Karen by Name and Karen by Nature – Lesbian

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Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, just how did the female name ‘Karen’ become associated with unpleasant women who seem to believe that the word revolves around them, and are entitled? Becomes NONE of the women who i personally know of that name live up to said stereotype, virtually all of them were very decent, honest people. But, that doesn’t mean i can’t base a, totally fictional story around the derogatory use of the name and term, does it?



Now it had been a good session of ‘retail therapy.’ Oh yes, I’d been shopping, spoiling myself as I normally did, after all as far as I was concerned this entire world revolved around ME! Not that I saw it way, naturally, I regarded myself as perfectly entitled to the good things in life. Goodness I’d worked hard enough for them!

With some justification, for it was true that I wasn’t afraid of hard work and putting in the effort. I’d obtained a first-class honours degree, and then having worked for others for a while, building up some capital, I’d set up my own business that had proved very successful. All by my own efforts, so yes, I had a damn right to feel good about myself.

But unfortunately, my sense of entitlement became inflated beyond what was reasonable, like I say, I believed everything in life should suit me. Although I paid no attention to the term, I in fact, became an almost perfect example of the derogatory use of my actual name. Yes, I’d become a real ‘Karen.’ In both name, which obviously wasn’t my fault, and nature which on the other hand most certainly was!

So, after I placed my purchases within the boot of my new car, a top of the range B.M.W. I decided to have lunch in an upper-class restaurant in town, that I frequently dined within. As I strolled into the building as if I owned it, it was well known amongst the staff that I was both a valued customer and personally known to the owners. So, I was shown to my favourite table, and quickly offered a menu.

I made my selection, sitting back and checking my messages and e-mails upon my ‘phone as I waited for just what I’d ordered to be cooked and brought to me. And when that event did happen, I was in for a major shock.

Now, to some extent I was fully entitled to complain. For the food that I was presented with wasn’t up to the normal superb standard of the fayre offered by this establishment, and I could have stated, with full justification, that it was not of the quality that would be representative of the high price charged for it.

But, of course, my very vicious vocal criticism went far beyond what was reasonable. As befits just the sort of woman whom my name has come to represent, I demanded to see the manager. When she arrived, I almost screamed at her, “this disgusting swill would definitely be rejected by pigs. How dare your ‘so-called’ chef present this to me, as food. I demand that you sack them immediately!”

A young girl, in her early twenties was hauled out of the kitchen, apparently responsible for this food, and I berated her publicly, repeating my demand to the manager that this girl be sacked on the spot, or I would never visit this establishment again, and explain to the owners just why. A threat that carried some weight behind it, as the manager knew all too well. So, very much within my earshot, she turned to the girl.

“You are dismissed forthwith. This valued customer is completely correct, this food is nowhere near the standard required of this restaurant, as you well know. Pack up your gear, and go, right now!” The manager turned to me. “Satisfied Ma’am?” I nodded my assent, before demanding the meal be replaced, and cooked ‘properly’ this time.

Now, perhaps I should have paid a little more attention to my ‘victim,’ because far from bursting into the tears of humiliation, as I would have expected and wanted of course, she fixed me with a look of steely determination, a look that warned me that I most certainly hadn’t seen the last of her. One I totally ignored, naturally, what threat was she to me now?

My replacement meal arrived eventually, of course the kitchen was short-staffed now, and this time it was acceptable. I ate it, paid my bill, reduced with a hefty discount obviously, and proceeded homewards, dismissing the fate of that girl from my mind. After all, I’d probably never see her again.

Over the next couple of weeks, I began to sense that I was being watched as it were. Ridiculous I know, but in fact it was real. And I’m sure that all of you can just guess by whom? Despite my slight unease, I was able to banish these fears from my mind. It might have been better, if I had not ignored said premonitions!

For my stalker had gained a fair degree of knowledge of my routines in life before she struck. So, she knew just where I went on a regular basis and knew by now the perfect location for my abduction, she knew where she could take my almost certainly unobserved. And when she did strike, it was with the speed of a black mamba!

I suddenly felt a presence behind me, as a black cloth bag quickly passed over my head, removing my power of sight immediately. However, that soon became of secondary importance, as two solid steel rings closed in around my wrists, my arms having been pulled firmly behind my back. I’d just been captured! “Sssshhhh!” A voice echoed within my left ear. “YOU ARE MINE NOW!”

