Katie, Angela & I – Pt. 01 – Erotic Couplings

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Work Experience – Katie, Angela & I, Part 1

More revelations. Mature, romance, office, work, love.


Author’s Note: A more complete appreciation of events may be gained by reading ‘previous stories in the ‘Work’ series. This part is a reprise, an expansion, of the weekend shared with Katie as told in “The Week After – Part 2” Saturday revisited. Things get complicated as more information comes to light.

Your vote for this story would be warmly appreciated. I hope you enjoy your read.


So much had recently happened and I was taking some time to relive this last weekend with Katie. The Saturday provided some revelations that changed completely the thoughts, the feelings, nature of the relationships I had developed with Angela and Katie.

Life is always a continuing learning process, one where sometimes what one thought could never happen, was impossible, it could never happen like that, suddenly changes and all those previously unimaginable situations suddenly become very real. I’d always held strong opinions, (against), sharing partners, about polyamory, about any other non-monogamous behaviour between committed couples. But here I was, as I was to learn, maybe facing exactly those situations. And confusingly, was forced to rethink previously held strong opinions. So, the future? What did it hold in store for me, for us?

The Saturday…

As I recovered from the shocked daze that I had been subjected too by Katie telling me that not only did she know about Angela and me, but that also Angela knew about Katie and me, and they both knew about Catherine and me.

And what’s more, the two women I had developed deep feelings for, Angela and Katie, were apparently prepared to accept the status quo, but with lesser acceptance of Catherine as they, or at least Katie, considered, rightly, that I did not have the same feelings for her as I had for them. But whether Catherine knew about the other two, neither Katie, Angela nor I knew.

The dynamics had now irrevocably and permanently changed. And that just by my coming into some additional information. I mean, physically nothing had changed. The girls were happy, or at least OK, to go along with things the way they were. Yet I felt my world had kinda had the shit kicked out of it. Physically, I needed do nothing other than what I was already doing. So what was the big deal?

I should have felt like the luckiest guy alive, given I had what I considered the two most desirable and perfect, for me at least, women on the planet interested in me. And I now knew they weren’t just interested. I now knew they felt as deeply for me, as I did for them. But my feelings, having grown slowly over the many years we had worked together, were for both of them, and I could easily have made a commitment to either, despite the age differences, differences that did not seem to be of concern to either of them, had I only known one of them. But I was having difficulty choosing between them. I knew my varied dalliances and procrastination could wreck everything. But these women deserved true commitment and true loyalty. And until I was in a position to offer that, all I could do was what I was doing. If that cost me any chance I had with them, then so be it. I was already privileged that I had had the honour of being with them, in all respects. I now knew they each knew about the other.

But even if it was ultimately allowed to be my choice I could not pick one over the other. They were both so perfect in their own way, but so different to each other. And I could not even say I was more enamoured of one than the other. I simply loved them both… equally. And it would not even have been possible to combine the qualities of both into one ultimate woman, should that have been possible, for in many ways they were complete opposites of each other for any given quality. And as I’d stated earlier, had I not known both of them, at the same time, I would have been more than happy with either.

But still, the problem remained. Our society’s laws dictated that even if the decision was ultimately mine, I could only have one. It was not my fault I really could not decide between them. Love makes no allowances for what should or should not be. Love makes its own rules, and does not care in the slightest, and in fact, consistently turns its nose up at man-made rules and regulations and cultural traditions and attitudes.

Katie brought me out of my reverie. “David, are you with me?” she asked…,” or do I have to do all the work around here?… and my glass is empty as well,” giggling, as if nothing earth shattering was happening in our lives.

I did snap out of it. I rose out of my chair and walked over to Katie. I curled my arm around her thin waist as I kissed her on the lips but cheekily lifted my hand up to squeeze her breast as well, and took the barbeque tongs out of her hand.

Katie didn’t flinch when I squeezed her breast. “So are you OK now?” she asked.

“How could I not be with you here with me?”

“Oh, you are nice. Thank you,” she said smiling. “Now do you want to get your hand off my tit and finish cooking the food? I’m starving, and you will need to build up your stores of energy for later.”

