Little Girl’s Sex Education Teacher (Mary) – Pt. 1

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#Exhibitionist #Incest #Tween #Voyeur

By Famman

Charles had an idea, a show and tell demonstration idea, for this year’s Sex Ed class. He had the perfect little 11 year old helper in mind.

Charles had always enjoyed reading, so becoming a teacher of Literature seemed a natural profession. At 6’1” the 26 year old black man also enjoyed basketball.
He’d taught in the public schools but this year, he’d begin teaching at a newly formed progressive charter school.

During the late summer, he’d helped with the Girls Basketball team. He’d became familiar with some of the girls who’d be in his class.
One in particular – Mary.

Tall for her age, the slender 11 year old girl was already 5’2” and had very noticeable tits. Most 10-11 year old girls in his classes had no breasts. But Mary was going to inherit her mom’s figure – her mom’s DD-cup tits were already sprouting on Mary’s young chest.

During the first few weeks of school, Charles enjoyed getting to know the girls in his classroom. There were boys, too, but Charles had always found it easier to talk with young girls.

Looking over his next week’s schedule, he saw his Health class was to be Introductory Sex Education. He’d taught the series of lessons at his previous school but had hated every moment. The kids only sat in their seats, giggling. It was a wasted week which he thought could be spent on better topics.

However, over the weekend, as he prepared for his Monday lecture, an idea began to take shape. What if… could it be done? — he wondered.
He’d need a volunteer. He knew who he wanted.

He’d been grooming her for weeks. He’d planned to bring her to his home for some extra special tutoring sessions. The little girl needed no extra tutoring, but it would give him the opportunity to molest her.
As he thought about his new idea, Charles felt his cock growing hard.

Green was her favorite color. She always wore green ribbons in her long sandy-blonde hair. Did she – Charles wondered – wear tiny green panties?
He’d have to present the material carefully. But if done right, Charles would be the most popular teacher in the school.

— Class Begins —
Monday morning he saw the beautiful child walking toward the classroom door.
“Hi Mary,” the tall black man said, looking into the sparkling green eyes of the lovely white child.

“Hi Mr. Charles,” she replied with a broad smile on her face.
Oh yes – he thought to himself – she was the one he wanted for his demonstration. “Mary, we start Sex Ed classes today and I’m going to need some help.” His tone was friendlier than he normally used, as a teacher. “Can you be my helper?” he asked.

“Sure, Mr. Charles,” the eager child quickly replied. “What do you want me to do?”
Charles cautiously explained he just needed her to do anything – everything – he told her to do. It may seem “strange at first,” he said, “but it’s important for everyone to know how things worked.”

Mary’s head nodded enthusiastically.
Charles looked into the trusting eyes of the little girl who was volunteering to be molested in front of her class. She was so eager, more eager than he’d ever anticipated.

Before they went into the classroom, Charles needed to gather one important piece of information.
Having explained in some detail what he was going to do to her, he quietly asked, “Mary, has anyone ever done that to you?”

He saw the excitement in her soft green eyes disappear. Nodding her head slightly, “Daddy… he does it.” With sadness in her voice, Mary asked, “Does that mean I can’t… be your helper?”

Glancing down the hallway, Charles saw it was empty. Wrapping his arms around the precious little girl, he pulled her to his chest. “Honey,” he whispered, “you’re my perfect helper – just the one I want.”
As he released his grip on her adorable body, he saw a twinkle in her eyes he’d never seen before. He knew at that moment – she was going to be very fun!

Ten minutes into his lecture, Charles saw the children’s faces were filled with excitement. He’d not followed the curriculum but rather he’d told them about oral sex.
“Maybe what we need,” he said, feeling his heart pounding fast in his chest, “is a demonstration.”

Looking at Mary, her silky hair tied in pigtails with green ribbons, he said, “Mary, can you help me demonstrate what men do to little girls?”
Bouncing out of her seat, the child stood next to the tall black man with a broad smile on her face.

