Kelly’s Life Story Ch. 04: A Tale of Two Men – Erotic Couplings

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Chapter 4

Tale of 2 men

This was the summer of cocaine. Everyone was doing it. The brothers were always doing lines at the bar, and I was invited sometimes. That is when they weren’t banging some chick. I can’t tell you how many times I walked into the kitchen or the store room to see some girl either fucking or sucking one of my bosses.

And the pizza place didn’t help. There were some regular guys from a Karate club who would come by and try to get me to go with them either individually or as a group. I would flirt but never even thought of going with any of them, even though they were all really good-looking and very buff.

The weeks wore on. It was close to the end of summer, and I was back to my old self. Physically anyway. One night, while working at the brother’s bar, I met Tom. He was tall and thin and had long, straggly blond hair and a light beard from not having shaved in days. He was very sexy looking and oozed smart.

Tom was a Yale literary graduate student. I was so impressed with him. After all, my birth mother was an academic, and we were all driven toward academic excellence. He was 28 and was writing a book. I never found out how he could afford his lifestyle, but he had a car, paid rent, ate in real restaurants, and went to school at Yale. I fell in love with him.

I can recall going to dinner and him ordering wine. My mind immediately went to the Gallo Hearty Burgundy that was in our house as kids, and it was disgusting. Tom explained to me about wines from France and Italy, and I tasted the one he ordered. I was pretty blown away. I had a few glasses.

I slept with Tom on our first date. I imagined crawling across a desert needing water or like a lioness who hadn’t been fed. That was the desperation to get fucked I was feeling.

This set the tone for our relationship. I fucked and sucked this stud any way he wanted and was ultimately treated like a fuck toy. I was always left just feeling empty with him. I never left his house except to get clothes from my apartment or go to work. Tom was more than adequate in the tool department, but he was a lazy lover. Or should I say fucker. I had to always initiate. Sometimes, he would just lie there, which in a way, was humiliating because he knew I needed his cock. There was never any real lovemaking or even an attempt to initiate giving me pleasure. I even tried doing a strip tease for him with a rose in my teeth, and he didn’t even get hard. I had to suck him to get hard enough, so I could fuck him. Again, I realized it was a loveless relationship, and my love was a one-way street.

By the time the semester started, I needed to get out of there because he was not good for me. I was a sex object and was treated that way even if other people were around. Stupidly, I always went along with his games, humiliating and degrading me. All his friends were Yalies, and I was left feeling insecure and tawdry. Then I got pregnant. I never expected it.

“I’m pregnant, Tom.”

“Is it mine?”

“What? I live with you! Of course, it’s yours.” Now angry.

“Well, don’t expect anything from me.”

I pivoted, walked out, and never went back. I was completely heartbroken and cried for days. My girlfriend Jeanie went with me to get an abortion.

Pretty depressing time for me. I was very depressed about falling in love with someone who not only didn’t love me back but treated me like shit. I was always being treated like shit. It didn’t make me feel good about myself or men in general. I was lonely.

Then, a few weeks later, out of the blue, I ran into Martha. She was her usually bubbly self. I couldn’t blame Martha for what happened. I let it happen. It was my fault.

“Hi Kelly, I’m having a party.”

“With the bikers?” I asked with caution.

“No, no, this is at my place. I’m inviting a bunch of the graduating seniors and other friends from the department. Do you want to come?”

“A department party?”


“Sure, OK, I’ll come,” I said, feeling a little perkier.

So I went and didn’t stay very long. But while I was there, I saw that guy from our department, Alex, who I recognized but never really talked to. I knew he sold a lot of pot.

“Kelly! So nice to see you,” and he slid over, making room for me. What a nice guy, I thought.

I sat next to him, and he immediately produced a joint, lit it, and handed it to me.

He started talking to me about all kinds of great things like hiking and horseback riding, and it sounded so nice, I kind of liked him. He was a bit shorter than any man I had ever been with, but he was super nice. We talked about getting together, but I forgot about it the minute I walked out the door.

Martha, in true fashion, did invite the bikers, and she disappeared into her bedroom with a group of them. I knew what that was about. This was my cue to get out of there.

For the rest of my time at school, I was with no one. Honestly, I didn’t want to be, and my experiences of the past year slowed down my horniness to at least a normal human level.

