It’s Always Been You – Romance

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Author’s note: The idea for this came to me on Saturday morning. I gave myself the challenge to plan, plot and write it within three days. I didn’t quite meet that deadline, but I was close, so I apologise in advance for any errors.

All sexual activity happens between characters older than 18.

Trigger warning, there is a brief description of Domestic Violence.


To call Ashley my best friend would be an understatement. My mum, Mary, and her mother, Chloe, were childhood friends, and even though they say it was serendipity, I suspect it was planning that resulted in Ash and I being born a month apart. As a result Ash and I have been attached at the hip since the crib.

I don’t have a single memory of growing up that doesn’t include her. We were born to be partners in crime. This closeness only grew when her father, John, died around the time we were six. I don’t remember him much, but what I do remember he was kind and fun. Ash understandably was heartbroken, and while I didn’t really understand, I did my best to be her source of comfort.

After Uncle John died, Ash became an even bigger part of my life. Aunt Chloe returned to her career as a nurse to support the two of them, and my mum filled the gap by being the present parent after school. Always there with a snack and a hug. My Dad, Charles, stepped in as her father figure, taking us both on weekend adventures. Ash spent so many nights with us while her mother worked that the spare bedroom became known as her room. I say that loosely; as kids, we often shared a room, and after her dad died, she’d have nightmares and often refused to sleep alone, which resulted in my parents putting a twin bed for her in my room.

We remained by each other’s side as we grew up. We had our differences. She was a drama girl and took part in all of the school performances. She was pretty and popular at secondary school and regularly won lead roles. I was more sporty and played football and cricket. After my growth spurt, I found rugby and fell in love with it. Ash came to all my games, and I went to all of her plays. Despite our differences, we were still inseparable.

She gave me my first kiss. I say she gave; it was more like she demanded it from me.

“Come on, Ollie, just kiss me.” She said one night while we were watching a moving in the living room after my parents went to bed.

“Why?” I asked, confused, “I don’t think of you that way; I’m pretty certain you’re meant to kiss people you like.”

“Because you’re my best friend, Ollie. If I can’t kiss you, who can I kiss? I don’t see you that way either. I just don’t want to be bad at it when I kiss someone. You can be my practice. It’s not like you’ve never kissed me before.”

“Ash, I’m not sure little pecks when we were five counts as kissing,” I countered.

“Why not? My lips touched yours as a way of showing you affection, and now I want to practice more grown-up kissing with you.”

Because I could argue more against it, she grabbed my face and pecked my lips.

“See, that wasn’t so bad,” she said quietly. “Ollie, I wanted you to be my first kiss because you’re always going to be a part of my life. It’ll be a funny story when we’re old.”

I smiled, and with as much refinement and technique as I could muster at that age, I took her into my arms and kissed her. It was awkward, and we spent about as much time laughing and giggling as we did kissing; after about ten minutes, we finished with a gentle peck.

“Thanks, Ollie,” She whispered, turning back to the television and unpausing the movie.

As she often did, she lifted my arm to rest against me.

“Ollie, I’m glad it was you. After Mum, you’re my favourite person in the world; if I can’t kiss you, then what’s the point?”

“I don’t know the answer to that, Ash, but I’m glad I could make you happy.”

You would think our first kiss would have changed everything, but Ash and I had a different relationship. We just continued as we always had done, being there for each other. I sometimes thought of that night as we got older and started to explore dating. At parties, I would watch the other boys in our year or year above try to take a chance with her. It was especially funny watching the ones who failed as most did. Ash would catch my eyes across the room and give me an amused smile. It was her signal that he was not getting any further.

While I tried to stay out of her love life, Ash had no issues involving herself in mine. Ash decided that she had a veto over anyone I showed an interest in. It made it hard for me to get dates or find a girlfriend. It was common knowledge that she was my gatekeeper, and her approval was a prerequisite to getting close to me. That dwindled my choices down to her group of girlfriends, and most of them weren’t interested; they either knew me too well or feared Ash’s wrath if something went wrong.

When I tried to complain that her presence was ruining my chances of finding a girlfriend, she would laugh me off.

