Lovely girl on a cold day part 13

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#Incest #Tween

By Sand Man

Story of how I got to have long lasting sex relations with my daughter and her school friends


I let Mary sleep on for some hours, it was now 7.30pm, I went up to the bedroom and woke her up to have something to eat.

Mary put on her dressing gown.

We went into the kitchen and prepared the food, by the time we had eaten it was about 8.30pm. We then went into the lounge and we started to chat about what had happened this morning.

She said she enjoyed the day and she thought it was sexy going back to Dan’s house, I agreed with her. She said she liked dancing around with Emily for us. I told her that we all enjoyed it too.

I asked her that when she had her foot over Dan’s shoulder, and he started to rub her leg, would she have let him feel her pussy?, she said she would. I told her, good girl.

I went to get a drink of wine, I asked Mary would she like some, she said she would, I thought good.

I came back with the wine and we got comfortable together on the sofa. After a few sips of the wine she said to me, “are you going to put the vibrator in me again tonight?, I told her if she wants me to I will, she told me, “we will see”.

I told her it was wonderful seeing your leg over Dan’s shoulder, and what he might do, she smiled. I asked her would you have put your leg over Howard’s shoulder, she told me she would have done.

After a few more sips of wine Mary was getting a bit warm, her cheeks were flushing up.

I asked here would she have let Howard do things to her, again she said yes she would. I asked her shall we get Howard to come over tonight?, she said,”if you like”. Will you dance for us?, I asked, again she said yes she would.

I got the phone and gave Howard a ring and asked him would he like to come around for a drink, i told him Mary is with me.He came around in about 2 minutes.

I took him into, the lounge and got him some wine, I sat him down opposite Mary and I.

We spoke about the morning and he told Mary how good she looked dancing around in her leotard.

I then asked Mary would she do a little dance for us tonight, she said she would. I then told her to go and get changed into her leotard, I told her to wear the same things as she wore this morning, she knew what I meant. She went to get changed.

Howard said, “she is so lovely, and thanks for including me “. I told him it is good you like her.

Mary came down in the leotard she wore this morning, and I could see she had the crotch-less panties on as well, as her camel-toe stood out. Howard was starring at it.

I asked Mary to go through her routine, she started to twirl around, lifting her leg in all different poses.After about ten minutes of this I called her over to me and said to her,” Ok now for some bar work, put your leg up over my shoulder like you did at Dan’s house”. she came over and easily put her foot over my shoulder, I put my hand behind her to steady her, with my hand on one of her bum cheeks. I looked over and Howard was watching intently.

My other hand I put on her raised leg, I started to rub her leg going a bit further up each time. I could see Howard was bending down a bit trying to get a better view. I told him to come over to the sofa as he will get a better view from here. He came over straight away. When he sat next to us I had my hand on the middle of her thigh.

Her camel-toe was so defined, I said to her, “you look so good down there, pointing to her pussy, what do you think Howard?”. He said “Wonderful”.

I told Howard to help steady her by putting his hand on her bum cheek, on doing so he got a lot nearer her pussy, I could feel that he was squeezing her bum.

I then moved my hand up to the edge of her leotard, and traced my finger up and down her groin, by the edge of the leotard.I looked over to Howard, he was transfixed on her camel-toe.

Then with the back of my fingers I rubbed up and down her camel-toe.Howard said, “Jesus”. I kept my hand there, she felt so warm and moist. I said to Howard,” She feels so good”, he was just staring at what I was doing.

Then I said to Mary, “will you let Howard have a go and do the same “, she nodded.

She took her foot off of my shoulder and stood on that leg, then she put the other leg over Howard, with her foot on his shoulder. We were both sat close together, with one of our hands each placed on her bum cheek, stopping her falling backwards, and supporting her.

He was trembling, he had never been so close to Mary before, probably realizing that his dreams were coming true.

I said to Howard, “ Ok now it is your turn, do the same as I did”.

With that he placed his free hand on her lower leg, then he slowly moved his hand up past her knee and up to her inner thigh, he was very close to her pussy, then he paused, looked over to me and said, “Is it OK for me to carry on and do this?”.I told him to ask Mary, not me.

He asked her, she told him, “yes I like it”

His hand went to the edge of her leotard, he was really shaking, he traced his finger up and down the edge, “do it”, I told him, then he placed the back of his fingers on her camel-toe, like I had done. “Jesus”, he muttered. He then moved his fingers up and down her camel-toe slit.

“Do you like Howard doing that to you?”, I asked Mary, she said, “Oh yes “.

He kept on touching her pussy for a minute or two, then I said, “OK now for something else”.

I asked Mary,” would you do a dance for us, and while you are dancing do a striptease, slowly taking your leotard off?, she said she would. Howard said, “OH WOW”.

I went and put some music on for her to dance to.

