Leanne’s 1st night with the big black chief and the gardener

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#Cuckold #Interracial #Pregnancy #Voyeur

By Mick-Hubby

She goes to new levels to get her black man’s huge dick

I awoke in one of the spare bedrooms, a smallish room with a smallish bed in it. It faces east and the sun was trying to come in through the curtains. As I awoke and reached out I realised that she was not with me. Then in a shudder and cold sweat I knew she was in the marriage bed in the master suite, with her big black stud.

I completely forgot the day was Saturday, yes the weekend had arrived.
I was due to play golf with my buddies and leave around 2pm. I was not feeling good or safe. How was I to leave for golf if this ethnic 1st gen African was still here. Would he go too far with her? Would he steal from us? I honestly don’t think though me being here would have made any difference. I mean his huge frame and 6 6 stature against my near 5 7 small frame.
Was I just being prejudice in my 1st world bubble?

I drew the curtains and looked down at my naked dick, or rather the caged naked dick. I needed to piss badly and realised I had not done this yet with this since she fitted this device. I tried to remove it, but no chance it was firmly on me.
She had removed the cock slit plug last night, (that slips down into the urethra)this left the hinged lid trapping my tiny bell end flush with my body. The lid has a pussy looking slit in the end of it. I made the 1st mistake of standing in the en-suite bathroom and tried to piss. It just ran down my legs onto the floor. She had said that I had to sit like a girl to piss. I sat feeling humiliated and the green piss flowed through the small slit. I felt feminised, emasculated. As the hot piss flowed my cock burned, and it made me stop and start the flow. Each outflow making me jump with pain, then stopping momentarily for comfort, then pain again.The end of the cap has a screw thread in it for the urethra pin to screw into. The big man told me I will get used to the ‘nail’ after a while.
His words during the command to fit it were to her,”he won’t make no jizz soon and it’s the only hard he get Doll wiv dat nail in his worm. We use them on goats in the village….hahaha.”
She was given very tight bands to fit do my ball sack too. These now has just made my sack go numb and testicles I noticed were not feeling part of me. Trying to remove these was impossible. My sensitive skin welded to them.
She keeps the long screw and keys for the chastity device on a new collar around her neck.
I heard only silence from the master bedroom, stepping past the closed door of tip toes. I went back to the bedroom and dressed. I had no clean clothes to wear in here. So the old dirty ones went back on. I wanted to get a coffee downstairs, but at the same time not disturb them. I was too late in that thinking as I could his deep bass voice coming from the room and occasionally her lighter high foreign accented voice. Big pauses in speaking, I assumed other things taking its place. I went to the control unit for the security camera and saw only blackness and a hissing screen view. I reckoned she’d pulled the cable, or him. The big king size bed began to speak out now too. It creaked rhythmically, yet slowly. A heavy load working the mattress. I wondered with growing frustration what position he had her in? I luridly imagined she was riding him, allowing the master to be lazy. Some slapping sounds occasionally punctuated the air and the bed sped up.
“That’s it doll. Oh fooooook right there yeaaaah. Woooooof. Fuuuuuuuk. Fucking whore, take thiiiiiiis. Dirty bitch.Ahhhhhhhhh,” he yelled out. Slapping and slapping her.
“Oh my, oooooh, right up there, deeper, deeper , go on, foooook, I’m cuuuuuuuumin you big fucker. Oh big boy be careful with my titties….,ouch, oooow. No. Dont bite me so hard… ooooh, are you eating me. That’s it baby, that’s it suck mamma’s tits, that’s it. Let mamma feed baby“ she yelled out.
He was orgasming over and over along with her. Then silence and just sucking and loud kissing.
I went to the kitchen and made coffee. I thought about the rest of my day. She appeared bleary eyed, staggering and hair in a real mess, it was a tangled blonde mess. A bit like a sexed up Debby Harry look instead of her neat shoulder length straight hair.
She was wearing a silk pink mid thigh length dressing gown, held together with a silk cord. She sat on a bar stool at the bar and I saw she was naked under it.
“Make coffee for me and him,” she ordered .
I asked how he had his, knowing hers.
“Strong and black like him,” she tripped out.