“Ollie, I’m protecting you,” She said. “Most of those girls don’t care about you, and they just want to get close to you because you’re tall, good-looking and play rugby. The fact your family is pretty rich probably doesn’t hurt either. But not a single one of them I’ve spoken to ever wants to know about who you really are. The day you show an interest in that girl, you’ll have my full backing.”

“You know this feels pretty one-sided; you’d never let me get this involved in your life”, I complained.

“Ollie, you are exactly this involved in my life. You may not be as blunt about it, but I can see the look on your face when a boy you don’t like tries to chat me up at a party. You’ve let it be known to everyone that you’d fight anyone who tries to hurt me. Remember when you gave Chris Jones a black eye? What did he do to deserve that? I can’t protect you with my fists, but I can see if girls are with you for you instead of just to make them look better.”

She knew exactly what Chris had done for me to punch him. She’d been there when it happened. We were at a house party, and he’d had a little too much to drink. Ash had already shut him down twice that night, but he didn’t get the message, so she found me, hoping my presence would deter him. Instead of backing off, he pushed further, and when she refused him again, he tried to grab her, so I put him on the floor.

As you can imagine, neither of us ended up dating a lot. The few girls I did manage to go out with never lasted long. In the end, all of them would get jealous of my friendship with Ash. More than one believed we were secretly in a relationship. My reassurances didn’t go very far, and when Ash tried to intervene on my behalf, that somehow made it worse. The few boys who pursued Ash were similarly uneasy about my presence in her life.

I suppose, in some ways, people were right to be leery of my friendship with Ash. We were never far apart from each other and she was very open about her affection for me; often hugging or kissing my cheek.

Just after we both turned eighteen, she decided that we were going to give each other our virginities. She had made the decision, and when the right situation appeared, she made it difficult for me to refuse her. Our parents were spending the weekend in London, and our mothers decided they wanted a night of theatre on the West End. Ash and I opted out, choosing instead a weekend at home, watching our favourite movies. I had just settled into bed when my door opened.

“Ollie, can I sleep in here with you tonight?” Ash asked rhetorically, climbing into bed with me before I could answer.

“Is there any point in asking if you’re going to do it anyway? You’ve never asked before, why now?” I asked in reply.

“It’s been ages since we did this. I didn’t know if I still had an open invite.”

“I don’t recall taking it away, though I don’t remember giving you the invite in the first place,” I whispered as she made herself comfortable, lifting my arm so she could rest her head on my chest.

“I was born with the invite. I’ve had it from since the first day our mums put us in a crib together.”

“I suppose that’s true. Anyway, why are you in my bed tonight?” I asked.

“I want you to be my first, and I want to be yours.”

I let her statement hang as I considered what she had just said. “Why?” I whispered, dropping my voice in surprise.

“Because you’re you,” she whispered back. “I could say it’s because we’ve shared almost every other first experience in our lives, so it just seems fitting that we share this. Some of that is true, but there’s more. You’re my favourite person, and when I think about this in years to come, I want it to be a memory with someone I remember and love. I could do this with any of the boys at school, but then what? We finish this summer, and in years to come, I won’t know those people; they’ll drift out of my life, but not you. You, my dear Oliver Clark, are stuck with me for life. I also need it to be you because I know you won’t let sex change us. I won’t have to worry about you looking at me differently because we had sex. So for this weekend, while our mums are bullying Uncle Charlie into taking them to theatre and posh dinners, I’d like us to have sex.”

“You’re bonkers, you know that?” I replied.

“I know, and you love me for it, but that’s not an answer,”

“Ash, you haven’t asked me a question, you’ve stated what you want, and you’ve explained your thinking, but you haven’t asked me a question.”

“Oliver Clark, best friend of mine, would you please have sex with me? Will you please spend the weekend learning about and exploring the joys of sex with me?”

