Just Mandy And Me |

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“Mandy, I’m off now, should be home by..” but I stop, as I see the person in the kitchen. “Where’s Mandy?”

“I’ve got a meeting with new clients.”

“I know you have. But where is Mandy?”

“As I said, I’ve got a meeting in London, but I should be back midafternoon.”

“Andy, what bit of the question don’t you understand?! WHERE IS MANDY?!”

“I can’t go as her, can I?!”

“What do you mean “go as her?””

“I mean dress up as her.”

“For fucks sake, Andy, what do you mean by that? ‘Dress up as her?!’”

I could slap him, I really could, but instead, I walk quickly to the bedroom and, after finding what I am looking for, I march back into the kitchen where he is waiting. And he knows I am furious.

“Alice, surely you can’t expect me to catch the train up to London, meet clients and travel back, dressed as Mandy!”

“I don’t expect you to dress up as Mandy. But I do expect Mandy to be able to go up to London, meet her new clients, and come safely back home.”

He looks puzzled. “Isn’t that the same thing?”

“NO, IT IS NOT!” He stands there, the gormless pathetic creature.

“Alice, no, I can’t.”

“Come here.” He doesn’t move. “Andy, come here, NOW!” He reluctantly takes the few steps towards me, but he seems very worried. “Pull your trousers down.”


“Just do as you are told!”

“Alice, no.”

I look at him seriously. “It’s very straightforward, Andy. If you don’t do like I ask, when you leave to catch your train today, don’t come back. I mean it.”

“Alice, I thought we were happy and.”

“Andy. Alice and Mandy are very happy.” He starts to undo his trousers and I wait until they finally slip to his ankles. I hang my head, I could kill him.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“Take them off, now.” My voice is not raised, just exasperated, disappointed, and very unhappy. He slips off his shoes then his trousers and, finally, Mandy’s beautiful GString. He sees what I have in my hand but doesn’t say anything.

As the clasp is clicked into place he jolts. Good, I think to myself, I hope it hurts.




I can see some lights on in the house. It’s not dark, spring is on its way, but I don’t feel very springlike. In fact, I am still furious. As I open the door, I can see her. She is in the kitchen and I can smell dinner cooking.

She hasn’t heard me, the music is not loud, but loud enough. And I watch her, just for a few seconds, trying to subdue my anger. Why doesn’t he understand? Why doesn’t he realise why I am so angry?

She turns towards the sink and she sees me, and she puts down the saucepan, and stands just looking me. She looks so sad, and I can see her eyes are red, obviously she has been crying. And she tries to smile, a little smile, but she fails. But I cannot help thinking to myself just how beautiful she is, so innocent, and so vulnerable. And I remember why I was so angry this morning.

“Hello, Mandy.”

“Hi, Alice.” She just stands there, her chin down, eyes down, and her hands together in front of her. I walk slowly towards her, removing my jacket as I do so, throwing it down near the coat hooks until I am in front of her. Still, she does not look up, but I lift her chin with one hand, my other cupping her beautiful face, and she finally looks me in the eyes. Yes, she has been crying but when she goes to say something, I put my finger to her lips.

“Shh, Mandy,” I say softly, and I kiss her, so very gently. Her eyes begin to water, so I kiss her again, and again, her face still cupped in my hands, and soon she is returning my kisses and I push her back onto one of the sofas.




“I didn’t go. Well, I got to the station and the train had been cancelled.”

“What did your new clients say?”

“Two of them were in the same position so we have rescheduled for next week.”

We are lying naked on the sofa, our bodies hot from our lovemaking, our clothes scattered across the floor where they had been hastily discarded. And the cage is over by the windows, where I threw it.

“So, we are going to row again next week then.” She looks up from my breasts where she has been resting. She has her cum on her lips and cheeks, and a splash across an eyebrow, which I must have missed when I licked her clean.

“No, we are not. I’ve told them Mandy is going to meet them.”