“Kids,” he said as if he were simply teaching any other subject, “there are two ways a man can fuck a little girl’s mouth.” He could see the shocked looks on the faces of his students when he’d said the word – fuck.
Charles intended to teach his students. He’d used the appropriate word for what he would do to Mary. The children – especially the girls – needed to know what men were going to do to them.

“Get on your knees, Mary,” Charles said, “and open your mouth.” He was amazed how easily the adorable girl did as instructed. Unzipping his pants, he let them fall to the floor. Lowering his boxers, his hard 7” cock sprung into view.
He could hear gasps and whispering from the children in their seats. The tiny voices and innocent giggles from the young girls caused his cock to jerk excitedly in mid-air.

Stepping toward Mary, he lowered the head of his cock to her lips. He could see the few freckles which sparsely spread over her tiny nose and cheeks. So cute – he thought to himself.
“The first way men fuck little girl’s mouths is with them on their knees – like Mary is demonstrating.”

Charles slipped the head of his cock into her 11 year old mouth. His hand on the back of her head, he began slowly fucking her face.
“Ummmmm,” he moaned.
Mary’s warm tongue moved innocently on the underside of his intruding shaft.

“Girls,” he instructed, “If you do it correctly – which Mary is doing it perfectly – a man will moan.” Pushing his cock another inch deeper into her mouth, Charles scanned the faces of the other girls in his class. He could see several little ones who were obviously eager to try this for themselves.
Soon – Charles thought – he’d let them try for, extra credit.

Having fucked Mary’s mouth for a couple minutes, while she was on her knees, he said, “The other way men will fuck little girl’s mouths is more popular. So girls, you need to understand how to do it.”

Pulling his cock from Mary’s soft lips, Charles helped her to her feet. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered. “You’re the best helper I’ve ever had.”
He saw a proud smile spread across her sweet face.

“Mary, since we don’t have a bed here today,” he said in his Teacher voice, “just lay on your back on my desk. Hang your head off the edge.”
The little girl’s long pigtails now dangled toward the floor as her face hung upside down.

“This may look silly,” Charles said, “but girls, this is important to learn.” Stepping to the side of his desk, he whispered, “Mary, honey, open your mouth and relax your throat.”
To his surprise, Mary’s small hand reached to his cock, guiding it to her open mouth.

“See what Mary’s doing?” he asked, looking at the other little girls in his class. “It’s always important for you to help the men who are fucking you.”
Charles saw two girls, who sat on the far side of the room, move from their seats closer to his desk. They wanted a better view.

Inching his cock forward, he watched Mary slipped his cock into her small mouth.
“Girls, with your heads in this position,” Charles said, as he slid his cock 3” deeper, “the men can enjoy your throats.”

With his hands on his desk, Charles pressed his hips toward Mary’s face. His long black cock slipped downward into the little white girl’s mouth. Fucking her for a few seconds, he instructed, “The men will push their cock to the opening of your throats, like this.”

Charles felt the head of his cock bump against Mary’s throat. Looking at the two tiny girls squatting on the floor near him, he said, “When you do this correctly, the man’s cock will gag you.”
He pushed his cock forward. The tight muscles of Mary’s throat opened as the head of his cock forced its way inside.

Mary’s back suddenly bounced up, her legs pulled her feet to the desk. Pushing her hips into the air, Mary’s body jerked side to side as Charles’s balls pressed against the little girl’s forehead.
“Ummmmmm… That’s… perfect… Mary,” he groaned, seeing the child’s reaction to his deep penetration.

Pulling his cock from her throat, he kept the head inside her small mouth. He could feel her lips pressing around his cock as she breathed deeply through her nose.
“Mary is doing everything right,” he said, looking at the girls in the room. “She wants to catch her breath, but,” he smiled, “she’s keeping my cock in her mouth at all times.”

He paused for a moment, letting Mary breath. “OK, Mary. This is the way men fuck little girls. Ready honey?”
The sweet child, with her head upside down, nodded to her teacher.

Charles pushed his cock forward, sliding deep into Mary’s throat again.
“Ummmmmph,” Mary gagged, her body jerked up from the desk.
“Good Mary,” Charles said as his hips began fucking the child’s throat.

