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#Exhibitionist #Group #Teen #Virgin

By OceanWide

A fed up Middle school science teacher takes health class to the next level. #coerced

I’m a middle school science teacher and have been teaching for twenty-some years. I used to love my job, but now it’s almost unbearable. I probably sound like some out-of-touch old person yelling at clouds, but how these kids act these days. It’s just not the same. In eighth grade, they’re already running around with each other’s nudes, doing drugs, and the rest of it. It’s ridiculous. I asked to move down to sixth grade because of it, but even those kids have problems.

It’s mainly attention. I can lecture for the full class period and have not a single student glance my way. We used to enforce the “no phones” rule by taking them away, but after some parent complaints, we were forced to stop by the county.

I worry for the kids. I used to motivate participation with candy, but ever since we came back from COVID-19, not even that has worked. I finished a lecture, dismissed for lunch, and slumped into my desk to ponder my options.

If correcting the students’ behavior was out of the question, I could stop caring. I had tenure, which meant I could slack off, but that would mean the kids would be left behind. I could blow the whistle to the county about my suspicions about the principal embezzling money and retiring on the payday, but I’m pretty sure they’re in on it. My house was paid for, and I didn’t want to move.

I sighed as a cute girl with long dark brown hair, fair skin, and stunning blue eyes pulled up a chair and unpacked her lunch. She was the quiet type, the one who would certainly be bullied by the others in the lunchroom. I didn’t mind since I enjoyed the company. The girl, Laine, must’ve felt uncharacteristically chatty.

“something wrong?” she asked me.

“same thing as always, nobody paying attention,” I grumbled.

She looked away shamefully. She had also been on her phone during class. I waved my hand, dismissing her shame.

“We’ve got a health unit coming up that’s really important. I worry about you kids going off without knowing the basics… not about school but about life,” I sighed in exhaustion. Do you have any tips? What would you do in my shoes?” I shot my hail mary at the unsuspecting student.

She looked at me and shrugged. “Well, I’m on my phone because there’s nothing going on that I can’t see on here,” she said, waving her device around in one hand. “or something more interesting. So you need to find something more interesting than what’s on here,” she said bluntly.

“you make it sound easy,” I complained.

“you could do explosions or something,” she suggested.

“We don’t do chemistry or physics in sixth grade. For good reason. It’s all rocks and biology,” I muttered miserably. “I have no idea how to make that interesting.”

“So, do an exciting health demonstration,” Laine said, following her logic to its conclusion without quite realizing what she suggested.

I raised an eyebrow. ” And how would that look? ” I asked, prodding Laine along using the Socratic method I used to wield so commonly.

She shrugged. “A health demonstration about… I don’t know. What are you even going to teach us?” she hesitated for a moment. Puberty?” she asked.

“among other things,” I replied.

“So then you could show us how puberty works. I don’t know how to explain what to expect using us kids as examples.”

It wasn’t a bad idea. “Would you be willing to participate in that?” I asked casually.

Laine bit her lip in thought. Her bright blue eyes narrowed, and her breathing hitched ever so slightly. After a second, she sighed and reluctantly nodded, ” Yeah, sure.”

the lunch bell rang, and my conversation was over. Laine rushed to her next class, and for some reason, I was sporting a boner.

A week had passed, and I had added a handful of demonstrations to my lesson plans without communication from the admin, so I figured I’d go ahead with it.

Class started, and I called on three young female volunteers. Amanda, a young-looking girl with light brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin, and a few freckles, was very petite and early on in puberty. So early that she could easily pass for a late elementary schooler. Laine, who was a little further on in her development, had budding breasts, a slimmer face, and slightly wider hips. Finally, Rachel, a red-headed girl with acne, piercings, growing boobs, and a developed frame. Rachel was repeating the sixth grade, so it made sense that she’d be further along in puberty.

Amanda, Laine, and Rachel lined up before the class, and I explained female puberty and gestured to my three models, when appropriate, to little avail. The class simply wasn’t interested. I shot Laine a look, her being my only ally sometimes. She blushed shyly and shrugged.

I stopped my lecture briefly to ask my volunteers a question. It was mostly for Laine, so I focused on her. “how do you think we can get their attention?” I asked her

She scrunched up her face. This was her idea, and she was invested in its success. I was hoping to use that.