Howard and I were sitting on the sofa, Mary started to dance around back and forward in front of us, she done some high leg lifts, some provocative bending over, and even attempted the splits, we were enjoying all her moves.

On one of her passes by us she stood sideways on to us, turned her head to look at us then she slipped one shoulder strap of the leotard off of her shoulder, she left it like that, then back and forth again. This time she done the same thing as before, and slipped the other shoulder strap off.

She now had the top of her leotard down to just above her small tit bumps, another few times up and down and she pulled the leotard down below her tit bumps. She was really teasing us. “Nice”, Howard came out with.

She went up and down again doing a little wiggle with her hips and bum, then she pulled the leotard down to just bellow her belly button, then she eased it down to just above the line of her pink panties.Howard was getting very hot.

Mary turned her back on us and bent over, and looked at us between her legs, with a big smile on her face. She then stood upright again and eased the leotard off of was now at her feet.She stepped out of it still with her back to us, she was now only wearing her pink lace panties, She turned around and it was then that Howard could see her open crotch-less panties, framing her bald cunt.

Howard had never seen her bald cunt slit before. He shouted out, “ Fucking wonderful”. Mary just stood there in front of us letting us look at her. Then she parted her legs a little and leaned back so her pussy was pushed a bit forward, she then stood upright and started to walk up and down past us again.

She then laid on the floor in front of us, she lifted her legs up and back, and opened them wide, giving us a wonderful look at her bald cunt.

I then got off the sofa, knelt down, and went and got between her open legs and started to lick her, Howard got off the sofa as well, and was knelt down beside me getting a better view of me licking her. I pulled her cunt lips open and licked inside of her, she was nice and moist.

After a few minutes of licking her, I looked up at Howard and said to him, “lick her”.

He moved over to where I had been and got down and started touching her bald cunt, he rubbed his fingers up and down her slit, then he put one finger inside her, then he lowered his head and started licking her, he was shaking.

After a couple of minutes I took my trousers off, laid down near Mary’s head and put my stiff cock in her mouth, Howard saw this and said, “I must be dreaming, this is not really happening”. He continued licking and fingering her.

I then told him to change places, he got up removed his trousers and he laid down near Mary’s head, then she got hold of his cock and put it in her mouth, this went on till he cried out, “AHHH “, he was cumming. He pulled his cock out of Mary’s mouth and cum in his hand. He then got up, and went to the bathroom.

I said to Mary, “you done a real good job there, that has given him something he will never forget”.

Mary and I both got off the floor and sat on the sofa, then Howard came back into the room.I asked him was he ok, he said, “and how, I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would be doing that to a lovely girl”.

I told him, that he would probably do a lot more as well.

I went and got us all a drink, so we could have a rest, the excitement had been intense.

Would Howard have recovered to do more?, we shall see.

After our drink we talked about what had happened.

Howard said, “never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be doing something like that to a girl of Mary’s age, she is fantastic.”

I agreed with him.

Mary was sitting next to me on the sofa, opposite Howard.

I pulled her close to me started to rub the top of her thighs, then between them, I slowly pushed her thighs apart so I could get to her bald pussy.

Howard was watching my every move.

I now had Mary’s legs quite apart, I put my fingers in my mouth and whetted them, then I started to rub them up and down on her bald slit. Her lips quickly came apart, I pulled her lips open so Howard could see inside her.

His cock was now stiring back into life.

I got a condom and put it on and started to get down between Mary’s legs, she was wet, I took my cock in my hand and rubbed it up and down her bald slit, then I pushed the head in between her lips, then eased forward, my cock went into her easily, bit by bit I pushed it into her, when it was all inside her I started to make my cock pulse, I asked her could she feel it, she said she could.

Howard was close by watching me do my daughter, it was very erotic him watching me do her, I pulled half of it out and slowly pushed it back in again. I asked Howard does he like seeing it go in, he told me he did, I was not surprised.

I then got off Mary and made her kneel on the sofa, I pushed her head down so her bum was sticking up, I was behind her, both her holes were on full view. I knelt down and started licking her cunt, then her bum hole, I kept taking it in turns to lick and tongue both holes.

Then I stood up and and eased my cock back into her cunt, it made a slop sound as it went back in her.While I was in her I started to finger her bum hole, one figer first then I got two inside her bum, she seemed to like it being done to her.

Howard was now stood up watching all this, his cock was hard and he was jerking it, I liked the idea of him watching me do her.

I then took hold of her hips with both hands held her steady, and started to thrust into her, the thrusts got quicker and quicker till I cum deep inside her, Howard jerked so fast he also cum again.

After pulling out of Mary I said, “that was very good, I hope you enjoyed watching Howard”, he told me he did.

I then said to him,”the next time you can do her and I watch “.

“Yes please”, was his reply.

I then told him that that was enough for tonight, I wanted him to have to wait before he actually does her.