A good friend from school was moving to a nearby town with her sister and needed a roommate. I was sick of where I was and moved with them to Stamford.

I got a job in an Italian restaurant and did double shifts frequently to stay busy. I had no idea what to do with my life. I had a brief fling with the manager of another bar in a nearby town, but it was very brief. He wasn’t very good, but I guess I wasn’t either. Besides, I was numb to relationships that were just sex.

One night, I found a message on our answering machine from my old roommate, Diane. I called her right back. It was so nice to hear from her. We talked for a long time. She was still in school and told me about everything happening in the Department and told me Jake had left and Alex was teaching his classes.

“Alex? Really?”

“Yes, and he’s a really good teacher. I guess he works at SNA Sports Network, and Doc Daniels asked him if he would teach, and he took over for Jake.

“Wow. I remember him. He was nice.”

“Oh my God, Kim, he is such a nice guy. You should come and visit.”

“I will; it’s just hard with work. But I’ll get down. Tell Alex I said Hi.”

“I will,” Diane said.

A couple of days later, Diane left a message on our machine again,

“Kim, it’s Dianne. I told Alex you said Hello, and he seemed genuinely interested in how you were doing. He told me to tell you he said Hi and would love to take you to lunch sometime.”

“Now, I knew I had to get down there and called in sick one day and took the train to New Haven. I didn’t trust my bug for the trip.

She told me what time her class was over, and I showed up about 5 minutes before it ended.

“Kim, so nice to see you,” Alex said.

Diane was beaming. I could tell she thought Alex would be good for me.

“Hi, Alex. It’s been a long time. I think the last time I saw you, I was sitting on your lap.”

“What?!” Diane said.

Alex laughed. “I remember, but maybe it was Martha’s party?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot. We talked, didn’t we.”

“Do you want to go to lunch?”


We said goodbye to Diane and walked out, making small talk about what I was doing. We got in his car, and I was impressed. It still smelled new. I can’t remember being in a new car. Ever.

We went to a little Chinese place in town I hadn’t been to in years, and it was cozy. It felt somewhat nostalgic because all of us college kids would go there after a night of drinking back in the day.

“You are actually doing something with your major, Alex, I’m impressed.”

“What happened with the radio station? I would have thought you could have used that as a springboard for something bigger. Better.”

This was the first time a guy had seen me for who I was. The person Kelly. You know, the one with a brain, not just a pair of tits and a pretty face.

“It fizzled. I tried SNA, but those guys just saw me one way, and I knew I couldn’t get in there.”

“What do you like to do? Professionally, I mean?”

Wow, a real conversation. “I love to read and write and would love to write professionally, but I’d be happy working for an editor somewhere. For fun, I love to draw. I’ve never shown anyone, though.”

“First of all, you are way too smart to be waiting tables. You need to contact every publisher who’s posting jobs in New York and take the train into the city. That’s where the action is in publishing. And I would love to see your art.”

I had a big smile on my face, “I would show you my art, Alex.”

“We finished lunch, and Alex asked, “Can I take you out, Kelly.”

A date, I thought. Really? I thought back. Have I ever been on a date? Oh yeah, but not since Andy in high school.

“Oh, I would love that, Alex, but I live and work in Stamford.”

“Give me your number. I don’t mind coming to you. You just came here to see me.”

This guy just kept scoring points. Wow. Not what I expected and unlike any other man I had ever met. In a word, Charming. Refined but not arrogant like Tom.

Alex called, and we made a date. I was doing lunch that day, so it could be clear for a late afternoon date.

“I have to be in Bristol at 10 for pre-production, so I’m free til 9.”

“Here’s my address. I should be home no later than 2:30.”

That day, my asshole bosses kept me late, and I was really upset. I didn’t get home until 3:15. I parked and ran through the apartment to the front door and was so relieved and happy that, to my surprise, Alex had waited.

“I am so sorry. They made me stay late. I was so worried you would leave.”

“I was wondering where you were and kept telling myself it didn’t seem like you to stand me up. And now the expression on your face said it all, Kelly. Let’s go have a bite. Are you hungry?”

“Famished. Can I change first?”

“Of course!”

“Come in.”

We went in, and I thought about it, but no, I’m not going to jump his bones and ruin this.

When I walked back into the living room, having changed into jeans and a tee shirt, he told me how sexy I looked.