“I bet you’ll tire before I do,” I said smiling giving her bum a squeeze before turning back to the barbeque to finish cooking what Katie had started. As I was cooking she came up behind me, put her arms around my waist and pushed her breasts against my back. She then cheekily moved them from side to side a few times before stopping. “As I recall, work goddess Katie,” I smiled, “Isn’t that how you seduced me in the first place?”

She squeezed my waist harder and put one side of her face against my back, “I couldn’t believe how hard I had to work to get you to fuck me.”

“So have I made up for that yet?” I asked.

“Not by a long shot mister,… but your scorecard is slowly improving,” she giggled as she lowered her hand from my waist and gave my cock a squeeze, and then added, “But don’t get cocky, so to speak,” she laughed, “You’ve still got a lot of making up to do.”

I turned around and blurted out, “God I love…being with you.”

For a split second I saw disappointment register on her face before it turned into a big smile, “And I love being with you too,” she said. She took my empty glass, and hers, and virtually skipped into the kitchen to refill them. God, she really did look beautiful as she moved dressed only in my long t-shirt.

By the time she returned, I’d finished cooking the food, dished it up and served it on the outside table and sat down. As she returned, she bent over me to put my glass down, rubbed her breast against my shoulder and kissed my cheek, before she sat down in her chair and started eating. We were silent as we ate, and I couldn’t stop her earlier words from intruding into my thoughts, but each time I looked across to her, the sparkle, and the smile, in her eyes was undeniable. While this was great, it did not make the situation any easier.

When we’d finished eating, she took the dishes inside and started washing them as I cleaned up the barbie. When I’d finished, I went inside and as I rounded the wall that led to the kitchen, I stopped, and leaned against it to admire the beautiful woman that was standing at the sink. I didn’t know that she could see me reflected in the kitchen window.

I’d been standing there probably almost two minutes when Katie said, “I’m very wet.”

“No doubt,” I chuckled, “I always get wet washing the dishes too.”

“It’s not that kind of wet,” she said pulling off her kitchen gloves, and moved back from the sink while now bending forward at the waist, her head resting on her hands on the edge of the sink.

The view I had was exquisite. That she was very wet was no exaggeration, as her labia glistened, covered in her juices.

The t-shirt had ridden up, fully exposing a beautifully rounded, firm set of buttocks, and at their lower end, a smoothly shaved, symmetrical, juice covered labia, all leading to perfectly shaped long legs and slim ankles, that she was spreading as I admired her. I looked up, and along her torso that was now parallel to the floor. The t-shirt could not hide her thin waist, or the very generous sized breasts that were now hanging down beneath her, straining against the front of the shirt, and at the very bottom of the curve of those perfect breasts, poking through the restraint of the shirt were her prominent nipples making their presence very visible.

I removed my t-shirt, stepped out of my jeans, and with what was now a raging erection, I moved behind her and rested my cock in her arse crack. I moved it up and down before she reached underneath and between her own splayed legs, grabbed my cock and pulled it down so that the whole length of it was now under her. I took my cue from her and moved back a fraction so that I could rub my cockhead along her wet cleft, and when the head was wet, I moved it up until I found the entrance to the place she wanted me to enter.

I pushed slowly into her tight vagina a little way. Then I pulled out almost all the way, before moving back in, each time moving in a bit deeper than the time before, until I was all the way in, with my balls pressing up against her clitoris and inner thighs.

I pushed her shirt up as far as it would go, and when it reached the limit of its travel Katie lifted her head and arms up off the sink long enough for me to push it over her head and arms and to remove it. Once it was gone she put her hands back down on the sink, and then replaced her head back on her hands, leaving me looking at a shapely back, curving in at the sides to a thin waist before flaring out, just slightly to her beautiful hips and rounded buttocks below which protruded, my cock.