“Seriously!” She smiles and pulls herself up my body so we are nosetonose, and I cannot help kissing her, and licking her cum from her, “I missed some,” I say, now gently licking her eyebrow and then we kiss again, deeply and lovingly. “In that case, we need to get you some new outfits.”

“I can’t go through that again, Alice. I’m so sorry.” Her eyes are watering and I gently kiss her eyelids.

“Mandy, you need to understand, I want Mandy. Not him!”

“I know you do, but living fulltime as Mandy, isn’t easy. I think everyone is looking at me, thinking what the fuck is he doing dressed as a girl!”

“Do you?” Tears are running down her cheeks, and I cannot stop myself from kissing her again. “Mandy, they are not thinking that. They are thinking, wow look at her, isn’t she so pretty.”

“Alice, that’s so lovely but I am not stupid.”

“I know you are not. You just need to be more confident. Tomorrow is a new start for Mandy and Alice. Deal?”

“That’s a deal,’ she adds, perhaps slightly unconvinced. We don’t bother with dinner, but head to our bedroom to continue our lovemaking.




“Oh, my giddy aunt!” She smiles, as she always does when I say that.

“Do I look OK?” Does she look OK, she has to be kidding.

“No, you don’t look OK.” I wait, just a second or two. “You look absolutely gorgeous!” Her smile lights up the hallway where she is looking at herself in the fulllength mirror. “Come here.”

She does look gorgeous. Her hair looks wonderful, slightly tidier than the dishevelled, or perhaps the used look she normally wears, but it still has that “I can be naughty” feel about it. Her makeup looks perfect.

“Are my lashes OK? They still feel a bit strange.” She had extensions done a couple of days ago and she still isn’t used to them. But they look lovely, not those ridiculously long things, these just add a bit of volume and a little length. I love them; her eyes look just wonderful.

“Mandy, look at them! You will turn heads!” That probably was not the best thing to say, but she doesn’t react, she looks at herself again in the mirror.

She is wearing a lovely white sleeveless choker top with a slightly padded bra. We had “ummed and arred” about the bra. The top is just gorgeous, but neither of us had liked the idea of a padded bra but it definitely gave her some shape. And it solved another problem; her nipple studs. You see, Mandy simply loves them and, come to that, so do I.

When she appeared with the top on both I and the lovely shop assistant could not help but smile. It was cut beautifully around her shoulders, probably too much skin for what might be deemed office wear, but with the jacket, it would be perfect, but her nipple studs were clearly visible.

“Mandy, you can’t wear them with that.”


“Why! Because if you do open your jacket or take it off, every single person within sight is going to stare.”

“But I’ve seen many people with nipple studs showing through their tops.” Not like these she hasn’t and even then, only out in bars or clubs. Certainly not in business meetings with prospective clients.

“You do look absolutely gorgeous, but I think Alice is right,” said the assistant and it was she who suggested the bra and, after trying a few, we had opted for the one she was now wearing, padded enough not to show her studs, not enough to ruin her slender, boylike looks and cut so it was not visible under her arms.

The lovely pair of black trousers and her black shoes finished her look, and her toenails, which I had carefully painted yesterday evening, well, she looks edible. Which, of course, she is.

It seems strange to watch her walk off towards the station. It is usually me leaving for work and, as she closes the gate, she waves and off she goes. Oh god, I hope it all goes well for her, I think to myself, after all, this will be her first proper outing on her own, as Mandy.

It was a long day and I couldn’t concentrate, my mind kept wandering, thinking about her.

“I’m on the 16:00 train.”

“How did it go?”

“Brilliant, well, I think so. Won’t know if I’ve got it for perhaps a week.”

“Oh, I bet they loved you! Can’t wait to hear all about it!”

“Can’t wait to tell you xxx”

As the train pulls in, I am waiting. It’s the end of the line, the train only running to and from the mainline station which joins the line into London. I feel like someone at an airport, waiting for a longlost friend or family member who they have not seen for years. Mandy has only been gone ten hours if that. And there she is, and my heartbeat quickens excited to see her and I feel those lovely shivers run through me as she spots me and waves.

hell, Alice, get a grip, but I can’t help myself and, as she nears, I smile and I wave, and then she is half running and she jumps into my arms.