“I guess…” she began, “show them something they’ve never seen? But I don’t know…” She merely rephrased what she had suggested weeks ago.

“Well, is there something that you’ve never seen in real life?” I prodded. “Maybe something that you know nobody else has seen of yours,” I said softly.

“m-my body?” Laine concluded.
“If you’re comfortable with that,” I told her.

She thought about it for a while, but only the other two girls standing before the class noticed the teaching had stopped. Laine silently peeled off her top layers, revealing her budding breasts to the world. she sat on top of my desk at the head of the classroom.

one by one, her classmates noticed as they saw their first glimpse at a woman’s bare body. boys and girls alike were now glued to the front of the classroom in a way they hadn’t been in years. I noticed a few people taking pictures but decided to deal with that later.

I began lecturing about breast development. I moved over to Amanda; I casually peeled off her shirt and the unneeded and adorable training bra beneath it. The poor girl was scared stiff, and she couldn’t protest or resist if she wanted to. Judging by the rising heat in her cheeks and the rest of her now bare flesh, I wasn’t sure she did.

I explained breast development to the class, and while I had their attention, I wasn’t sure my words were sinking in. I concluded by doing the same thing I did to Amanda to Rachel. But she seemed more prepared. Whether she was more enthusiastic or had just had the time to prepare herself, she voluntarily raised her arms up to assist me in removing her shirt. How considerate.

As I was wrapping up the lecture, I decided to have some class participation.

“Now, who noticed something interesting?” I asked a vague, open-ended question.

the children looked around at each other nervously. There were plenty of interesting things before them, but they all knew that “boobies” were not the correct answer.

One of the more rambunctious boys raised his hand, “they’re embarrassed!” he claimed confidently.

“correct,” I said, matching his enthusiasm. “how could you tell?”

He faltered. “Ummm—” he stumbled, not expecting the correct response. “They just look it?”

I nodded. “It may be difficult to see from afar, but all three ladies have a much darker shade of skin than they usually do,” I explained the relationship between feelings and physical responses.

I was interrupted by the bell. The entire class hesitated before leaving, no doubt wondering if they’d ever see this sight again. I decided to assuage those fears. “Our health unit will continue tomorrow,” I reassured them, returning the shirts to the three examples. We will continue using students as models as that seems to have piqued your interest,” I called out.

The students filed out. I sat down at my desk and realized I was sporting a major hard-on, and my heart was racing in nervousness. I’d mostly put what I intended to do on my lesson plans as a joke, but the higher-ups had signed off on it. not that they usually scrutinize lesson plans. I figured if I got arrested, the school would cover it up like they did whenever a teacher got arrested. put them on permanent leave. I’m tenured, which means I’d probably still get paid. Plus, it’d give me a good excuse to finally quit this hellhole. However, if classes continued like that one had, it might not all be so bad.

The next day came, and with it, the next health class.

“Today, we will begin discussing male puberty,” I said calmly. Do we have any volunteers for models?”

Five male kids raised their hands. their enthusiasm earned them a once-over. I selected one tall, lanky, popular kid named Chase. a blonde basketball player with a slightly muscled body. he was probably the boy furthest along in puberty in class, but he wouldn’t be good enough to fill Rachel’s shoes from the day before. I looked over the non-volunteers and selected a slightly framed boy. I called the boy, Spencer, to the front of the class. he had brown hair, brown eyes, and slightly tanned skin. he was clearly nervous. I looked over the class for someone more advanced in puberty, but I doubt I’d find a suitable candidate since boys lag behind girls developmentally.

There was nervous chatter across the classroom. Laine, my star pupil, raised her hand among the chaos. I called on her, and she asked a question.

“what are you looking for?”
“someone who’s gone through more male puberty than Chase.”
Laine nodded as if she suspected that answer. “why don’t you be the third model?” she asked almost too innocently.

“That’s not such a bad idea,” I considered it. “I’ll put it to a vote so I’m not just flashing you children without your consideration.”

“If you’re in favor of me being the third model in today’s lesson, raise your hand.” Only a few students raised their hands, Laine and Rachel among them.

