Lost Empire Ch. 96 – Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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0001 – Tempro

0003 – Conner- Thomas

0004 – Norice

0097 – Ace – Zimmel

0098 – Lucy

0101 – Shelby (mother ship)

0125 – Lars

0130 – Gillese

0200 – Ellen

0201 – Jake

0250 – Tendra

0301 – Rodrick

0403 – Johnathon

0505 – Craig

0660 – Realla

0778 – Jan

0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human)

0805 – Toran

0808 – Radella

0881 – Handrax

0882 – Teal

0908 – Tara – Mara

0995 – Kyle

1000 – Sherry


Ungrown – unnumbered


0102 – Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians

so far


2 on Shelby both in re-gen

4 on Lucy

5 on Gillese

5 on Ellen


Known and OR numbered


0501 – Thaddeus

???? – Lena



0667 – Marco

0999 – Zan – still lost


“So, if there is no problem, then why the tension?” Jimison asked, then was barraged by a myriad of voices.

A look at Difina, he saw that she had a wide smile on her face. Jimison held up his hands to quiet them, then had to shout.

“I am beginning to think that the first option is th best. I mean the tension needs to stop, so separation seems,” Jimison was saying.

Both males suddenly took a defensive stance. “We’re alright, we’ll fight before we let you take them!”

Both males turned to stare at each other, had they actually said that? “Good, then this stops now!” Jimison said as he also looked at the two females who were nodding their heads vigorously.

Jimison turned exiting the room with a large smile on his face. Yup, they were gone, in love, whatever. Difina caught up to him a moment later, tackling him to the floor, kissing his face.

“I thought you said that you were always honest,” she said.

Jimison looked up into her face, “I was honest. Yes, I would have separated them. If they can’t work, then we need to place them where they can.”

Difina’s shocked look surprised him. “I’m sorry, I just thought that was harsh.”

Jimison nodded as he kissed her, “harsh but necessary.”

On Jitaku in the arena, the contest was moving toward its sixth hour. Though neither felt that they had used a lot of energy, they were still on high alert. Kimon knew that all it took was one mistake, especially with the forbidden art his brother knew.

Higon smirked as he thought that the one brush, he’d done to Kimon was going to lead to his defeat. Now he thought, he just had to get the second.

Higon quickly ran through all the moves that he knew, finally deciding on an almost killer move. An almost wicked smile crossed his features, yes, he thought that would be perfect.

He then turned toward Kimon with an even bigger smile. Kimon, of course, noticed it, so he thought. Higon thought he had a move to defeat me.

They started to actually get more brushing hits upon each other. Higon wasn’t pushing it as he had to build up the energy in order to kill his brother. Yes, he thought, totally disgrace him for the offense he’d done to him all those years ago.

Kimon wasn’t sure what his brother was up to, though he could feel the build up of dark energy. There were only a few moves that Kimon could think of that required this much energy.

Kimon sighed it was going to take a sacrifice from him in order to win. Damn it, he thought. I just got completely healed, and I’m going to be injured again. Plus, it would delay the joining again. Oh, Onai wasn’t going to be happy at all.

The more he thought about it, the more he grimaced inside. The fall-out from this with Onai was going to be painful, that was for sure.

They seemed to dance around each other for another hour when Higon was ready. He could feel that he now had sufficient energy to kill his brother.

It was a few moments before Higon was ready that Kimon noticed the change in his brother. Not many noticed the visible energy that was starting to show from Higon.

Kimon took a deep breath as he moved into a now familiar stance. His brother was about to let loose with a killing energy blast when Kimon moved.

Higon’s eyes went wide when he saw his brother seem to vanish, then appear next to him. He was even more shocked when Kimon started a triple move. Then he started a second set, which he tried to block.

Higon had blocked the first two, even the third, though the fourth, got through. He gasped as one of the hits broke two ribs, then he had trouble breathing, dropping to the floor.

Many gasped when Higon dropped on his chest, then even more when Kimon fell to his knees.

“So,” Higon gasped, having more trouble breathing. “You truly are a master, the triple, triple. Plus, able to perform it twice. Very good brother, savor the victory, as you will be dead in hours. No one can take the full dark energy and survive.”

Kimon leaned over to whisper in his brother’s ear, Higon’s eyes got large as he tried to get up, then gasped and expired. Many there were about to run to Kimon when he held his hand up, stopping them.