“Tell me, tell me!” She looks so happy and we clink our glasses before taking a sip and she smiles.

“I was so nervous, Alice. But nobody was staring at me, other than the odd guy but it didn’t seem they were thinking, well thinking, youknowwhat”

“And why would they!” I add, honestly.

“They were exactly what I expected them to be, very polite, very interested in my portfolio.”

“Did anyone ask about Andy?”

“No, not one. I told them my name was Amanda, just in case, but I said please call me Mandy.”

It suddenly dawns on me, I have no real idea what she does! I have always been the breadwinner, his income had been just pocket money.

“Mandy, I have suddenly realised I have no idea what you do, other than you draw.” And it hits me hard. Shit, all this time and I had no idea what he did, that I had shown no interest in his stupid job. All I did know was that he earnt fuckall.

Oh wow! Mandy had spent the last hour showing me her proposal for the job she had just pitched for, and I had sat there absolutely amazed. I had no idea. We had shared a bottle of Prosecco and I had asked question after question, which she had been delighted to answer, and I could see her get more excited by my interest. But I wait until we are home before I ask the difficult one.

“Mandy, so I must ask you..” but she is ready.

“I know what you want to ask. Did Andy do all this?”

“Well, yes.”

“No, he didn’t. I mean, he did some stuff, but not what I have just shown you.”

“What do you mean? Mandy, I am sorry to ask.”

“He did little bits and pieces. But nothing like this. No, this is all Mandy.”

“Why the change?”

“Why?! Because I am Mandy, and Mandy wants to be a success. I want to use my skills, I’m good at this! And, if Mandy is going to be happy, and I mean truly happy, she needs to step up.” Oh, I could eat her up.

“Oh, Mandy, I love you, you know that.”

“Yes, Alice, I do and I love you too.”

“No, Mandy, I mean it. Not that throwaway thing girls just say, you know, “Love you, love you too”. I mean, I love you, in every way possible.”

I am sat on a high stool and she walks around the kitchen island and steps between my legs, and she wraps her arms around my neck. And she kisses me, her kisses swap me, smother me, her tongue explores mine and my heart begins to pound. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she says, over and over again, and I find it is my turn to cry.




“Mandy, I’m home!”

“In here!” She is waiting, a glass in each hand and she offers me my glass, but I ignore that, just for a few seconds and, taking advantage that her hands are full, I kiss her. She feels wonderful and, as my hands brush over her nipples, she shudders and sighs.

I eventually take my glass, and we catch up on each other’s day. She is dressed ready to go out, and she gives me a twirl, to show off her lovely skirt, and I make her twirl again, but slightly quicker so I can just see the top of her holdup stockings. But I have to ask.

“Have you heard about the job?”

“No, Alice, they said they will let me know by the end of next week.”

“Oh, I was just hoping.” She kisses me again and smiles.

“Come on, you better get changed.” I trot off to our bedroom and she follows, still chatting about our day, and I cannot help thinking that I had never talked like this with him.

She helps me dress, and she seems very pleased with the results. And so am I, and after another glass, we grab our coats and off we go, strolling up into town, our plan to have a small snack and hit a couple of bars.

“We should be celebrating!”

“Alice, I don’t know if I have got it. They are seeing several agencies. I really don’t stand a chance against some of them.”

“Mandy. If you don’t, you don’t. But I don’t mean to celebrate that. If you do get that job, then we really will be celebrating. I mean celebrating you, Mandy.”


“Yes, you. Look at you!” I cannot help but giggle, as she looks down her body, and then back to me, confusion written across her face. “Mandy, there isn’t a man, and I am sure, quite a few women, in here who wouldn’t give a month’s salary, for a night with you.”

“Don’t be silly.”

