cute outfit that I just bought was ripped in half on the floor, now I was naked with my tits hanging out in front of them all. The first guy came up and forced me to my knees to suck his cock. For God knows how long I spent my time on my knees taking cock after cock in my mouth. I soon ended up riding the cock of one of the guys while the rest, about seven or so if I remember right, took turns fucking my asshole and my mouth. God, Courtney I got fucked so good by them! After your husband taught me how to orgasm, I have one almost every time I have sex. These guys turned my pussy inside out just fucking me without any regard to anything.
I didn’t know I could handle so much black cock, but they pushed me to my limits that night. The whole time I could hear my friend through the wall in the next room getting demolished. She has a long-term boyfriend that’s religious so she tells him she has a women’s only bible study on Friday nights. She’ll hookup with at least one, maybe two, guys every weekend but when her boyfriend makes her mad she fucks much more. During the walk up she mentioned how annoying her man was being to her, so i knew she was getting gangbanged like me.
As they ravaged my pussy, I ended up on my back in a very intense missionary position. The guy fucking me in that moment rammed down hard, grunting and releasing a huge load inside me. I was too drunk and horny to be scared of the consequences that no one had a condom on. One by one, the first four men shoved their cocks inside my pussy just to cum inside me. I guess they wanted to say they creampied a Japanese girl or something. Well anyway, the rest just jerked off onto my face and tits, glazing my face entirely. They gave me back my jeans, but the rest of my clothing was ripped and unable to wear, so one guy gave me a shirt to wear when they sent me out of the house to go home for the night. I walked home alone, my friend was nowhere to be found, and I waked back with my face still glazed with cum.
I fell asleep on the floor in my dorm and woke up filthy and hungover. I was so afraid taking a shower that morning of getting pregnant. I mean, how would I know who the father is when I was with so many that night? I washed my face and pussy, and texted my friend to see if she’s alright. She was, she stayed at the frat house overnight getting fucked by everyone. I haven’t been to anymore parties since and have been studying hoping that this wouldn’t happen. Five days ago I missed my period and the fear set in, then I took a test and it came back positive.
“So what am I supposed to do now? I have a black man’s baby in my womb and I don’t know the father at all. My parents will kill me if they found out this happened. I’m not supposed to be a trashy whore like this! What if I have to drop out and raise he baby? I don’t know what to do…” Madison told me.
“If I were you, I would stay in school and have the baby, then give it up for adoption. I don’t think your parents will notice your tits got a little bigger, and with the amount of time you have left, they won’t see you pregnant anyway. If you need any help, I’m always here.” I told her.
“Thanks Courtney…” she replied.
Wow, the timid little Japanese girl we met got gangbanged by a black frat house! I was so proud of her despite how her situation looked, if she were my daughter she wouldn’t have to worry. I would just talk to my husband and we’d raise her baby for her. I just wonder if sending her back to the frat house to find the dad was a good idea, after all, you can’t get pregnant twice…
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By Courtney
#Group #Interracial #Pregnancy