He looked at Greeson motioning him near. Speaking low, Kimon talked for a few moments, Greeson’s eyes large, then, he bowed, walking a few steps back. Looking at a scan on his wrist com he nodded, then started to punch a few buttons on it, then nodded again.

Everyone gasped in almost horror as Greeson thrust down on the side of Kimon’s spine. There was a crackle and a flash of dark energy that danced around Greeson’s wrist. He was then blown across the arena into the far wall. He stopped any that tried to aid him, also holding up a hand as he stood and stumbled to Kimon.

Greeson again scanned Kimon and sighed, shaking his head. Kimon nodded his head. Greeson nodded back as he again performed the same thrusting motion. Again, there was a crackle as Greeson tried to hold, then was again blown across the arena.

For a third time Greeson got shakily to his feet, limping slowly to Kimon. Scanning a third time, Greeson sighed, shaking his head, making Kimon nod. Greeson performed the thrust a third time, this time holding it ’til the crackling stopped.

This time Greeson looked at the wrist com, smiled and fell back unconscious. Onai, with Kimon’s mother, Akira knelt beside him, as did Derrick. “We need to get him to a ship med-bay. I also think that we need to get his fiancé, she’d kill many to get to him.”

Onai remembered Mara Norman how fierce she was, she quickly nodded her agreement. “I believe you are correct sire,” Onai said.

“Admiral, I need Brigadier General Dempsy in the med-bay now! Also, contact Captain Norman after you have Major Greeson there,” Derrick said, then watched the two men vanish.

He turned to Isamu Sakuta, “I will return shortly, I must make sure my men are well.” He then bowed to the council and the leader. He vanished a moment later along with the Empress, Onai and Akira.

Isamu Sakuta looked upon all there as he was digesting all that had happened. His eyes fell across his son, Riku Sakuta, “You were aware of much of this, were you not?”

Riku slightly nodded as he bowed his head, “I was aware of much of this, I am even now bound by promises and honor unable to speak all the truths as yet.”

Isamu Sakuta nodded as he looked at his son, surprised that his son was more honorable than many adults he knew.

“I believe that your status should be elevated to more of a head statesman than you are now. You seem to contain more secrets than was believed before, I will speak to the council. I am prouder of you than I have ever been,” here he bowed to his son, more than shocking him.

Riku bowed back to the council and his father,” I thank you and the council father. I will endeavor to keep the trust that you may bestow upon me,” Riku said.

“Now then, we need the arena cleared, and the bodies removed from this place,” he looked at a religious man nearby. “We also need this place cleaned physically and spiritually. It was very bad energy that was released here today, it needs to go,” Isamu Sakuta said, then turned to leave.

On board Johnathon, Greeson and Kimon were strapped into bio-beds a few times. Both of them had ripped the restraints lose a few times. They were also still slightly convulsing. Mara had just arrived and was quite upset herself, as was Onai.

Akira was working with Johnathon to try and stabilize both of them, but it was a slow go. Finally, Johnathon had managed to get the com off Greeson’s wrist, causing him to suddenly relax. For him, Akira relaxed a bit though was still worried about her son.

After a few minutes, she was even more worried as nothing was stopping the convulsions. Greeson awoke and saw his teacher, “You need to let me up. I can help him,” he gasped out.

All of them stopped to stare open-mouthed at Greeson as he asked again. “I wish to protest it would be detrimental to the patient. I cannot,” Johnathon was saying when Mary appeared.

“Let him loose, he may be the only one that can save Brigadier General Dempsy,” she said.

“I do this under duress, but I comply,” Johnathon said.

“Mara,” Greeson said, “Please help me.”

Mara helped him up as he walked to the wrist com. “Johnathon, please drain the com, it has a negative energy of -10.5 amperes. I need it to at least -.005 before I can finish.”

“I have drained it Major; it is now at -.003,” Johnathon said.

“I need you to measure the amount that is in the Brigadier General,” Greeson said.

“Now scanning, my word! I am detecting almost -20 amperes within his system,” Johnathon said, shocked.

“Yeh,” Greeson said. “I thought it was still too high.” He looked at Mara, “when I start this, let me loose. Not sure if you can survive this OK?”

“I can’t lose you again, if you die, I swear I will have Onai help me to bring you back. So both of us can kick your ass,” Mara said seriously, to which Onai was smiling broadly.

