Lucky Number Three – Gay Male

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Author’s Note:

Hi Again!

I wasn’t really planning to make Ben, Ira, and Corey’s story a series, but I love writing about these guys. Consider this one a sequel to Good Good Things.

No content warnings. Just these three cuties being cute.


“Everything ok?”

I looked up from frowning at my phone to Corey. We were both on my couch watching old movies. Everything about Corey screamed ‘outdoorsy mountain man’ from his long brown hair, tied up in a bun that was slowly escaping, his neatly trimmed beard, to his broad, strong body. He wore soft, thrifted tee shirts with the strangest prints and dark jeans most of the time.

“Ira just texted,” I sighed. “He’s going to be later than he thought.”

“Aw, damn,” Corey agreed. “Well, we can just hang out and watch movies?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” I answered reluctantly. Corey was in town to visit us just for the weekend. As much as I liked having him there to watch my favorite weird indie movies with me, Ira and I were supposed to be fucking his brains out an hour ago.

Ira was my partner. He and I could be two sides of a coin, but we found our differences made us stronger together. I loved no one in the world the way I loved that man, and we both loved to share our hot mountain man of a fuckbuddy, Corey.

My phone lit up with a call from Ira before I could say anything else.

“Hey, baby,” Ira said quietly. “I’m so sorry. Shit just blew up. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“I’m not mad,” I assured him. “Corey and I are just watching movies you don’t like, anyway.”

“Get started without me,” Ira said devilishly. He was practically whispering. I wondered where he was having this conversation that had him so quiet. “But tell that cute little pet he’s not allowed to cum until I get there. Get him needy for me.”

I glanced at Corey. He wasn’t paying attention to me. Fuck, he was so handsome laughing at whatever dumb movie we had on.

“You sure about that?” I asked.

“I’m so sure,” Ira said.

“You spoil me, baby,” I chuckled.

“Noooo, I can’t give you everything you deserve so I give you as much as I can,” Ira giggled.

“Cheesy,” I teased him. “Love you. See you soon?”

“See you in an hour tops,” he promised. “I’ll make up for being late. Love you!”

I hung up the phone and looked back at Corey. He felt my eyes on him and looked up with a grin. Whatever he saw in my face gave him pause.

“Oh, shit,” he giggled. “What did that maniac just tell you?”


I was never really sure if Ben had any idea how hot he was. He seemed to dismiss Ira worshiping the ground he walked on as Ira just being his usual ridiculous, hyperbolic self. He either didn’t realize or wasn’t acknowledging that he had me wrapped around his fingers, too.

Just based on me and Ira, Ben liked guys with muscles. I had always been active and athletic. Ira spent enough time at the gym to look like a sports model. Ben, though, Ben was tall and soft and willowy. He had the most beautifully smooth, dark skin with the barest hint of muscle underneath. His delicate features and sharp brown eyes were framed by his thin, long locs which he almost always tied back behind his head, though a few shorter strands decorated with silver beads would escape to grace his cheeks throughout the day.

Ira had picked me out as their occasional third, and I knew exactly why. He picked me because he knew Ben would like me and he trusted me to treat Ben well. It would be easy to find someone who would take Ben’s occasional stoicism as toughness instead of the mask he wore to protect himself. Not everyone would understand that Ben needed a gentle touch despite his sharpness.

Ira said the original threesome fantasy had been his, but he always spent every moment the three of us spent together taking care of Ben and me. There was something really special between them. It was an honor to be trusted enough to witness it. Plus, I got the side benefits of Ira’s overachieving soft dom tenderness and the chance to indulge in Ben’s tender, sweet touches.

Ben was looking at me with a little, unsure grin after he got off the phone. He bit his lip and looked me up and down.

“He said we should get started without him,” he said. There was the slightest hint of doubt in his usually confident tone.

Oh, shit.

“Um, are you sure?” I asked warily. “Look, I love what we do, but I can’t come between you two. That’s absolutely not why I’m here.”

“I know that,” he chuckled. “You wouldn’t choose me if you were trying to break us up, anyway. You know I can’t fuck you like Ira can.”

To be fair, no one could fuck like Ira. That man was blessed with the single minded desire to please his partner in whatever way they liked best, the talent to intuit what they wanted, and the cock to meet just about anyone’s desires. But he didn’t have Ben’s delicate beauty or his sweet vulnerability. Realistically, I wanted both of them. That’s what made the arrangement we had so perfect.