“and your hand if you’re against.”

not a single student raised their hands. “then it’s decided,” I decided.

I cleared my throat and began lecturing. The boys still sat in front of the classroom, fully clothed. I could see that I was losing the class again, so I directed the boys to take off their shirts and, after a moment’s hesitation, took off my own.

I prompted some audience participation. “What do you notice?” I asked, opening up the class for discussion.

several raised their hands, and I chose a small, quiet girl I’d never heard speak. Alice was her name. “their abs,” she observed slightly above a whisper.

“Excellent observation,” I complimented her. Spencer and Chase had abs to an extent, Chase more so than Spencer. “The loss of baby fat and Chase’s physical fitness are primarily responsible for his abs, and Spencer’s high metabolism is likely responsible for his,” I explained. “High metabolism is, in fact, part of puberty.”

I looked down. I didn’t have abs per se; if I sucked my gut in, you could see them, but I had enough body fat that it covered it up. I explained that to the class, feeling more awkward than I’d ever had before. I really could stand to lose a few pounds.

I cleared my throat, “anything else?” I asked the students.
one brave soul answered that I had hair on my chest. I nodded and lifted Chase’s arms, showcasing his own underarm hair. I explained that body hair was a secondary sex characteristic of men, and while women had it, and it was natural, it was more noticeable and common in men.

Before we moved on, I asked, “Do we have any questions concerning men’s health at this time?”

“penis size,” someone called out anonymously to a chorus of giggles. there was no helping it.

I grimaced. “Well, I suppose the ladies were showing off yesterday, so today’s our turn,” I said, hyping up Chase and Spencer, who both seemed incredibly nervous. “Whoever would like to be first can go ahead,” I encouraged them.

Chase took a deep breath before pulling off his athletic shorts to a room of whispers. His fair skin was even brighter white under his clothes, and he had light blonde pubes matching his hair. The very beginnings of a happy trail up his stomach. he was rock hard, which made his penis size easy to determine.

a perfectly respectable size, it looked maybe slightly smaller than average for adults but he had plenty of growing left to do. it was perfectly proportional to his still-growing body. If I had to wager, it was about 4.5 inches long with an inner diameter of perhaps 1 inch across. I had no desire personally to get any closer, so I gestured to Spencer. he looked even more nervous than before. “I don’t-can you?-” he fumbled over his words. I sighed and nodded in understanding. I could at least draw attention away from him.

the female half of the class was fixated on Chase’s dick, while the male half was no doubt mentally measuring themselves against him. I let the commotion die down before I stepped up to follow in Chase’s footsteps and reveal myself to the class.

I steeled my nerves and tugged at my pants, shedding them quickly. I hadn’t even realized I was already rock-hard. I had a respectable 7.5-inch long cock that was roughly double Chase’s in diameter. I was perfectly comfortable with my size; it was not too big but big enough to have fun with. at least with adult women…

the class was in a commotion again, shuffling to get a better view, taking pictures, and whispering to each other again. “so how big are they supposed to be?” somebody asked. “there’s no supposed to,” I explained how penis size varied and how as long as there was no pain during sex or urination and that you were able to have sex and urinate there was no problem at all. I explained that attraction happened before pants usually came off and that pleasure was all about communication, and if size was an issue, there were toys and fingers.

it was harder than ever, both my penis and to tell if the class was paying attention. To prove my point, however, I walked over to Spencer and asked if he was ready. He nodded, and it seemed my speech had done much to ready himself. we slowly peeled off Spencer’s shorts, and the kid’s penis flopped out of it.

“Jesus Christ,” I said instinctually. It was roughly double Chase’s length and a solid inch longer than me, and it was thicker, too.

I waited for the commotion to die down again. but it was taking longer than expected

“are we going to have sex?” someone asked from the class. it was, of course, my plan, but I had to play it off. “it won’t be required,” I answered. “but is that something you would be interested in learning?” I asked the class.

I’d recaptured the class’s attention though their eyes were split between mine and my cock. I saw mostly nodding heads. “well then,” I decided, “why don’t we have yesterday’s volunteers come up, and we’ll do a demonstration?”

Amanda, Laine, and Rachel made their way to the front of the classroom. “ladies, are you willing to have sex in front of the class?” I asked. Turning to the front of the class, I made an offhand comment: “Getting consent is very important,” I stressed.