Greeson briefly nodded, then Mara helped him to Kimon. “I need you to read me the ampere readings while I am doing this.

“Compliance Major,” Johnathon said as Greeson nodded to Mara.

This time, when Greeson thrust near Kimon’s spine, both men started to convulse. Greeson held on as the readings started to drop.

“Amperes starting to drop -20, -18, -15, -10, -5,” Johnathon said as Kimon started to breathe easier.

It was a lot lower though still too high, he had to hold on or his teacher was going to die.

“Now at -.2, falling to -.05, you should,” Jonathon was saying as Greeson fell over again, gasping. Greeson was suddenly beamed on a bio-bed as several alarms started to go off. “Cardiac arrest imminent, several systems showing shutdown.”

“Get the wrist com off him,” Onai was shouting. As soon as it hit the floor, Johnathon got Greeson’s heart started again.

“Cardiac arrest reversed. Body systems slowly returning to normal. Almost all negative energy is released from both bodies. I have started repairing and healing upon both,” Johnathon said, sounding relieved.

Both Onai and Mara were staring at Johnathon’s holo-gram. “You are lucky you are not human. Else I might have reacted badly, and I am afraid that you would be no more.”

Johnathon bowed to a shocked Onai, “Then I am fortunate that I am not alive, thank you for being truthful.”

Mara was also smirking, “I believe that the sentiment is equal for both of us.”

Johnathon also bowed to Mara, “then I stand corrected Captain Norman, I am twice fortunate.”

Both women looked at each other and shook their heads. “How long of a recovery do you believe that they will need?” Onai asked.

“I am unsure, Miss Onai, ’til they are both conscious. I am unable to determine that. After that, then I can properly evaluate them,” Johnathon said.

Derrick had been sitting nearby listening and not commenting as of yet. “Advise me as soon as you can Johnathon,” he turned toward Onai and Mara. “After they are well again, I was thinking of a double wedding for both of you.”

Both women’s mouths dropped open, “I would be honored to be in a double joining. Especially, with one of the hero pilots of the Empire and Norman’s daughter,” Onai said as she bowed.

Mara bowed back, “I am also honored to be wed at the wedding or joining of the woman warrior. The one that helped to liberate the Delcron world.”

Both women eyed each other then started to smile devious smiles. “Now, we just have to pray that both of them are strong enough to recover quickly, I can only do so much,” Onai started to laugh, as did Mara.

Akira was smiling a bit as she was running several instruments over both males.

“So,” Derrick said, “I take it that both of you find the double wedding to be amicable?”

Both women turned to Derrick and bowed low to him, “It is very amicable to both of us. We thank you for the gift of this sire, Onai said for the both of them.

Derrick smiled largely then looked up, “send me back to the council chamber doors.”

They had just arrived then asked him, within. Derrick brought up the idea of a double wedding or joining. When he mentioned it was going to be Kimon’s student and one of his ship captains, they were in full agreement.

Derrick smiled; it was always good when things started to go his way for once. He took a breath of relief, he just hoped that it stayed that way.

With a shake of his head, he could only hope, he and his crew’s luck had been batting a thousand towards bad luck. He remembered an old adage that if it could go wrong, it would go wrong.

Even becoming Emperor had been fraught with danger. It had only been after he had all of them back that the odds changed.

Now, at least with the bad luck, they had each other’s back.

He turned to address Isamu Sakuta, “I am hoping that doing a double wedding or joining, might help. It has taken so long to get them joined, and now they are injured. At least here they can’t be hurt as badly.”

The leader chuckled a bit then nodded to Derrick. “It is much like having children, will they do it right? Have I done the right thing? Yes, it can take a toll, especially when you command AND have children.”

Derrick could only look at him with shock, wondering just how he did it. He also remembered the Delcron emperor and his words to him that he would adjust as he must.

Hmmmm, Derrick thought, so accept not fight and things would go his way. A sarcastic smile lit up his face as he thought, yeah right, not with their luck. Though he thought he had the power now, perhaps he could change a few things.

He looked back at Onai’s father as he was waiting for Derrick to calm his thoughts. He started to smile as he saw a light of realization come into Derrick’s eyes.

“So,” Isamu Sakuta said, “wisdom has broken through all that was trying to confuse everything. It is indeed a very good day.”

Derrick could only stare at the older man as he started to nod, then smile even more. Derrick bowed to the man, drawing gasps from all present.

