Little Boy and Karate Instructor (Cody’s Lesson) – Pt. 1

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#Bisexual #Gay #Incest #Tween

By Famman

Thirty years of molesting little boys, the Karate teacher had a plentiful supply of children. Now, he had his eye on 11 year old Cody.

Master Dean watched closely as the small boy’s practiced their kicks. The 45 year old instructor had been teaching Karate for nearly 20 years.
Looking over the group of young boys, one in particular caught his eye.

Cody was a new student. At only 4’6” his small frame hadn’t begun developing any noticeable muscle-tone yet. With red hair and very little natural ability, Dean watched the shy 11 year old boy closely. He’d noticed Cody always stayed by himself before class began. He never joined or joked with the other boys.

Dean knew that was the type of behavior he could easily manipulate. He’d give Cody some extra attention in class and some – special attention – outside of class.

After class, Dean saw Cody talking to his dad.
“Hi Jonathan,” Dean said, shaking the man’s hand. “Cody’s doing really well.”

The 32 year old man gave the Karate instructor a disbelieving look. Jonathan knew his son was no athlete. “Nice to hear,” he replied, knowing the older man was simply being nice for Cody’s sake.
Jonathan explained, his work schedule is changing next week. “I won’t be here to pick up Cody immediately after class.”

Dean heard Cody’s father providing the unexpected opportunity for some — Special Attention.
“Would it be possible,” Jonathan asked, “if I pick him up after your last class? I may be 30 minutes later.”

Dean’s mind quickly began to plan. “Not a problem,” he replied. “We have a shower, if Cody wants to use it. Just bring some fresh clothes. That way he won’t have to sit here, sweaty, for hours.”

Dean’s felt his soft cock twitch as he pictured 11 year old Cody in the shower.

— Cody’s Touch —
Four days later Cody arrived for his lesson. Carrying a large gym bag, he reminded Master Dean he’d be staying late, because of his daddy’s work schedule.
“Is it still OK to use the shower?” the child asked.

Dean sat at his desk looking at the small boy. Running his hand over his cock, hidden by his desk, he replied, “Of course, Cody.” In his mind, Dean was picturing the boy — naked.

Dean’s cock was becoming hard.

An hour later, Cody’s class was finished and the next class was beginning.
Dean watched the small boy pick up his gym bag, then walk toward the shower room. Dean had planned this moment.

When the next class began, Dean told one of his advanced student to teach the class. This was not unusual.
Quickly entering his office, Dean poured a cup of ice-tea on his uniform. Walking back to his student-teacher, Dean explained he needed to shower and change. This would give him ample opportunity to be naked with Cody.

Dean entered the shower room, rapidly undressing. The small boy faced the wall unaware his Karate Instructor was watching.

Dean stood in the doorway, looking at the small boy’s ass. Firm and round, the two cheeks – virgin cheeks, Dean hoped – glistened as the warm water flowed over them.
Standing, looking… lusting for the young boy’s body, Dean’s 6” cock was growing.

“Hi Cody,” Dean said, turning on the shower facet on the boy’s right side. “I spilled Tea on myself.” Giving the boy a friendly smile, he said jokingly, “Don’t tell anyone your Karate teacher is a klutz.”
Cody looked at the naked man standing next to him, giggling with an almost girlish tone.

Looking at the innocent child, Dean’s eyes fell to the boy’s small cock. Hanging above his balls as water dripped from the tip, the young boy’s meat looked delicious.
Dean’s mind was suddenly filled with child molesting lust.

He felt the warm water running over his body, down his chest and falling from his semi-hard cock.

A moment later, he saw Cody’s eyes, no longer looking at the wall in front of him, but now watching the raising of Dean’s cock to attention. “Happens sometimes,” Dean said, “when I take a shower.”

Wanting to give the little boy a slightly better view, Dean turned to his left.
Cody’s young blue eyes were frozen on the man’s now very hard cock.

Lathering his hands with soap, Dean slowly moved them to his shaft. Slipping his right hand over the warm flesh, he gently covered its length with the foamy substance. He could see Cody’s eyes watching his every move.