“But it isn’t just that. Mandy, a few weeks ago you were worried sick about going out at night. Now look at you. You didn’t bat an eyelid as we walked here, in broad daylight.”

“I’m getting used to it, that’s all. If someone does stare, I simply ignore them.”

“Mandy, they are not staring at you thinking something nasty. They are looking at you and thinking she is gorgeous!”

“Don’t be silly.”

I look around the bar. It’s early, and so not busy yet, and there, at the end of the bar, is a group of young lads, in their midtwenties, chatting and, like me, they are scanning the bar. OK, I think to myself, let’s prove it.

“Mandy, you think I am being silly, do you?” She just looks at me, obviously wondering what I have in mind. “See those lads at the end of the bar?” She follows my eyes and then turns back to face me. She waits. “Well, go up and get another round of drinks, but right next to them.

“But what if they, you know, notice that, you know?”

“Then just ignore them.” She looks over again, and then back to me. “Gone on, you gorgeous little thing.”

She finishes her glass and then stands, and she catches her reflection in the mirror behind me and gives a funny shake of her head, and grins and, laughing to herself, she turns and heads for the bar, right next to where the lads are standing. gorgeous.

Almost immediately one of the lads spots her, and he nudges the one next to him. She is leaning over the bar, just a little, enough that her legs are stretched, her skirt rising slightly showing off the back of her lovely thighs, and another of the young men cannot help himself looking at them, his head dipping in the hope of seeing more.

She catches the attention of the barmaid, orders, and then looks into her purse, just as the two lads who have their backs to her, turn to see what their friends are looking at. And Mandy looks up, sees them looking at her, and says something.

Bees around a honeypot! They are all talking to her and she is smiling and chatting back, and I smile, as she shakes her hair, just a little y shake. Good girl Mandy. And she picks up the drinks and smiles again at them, and she walks back to me, a lovely little smirk on her face, and I watch the lads follow her bottom, all the way back to her chair.

She doesn’t say anything, she just takes a sip of her drink. And I wait. Come on Mandy, tell me, I think.

Finally, she giggles. “OK, they were very nice.” Very nice!?

“Mandy, they were all ogling at you! What did they say?”

“Just the normal stuff, you know.”

“Mandy. They were all eyeing you up. Every one of them.”

“Probably thinking look at him.”

“You think so, do you?”


“Well, we are about to find out.”

It’s about an hour later when Mandy finally can speak to me quietly.“OK, you were right,” she says.

“I told you, didn’t I? But I think we need to escape.” Mandy nods. Yes, they were nice lads, but far too eager, too boyish for us.

“Hello, gorgeous!” I turn.

“Jake! I didn’t see you come in.” He smiles and we kiss cheeks. We exchange the usual pleasantries. “Oh, sorry. Jake, this is Mandy.”

“Hi, Mandy. Still visiting then?” Oh, yes, I remember. He had been on the door at the bar when we last were out together and I had explained that Mandy was an old university friend.

The next few minutes, the three of us chat, until I finally ask him why he is here and not working.

“Not working tonight. Just out having a quick pint or two with my mate,” and right on cue, a very handsome young man, appears at his side.




I deliberately leave the blinds open, so the early morning sun wakes me and the shadows of the slats across my bed look so beautiful on her body. She is sleeping, her head resting on the sheets, her face resting against my breasts. She must be exhausted, I am.

Jake and his friend Matt had left just after midnight, they both had to be up early for an away rugby match. And whilst Mandy and I had gone straight to our bed, we had made love, on or off, until finally we had dozed off.

Jake and Matt’s presence had persuaded our younger admirers to try elsewhere and it was not long before Jake had his hand on my leg and Matt had Mandy almost on his lap. And when Jake’s hand had reached my stocking tops, I had adjusted my bottom so he could explore higher.

“ hell, Alice, you know I’ve always fancied you.” Yes, I did.

“Why don’t we go back to our place?”

“What about your husband?”

“He’s gone.”