I asked her could I get my clothes from her room. She said if I looked in the draws in the spare room they were in there. Clearly she had longer term plans going on.
I asked if she slept well, sort of prying into what went on with them?
She just grinned at me. She also said I would not see them on the camera. “Ah she explained I’ve my protection in there now, not some wimp.”
She drank her coffee and took his, now ready, from me. Sliding from the bar stool, showing her lovely white slim legs as the gown parted. She left the kitchen slowly. Where she had been sat she had left some of what the big African called’nigga juice’. It coated the leather seat, shining in the sunlight. Clearly he’d had his morning glory up her.
Returning to the small bedroom and looking for my clothes. Only pants I found were ladies nickers, not hers though. These were packs of new lacy white briefs? I dared to tap on her door and say that to her.
“Yes, you are to wear them now,” came a short reply.
I put a pair on. They were tight, g-sting type pants and the gusset narrowed to a string in my bum crack, like a cheese wire. They felt strange on me. At least the small front easily covered the pink cage and tiny banded balls.
I dressed and went back down.
I looked in the garden and there was Tom, our elderly gardener. He always turned up on Saturday and she normally greeted him with a small breakfast.
I wondered about this now? Well I thought she’d still do that and sure be discreet about it, wouldn’t she?
I went outside and greeted him, then to the big garage to sort the golf gear out for later.
Turning back and looking through the kitchen patio doors I could see Leanne and her black stud. He was walking about in just a Jamaican flag print stringed vest, no more. She was still wrapped in the cum stained silk gown.
Shit. What of old Tom? What if he saw her? I rushed towards the door and blurted out to her he was here. She shrugged her shoulders. He never acknowledged.
“Please guys make yourselves decent. Please,” I squeaked out of my dry mouth.
The black baby maker just walked about without a care. She admired his physique and focused on the big hanging dick. It just swayed hypnotising her again.
“Love, will you make Tom his breakfast. He says he’s about done at the back,” I asked her. “But please ask your friend to cover a little please.” I demanded carefully.
I did not dare ask him myself.
I went back out to delay the gardener a while.
About 15 mins later I felt it was time to invite him into the house and I did.
Tom had known me years, before I met Leanne and had got to like her, a bit soft on her. Perhaps fancied her even. She flirted madly, as always.
I paved the way nervously back to the kitchen. I couldn’t see nor smell any breakfast. I thought the room was empty, but was I wrong. Tom was close behind me as he entered the room, removing his dirty boots.
Leanne was sat in the dining corner of the big kitchen on the bench Bankette. Yes, she was sat there facing out. But she was sat on the huge man’s knee.
He’d made no attempt to dress any more than earlier either. The only decent thing was his huge flesh pole was not on view. She being dwarfed by him looked like a living blow up doll sitting on an eager bachelor about to rape a month of spunk into it.
I stepped in and said,”Tom this is an old friend of ours Mr Mazulla. Yes, he’s staying here with us for a while.”
The black man towering over Leanne’s blonde head greeted Tom, “hey bro. How’s it hanging.”
Tom seemed confused by this remark. He’d spent his life in the bank before retirement and I suspect not encountered street talk.
“Erm, well pleased to meet you Sir. Where do you come from,” Tom enquired.
“Africa bro, I is from there,” is all he offered.
“How do you know this lovely family, and you seem to be getting on with Miss Leanne so well too,” Tom cheekily asked.
“Oh man, haha. I think you gotten a dirty mind about me and her, hahahaha,” the stud laughed out.“Hey doll I think the old guy thinks we up to no good dealing. Hahaha.”
With that he turned a little on his huge thighs . Her long legs were firmly clamped together. Her hand rested on her legs, as if all innocent. As he turned her by her thighs she let out a little gasp? He tensed his big face, his tongue slightly out between his teeth. He sat back and held her waist, then let out a muffled,“fuck.” She shuddered in unison with him.
I hastily tried to distract the old man and started cooking his food.
The old guy was silent now. He just stood for a while equally as out of place as me.
“Sit please,”I said. Offering a small sofa at the other side of the open plan room.