The three girls nodded, obviously nervous. I opened my mouth to assign partners. Initially, it would be Spencer, Amanda, Chase, Laine, Rachel, and myself. But before I could talk, Rachel blurted out, “I claim Spencer.”

I widened my eyes in surprise but saw her gaze fixed on his massive dick. I shrugged. “ok then-“

“then I want you to teach,” Laine said, my dick twitched. “o-ok. Amanda, Chase, are you alright partnering up?” I asked. They both nodded. “let’s start there, then.”

I had Amanda strip and lie down on a table near the front of the class. Her pale, pert nipples were tantalizing, but she was not my conquest, not today. or not completely mine. “to make things go smoothly, lubricant or lube is often used. Since we have none today, we will make our own,” I began.

“the vagina has its own lubricant it releases when it is sufficiently aroused,” I explained and began lightly massaging Amanda’s small body; my hands seemed huge against her small chest, hiding her small nipples and breasts completely. I took one hand off and guided Chase to continue what I had started.

I stood over Amanda and rubbed her juvenile pussy lightly, coaxing more and more wetness from the young girl. we reached a point where I felt no harm would come to Amanda. I instructed Chase to back off. I spread Amanda’s pussy lips and pointed out where his penis should go. Chase lined himself up only to cum practically the instant his dick hit Amanda’s pussy.

I chuckled and encouraged him. “that’s alright, I’m sure at your age you’re ready to try again already,” I said softly. he nodded. he positioned again and inserted his dick into the young girl. I’d previously spread her pussy wide to show how lubricated she was. After the initial push, his shaft slid in and out fairly easily, and the friction and her own lubrication created immense pleasure for the little girl.

she moaned softly, a sound that was sent from the heavens. I watched as intently as the rest of the class as Chase sped up. I forgot to warn him not to go so fast, but in hindsight, he probably didn’t need to worry as he’d just blown a load.

His cum became frothy as it mixed with Amanda’s juices, and friction forced bubbles into it, coating the two kids in a thin layer of white paint. “good job Amanda, Chase,” I praised,

I looked over the class with an odd sense of pride; they were enraptured, and they were nearly all masturbating. I looked down and realized that I was too. Chase and Amanda were fucking like rabbits, so I called Rachel and Spencer over to the table next to them.

Rachel excitedly stripped and laid down. I demonstrated to Spencer what I had shown Chase and began. it took less time for Rachel to be warmed up, having already seen the show next to them. Even though Spencer hadn’t done anything before, I didn’t know whether his past performance was the same or different, but his length and girth made the young girl’s jaw slack when I displayed her glistening folds. Spencer was a virgin, as his nervousness suggested, but with Rachel’s experienced hand, he was led to do an excellent job.

when spencer finished, the boy pulled out and had an impressive cumshot splattering across Rachel’s chest; it was clear to me his sperm wasn’t even fertile. Sperm wasn’t on today’s lesson plan, so I left the lecture for another time. besides, I was eager to do my own demonstration. I gave Spencer the same pep talk I gave Chase; he’s free to continue whenever he feels ready, which was almost immediately. Oh, to be young again.

Turning to Laine, I gave her a small smile, which she returned. “Are you ready?” I asked quietly, and she nodded.

I gingerly stripped her down, treating her gently as I had her fellow classmates. I played with her soft breasts, coaxing small sounds from the little girl; I noticed much of the class now had their hands in their pants or were openly masturbating. the sounds of young moaning echoed throughout the classroom.