“Sage advice from a sage himself,” Derrick said, a huge smile on his face.

“Ah, only at times, sire, the rest I do the best that I can like any other normal man,” Isamu said with a large smile.

Derrick and Isamu then sat down to eat, then to start planning a double wedding. Though they both knew nothing was final, ’til Onai, Akira and Mara had the final say.

Both men shuddered as they remembered the fierceness of all three women. Then they sat for another hour discussing their own joining and their brides, this causing another shudder.

On the Imperial Planet, Shelly had nearly fallen asleep waiting for her mother and father to awake. She had looked over all that she had done to clear Mary. A lot more of the higher functions were still not operating correctly.

Only a little tired, she grabbed a tablet and started in at blazing speed, clearing another fifteen percent. Now at eighty percent clear, Mary was a lot more certain about most things. Shelly thought that she needed more as she pushed more, getting to eighty-eight percent, then stopped. Her headache had returned and she almost passed out.

“Miss see-thru-lady?” She asked. “I think I need to lay down.”

Mary immediately started to scan Shelly, finding that her brain functions were again dangerously high.

“Can you exercise your emergency waves?” Mary asked.

“I’m not sure,” she answered. She concentrated feeling a calming effect start, half her headache fading. She looked at Mary, “can’t seem to get complete nanonite engagement.”

Mary had been afraid of this as she tried to start the rest of the nanomites. Almost twenty minutes later, she had almost all working on Shelly. Relief seemed to pass over Mary’s holo-gram as Shelly finally relaxed.

Mary was keeping busy indeed as she was monitoring Risen’s ship that was still in trans-warp. She had messages from the probes that were in orbit around Delcron home world. She had two patients, almost three in the imperial med-bay.

If that wasn’t enough, she had three ancient enemies that had established colonies within the empire. She would have to advise the emperor as soon as possible though; she needed more information before she did.

The revolt that had happened on the ex-Dukes’ planet was officially over. She still had information from the planet of Jitaku to index.

She went over th readings for Mita who, for the moment, was in the best shape of the three. Her wounds were at ninety-five percent healed, apparently her nanomites were accelerating her healing. They had also seemed to have saved the Admiral though he was still in poor shape though recovering.

Shelly was another matter as she had again pushed her advanced cognitive abilities too far. She nodded as she saw that her nanomites were in fact equalizing her now.

She looked at all three, she hoped she could get the Admiral to a better place before the other two awoke. She was afraid that if he wasn’t when they awoke, they might not heal as fast.

Shelby was glad that she was whole again, though she missed having Derrick aboard commanding. The two in her re-gen were about to emerge, and she had to contact Derrick.

A few moments later, a worried Derrick answered his com. Shelby, it is great to hear from you. I am glad that you are out of re-gen.”

Shelby smiled, “I am sorry to disturb you, Derrick, but I have another two that are ready to emerge. Also, Derry should be ready tomorrow.

Derrick appeared on Shelby as a holo-gram. A moment later, there was static from the speakers as a female voice spoke, “Hello? Is anyone there?”

“Welcome back 0004,” Shelby said.

“Mother!” The voice almost shouted.

“Mother? A male voice started.

“Also, welcome back to you 0995,” Shelby said. “The emperor wished to talk to you.”

“The emperor!” Both voices said in awe.

A pair of young blond teens appeared, a male and female.

“I always ask the ships if they have a name, that they keep it or get another. May I have yours?” Derrick asked.

“I was called Norice, sire,” 0004 said.

“I was called Kyle once, before I was destroyed,” this last said in almost a whisper.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of, you served as you could. I am glad that there are many of you back now. Though three are in re-gen, plus the father ship will be ready tomorrow. I am afraid that the original father ship has expired. all will be explained rest and take your place soon,” Derrick said.

The two holo-grams bowed to Derrick, then he vanished. “That was truly the emperor?” Norice asked. To which Shelby nodded.

“For now, you are free to finish re-gen, three others are also in re-gen from battle damage. There are others that are guarding the Imperial Planet and others with the emperor,” Shelby said. “Rest soon, you will join the others.”

Shelby contacted Lucy, “I am ready for transfer of two more.”

Lucy’s holo-gram appeared as she said, “I’m glad that they will be with us soon. I also detected two of the new homing signals that the emperor installed. Do you think one might be Zan?”