I smiled, and as I went to kiss him on the cheek, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me like we were teenagers. It was so nice.

I was so euphoric in his car on the way there with the conversation and connection we made I said, “Sometimes I just want to rip my clothes off in a car.”

He laughed hysterically. “Please don’t let me stop you!”

But after my embarrassing outburst, I controlled myself.

We had a wonderful early dinner and a few drinks, and it was very civilized. Very refreshing. We talked about everything. Family, friends, politics, school, work, and music. It was really, really nice.

We were sitting next to each other in the booth, and he was very handsy. This made me happy because I wasn’t sure if he was just too straight. He wasn’t.

Alex showed no qualms about putting his hands all over me, and I let him. Neither of us cared about anyone else either. It seemed our waitress had abandoned us, which was fine.

“Let’s go, he said.”

We got out of there, happy and laughing, hanging off of each other like we had known each other for years. When we got back in the car, he climbed on top of me and somehow sprung the back of the seat flat, which made me yelp in surprise. He was pretty nimble. We kissed passionately, and he had his hand under my shirt and his leg between my legs. I was hot. We dry-humped as he played with one of my nipples with our lips locked. I didn’t want him to go.

“I want to see you again, Kelly.”

“I don’t want you to leave.” I pouted.

“I don’t want to go either, but I have to go.”

He dropped me off and left. No sex. A real date.

The next day, I found a message from him,

“I miss you. I worked out getting off doing the late show. I will be there around 4. See you then.”

It was 1:30 when I got home. They asked me to stay late again, and I said no this time.

“I’m off tomorrow. Do you have to work?” He asked.

“Yes, but I don’t care, I’ll call in sick.”

“Have you ever done shrooms?”

“No, never.” I knew what they were but had never done them.

I later found out Alex was getting them shipped to him from California and sold them exclusively to his friends.

‘Let’s go to my place, do them and go to the movies.”

“The Movies? Really? To see what?”


“Disney? You are insane! OK.”

And we left. Alex always played great music. And a lot of his cassettes were music I had never heard before, like Chaka Chan, Stanley Clark, Chick Corea, and other Jazz artists he called fusion.

Alex was very cool. And super smart.

We ate the mushrooms, smoked a joint at his place, and went to the movies, listening to the craziest music I had ever heard. I knew who Frank Zappa was but had never heard of Joe’s Garage and that it was a story. We laughed like idiots.

In the movie, we kept looking at each other, and he whispered, “You look so fucked up.”

“You do, too,” I said, and we’d laugh. Alex was pointing things out to me in the movie that were audaciously obscene and other scenes that were overtly sexual.

On the way back, we talked and laughed about the movie and the music and ended up on his sofa. We were making out and humping each other again. With him having just unlatched my bra under my shirt, his roommate Paul walked in.

Neither of us knew or remembered it was Halloween. I guess Paul was in the Governor’s Foot-guard and was wearing his regalia as a costume and was coming home to change to go back out. At this point, we were so high when we saw him walk in we started laughing so hard we both had pains in our sides. I was laughing so hard that I was gasping for breath. I had never been surprised by something so funny in my life.

“It’s not that funny,” Paul said as he walked into his room.

“What are you two doing?”


“Had to be something.”

Paul left, and we were glad. We talked and played with each other, and I wanted him.

“It’s too late, I can’t drive you back tonight,” he said. I was disappointed but didn’t want to spoil this moment.

“Oh, I guess I’ll have to stay over,” with a sly grin, “I can sleep on your sofa,” thinking Alex would bed me.

“No, you take my bedroom, I’ll sleep on the sofa.”

“OK,” I said, a little confused.

I stripped naked in his room and waited, thinking he would come in. He never did. I was so ready for him. Did he not want me? I fell asleep, finally worried I had done something or that maybe he was weird for not wanting to sleep with me.

I had only slept a few hours when the sun was just rising, and the door opened. Alex was nude, and I saw for the first time what a beautiful hairy chest he had. and he was hard as a rock. I threw the covers off of me, “You were a real gentleman. Now get over here and fuck me, stud.”

He jumped on me, and I was so wet he slipped right in. I don’t think it took three strokes, and I came. Loud and hard. Rather than fucking me to get off, Alex just lay there with me while I basked in my afterglow. He was running his fingers around my nipples and looking at me.

“How did you get this scar on your chest?”