“God, Katie, I swear you must surely the most beautiful physical vision that exists in all of creation, irrespective of form,” I said as I gently, with feather-light touches, ran my hands over all the parts of her body that were exposed to me. Her soft skin reacted to my touch no matter where my hands went, evidenced by a low guttural purr, almost a growl, that emanated from deep within her. I particularly loved running my hands in the curves of her waist, from her armpits down through the waist and out over her hips. I then bent forward to kiss her neck, and as I did that I then moved my hands under her, to feel the full weight of her now freely hanging heavy breasts.

At this stage neither of us had moved our pelvic areas, even though my cock was buried inside her as far as it would go, but as I fondled her breasts she slowly started rocking forward and backward. I didn’t need to move. As she rocked she thrust back to keep me inside her but as she moved forward her vaginal muscles clamped around my cock in a vice-like grip, trying to prevent it from retreating. But she need not have worried. I wasn’t going anywhere.

She started moving back and forth with increasing frequency, moaning increasingly noisily and increasingly breathlessly. I met her movements and helped her. I moved one of my hands from one of her beautiful breasts and moved it down to her vulva, and after making sure my fingers were well lubricated from her wetness, found her clitoris, and gently pressed the sides of her labia against the nub that had now well and truly emerged from under its protective hood.

When I was sure everything down there was wet enough, I encircled her clit with my fingers and gently pulled up and pushed back on the nub until I heard her gasp, shudder, and finally felt her legs start to collapse, and as I moved my hands to the place where her legs joined her body I pulled her back towards me. That only caused her to tremble again, which was then enough to cause me to erupt inside her. Time after time after time I shot my seed deep inside her most private parts. I collapsed on top of her back as I felt her muscles contracting, pulsating, around my cock to milk it dry.

I stayed there until my cock slipped out naturally, when she straightened up. I cuddled up behind her, putting my arms around her from behind just so that I could feel the weight of her breasts resting on them. I kissed her neck. We both stood there as our juices started to drip onto the kitchen floor. But I didn’t care.

“You know,” Katie said, as she put her arms over mine, and pushed her head back to me, exposing her neck, “I feel so good when you are inside me. I feel as one with you… and I love making myself totally available to you, for you to do with me as you please. I just love… being with you.”

Here we both were. We had both come so close. So close to telling each other, ‘I Love You’. But we had shied away from actually saying those words. I don’t know why Katie had stopped short of saying that, but I suspect it was that she knew, as much as I maybe did want to hear it, I wasn’t ready to hear it, or say it, just yet.

I so wanted to tell her that I loved her, but I needed to find a way to do that but to also let her know that I loved Angela too, and I needed to do the same with Angela. But I needed, I thought, to do it as much as possible, all at the same time.

“Katie, you are my absolute goddess… if only I could be your god,” and as I said that I knew it was wrong. I knew that my plan to tell them both together was now not looking so good.

Katie turned around to face me, clamped her hands together behind my head, and said “You… are my god.”

As I wrapped my arms around her, I said, “Ohhh, my lady, you have no idea how much I would like to be.”

We just stood there, naked, holding each other, until Katie spoke, probably only a minute or so later but it felt much longer before my reverie was once again interrupted, by her beautiful voice.

“And you’re saying you can’t be… you won’t be?” she asked looking up at me.

As I now looked down into those now crystal clear beautiful deep blue eyes, with all the patterns in their retina’s shimmering between the light and dark blue hues. Katie could also have asked almost anything of me, and were it in my power, it would have been granted. All but except what she had just asked me.

“Ohhhh Katie, it’s not because I don’t want to be…”

“Sshh,” she said as she put a finger up to my lips, “I think I know.”

I looked straight into her eyes, as I waited for her to continue.

“You do love Angela don’t you?” she said more than she asked, and as I opened my mouth to say, ‘I don’t know what…’ she again put her finger to my lips, said, “Sshh…,” and then said, “… am I correct in thinking that you also love me… maybe as much as Angie?”

Once again, I was stunned by Katie’s insight.

“Katie… as much as I don’t like the situation…, yes, it’s true… but how could you possibly have known that?” I asked, before adding, “‘cos I’ve never said ‘I love you,’ to either of you.”

“You didn’t, and don’t have to,” she said.