Leanne had sat still too long to test the athletic and sexual performance of her lover. Clearly her warm cunt was working that 15 inch shaft whether she liked it or not. Mother Nature had kicked in and her vagina muscles were slowly pumping his shaft for a ladies reward. She was the 1st to orgasm. She let out a big, “oh fuck, I’m cuuuuuumin again.”
He simultaneously grabbed her in his embrace under her tits. Those huge arms buried her. He squeezed her tight and pumped. Bucking up and down. Up she was taken slow then dropped fast onto the spunking shaft.
Both forgot, as if it mattered where they were. Once the cum was pumping and her G-Spot throbbing out her orgasms she had no cares, except breeding. His face contorted as if in pain. He moaned, eyes rolling as each spurt of hot fertile sperm left the end of his comforted shaft. Each spurt made her tense up, the scalding hot man cream pumping her womb full again. The visitor must have wondered what was happening to her and why I did not stop it.
I stupidly said he was a sport physio and he was helping her, recent pulled muscle.At least she was lady like with her legs tight together. Only reason being he was enjoying impaling her in that position, sitting tight on his engorged shaft. The bucking stopped. The Cheiftan was all sweaty and she well fucked, just limp on his lap. I for once hoped they would stay like that, since his rude weapon was at least buried away, the big black bell end and shaft glued with love juice to her delicate pink cunt and cervix. Inside her and out of view of our gardener.
Tom sat and tucked into his breakfast.
After a while making small talk he said to the friend of Leanne,”so has that helped her Mr Mazulla? I mean it sure was physical what you done to her.”
He replied, still holding her tight and looking at a limp Leanne ,“yeah it sure has. She like my kinda treatment. I gives her it well big, ma big, hard, hot muscle. Hahaha.”
I thought, phew it’s all so ambiguous and maybe Tom sees this as horse play between them 2 as he knew she flirted. Well I hoped…. Shit.
The big man had other ideas. Leanne perked up a little and was coming round reached over her head and grabbed her united friend. She was helped by him. He palmed her blonde head, her neck veins bulging and corkscrewed it round to meet his waiting lips. He pulled her in and kissed her. The other big black paw entering her closed silk gown and took one of her breasts. The gown bothered him, so he yanked it to one side, almost ripping it, then grabbed a long pink nipple. He loves squeezing them so hard until she squeaks. The gown looked like a pair of curtains being drawn back. The cord stayed in place high around her waist but he just pulled the material to the left and to the right. This exposed her nakedness. Her Lilly white body was on display. Her long slim legs still closed. The ‘v’ at the top of her legs on view and a very small amount of her red raw labia. She had shaved bare.Her tits came in and out of view according to how the big man was organising them. His hand not settling in the one nipple, but helping himself to a breast at a time and his grip big enough to circle the base of each boob at a time and squeeze them bloodless white. The soft mounds looked like moon surface. Pure off white and crazed with his bites. Each full ring of teeth leaving craters of blue and brown. Her famous large nipples now like tests on a milk sow.
His big flag print vest was framing her above and the big thighs and size 13 feet below. His huge poker hidden away and little did Tom know thumping her under her belly button somewhere. Nor did he know billions of Native Africans were partying in her pretty white womb again, joining their bros from earlier spurts. Filling her fertile fallopian tubes. Spunk coating her white eggs.
Tom was playing for time and eating in slowmo now. He was transfixed by the coupling. The kissing was loving and intended. The stud lover had his outstretched coal black palm entirely holding her right side of her face and the powerful arm adjusting her to the needs of his long tongue. Tonguing her deep in her waiting open mouth.