“Girls,” he said to his class, “once a man has you in this position, he’ll want to fuck you for a while.” That was exactly what Charles did. Pushing his cock deep, holding the back of Mary’s dangling head, he enjoyed her small throat’s opening.

His cock was coated with her throat juice as he molested the little girl’s mouth. He’d fucked a few other girl’s throats, but Mary’s seemed warmer, tighter, more willing to be used by his long black cock.

Charles knew he wanted to cum, but there was one more lesson he needed to give the girls today.
Pulling his dripping cock, saturated with Mary’s saliva and throat juices from her tender mouth, he helped her into a sitting position.

“Girls, it is very important, regardless of how large or small your tits are,” he said, his voice still sounding like a Teacher, “always let men fondle them.”
Lifting Mary’s blouse over her head, he unfastened her bra, as she gasped for air. Her nearly B-cup tits and firm nipples were now displayed for all to see.

“Your soft tits,” Charles said, as his large hands cupped the little girl’s breasts, “are important for men’s enjoyment. So no matter if they are big – like Mary’s – or small, men always want to touch them.”

Laying Mary horizontal on his desk again, he pulled her narrow shoulders to the edge. Gently lowering her head to its former dangling position, he pressed the tip of his cock to her lips. Slipping an inch into her mouth, Charles’s hands began to fondle Mary’s soft tits.

“The most important thing you girls can do,” Charles said, pushing his cock into Mary’s mouth, “is make men cum.”
The head of Charles cock slid back into the little girl’s throat. She’d been such a sweet helper today. It was time she received her reward.

As his cock fucked her 11 year old throat, his hands massaged the child’s tits. He looked at the wide eyes of the many little girls in his class. This weeks Sex Ed class was unlike anything they’d ever imagined. Charles knew, very soon, he’d be handing out extra credit assignments.

Watching Mary’s helpless body, her back and legs bounce and jerk on his desk, as his cock molested her throat, only added to his imminent orgasm.

“Girls… always, always… take a man’s… cum… anyplace he wants… to put it,” Charles gasped, as his cock erupted in Mary’s mouth.

He felt long hard shots of cum pumping between her small warm cheeks. He felt her tongue, her throat, she was trying to swallow it all. But there was simply too much.
He looked down at her sweet upside down face, seeing small streams of cum leaking from the corners of her mouth.

“Yessssssss, Maaaaaaaryyy… swallow,” Charles moaned, as he filled the precious little girl’s mouth and tummy.
He’d wanted Mary’s lips on his cock for a couple months. Such a good student – he thought, as his cock’s spasms filled her mouth.

“I hope… all of you saw how wonderful Mary did today,” he said, pulling his soft black cock from the tiny white child’s mouth. He could see a small smear of cum.
“Girls,” he said pointing to the white liquid on his cock, “that’s cum. You always want to make a man do that… just like Mary did.”

Stepping close to the two girls kneeling on the floor, Charles said, “There are so many things men will do to little girls. I’ll show you more tomorrow.” Smiling at the childrene’s wide eyes, he said, “Class dismissed.”

(This storyline was suggested by Courtney. The physical details for Mary – have close family similarities. THANKS Courtney.)
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By Famman
#Exhibitionist #Incest #Tween #Voyeur

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I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.
I am the story writer for this story. How dare you post my story without my permission.... Collapse
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.
I am a story writer for நண்பன் மாமியாரின் சொந்தக்காரி.... Collapse
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..... Collapse
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.... Collapse
love this. I have to remake this on glambase
love this. I have to remake this on glambase... Collapse
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase... Collapse
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்
Hi girls iruntha vanga மூடா இருக்கேன்... Collapse
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later
Now im inspired for when i go on glambase later... Collapse
this inspired me for glambase later
this inspired me for glambase later... Collapse
Kamaveri Paiyan
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.
அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
Hi and hello
Hi and hello... Collapse
As a mom i understand this feeling.
As a mom i understand this feeling.... Collapse
Nice story
Nice story... Collapse