Over the next few days Howard kept on ringing me to find out when he could come over again, I purposely put him off just wanting him to build up the tension, I thought the longer he waits the better he will like it.

It was Friday and my wife was still away, she will be back next Wednesday.

Tomorrow was class day, I thought maybe it would be the last chance for me to take Mary to the dance session. I was looking forward to see all those lovely girls in their tight leotards again.

Howard phoned and asked if he could come with us to the class, I told him it would not be a good idea as it would seem strange that I brought my “cousin” two weeks running as normally only the parents are allowed in.

He accepted it with a groan.

I thought that will make him even more desperate to get to Mary.

I collected Mary from school, we had dinner, then she went to her room.

I told Mary I had to go out and get some food from the supermarket, (which I had already done), I told her I will be a couple of hours, she was ok with this.

I drove a few streets away, then stopped.

I phoned Ann and asked if we could meet right now, she said yes it is good timing, I arranged to meet her in the normal place. She was there waiting.

She told me she was glad I phoned, as she thought I had lost interest in her. I told her, “no way”.

I told her that I needed to go to a shop and get something, I did not tell her where.

I was heading towards the sex shop.

I parked around the corner from the shop, I told her to come with me. We walked to the shop, nearing it she paused and looked, she said to me, “are you going in there”, pointing to the shop. I told her yes.

I told her I wanted her to come in with me, she was a bit reluctant, but she came in with me.

The guy on duty was the one I had seen before, when he saw Ann he let out a loud HELLO.

Ann was a bit nervous, so to put her at ease he told her that he would close the shop so no one else could come in, that seemed to calm her down a bit.

I looked through the panties section, asking Ann if she liked any, she said she did.

I told her to choose some, she did.

They looked the right size, the guy told her to try them on as they do not exchange panties or bras.

Ann took them into the back room cubicle, I told her to come out and let me see, the guy was just behind a corner, Ann did not know he was still there.

She came out and she looked lovely, her panties pulled up tight to her mound, I said yes they look good they do fit. The guy said, “perfect”, that is when Ann knew he was there, she hesitated a bit but stood and let us have a good look, I thought, good girl.

I told Ann to try the others on, which she did, when she went back into the cubicle the guy went and got a pair of see through panties, he gave them to me and said, “get her to try these as well”.

She came out again with the other pair on, she stood as before letting us both have a good look, we again told her she looked great in them, then I handed her the see through pair, I told her to also put these on.

She went back in, she was a bit longer this time, she called out, she was shy with these, I told her we have both seen more of this so do not be shy, she came out.

She looked amazing, you could see all of her cunt, the guy said, “wonderful”, she stood there for some time showing her self off, she seemed more at ease now.

The guy went back into the shop and got a pair of crotch-less panties, he asked her to try these on, she accepted.

When she came out we both let out a whooping sound.

Now nothing was left to the imagination, her bald cunt was on full view.

I went over to her and started to play with her pussy, she did not try and stop me, after a few minutes the guy came over he asked if he could do the same she said ok.We both were feeling her for some time.She seemed to like it.

The guy suggested we go into a further back room, which was actuall his studio.In that room was a large bed.

I grinned at him, he winked back.

I took Ann over to the bed, I then took all of her street wear top clothing off of her, now she was only wearing the crotch less panties, the guy left the room and came back with a box of condoms, he handed me one.

I put one on then made her sit on the bed, I then pushed her back so she was laying flat, I lifted her legs up and bent them back a bit and opened them wide, what a sight, with those crotch-less panties her bald cunt and with her lips moist and slightly parting.

I knelt down and started licking her, the guy was on the bed behind her holding her legs back.

Then I stood up and started to insert my cock into her, it went in easy.I slowly pushed it in til I got it all inside her, the guy kept on breathing very heavy, saying things like she can take it all, good girl.

I pumped her till I cum, it was good knowing the guy was seeing my cock go in her, I liked that.

The guy then asked Ann if he could do the same, she said,”Ok”.

He also put a condom on, and quickly got inside her, I held her legs back for him, as he did for me.

He pumped her the same as I did, and came inside her with the condom on.

After that we cleaned up.

The guy told her she was out of this world, and wanted to see her again, she told him maybe.

The guy told her she could keep all the panties and keep the crotch-less ones on when she leaves the shop, she did.

On leaving the guy told me she would be perfect for their videos, and to bring her along to do some,.I told him I would try.

When we got back in the car Ann told me I was very bad making her do that, I told her, “yes i am bad but you liked it didn’t you”, she smiled and nodded.

I told her I will take her back there when I can, she did refuse.

I dropped her off near her home, then I went home.

Mary was tucked up in bed.

Saturday would be good at the class I thought.

If readers want longer chapters please let me know, and what you think of the story and any questions will be answered.

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By Sand Man
#Incest #Tween

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
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love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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