Little Girl’s Camping with Daddy (Ranger’s Rescue) – Pt. 3

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#Incest #Threesome #Tween #Voyeur

By Famman

At Clint’s cabin, little Carly was fucked by daddy and his new friend. Now, she’ll be rescued by a Park Ranger, who gets a surprise of his own.

“The snow’s pretty in the morning, isn’t it Sweetie,” Clint whispered, standing behind Carly as she gazed out the cabin’s window.
The small 11 year old girl nodded her head. She was trying to be quiet because her daddy was still asleep in the bed. She felt the older man place a housecoat over her shoulders as the two looked at the trees, heavily covered with snow.

“You’re very pretty in the morning, too,” he whispered. Moving his hands from her shoulders to her soft flat chest and tummy, he pressed his hard cock against her back.

“Daddy tells me that,” Carly giggled, “but he’s my daddy, so… I guess he has to say things like that.”
Clint held her small body as his hands slid back and forth, enjoying her warm skin. “You remind me so much of my granddaughter,” he said, “especially last night.”
Looking down at her upturned face, he asked, “Did you hear your daddy say I could fuck you again this morning – before you leave?”

Carly’s eyes twinkled at the 62 year old man. Her head nodding, “I heard him say that. But he’s still asleep.”
“I know Sweetie,” Clint said with a wink. “Want me to show you how I fucked my granddaughter? I think you’ll like it.” A broad hopeful smile crossed his face as his cock bobbed in the air.

“OK,” the child said with tender concern, “but we can’t wake up daddy.”
“We’ll be quiet, Sweetie,” he assured her. “Get your pillow off the bed. Bring it to the table.”

Clint cleared the few items from his table as Carly retrieved her pillow. “There,” he said pointing, “lay it over the edge of the table.”
Folding the pillow so half was on the table and half hung off the side, Carly asked, “like this?”
Nodding his head, Clint told her that was exactly right. “Now, off with the clothes lovely little lady.”

Carly gave him a little girl giggle. No one ever called her a — lovely little lady!
While he watched the child strip, Clint dropped his nightshirt over the back of another chair. “You’re almost the same height,” he said lustfully, “as my granddaughter. This will work perfectly.”

Lifting Carly’s body into the air, he told her to lay her chest and tummy on the pillow. With her upper body stretched across his dining table, her slender legs and tiny feet dangled several inches above the cabin’s floor.

Clint stood behind her looking at the young girl’s small ass cheeks. They seemed to entice his hands to fondle them. Cupping one in each hand, the old man gently pulled them apart. He could see her tiny asshole. It looked so inviting.

He’d fucked his granddaughter’s ass a few times during the weeks she’d spent with him. His cock begged to push into Carley virgin ass, but he knew her first time should be with her daddy’s cock.
Clint would be content with Carly’s tight pussy.

Moving his hips forward, he lowered the tip of his cock to her moist pussy lips. Slipping inside, Clint was surprised to find the little girl’s cunt was already wet. The soft warm slick walls opened as his cock pushed two then three inches into the child’s body.

“Ummmm, Carly, you’re…” he moaned, as his voice trailed off.
“Shhhhhhh,” she giggled, “daaaaaaddy’s… sleeeeeeping,” she groaned, trying to be quiet herself.

Clint held her narrow hips as he began fucking her small body. He saw her long brown hair fall across the side of her face as her cheek lay on his table. The soft skin of her back moved forward and back as her tummy lay on the pillow.
Pushing his cock into her warm pussy, he felt her slender legs bouncing against his as they dangled from the edge of his table.

He’d discovered when he fucked his granddaughter in this position, she was helpless to resist his thrusts. Now he had another child in this same position. Clint moved his cock another inch into Carly’s warm welcoming cunt.

“Ohhhhhh,” the young girl moaned, feeling Clint’s cock push deeper into her body. Slipping her hands to the edge of the table she tightened her grip for better leverage. She also saw movement from the corner of her eye.

“You’re beautiful, Carly,” she heard a familiar voice lovingly say.
“Hiiiiii… daaaaaaddy,” she groaned between Clint’s cock insertions. “Weeeee… woooke… yooouu… soooorry,” she continued.