“You have no idea how attracted I am to you, do you?” I asked Ben and slid a little closer. Ben smirked at me and reached up to release my hair. His slender fingers ran along my scalp, drawing a deep groan from my chest.

“Tell me about it,” he challenged me.

“Hmmm, ok,” I sighed and leaned into his touch. Ben cradled the back of my head and stroked down my neck as I thought. “You’re so beautiful. You touch me like no one else. I know exactly why Ira is so in love with you. I’ve never seen anything as breathtaking as you and Ira together.”

Ben’s breath grew unsteady as I continued to list his attractive qualities. He kept his hands busy running over my shoulders and feeling the muscles in my arms and chest. I wasn’t slim and cut like Ira. I was barrel chested, with a thick torso and strong limbs trained by my outdoor hobbies and previous life as a climbing instructor. Ben seemed to appreciate my body even if I was less curated than his boyfriend.

“Please, Ben,” I whispered. I felt myself trembling under his soft touch “Can I kiss you?”

“Sure,” he agreed. A devious little smile lit his face before he added, “But Ira said you’re not allowed to cum until he gets here. You should probably pace yourself.”

I whined at that and nodded eagerly. Ben wouldn’t order me around, but he loved seeing Ira’s effect on me.

I leaned in to kiss his perfect, soft lips. Ben sighed and crawled into my lap, pressing that long, graceful body to mine. I felt another needy groan escape me as Ben’s weight settled on my legs. He led the kiss. I had never seen him take the lead with Ira, but I was a lot easier to control. Ben coaxed my mouth open and caressed my tongue with his.

Ben slid his hands down my chest and lifted the hem of my shirt. He broke the kiss to get my permission to take it off. Even after a year of hookups, he still was a little uncertain about taking the lead without my active feedback.

“Please,” I murmured. “Let me show you how bad I want you. Please?”

Ben grinned and let me get up. I stripped off my clothes under his warm stare. He licked his lips and grinned wolfishly when I dropped my boxers and straightened up to stand at attention for him. Ben wasn’t into kink, not really, and he definitely didn’t know why I stood like that with my shoulders straight, my arms locked at the small of my back, and my feet set apart, but he always loved to see me present my body for his approval. He reached for me and wrapped one hand lightly around my growing erection.

“Hey, Ben?” I said roughly. My throat was suddenly dry and tight. “I have a question for you.”

Ben smiled and teased the head of my cock. He giggled when my abs clenched in surprise.

“What’s your question?”

“What does Ira like?” I asked. I knew what Ben liked. He liked gentleness and desperation from me, and he liked to see Ira put me on my knees. He wouldn’t admit it, but he liked Ira’s coddling attention and devoted worship towards him. Ben liked to feel cherished enough to turn off his brain and let go. Ira, though, I wasn’t so sure about. He was always pleasing us. Even when he controlled me, it was all in service of giving me what I wanted. I had no idea what he really wanted.

“Oh,” Ben chuckled. “Ira likes to feel like the best. He wants you to cum harder for him than you ever could with anyone else. Ira just wants to know you and I are happy.”

That made sense. It did make my next question harder, though.

“Do you think he would be down to give up control to us one night?” I asked. Ben paused in his teasing and looked up at me thoughtfully.

“Interesting,” he said slowly. “He might be. What do you have in mind?”

I was getting distracted by Ben’s hand sliding up my thigh to cradle my balls. He grinned at me and arched an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

“I don’t usually get to touch him much,” I gasped out. “He lets me touch you as long as I remember how you deserve to be touched.”

“What does that mean?” Ben laughed in surprise.

“Like a treasure. Like, um,” my train of thought wavered when Ben suddenly leaned forward to lick a bead of precum off my tip. “Like I’m being trusted to touch the most precious person in the world.”

Ben’s eyes widened and he blushed. Fuck. So cute. It wasn’t often he was caught off guard.

“But he takes over when it’s him and me,” I went on. “I’m usually too deep in subspace to do more than blow him and let him fuck me.”

“Oooh,” Ben giggled and squeezed me gently. “You want a chance to explore my man?”

“God, yes,” I groaned. Ben traced my abs and smiled. “He’s so hot.”

“He is hot,” Ben agreed. He looked up at me seriously. “He’s also nervous to be vulnerable. I know it’s not our thing, but I think I would need to be in charge for him to enjoy it.”

“That’s OK. I’ll follow your orders,” I agreed readily.

“I’ll talk to him,” Ben said. “Tonight, though, you already have orders. Ira wants you needy and desperate.”

I nodded shakily. Ben grinned and squeezed my ass.