Laine lay back and spread her legs, exposing her little pussy to me; it was getting wet and engorged from arousal and my ministrations.
I entered my dick and slid it inside slowly, taking great care to pay close attention to Laine’s face to gauge if I was hurting her or not. she moaned and gasped in response. a good thing. I slid it further and further in, increasing in pace and pleasure. her small frame convulsing beneath me with every thrust as her child pussy tried to take its very first cock. I grunted along with every motion, feeling her young pussy’s walls slide across my shaft with ease as she adjusted to the shape and size. I noticed other kids, no doubt, furiously rubbing their own private parts while looking at our rutting bodies. I occasionally looked over the classroom, making a mental note not to favor the ones that caught my eye as they were some of the most enthusiastically lewd. Laine was near her limit, and I didn’t realize how close I was. The entire class watching my penis go in and out of their schoolmate, covered in a sweaty sheen, was simply too much; I knew how these boys must feel now and the anticipation as this young lady tried to contain a growing load.
It’s almost too cruel.
Eventually, the girl who had suggested this exhibition and the teacher she trusted got her wish. her belly swelled from the force of cum flooding her insides, and the feeling of a second heartbeat inside her belly sent her over the edge. her toes curled, and her hips jerked as her tiny pussy massaged my engorged penis and pulled even more cum out of me.
My plan was to administer proper aftercare, but the bell rang out. I gave students the option of staying for lunch, but not a soul moved, so I began my lesson on aftercare.

I began my demonstration on Laine’s instructing Chase and Spencer to continue fucking if they like. Of course, they did, which meant attention was split, but it wasn’t officially class anymore, so I didn’t mind.

First, I took some wet wipes and gently cleaned Laine’s pussy. I fed her affirming words and explained the reason for doing so to the class. “Cleaning helps prevent Unirary Tract infections or UTIs. Often, it’s a good idea to pee as well after sex for the same reason.” I hand Laine a water bottle, “and affirmative words and actions help promote endorphins, which help create and strengthen connections.” I give Laine a performative hug and notice she’s shivering. I help dress her and give her some crackers and candy to help restore energy and for staying for lunch.

I pass out snacks to the rest of the class, but most ignore the kindness, still fixated on Chase, Amanda, Spencer, and Rachel. I watch as well, it’s a rare sight to see middle schoolers fucking. Chase was going as fast as he could; it seemed he wished he was going faster. his hands were clenched at Amanda’s waist, and his movements were less exaggerated than I’d seen in porn. Amanda was enjoying it, but not to the extent that Laine was. Forgetting my shame, I begin to rub Amanda’s breasts in hopes of providing her a little more pleasure. It worked. Her expression softened. Further, I continued my massage, worked down to her clit, and told Chase to pay a little more attention to his partner gently. in some ways, they did look like animals; I wondered briefly if I looked so primal while fucking Laine.

my hand drifted to my shaft; though Laine was now clothed, I was not. I considered putting my cock in Amanda’s mouth, she was in a perfect position for it, but I restrained myself. I added a mental note to include oral in a future lesson. I decided against putting my pants on, at least for now. I focused on Spencer and Rachel fucking on the table to my right.

Spencer was fucking at a much slower pace than Chase. Rachel had the good sense to rub her own clit and breast, and her legs were wrapped around Spencer. I could tell she was moving them, trying to get Spencer to fuck her faster. I thought Spencer had much the right idea, though, his dick was big enough to cause problems with full-grown women, and even though Rachel was more advanced in bodily development than anyone else in the sixth grade, she was still really a child. I stood next to them, studying them, when Rachel suddenly reached out, taking her hand off her breast and putting it onto my mostly erect cock.

I was going to protest. under normal circumstances, a student placing their hand on my cock was unacceptable. but then I realized the absurdity of saying something like that. I’d thrown all normal circumstances out the window the second Laine shredded her shirt the day before. While I was having my internal moral debate, Rachel began stroking my cock, and any resistance evaporated.

Absentmindedly, I began groping Rachel’s body; Rachel grinned at me in return. She didn’t say anything, but I’d bet money she was thinking that this was pretty close to a fantasy she’d had. it was a porn star’s dream, being impaled by a larger-than-life cock with another decently sized one in her hands. all before a live audience. I glanced up at them, still enraptured in all the sex before them. I noticed the clock on the wall.

“It looks like we have five minutes until lunchtime,” I announce, withdrawing my body from Rachel’s warm touch. I clothe myself and coax the volunteers to finish and aid in the aftercare. As the kids file out of the room onto their final class of the day, I notice invariably bulges or cumstains on the boys and frustrated faces on the girls.
The final period of the day was my own planning period. I sat down and excitedly wrote out future lesson plans for the first time in a while.

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By OceanWide
#Exhibitionist #Group #Teen #Virgin

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Hi, This is my story. why did u copy others with out permission.
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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