“What scar. Oh, that?” I had to think fast.

“I was drunk with a cigarette in my hand and fell asleep. It dropped on my chest.”

I could never tell him what actually happened.

“You’re lucky you didn’t kill yourself.”

“Mmm, I know. “

Alex climbed on me, rubbing my slit, which made me reach for his cock. He felt so good in me.

Alex just took his time with me. He wasn’t the biggest I’d ever had, but he made up for size with his lovemaking. And yes, it was lovemaking. He knew what he was doing.

He held my hands over my head while he nuzzled, kissed, and stared into my eyes. He would rub my nose with his and kiss my neck. At one point, he let my hands go and was massaging my upper back and my scalp while gazing into my eyes, simultaneously using his tool like a professional. I couldn’t help but buck back. It was amazing. I had never had anyone make love to me. It was so intimate. So tender. Sliding his hands down my back while still in me, he grabbed my ass and lifted me, now pounding me with vigor. He felt so good.

I felt him building, rolled him off of me, and took him in my mouth. I knew he didn’t expect this. A couple of strokes down my throat, and he was cumming. I sucked the cum out of him so hard I know I left a hickey on the head of that cock. Alex groaned in pleasure.

I picked my head up and looked at him while I swallowed. He had the biggest grin.

He was a pretty good-looking guy and a nice body. Especially his butt. He had a really cute nice round butt. Muscular, not fat.

He pulled me to him as I lay across his body. We just caressed each other for the longest time, and both fell back asleep in each other’s arms.

Hours later, probably after noon, Paul knocked on the door.

“What,” Alex said, a little annoyed.

“Got a minute.”

“Sorry Kelly”. He got up, threw his jeans on, and stepped out the door.

I could hear their conversation.

“Dude, what do you want,” Alex said, sounding pissed.

“We were supposed to go to that party today,” Paul said.

“Oh shit, I forgot all about it. You go, I’m not going.”

“Who is that girl? Holy shit, she’s like a goddess.”

“She is that, Paul. See you later.” And I could hear Paul walking out.

Alex didn’t come right back in.

I got up, knowing we were alone, and stepped out nude. Alex was on the sofa rolling a joint, saw me, stood, and dropped his Jeans. He was rock hard again. I was impressed.

He took me and put me on the sofa with some force, making me yelp, and entered me again. Now he fucked me. Hard and fast. Then he teased me with his cock. He kept going and going and going. I felt myself building, and when he felt me bucking under him, he started pounding into my pelvis and clit. I came so hard I convulsed under him. I took him in my arms and kissed him deeply.

It just came out, “I love you, Alex.”

I couldn’t believe I said it, but somehow it felt right.

He looked at me for a moment and smiled, kissed me all over my face, and said, “I’ve loved you since the first time I ever saw you, Kelly.”

I just melted. At that moment, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Alex.

We had a lazy day, and I was amazed at Alex’s stamina. He seemed to get hard at will.

We made love again and again, and I loved the feel of his cock in my mouth.

“I love sucking your cock.”

“Good because I love you sucking my cock.”

We both laughed.

He loved going down on me. This was another pleasant surprise. He was good at it, too.

Our bodies fit together well. I felt very comfortable in his embrace.

Late that evening, we agreed he would bring me back to Stamford, and off we went.

Without words, we had become inseparable.

“I want to get a place of our own. I don’t want Paul around, and I certainly don’t want my roommates and their little underwear sniffing dog around.” I suggested.

We talked about where we could be and agreed New Haven made sense because of Alex’s teaching and commute to SNA.

“I can waitress anywhere.”

“About that, I know this dude who’s a head hunter. I think you should consider talking to him to see what’s out there for you. You are way too smart for what you are doing, Kelly.”

This made me beam. I smiled and looked at him. He was incredible I thought, “OK, I will.”

Somehow, I knew Alex was going to drive to Stamford after his next shift.

I showered and shaved my pits and legs and took extra care shaving all the hair off my pussy. I was smooth as a baby’s butt. I put on gym shorts and a tee shirt and nothing else. And waited.

When Alex walked to my door, I was there to open it, and he grabbed me and slid a hand down my shorts, grabbing my ass. I loved it. We walked with our mouths locked, and he dropped me on the sofa as he pulled my shirt off and then my shorts off. He saw my pussy and blinked. I smiled and spread my legs for him.