“ hell, yes please.”

“Do you think Matt fancies Mandy?”

I had made an excuse to use the ladies and I managed to catch Mandy’s eye and she, too, made her apologies and followed me. We quickly checked there was nobody else in there.

“Mandy, shall we take them home?” She looked uncertain. “Mandy, he’s all over you!”

“Oh, he wants to fuck me, that’s for certain!” and she explained he had been stroking her thighs and had pressed his hard cock against her legs.

“Come on then. Jake is as horny as fuck!”

“It’s not that, Alice. It’s just I don’t want him finding out, youknowwhat, and doing a runner.”

“You are kidding! Mandy, no one is going to turn down you!”

“No, I am going to tell him before we leave here.”

Jake and Matt were chatting and both smiled as we took our seats, Matt quickly resuming his position.

“Alice, Matt thinks Mandy is as hot as fuck!”

“Does he?” I said, but I was watching them. Mandy was talking to him, her cheek pressed to his, talking directly into his ear. Jake was also watching them, although, unlike me, he would not know what they were discussing. And I waited.

I saw the exact moment she told him. The smile he had had on his face disappeared, a serious look replacing it, but he continued to look straight into her eyes, her eyes looking straight back at him. And then she stretched forward and raised her head towards him and, very gently, she kissed him.

It was a brief kiss, just long enough so he could taste her, and feel the softness of her lips. And as she slowly withdrew, she kept her eyes fixed on his, and he leaned towards her, following her, and he kissed her.

We had only been home a few minutes and Jake was proving exactly how much he fancied me. He had lifted me, quite effortlessly, onto the worktop and had pulled up a stool in front of me and within minutes I was naked, other than my holdups, his tongue lapping at my soaking pussy. And if that was horny enough, the view on the sofa was taking me to another level.

Oh my, Mandy! If Matt had had reservations, they had immediately disappeared when Mandy had undressed in front of him and when she had removed her tiny panties, her lovely girly cock erect, he had dropped to his knees and taken her into his mouth. And now, she had straddled his face and had his cock in her mouth.

Fuck it was so horny. Jake and I joined Matt and Mandy on the sofas and over the next couple of hours, we had fucked and swapped, and fucked and swapped again, and when Jake had announced he was coming, I had managed to whip off his condom, and take his lovely cock into my mouth, his groans and moans long and heavy, and when Mandy’s lips appeared next to me, we had shared his cum and then licked him clean.

When Matt finally exploded, Mandy was sat on his lap, her legs bent so her feet were flat on the seat, and bouncing up and down on his very impressive cock, her girly cock bouncing with her. And just as he started to grunt, his legs tensing, and started to give out those telltell signs of the arrival of his orgasm, you know, like men do, “ hell, I’m cumming, fuck, I’m cumming,” at the top of his voice, I could not resist wrapping my lips around her beautiful little cock, just in time to take her cum as she too erupted.

“How do you feel, my darling?”

“Tired. You?”


Lying next to us are our toys; the strapon belt and the two dildos, my rabbit vibrator, the plugin wand, and a wellused tube of lube. Mandy’s holdups are on the floor, and if I’m being honest, I have no idea where mine are.

As she snuggles back into my body, I feel that familiar feeling in my pussy. Surely not! But as her fingers stroke my bottom, and her lips gently kiss my nipples, my pussy tingles again and within just minutes, she is licking my already hard clitoris, her fingers exploring my pussy and I feel the buildup of yet another amazing orgasm.

I’m hot, exhausted and covered in Mandy’s cum. She is licking me clean and after each series of licks, her beautiful face appears and we share the contents of her mouth.

“This must be what they mean by reclaiming?”

“Must be. It’s lovely, isn’t it?” Yes, it is, and I kiss her again, savouring her taste. And then I remember.

“Mandy, I had a text message from Claire.” She doesn’t say anything. “They are having early evening drinks at The Chequers, with Lorraine and her husband.” She still doesn’t reply. “Anyway, she has asked if we would like to join them.”