Lucas sat in the chair next to Carly and Clint. Looking up at the old man who had continue fucking his 11 year old daughter, Lucas smiled. “Its fine honey, I’m glad you and Clint are having fun this morning.”
Clint pushed his cock into Carly’s pussy a little faster and harder.

“Ohhhhh… daaaaady, I’m Cuuuumming” Carly moaned, feeling the cock’s increased intensity.
“Yes, honey,” Lucas hissed, “Good girl.” His hand pushed her long silky hair from her face so he could see his child’s sweet brown eyes. He knew the old man was molesting his daughter, Lucas wanted to see her loving gaze.

Clint felt the hot liquid surround his shaft. The child’s hot cum covered his cock as her daddy stared into her glazed-over eyes. Holding her hips tighter, Clint slid his cock into the little girl’s body, enjoying more hot cum as her tight pussy walls squeezed firmly against his shaft.

“Clint, fill her up, Cum in her,” Lucas encouraged, listening to his precious daughter’s tender moans. “My baby needs your cock and your….” Lucas’s words were suddenly interrupted by the cabin’s door opening.

“What the…” a man’s voice exclaimed. “What’s going on?”
Clint’s head spun toward his door, seeing a man in his 30s, his coat covered with snow. With long black hair, the tall Native American man looked at the scene before him with astonishment in his eyes.

The stranger stood frozen, not because of the cold, but because of what he was witnessing. Laying on the table was the small naked body of a young girl, her feet helplessly dangling above the floor. Sitting in a chair was a man, watching another man – fucking the child.
The snow covered stranger could hear the little girl’s moans as a man’s cock was obviously molesting her.

Lucas sat at the table uncertain what to say or do – not knowing who this unexpected guest was.

Clint’s cock was beyond the point of stopping. Just as the man had burst in his door, the old man’s cock had begun spilling thick cum into the sweet little girl’s cunt. As the stranger gasped and talked, Clint’s cock pumped.
“Ummmm,” Clint involuntarily moaned, his hips unable to stop their shaking as Carly’s tiny pussy welcomed his warm flowing liquid.

It took ten seconds before Clint regained his composure. His cock was still deep in the little girl’s body which lay suspended over his table’s edge.
“Hi Hawk,” Clint finally managed to say. “I… can explain,” he moaned, pulling his semi-hard cock from Carly’s cum-oozing pussy.

Lifting her off his table, Clint lowered Carly’s feet to the floor. “Sweetie,” he whispered, “why don’t you sit by the fire? Daddy and I will talk to Ranger Hawk.”
Carly moved her pillow from the table to the stone hearth. She could see the three men talking but only hear an occasional few words from the Forest Ranger. His voice was loud and sounded upset.

“Look at her” the Ranger exclaimed, his eyes scanning the naked child’s body. “She’s just a little girl.”
Carly could see her daddy and the nice older man talking calmly to the new man. She saw her daddy’s hands moving the way they do when he’s trying to calm her down.

As the minutes passed, the new man’s voice became quieter. He seemed to be calming down.
“Its fine,” Carly heard her daddy say. “She’s my daughter.”
The stranger glanced toward Carly again, still seated near the fire. “She’s a child,” he said, “I’ve never… not a little girl. How old…” he asked, continuing to stare at her.

“She’s 11,” Lucas said proudly.
Clint add, “Hawk, you know about my granddaughter. Carly’s just like her.” Walking toward her, Clint extended his arms. Helping Carly her to her feet, she picked up her pillow.

“Ask her… see what she says,” the older man suggested to the Ranger. Then, without waiting, Clint said the way a granddaddy would talk to his granddaughter, “Honey, this is Ranger Hawk. He’s a friend. Can he fuck you Sweetie?”

Stepping toward Carly the man’s face with its chiseled features gave the slim child a friendly smile. “If… you don’t want to…” Hawk said softly.
Her eyes glanced quickly from face to face as the two men’s heads nodded approvingly. “OK,” Carly replied, “It’s OK with daddy — and Mr. Clint too.”