The warm slick soap – and the little boy’s eyes – caused Dean’s cock to begin jerking. It was now fully erect.
“Cody,” Dean asked, with fatherly tenderness, “Have you ever seen a man’s cock – hard – like this?”

The young boy remained quiet, he only shook his head – No.
“Ummmm,” Dean moaned quietly, his hand still slowly stroking his cock under the frothing liquid.

“Then you’ve never touched one,” Dean continued lustfully, “have you.”
The small boy’s head tilted up, his wet red hair spun in the air. “No Master Dean… I… never,” he stammered. His shoulder twitched as his arm moved an inch.

“Would you like to… feel it? It feels nice… if you want to,” Dean said.
Pushing his hips a few inches closer to the little boy’s body, he saw the child’s arm twitch again. Dean could see the desire and hesitation in the child’s eyes.

“It’s OK, Cody. I won’t tell anyone,” he said with a fatherly smile. “Our secret.”
Dean saw the boy’s hand cautiously approaching, his fingertips wiggling in the air.

Cody’s middle finger touched the top of Dean’s cock. Moving it toward the man’s thick pubic hair, it slid along the soap covered shaft.

“Wrap your fingers around it, Cody,” Dean said softly.
Cody turned his hand sideways. His finger’s slipped over the right side as his thumb dropped around the left. Gripping the man’s cock, the boy’s inexperienced hand moved along its length.

“Ummmmm, Cody,” Dean moaned.
“Is this not…” Cody asked with concern, stopping his hand’s motion.
“Oh, Cody…. It’s perfect,” Dean groaned. Dropping his hand over Cody’s, the man restarting the boy’s hand movement. “In fact,” Dean said quietly, “go a little faster.”

Hearing his teacher tell him, he was doing something “perfect,” Cody grinned. His dad never said things like that.
“Faster?” Cody asked. “That’s what you want?” The boy turned his chest toward the naked man, whose cock he held. He needed to adjust his arm’s position.

Dean’s feet inched closer to Cody’s body. “Yes, Cody. Slid your hand faster on my cock.”
Cody was uncertain why he was doing this, but he wanted his teacher to be happy with his efforts.

Dean felt the small boy’s hand squeezing his cock, his fingers willingly pumping over the length. It was better than the man had imagined, as he’d planned this moment during the previous four days.

“Ohhhhhh,” Dean suddenly groaned, feeling the wonderful sensation of his cock’s shooting action. He was cumming as the boy’s small hand pulled it toward his young body.
Dean’s cum flew through the air. The thick white liquid splattered over Cody’s thin hairless chest.

“Yesssss, keeeep gooooing,” Dean moaned, not wanting Cody to stop.

Cody didn’t know what he was doing, but it was apparent his teacher was happy with it.
Raising his other hand to the man’s cock, Cody used both to jerk and pump, as fluid erupted toward him. The little boy felt warm globs hitting his chest.

Thirty second later, Dean pulled his semi-soft cock from the boy’s small hands. Looking at his cum, scattered over the child’s body, Dean asked, “Cody, did you like that?”

Touching a large string of cum on his chest, Cody’s mouth began to quiver. “I… I didn’t know… it was…” he paused, “Yes.” Looking up at his teacher’s face, he innocently said, “It was fun… but… was it supposed to do that?”

Dean smiled at the little boy, taking the opportunity to groom him further. “Yes Cody, it’s supposed to do that. But it only does that,” he continued, “when little boys do everything perfectly.” Dean saw the proud smile on the child’s face.
“Maybe tomorrow,” the man said, hoping he wasn’t going too fast with the little boy, “We can do something even more fun.”

Cody’s innocent eyes grew wide, as he eagerly nodded his head.

— Cody’s First Time —
The next day, Dean told Cody he wouldn’t be joining him in the shower again. “But since your daddy will be late, I can show you something fun – after all the other students leave.”
Dean saw the excitement in the little boy’s eyes as he asked, “if you want to have more – even better fun.”

That evening’s lessons were difficult for Dean. He knew what he was going to do to Cody and his cock constantly wanted to grow.