“Can I see you?” I asked in a whisper. “Please, Ben? I want to see.”

Ben obliged, wiggling out of his shirt and pants to stand naked in front of me. I groaned as I openly admired him. Ben liked it. He loved to be adored even though he acted too cool for compliments most of the time. I dropped to my knees and ran my shaking hands up his slender legs. Ben sighed and led my head to his straining, beautiful dick.


Corey wasn’t Ira. I didn’t expect him to be. He didn’t know my body like Ira did and Corey wasn’t as good at going as slow as I liked. I had to grit my teeth to not jump back at the sudden, intense contact. That was ok. I still enjoyed his sloppy desperation. Corey was adorable on his knees, looking up at me with his tongue on my dick. He always wanted it so bad that I could excuse his lack of finesse.

“Ah, gentle,” I gasped when he popped me in his mouth and immediately shoved to the back of his throat. I felt the rumble of his chuckle before he pulled back. I cupped his cheek in my hand, stroking his soft beard with my thumb. Corey practically purred and leaned into my hand.

“Sorry,” he giggled. “Ira would have punished me for that.”

“He still could. I could tell him you went too fast and he would put you over his knee,” I warned him, but we were both grinning. “Slower, ok? Pretend I’m a virgin and be gentle.”

“Oooh, I like that,” Corey sighed. “Does sweet, virgin Benny need me to go slow?”

“Benny?” I scoffed. “No one calls me that.”

Corey slowly returned his tongue to my skin, licking across my stomach and following the light dusting of hair down to much more carefully kiss down my length.

“Can I call you that? Would you mind? You’re just so cute,” Corey said against my skin. I felt his breath tickle across my sensitive skin and shivered as goosebumps chased down my arms.

“Only when you’re on your knees for me,” I answered. My voice sounded strained. “And don’t call me Benji. Only Ira gets away with that.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” Corey chuckled. “Please, Benny, let me taste you?”

“Gentle,” I answered. “Go slow.”

Corey was much more gentle if still pretty sloppy. He slipped just my tip into his mouth and drooled on me to lubricate his soft grip below. I sighed and relaxed into it. I let him work me up until he was trembling and his free hand drifted down to his own cock. I lifted him to his feet and guided him to sit on the couch so I could kneel in front of him more comfortably.

Corey whimpered as I returned his attentions, going slowly and listening to him whine. He knew better than to grab my head or pull my hair. I don’t think Corey would try, but even Ira wouldn’t get away with that.

I pulled off to suck on my fingers, making sure Corey was watching me. He didn’t waver in his eye contact as he widened his legs and panted. He knew what was coming next. Ira wanted him needy and desperate. I could definitely do that.

“You know I can’t fuck you, right?” I teased him. Corey knew. I was strictly a bottom unless Ira wanted me to top him. I was firmly a lot of things until Ira got involved. “I’ll finger this hole, though. Would you like that?”

“Please? Please, Ben?” he whimpered. He gasped and moaned as I slid my wet fingers down to circle his hole. Corey twitched and tried to chase my fingers with his hips.

“Hold it,” I warned him. “Ira will be so disappointed in you if you cum before he gets here. You don’t want to disappoint my man, do you?”

“Never,” Corey whined. “I’m a good boy. I won’t disappoint Ira.”

I chuckled and slipped one finger into him. Corey, for as eager as he was to bottom, was always tight. Good thing I didn’t mind going slow. I carefully worked him open for a while, listening to his deep moans, before deciding I needed to move us to the bed.

Corey followed me like a puppy and knelt on the bed immediately. I moved him to his back.

“I want to watch your handsome face,” I told him softly. Corey blushed and reached for me to plant a sweet, desperate kiss on my lips. I fished the lube out of my nightstand and went back to coaxing Corey open with the new slippery addition. He gasped and pressed back on my hand, searching for more than my fingers would give him. I moaned at his desperation and leaned in to kiss him stupid.


I was fuming to be so late. My beautiful Benji and my favorite pet were waiting for me and there I was, clicking away at some last minute bullshit. It was done, though, and I was finally in the parking lot of Ben’s apartment.

I let myself in and paused in the doorway. A big grin grew on my face when I heard it – Corey’s desperate whine and Ben’s soft, sweet voice urging him on.

I found them in Ben’s bed, both naked with their limbs tangled together. Ben had three fingers in Corey’s tight ass, pumping him in that insistent, gentle, decidedly Ben way. Corey was gasping and trying to hold still. His hands were twisted in the sheets. There was a pool of pre on his stomach where his hard, twitching dick was constantly dripping under Ben’s delicious influence.