“This evening.”

“What time?”

“5.30. It’s only for an hour or so.”

We had not seen friends for months, well not since Mandy arrived. And I knew why; they were fishing. And I knew Mandy was who they wanted to catch.

“Do you want to go?” If I was honest, no I didn’t. But I knew we would have to do this sometime. And Mandy added, “You go. I’ll stay here.”

“I’m not going without you, Mandy.”

“They will realise who I am.”

“Mandy, we will have to do this, sooner than later.” She doesn’t immediately reply, but slowly she lifts herself onto her elbows.

“OK. Why not.”




The sound of the hoover catches my attention and when I walk into the room, I see what I had hoped I would see. Mandy doesn’t hear me enter as she is busy, moving things about, pushing the Hoover into the corners. The view is just so lovely. She is naked, her beautiful bottom wiggling delightfully.

I am not sure why she always does the hoovering naked, but I am not complaining and I am thinking about creeping up behind her and jumping on her when I hear a mobile ring. I know it isn’t mine and in the kitchen, I find Mandy’s mobile.

“Hi, this is Mandy’s phone.”

“Oh, hi. Is Mandy there?”

“Yes, I’ll just get her,” and as I go to get her, I quickly look at the screen. Oh blimey! “Sorry, she’s in the other room, can I ask who’s calling?”

“This is Jo, from Medfil.” Oh, bloody hell!

“Mandy, you’ve got a call.” I don’t tell her who it’s from, but my heart is pounding in my chest.

“Hi, this is Mandy.” I immediately see the change in her expression, and she turns and walks towards the large fulllength windows which look out onto the garden.

“Oh, hi Jo. Not a problem, I was only doing some housework.” She is listening, her back to me.

“Oh, I see.”

“No, I understand. It’s not a problem at all.” Oh god, my heart is pumping, but I can only stand and wait.

“Thank you so much for calling and letting me know so quickly.” Fuck. I want to run and hug her, but I know I can’t.

“That would be fine, yes.” She looks up briefly at me before she continues, “I’ll be there. Thanks again, bye.” She slowly puts the phone down and looks up at me.

“I got it! I got it! I got it!” and she starts jumping, tucking her knees up, and I run to her and she is in my arms, “I got it, I got it!”

“Oh, you clever girl!” and she hugs me and I can feel her tears against my neck, and I kiss her like I have never kissed anyone before.

We had planned to go out for lunch and have a walk through the park, along the river, but instead we made love, again. She told me that they had intended to go through each of the proposals next week, but it was so clear cut, that they had decided that was not necessary.




“There, you look lovely!” We had bathed together and I had done her hair and her makeup; I wanted her to look her most fabulous best. And she did. Fuck, she is so beautiful, if I didn’t know she loved me, I think I would be jealous. She was staring into the dressing table mirror but she was looking at me, not her reflection.

“Mandy. Can I have a photo of you, you know, just you, for me?”

“Us together?”

“Yes, so I can have it as a screen saver.”


“Yes, you!”

I take a couple of photos, of us both, and then a couple of just her face and shoulders. Wow, she looks stunning.

“And can I have one special one, all of you, just for me?” She is already naked and even though she is slightly reluctant, I get her to stand against the white wall in our bedroom, and she bashfully places her hand over her groin. And I spot the little bunch of red flowers on the dressing table.

“Here, use this. The colour looks so good against your skin.” As soon as I have taken it, I know this is the picture.


“As I ever will be.” She does not appear anxious. In fact, she is smiling and after one final check of her hair, she skips out of the house, down the path and out of the gate and waits me for on the pavement, as I lock the house and then follow her.

She smiles, the biggest smile.

“Alice, you look gorgeous!” I smile and taking her hand, we start walking the short distance to the pub. It’s a lovely spring evening, and still light and I find that we are not actually walking, but bouncing along, almost skipping together. And I realise that we are both blissfully happy. Just Mandy and me.