Finally with the last student gone, Dean quickly locked the front door. Cody’s dad would have to ring the bell when he arrived. That would prevent any unwanted discoveries of what Dean was doing to his son.

Motioning for Cody to follow him to his office, Dean asked, “Cody, do you want to play – sort of like we did yesterday in the shower?”
The boy nodded his head, as he observed, “We don’t have soap.”

The boy’s innocence caused Dean’s child molesting cock to ache with desire.

“That’s true,” he answered, “but we have something better.” Standing near his chair, Dean slowly unfastened his pants. Dropping them to the office floor, he asked, “Cody, can you pull my underwear down for me?”
Cody’s small hands pulled on the legs of the boxers. As the elastic band slid over Dean’s hard cock, it sprung upward, just inches from Cody’s face. The boy stared with amazement.

“Like how that looks?” Dean asked, seeing Cody’s eyes fixed on his cock.
The small boy nodded his head.
“Then let me show you how — special little boys, have fun with men’s cocks.”

Cody smiled, quietly asking, “You think… I’m special?”
Dean grinned at the child. He was going to be so easy. “Of course you are. Just kneel down and I’ll show you how special.”

Dropping to his knees, Cody’s blue eyes looked up at his instructors face and his hard cock.
“Cody, open your mouth, son,” Dean said, placing his right hand on the back of the child’s head. “Little boys – those that want to be Special – put men’s cocks in their mouth.”

Cody hesitated as he stared at the cock inches from his face.
“Do you want to be – Special – Cody?” Dean asked, lowering the tip of his precum-oozing cock toward the boy’s mouth.
Nodding his head slowly, Cody parted his lips.

“I knew you did,” Dean said tenderly, slipping the head into Cody’s 11 year old mouth. “Ummmmm, yes, Cody,” he groaned feeling the familiar warmth of a child’s mouth surrounding his cock.

Dean’s hips slowly fucked 3” of his cock’s shaft between boy’s small lips. Continuing to encourage and praise the child, as he molested him, Dean knew this wouldn’t be the last time his cock would be in this warm place.

“Sooooo good, Cody,” Dean moaned. “You’re just amazing. So talented.” He could see the boy’s blue eyes looking up as his cock pushed into the boy’s mouth. Dean wanted to push his cock down Cody’s throat, but he controlled himself.
The little mouth would suffice for this first time.

“Cody,” Dean asked tenderly, feeling his orgasm approaching, “Remember that white stuff I squirted on your chest last night?”
Not letting his teacher’s cock slip from his lips, the small boy nodded his head.

“I’m going to do that again,” Dean said. “Tonight, I’m going to put it in your mouth. Just swallow it. It’s like candy – for Special little boys.” Pressing both hands on the sides of Cody’s head, Dean asked, “Understand Cody? Just swallow it all.”

Cody nodded his head, feeling the increased speed of his teacher’s cock sliding in and out of his small mouth.

“Ummmmmm, Coooody,” Dean groaned as his hips began jerking. Holding the child’s head firmly, Dean’s cum shot into the young mouth. He felt Cody’s soft tongue slipping on the underside of his hard erupting cock.
The child would never forget this moment. He was drinking his first mouthful of cum.

Dean’s cock pumped the thick liquid onto the boy’s tongue, as the child tried to swallow every drop.
Cody wanted to be a – special little boy. But the warm goo was shooting too fast and there was too much. Cody felt it spill from the corners of his mouth.

Thirty seconds later, Dean pulled his semi-soft cock from between Cody’s lips. Sitting on his office chair, he looked at the small boy kneeling before him. Dean saw two small streams of cum along the corners of the little boy’s mouth.
Such a sweet sight — Dean thought to himself.

“I spilled some,” Cody said sadly, his tongue licking the corners of his mouth. “I tried… I’m sorry.”
Dean gave the small boy a fatherly smile. “What do I always tell you in class when you don’t do a kick perfectly?”
“That I need to practice more,” Cody replied.

Dean nodded his head as his soft cock lay on his leg. “We’ll just have to practice more, won’t we Cody.”

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By Famman
#Bisexual #Gay #Incest #Tween

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