Carrying her pillow back to the table’s edge, she stopped. “Is this what you want… or someplace else?” she asked uncertain what to do.
“That’s just fine,” Hawk replied. “It looked like Clint was enjoying it – when I interrupted.”

Carly giggled, seeing the three men’s lust-filled faces. “You didn’t… interrupt him,” she laughed, “he cum in me.” Spreading her legs a few inches, she said, “See?”

“Ummmm,” Lucas moaned, observing a long thin line of oozing cum on Carly’s inner thigh glistening in the fire’s light.

“Can I help you, Carly?” Hawk asked, lifting her body into the air and leaning her over the pillow on Clint’s table.
This time Carly knew what to expect. She could hear the three men quietly talking behind her. She heard Clint say something about her butt and that her daddy should do something to it soon.

“Ready, pretty girl?” Hawk asked. “I’ve… never done this… with anyone so small,” he said in a kind tone. “Tell me Sweetie, if I’m… too rough.”
Carly turned her head toward him, her cheek was again on the table. “It’s OK. Daddy won’t let you hurt me.”

Stepping close to the small body laying helplessly on the table, Hawk felt the head of his 6” cock slid into her tiny pussy. He instantly moaned, having never felt anything so incredibly wonderful on his shaft, in his entire life!
Carly’s pussy was warm, wet, soft and tight. It was – she was – this tiny 11 year old girl’s cunt was — the most blissful thing Hawk had experienced.

Pushing his cock half-way into the child’s small body, he immediately felt his own orgasm approaching. He’d fucked several woman in his life and never had a problem with premature ejaculation. But this sweet child, her soft moans and wiggling hips filled Hawk’s mind with only one thought – lustfully molesting this sweet little girl’s body.

Slipping his cock deeper, he felt her warm body in his hands. Her slender hips and soft ass cheeks were in his grasp. He watched her hands frantically slid across the tabletop as his cock drove a little deeper into her young cunt.

“Ohhhhhh,” Carly moaned, feeling Hawk’s cock, the second cock this morning, stretching her pussy open.
“Yesssss,” Lucas hissed, seeing his daughter’s reaction to this man’s thrusting shaft. “Oh, yes baby. Let him fuck you, Carly.” She knew her daddy was enjoying seeing her like this.

“Such a sweetie,” Clint groaned, as he sat in the chair near her face. His cock was soft but he knew what Hawk’s cock was feeling.

Hearing the men’s encouragement – Carly’s daddy’s encouragement – Hawk pushed a little deeper. If her daddy didn’t mind the way Hawk was fucking his daughter, then he’d… fuck her!
Increasing his cock’s rhythm, Hawk pulled her hips to his cock. Driving forward into her body, he slid her tummy backward on the pillow, impaling her pussy onto his shaft.

“Ohhhhh,” Carly screamed, feeling the increased depth of Hawk’s shaft. Something unexpected was happening. Her body began to quiver – but why? His cock sunk slightly deeper, forcing her pussy walls open wider.

“Noooooo… I’mmmm…” she moaned. For the second time today – the first time in her life – Carly was cumming for a second time… on a second cock. She’d had no idea this was possible.

Feeling the little girl’s slick hot liquid spilling over his cock, Hawk’s cum gushed into the pussy of the first child he’d ever fucked. He knew there were men who fucked little girls – perverts who molested children. But, until his moment, he never understood why or how they could do such things… to innocent little girls.
As his cum flowed into Carly’s 11 year old sweet tender cunt, Hawk now understood. He also knew he would want more.

Twenty minutes later Carly had said goodbye to Clint. He hoped she’d come back to see him again, maybe in the summer.

Riding to the Ranger Station with Hawk, Carly leaned close to her daddy’s ear. “Daddy,” she whispered, “You didn’t… why didn’t you – fuck me too?”
Giving his precious little daughter a loving fatherly hug, Lucas whispered, “Honey, it’s a long drive home. Daddy will cum in your mouth – on the way home.”

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By Famman
#Incest #Threesome #Tween #Voyeur

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