Ben looked back at me and grinned. Fuck, that smile. Like I was his whole world. I’d take a bullet for that look. He eased out of Corey and drifted over to me to wrap those perfect, slender arms around me. I let him kiss my brains away for a moment before I took over, coaxing his mouth open and indulging myself in his sweet, perfect lips. I could taste Corey on him. I groaned into the kiss and reluctantly broke it off.

“Benji, fuck,” I panted. “What a gorgeous sight to come home to.”

Corey was up on his elbows, watching us and still panting. He was trembling hard.

“Look at that desperate pet,” I said to Ben. “Did you enjoy playing with our good boy?”

“I always enjoy playing with Corey,” Ben chuckled. “But he’s desperate for more than I can give him.”

“Is that true, pet?” I let go of Ben and started peeling off my clothes. “Do you want the kind of attention that I give you?” Corey watched me and nodded shakily.

“Please, sir,” he whimpered.

“That hole is gaping,” I told him. Corey blushed, but he didn’t try to cover himself. “Did you thank Benji? You better be grateful. Ben has high standards. He won’t stick his fingers up just any guy’s ass.”

Corey dragged his eyes off me to Ben. He pulled himself together enough to slip off the bed and kneel on the floor in front of us. He kept his eyes down like I expected him to when he spoke again to address Ben.

“Thank you, Ben,” he whispered. Ben lifted his chin gently and smiled down at him.

“Thought I was Benny when you’re on your knees?” Ben teased him. Corey smirked and repeated the nickname back. I arched an eyebrow at that. Ben normally didn’t allow nicknames at all. He tolerated me only because I’d been calling him Benji since we were kids.

“Benny? Seems like I missed a lot,” I chuckled. I raised Corey to his feet and dragged him down to kiss him hard.

Corey was taller than me. So was Ben, for that matter. Neither really seemed to care about my height and I had stopped worrying about it years before. He relaxed submissively against me, whimpering softly and lightly grinding his dripping dick against mine. I reached down and grasped him. His cock was hot to the touch and twitching in my hand, Ben had clearly worked him hard. I groaned in appreciation and shoved Corey back to the bed where he fell back on his elbows again.

“You did such a good job, baby,” I purred to Ben. “How should I thank you?”

“Fuck him,” Ben said hungrily. “And then fuck me.”

“Hmm, you want to see me make that cute little fuck doll take my big dick?” I asked Ben, but it was for Corey’s benefit. Ben grinned, his eyes flicking to Corey. He wouldn’t order Corey around, but he would join in on the teasing as long as I didn’t say anything too degrading. Corey didn’t mind if I called him a worthless hole, but Ben wouldn’t stand for that kind of thing.

“I want you to fuck him hard, baby,” Ben sighed. He crawled next to Corey and ran an irritatingly light finger down Corey’s straining dick. Corey twitched and moaned. “He won’t last long. I worked him up just for you. Show him who runs the show around here.”

“We all know that isn’t me,” I laughed. Ben’s eyes flicked up to me with a smirk. Even Corey managed a shaky chuckle. “But I’ll fuck him hard for you, baby.”

Corey whined and nodded desperately. He started to move to his hands and knees, but Ben held him in place with one gentle hand.

“Like this, Corey,” he said quietly. “I want him to see your face.”

Corey glanced at me, then dropped his eyes down to nod politely. Ben raised his head back up to see his eyes.

“Really, Corey. I’m not playing a game right now, answer me as my friend. Is that ok?” Ben asked sincerely. “You seem hesitant. Don’t do something you don’t like just because I asked.” I saw Corey smile fondly. He was, as always, just as charmed by Ben’s hidden sweetness as I was.

“Yes, it’s fine,” Corey answered more firmly. “You just have my head fucked up right now.”

Ben smiled and leaned in to kiss him. I took the opportunity to slide my fingers into Corey’s loose, soft hole. Corey bucked against my hand and moaned. Shit, he was already close. Ben had him wound tight.

“Kiss him, Benji,” I sighed as I rolled a condom on. “Kiss him while he takes my dick.”

Corey broke the kiss to cry out when I eased into him. He was usually tight enough that it took a good bit of work to get all of me inside, but Benji had him more than ready. I slid in slowly with almost no resistance.

Ben claimed his lips again before I bottomed out. My beautiful man swallowed Corey’s moans like his life would be sustained by them. He released Corey and kissed down his neck.

“Oh, oh fuck,” Corey gasped. “Sir, I’m sorry, I can’t last.”