I felt a leather collar being placed around my neck, holding the bag over my head. “Relax,” the same voice that I thought I recognised, was back, “the material that this bag is made of is fully breathable! I’ve no intention of killing you, but you are going to be punished! I was really proud of getting that job, I really wanted to be a chef there, and YOU took it from me! So, now you’re going to pay for that!” And I felt a tie being applied around my head and over my mouth, tied tightly in place, pulling the cloth material that the bag was manufactured from firmly into my orifice. Removing the power of speech from me in addition to losing my sight!

Now I felt myself being bundled into the rear compartment of a small panel van, forced onto the floor, and I felt a padlock being fed around the chain linking my handcuffs, and then secured to a ring mounted within the floor of the vehicle, meaning that I was now completely helpless. My captor now left the rear part of her van, slamming the door shut, then climbing into the driver’s section, starting the engine and proceeding to drive off, to wherever she chose and intended to take her captive, me. Yes, I will admit, I was utterly petrified by now!

The twenty or so minutes it took her to drive just where she wanted to, of course, felt far longer to me, captured, bound and utterly helpless in the power of this woman, the one whom I’d got sacked. Therefore, expecting no mercy whatsoever.

Which, when we did arrive, I received none of naturally. I heard the rear door open, and my captor climb in. Releasing the cuffs from the van’s floor but leaving them very much in place holding my wrists together. She then guided me into a building and furthermore into a bedroom, pushing me helplessly onto a bed, which I tumbled onto, completely losing any sense of balance! I felt the gag, collar and bag being removed, meaning that I could see again. “Take a good look at this bed, because you’re going to be tied to it, as I shag you utterly senseless!”

My eyes must have completely widened in fear, that was very real, as she actually laughed. “Oh yes Missy! I’ve got myself a MASSIVE strap-on, just for YOU! Actually, I have to call you something, as I don’t know your name, I’m going to call you ‘Karen.’ Because when you did what you did, which cost me my job, you sure acted like one! Right, Karen?” I didn’t feel it was the right time to inform her that she’d actually guessed correctly, but I did nod my acceptance of her suggestion. “And you can simply call me ‘Mistress!’ Although my real name is Zoe.”

She glared at me! “Best get you undressed then. She started by removing both of my expensive leather boots, fully revealing that my legs were covered in very sheer nylon. Which my captor rubbed, delighting in the delicious feel of them. “Oh yes, please tell me that these are stockings!” She lifted my leather skirt, receiving the answer that she was looking for, as my suspender belt came into her view! “WOW! Those, and that belt are staying on, oh and you’ve had the forethought to feed the suspenders UNDER your panties. Saving me some work, careful Karen, you’re not supposed to make things easy for others than yourself! I might have to think of another name for you if you continue to show such consideration!”

No doubt thinking that she was really funny, but if so, I wasn’t sharing the joke, still petrified by sheer terror! But, in an attempt to pacify her, I replied in a timid voice. “Yes Mistress!”

“That’s better. Now, let’s get the skirt off, shall we? Oh my, look at THESE?” As she lowered my leather skirt, she must have clocked my skimpy, pure satin panties. “Are these satin?” Once she’d removed them, holding them in her hands and clearly delighting in the material that they were manufactured from. “My God, I’ll have to try these on myself, bet they feel lovely!”

Zoe stepped back a pace. “Good, well that’s your lower body sorted then, but I’m going to have to uncuff you for a while if I’m going to remove your top clothing. I need to make sure you don’t try to run out on me! On your feet!” With that, she didn’t put the bag back over my head, but she did produce and fit a blindfold. And tied my ankles together, firmly!

She now stood behind me and unfastened those cuffs. Standing back again. Her voice echoed again. “STRIP!” What, she wanted ME to undress myself? It seemed that she did, and in my totally frightened state, I actually obeyed, the leather jacket, the satin blouse and finally the bra, also satin and matching those panties, I unpeeled them one by one, until I was completely topless. In fact, now all I was adorned in was that suspender belt and nylon stockings.

“Well done, Karen, you see that you can be reasonable. Now, BACK ON MY BED! NOW!”