Then after a short pause “You know, had I met only one of you two, either one, I would have been happy,…but having met both of you, has now almost become a curse… well not a curse, but it certainly has created a somewhat less than perfect situation… You know, I find it incredible that you two are so completely different to each other, but yet, my feelings for each of you are identical… I know it’s not what you want to hear, but that’s where it’s at.

“How utterly incredible,” I continued, “that the forces that have conspired to throw us all together, may yet be the ones that could drive us apart.”

“Why?” asked Katie as she looked up into my eyes.

“Because it’s not fair. As I would want a commitment from you, you would have the right to expect the same from me, and as things stand right now, I would not be able to give it… no matter how much I wanted to.”

“Because, if you committed to one of us, you would always be wondering about how things would have been with the other.”

I was once again amazed at her insight into what was a complicated relationship.

‘Yes,” I replied.

“Well, at this stage, nothing’s changed, except that you’ve now told me you love me, us, both of us. So let’s go to bed….I want to share that love…I want you to love me again.”

Holding hands, we walked together. On the way out of the kitchen I turned off the light and did the same as we passed through the lounge room and guided by the light of the lamps beside the bed that I had turned on earlier, entered the bedroom.

Katie wasted no time pulling back the doona, climbing in and laying down on her back on the bed. I was unable to move for a few seconds, paralysed by the beauty of the vision before me, and finally after shaking my head a couple of times, I climbed in beside her.

“Why did you shake your head?” she asked,…what’s wrong now?”

I paused before answering, “Kate,…this is going to sound a bit corny,…but I have absolutely no idea of what I have done to earn your love…I mean, look at me…I’m no model. I’m overweight, slowly losing my hair, I wear glasses…and I’m nearly twice your age!…and I have a goddess in my bed!”

Katie turned over onto her side to face me, leaning on her right elbow and propping her head up with her hand. Her full breasts, with nipples still erect, dropped down slightly under their own weight. She lifted her left leg and moved it to the right, towards me, before dropping it down to rest over my own legs. I could feel her mound and her wetness against the outside of my left thigh. God, it felt so good. She bent her left arm and lightly ran it over my chest and up until she could place two or three fingers on my lips, and lightly, gently, brushed them.

This time I heard a comment that gave me cause to think. “You know,” she said, “I’ve previously made a comment on why I think you are attractive to women…but it’s not just how you make them feel, as I’ve said before,…it’s also that despite the arrogant and aloof demeanour that you sometimes convey, once people get to know you, they appreciate your qualities, the real you…and they grow to like you,…and sometimes to even fall in love with you.”

There was a short pause before she spoke again. “…You commented on your physical characteristics before, characteristics that you thought were unattractive, when in fact beauty truly IS in the eye of the beholder, and for me at least, I have fallen in love with YOU…. ALL of you. Your attitudes, your ideas, your thoughts, the way you express your feelings, the way you listen….and if you are concerned about the physical, your beautiful smile, your other beautiful facial features,…and your eyes… your beautiful eyes…you once told me, and I think you were embarrassed doing that, that Astra, and yes, I do remember her, grrrr, had once told you that your eyes were so beautiful they belonged on a woman, rather than a man…so I do not want to hear, ever again, about anything that you consider unattractive about yourself,…leave that to me,” and I was relieved as she giggled heartily to her own joke.

I turned my head to face her and saw she had the gentlest smile on her own lips, As I looked at those beautiful crystal clear blue eyes, I could see that they were also smiling.

“God, Katie, I never dreamed I would say this, and I’ve been fighting with it more and more over the last few weeks, but I can’t delay saying it any more,…I REALLY DO LOVE YOU. But I also love Angela… And you have also told me tonight that you are aware of that. But today you also told me that Angela shares your feelings for me…that is something that Angela and I have not spoken about, at least not the part where she knows about you and me.”

“Please believe me my love, that Angela feels exactly the same about you as I do…Do you think I would say something like that if it was not true?…you know…I never cease to be amazed at the emotional density…perhaps not the density, but certainly the lack of sensitivity to signs that males exhibit, that are second nature to women…sometimes men can appear to be such dumb-shits.”