After a while and me busy clearing the table. The stud spoke out to her. Not sure what, but she put her palms on his lap and lifted off him. She rose slowly, wobbling insecurely, but enjoying it. Her tits poked forwards as she leaned. Her nipples jutted out along way. He raised her under her big ass cheeks more, then she disconnected from him. His forearms bulged as he took all her weight to lift. Her cunt farted as the air rushed into the big gape she now had from him. His spent weapon dropped heavy hitting the Bankett hard with a solid, dull thump. It swung a few times then rested dripping. It was like she’d already dropped a black son out of her worn slipway. She staggered to her little feet and closed her gown. She sat back in the space next to him. She was still uneasy on her worked out legs, quickly sitting down exhausted. The black man was now in full view of the room. TOMS’s eyes were popping and he was mesmerised by what he saw. The foreskin was still in fuck mode. Pulled back. The thing was dripping very slowly onto the cool floor. Sometimes globs, sometimes thick rope that just attached his fat bell end to the marble. A big hand jacked her legs open his as little finger and thumb opened slowly between her tired out thighs, jacking her legs wide apart with ease. The gown fell either side of her legs only the belt holding the top in place, keeping her fondled titties caged. Her big poked slit slowly came into view. Not so much a slit as a love tunnel. Pink, red, swollen and holding its thick white prize. One of his digits nailed her huge pink, button clit. She shuddered and her cunt let fly a big spunk glob. It had gone in at 100mph and back out at the same speed. This set off an avalanche of his seed from her. He moved the big shovel hand up onto her puffy belly and tapped it hard with his knuckles. Each tap knocked out a white greasy prize accompanied by a loud pussy fart and her sighing. He raised her feet to perch on the seat. Her cunt now in full display and the spunk storm underway big time. She was holding herself open with her eyes shut and licking her lips. Wow, I knew she’d got bigger since being with him, but her cunt hole must have been well over 3 inches gaping. She had her fingers in it from both sides and the cum just kept flowing. She orgasmed as she ejaculated his baby batter.
“Oh, love my pussy won’t come down from you. I still feel you inside me. Oh, I’m cumming again,” she moaned out in a low foreign sexy accent.
The big man returned to working her engorged clit with a big rough thumb, his huge swinging weapon twitching. The big fat foreskin rolling slowly back into place
The nigga juices from her and him combined again on the clean floor and the seat under her was hit hard with his filth.
Tom was pale now and in a trance. I stood in the way of his ring side view of this carnal act.
“Come on let’s go to the front garden,” is all I could think to say. Then,”please try to forget this and don’t speak out. Please old friend. It’s a patch she feels she needs to go through. I mean you understand.”
He said nothing at 1st and seemed to be annoyed with me. I mean what was he thinking, what kind of wimp am I to allow this? His beautiful wife being raped in his view by what he probably saw as a big negro? I’d know him to be quite racist.
Outside now he said finally,” well Mick I’ve known you years now and her since you met her, what 5 or so years ago? I thought she had that kinda roving eye. But I’ll give her my dues, she knows what she wants and needs. He is some specimen of a unit. I never saw a dick like that, and for a small lady she sure can take it. I hope for your sake she taking good care of that. That cum looks well useful. I’ve seen a few of my old bank customers. White women having prams filled with blacks. Coming in looking to borrow money, bellied filled,more kids on the way.
Let me tell you my friend how it will look for you. I don’t see how she will stop him knocking her up. You saw what he did in there and no doubt he’s been in her previously a few times, looking at her state. He’s fucking her good my friend. Those negro boys have a reputation too. Always a trail of kids behind them. At best you will be laughing stock of the village as she wheels the black baby about. At worst you will be criticised at the club. Hopefully she’s not seen out with him. What if she’s out with the giant with her belly poking out? What then Mick? You gonna say it’s yours then, while no doubt from what I see he will be ‘holding’ her in public.”
I lied and told him yes she was sensible. I was in a cold sweat now and had to get ready for golf.
Little did he know either I had been put into chastity, my tiny cock encased in a sissy pink clamp and was forced to wear knickers.
Little did he know she had been told at the clinic to expect motherhood to the big African.
Little did he know about my zero sperm count and impotence.
Little did he know I had to worship the giant.

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By Mick-Hubby
#Cuckold #Interracial #Pregnancy #Voyeur

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