Obviously not only blinded, but hobbled to, compliance wasn’t so simple. Thankfully I was almost next to her bed, not covered in a satin sheet by the way, and almost fell upon it. Zoe virtually pushed my body into central position, before climbing onto the bed herself, sitting herself upon my chest, pinning me down on the bed’s surface.

Unseen by me, of course, Zoe had two bondage ties in her hands, and so her capture of me began in earnest. Soon my left wrist was looped by one such tie, and within seconds it was very securely bound to the outer bedpost of the solid metal bed frame. I knew if I allowed Zoe to fasten my other hand in the same manner to the opposite post, I’d be utterly helpless in her power, but what could I do to stop her?

Nothing, of course, and in less than a minute later, my other arm was also bound. That was it then, for as long as she, and only she chose, I was Zoe’s utter and complete captive. And didn’t she just KNOW it? She even removed my blindfold, allowing me to see her again.

Next, she turned around, completing my spread-eagled capture, by now tying my ankles to the two outer bedposts of the matching patterned, but slightly lower bed frame. “Good, now you really are mine now Karen, you’re not going anywhere until I, and ONLY I, say so. Get used to it!” A correct statement, as a quick ‘tug’ on my bounds confirmed to my mind that they were completely secure, and there was NO way that I could escape them unaided! No, now I was Zoe’s pet, her toy, her plaything. Not where I wanted to be, as I’m sure that you can all imagine.

“Well then Karen, it appears that you are ready for me, but I’m not ready myself. I’d better correct that, hadn’t I?” Off came her own clothing, until she too was just wearing stockings and suspenders, but hers were cheap supermarket items, far less sheer than the nylon covering my own pins. “Wow, Karen,” as she rubbed her hands over my legs, “these are lovely, just like your panties. Oh, talking of them, as we’ve plenty of time, let me give those a try?” She grabbed hold of my discarded underwear and slid them onto her own form. “Oh Karen, these are utterly delicious! Aren’t you lucky to be able to wear items as well made and sensuous on a regular basis? Now, if I was working and earning money, I’d be able to do just that myself, wouldn’t I? And just who took that all away from me?” And when I didn’t answer? “I asked you a question, Karen! Answer me!” Taking hold of the nipple of one of my tits, twisting it. Painfully!

“OW! I guess that you believe that I did!” I was finally able to emit.

“There’s no ‘believe’ about it, you damn well did. And so, I think it’s only fair that I sample the stockings on your legs. They look utterly delicious!” Next thing I knew was that my leg bonds were undone, and my own stockings removed, together with my satin suspender belt, very carefully, it seemed that my captor did recognise the level of care needed with them. As she removed her own, much cheaper and courser items, putting them onto my legs, before tying my pins back to the bed posts!

Aren’t human instincts strange sometimes? By placing my legs in those very inferior stockings, Zoe had triggered a fully inappropriate reaction in my head. As she began putting her own legs within MY lingerie, it filled me full of indignation, an emotion that utterly overwhelmed the fear inside of me.

Bear in mind, Ladies and Gentlemen, that I was still her complete captive, I was still inescapably tied to her bed, my body was totally held, in her hands and power, she could still do things to me that I was absolutely unable to prevent. But her latest actions had put me into a state of utter outrage, she’d put me into a full ‘Karen’ mode, that had fully removed the terror that had been so prevalent beforehand! No, now I would NOT merely surrender to Zoe’s demands, if she wanted to shag me, she’d have to fully earn the right!

Anyway, it was now that she fetched her strap-on, and yes, it was quite large. But, in my present mood, I could take it! “Like this Karen?” Once she fitted it, and I noticed that it seemed to have some sort of attachment, that I saw her take great care to place against her clitoris. So that is how she’ll enjoy herself, I thought to myself.

“Ready for this, Karen? Here I come, or should that be ‘cum,’ ready or not!” Zoe climbed onto the bed, and on top of my completely captured form. She bent down forwards until her lips were right against mine, but I held them firmly together, no, I didn’t want to kiss this girl! “Ah, not in the mode for a good snog then, Karen? No need for your mouth to be open then, I guess?” She now reached under the pillow where my head lay, and her hand emerged carrying a red ball gag. “Best I use this then, eh?” Unable to prevent her, of course, she soon had it fitted, my mouth now full of red plastic, my power of speech gone.

Thankfully Zoe had the foresight to place a dollop of lubricant onto the tip of her ‘cock,’ because my pussy was still quite dry, and she also was considerate enough to insert her ‘tool’ very slowly. Until it was fully immersed, which strangely enough felt pretty damn good, something that did take me somewhat by surprise, and yes, my pussy did respond by becoming wet, VERY wet!

My eyes must have betrayed me here, for Zoe picked up on this. “Oh really, Karen, you dirty little slut! You can’t wait to be shagged, can you? Well, it’s your lucky day then, for you are going to be, again and again and again. In fact, I’m going to keep you her as my slave, being shagged utterly senseless, until you can take no more and beg, yes beg Karen, me to stop. A plea that I’ll totally ignore as I demand yet more raw from you!”

We’ll see just who breaks first shall we? I told myself. As Zoe began, slowly at first, withdrawing her cock and then re-inserting it. Repeating the cycle, gladly accelerating all of the time until she was really pounding me into her bed. Well as it turned out this was a round that she won, the attachment of her strap-on did its job for too quickly and delivered an orgasm for her long before I reached that delicious state. Which, once she’d calmed down seemed to greatly, please her. “Oh dear Karen, looks like the pleasure’s all ‘one-way’ on this particular street! Never mind, eh? At least one of us is having fun, ME!”

The next two times that Zoe shagged me produced the same, frustrating, result, but she became greedy, and mis-timed things on the following occasion. Treating to me to simply the most intense, the most earth-shattering climax that I’ve ever ‘perienced!’ Inducing a level of ecstasy that completely took my breath away, subjecting to waves of sheer pleasure that I’d never sampled before and holding my body in a vice like grip of sheer joy! Which, didn’t seem to go un-noticed by my ‘opponent!’

“Wow, Karen, you rather liked that, didn’t you? You see I’m NOT a ‘Karen,’ and I’ll willingly give you that climax!” After which she removed my gag, initiating a kiss, that this time I did not resist. A strategy was beginning to form in my mind, maybe I could turn this situation around after all. A bit of humility was possibly in order here, but don’t worry, once I’d got my captor to untie me, ‘Karen’ would be back!

So, once Zoe’s lips released mine, I started my attempt to secure my release, and then if successful take things a much further step, where this young lady would end up, very much, in MY hands and power, and possibly on a permanent basis. For, yes, I definitely could use her, I had actually enjoyed being with her, difficult though that it to believe!

“Firstly, Zoe, I want to thank you, what you gave to me was truly fantastic, the best that I’ve ever been subjected to!” A true statement to a large degree. “And then I want to apologise, I fully accept that I went too far that day, things were nowhere as bad as I made out, and yes, I did, deliberately press for them to sack you! How have you managed to make ends meet since I did that to you?”

“I haven’t. I’m about to be evicted from this flat, I haven’t been able to pay the rent!”

PERFECT! “I see. Well, as that’s entirely MY fault, the only answer there is that you’ll have to come and live in my house with me. It’s plenty big enough, after all! As is my bed, and yes it does have four solid corner bed posts. We’ll be able to play these games again! Although, we haven’t finished here yet have we, didn’t you promise to make me beg you to stop? And I haven’t yet, have I? One favour I do ask though, is it alright if the gag doesn’t reappear, I’ve discovered that I rather like snogging you after all?”

“Sure thing, it’ll stay off. By the way, what is your name? I can’t keep calling you ‘Karen’ now. It doesn’t seem right now, as you’re apologised.”

“Actually, it IS my real name. Yes, you’ve got it right all along.”

“Wow! Karen by name and Karen by nature. Or rather you were.”

“Well then Zoe, this ‘Karen’ is still waiting to be shagged by YOU!”

Zoe then subjected me to several more shags, every one of which I thoroughly enjoyed, being treated to some outstanding climaxes by her, as she demonstrated an extremely high level of ual skill. Much to my pleasure and anticipation, oh yes, I was going to capture this girl and fully use her to my satisfaction. What else would you expect from a ‘Karen,’ after all?

Now, she’d promised to keep me at it until I begged her to stop, but it was her who called a halt to proceedings, not surprising because she was the one doing most of the work here. She released me from the bonds holding me to her bed, and I knew I’d got just what I wanted. I cuddled her, as the reality of her situation hit her, and she cried her eyes out, with me whispering sweet nothings in her ear. All the time tightening my trap for her.