On the surface, it should have been an easy yes. She was gorgeous, and I didn’t know another girl who could hold a candle to her beauty. She was also my best friend, the person who knew all my secrets, my fears, my ambitions. Even though I was aware of her beauty, I had never thought about her sexually before. Even the kisses we shared didn’t have a sexual feeling about them, just something that was part of our special bond. After a moment’s thought, I knew I was going to say yes to her. She wouldn’t have asked if she wasn’t being genuine, and I had never refused her something she wanted. I pulled her a little closer and kissed the top of her head.

“Yes,” I said simply. “But not tonight; let’s get some sleep while I try and work out why my beautiful best friend wants me to have sex with her.”

“Ollie, don’t overthink it. It’s me and you. What happens in our world only has to make sense to us,” She said with a kiss on the cheek.

“Goodnight, Ash,”

“Night, Ollie.”

Ash took my hand and rolled over, forcing me to spoon with her. I felt her kiss the back of my hand before she fell asleep. I didn’t manage to fall asleep as easily as she did; even though I had said yes to her request, I didn’t have her confidence that taking this step wouldn’t change the dynamic of our friendship. But she had made her request, and I had agreed, so all I could do was follow the path she had set out before us and hope for the best.

I woke up to Ash stroking my face. She gave me a small smile when she realised I was awake.

“Morning, best friend. You want breakfast, or should we get straight to business?”

“Morning. I think coffee and breakfast first.”

“Good idea. We need to keep your strength up; the folks are back tomorrow, so we’ve only got today to experiment.”

“So now your idea for us to have sex is an experiment?” I asked in a teasing voice.

“I just meant we only have today to try all the things we want to do.”

“So you have a list?”

“Yes, I was thinking we should spend the morning doing everything but the main event, you know. So lots of touching, kissing, and sucking. Then, once we know each other’s bodies, we can move up a gear.”

I laughed at how matter-of-fact she was about the whole thing. We could have been talking about the weather or plans to go out for the day. She took over making breakfast while I made coffee. There was still a part of me that thought she was joking and we wouldn’t actually follow through. Ash sensed my thoughts and was quick to correct me.

“Ollie, this isn’t a joke,” she said, taking my hand in hers. “Once we’re done with breakfast, we’re going back up to your room, and we’re going to see what happens. If it doesn’t feel right, we’ll stop and talk about it, but I really want us to try.”

I looked at her and saw the determination in her eyes before nodding, “When did you get so bossy?” I asked with a smile.

“Just this morning. You never normally make me work this hard when I want something,” She answered, flashing me a big smile.

“You’ve never asked me for something that could change our entire relationship before,” I replied seriously.

I watched her expression soften slightly. “Ollie, nothing is going to change between us. I won’t let it, and neither will you. I told you my reasons for wanting to do this last night. I have one more, and maybe this will help you make up your mind. I’ve shared everything in my life with you. You know that. But I haven’t shared this; I don’t mind the idea that we’re going to keep getting older, meet people, get married and start families. I do hate the idea that there will be something I haven’t shared with you, something I’ve given to someone else but I’ve never had with you. We can do it just once, or we can spend all of today having sex, whichever, but please just try this for me.”

I nodded and squeezed her hand before returning my attention to my now-cold sausage and egg sandwich. We ate in silence, ignoring the nervous energy of anticipation her decision had created. After ten minutes of nibbling at her sandwich, she finally gave up and reached for my hand again. I accepted it but didn’t say anything, letting her lead me down this new path she had decided for us.

Unsure of what to do, I went to pull the covers back off the bed, but she stopped me.

“I want you to watch me undress. I want you to see all of me, then I want to watch you and see all of you.”

I stood in silence as she removed the oversized t-shirt she had stolen from me as pyjamas, allowing my first view of her naked breasts. As I took her in, standing in the middle of my bedroom, for the first time in my life, I didn’t just see my best friend. I saw a sexual being. She was stunning. Her breasts weren’t large, a B-cup standing proud on her chest. Her stomach was flat and toned from hours spent with me in the gym and from the dance lessons she had taken since we were seven. Her hips flared, showing some sensual curves I had never noticed before. She allowed me my gaze for a moment before removing her pale blue cotton knickers, exposing her recently shaved pussy. She was gorgeous.

She followed my eyes and smiled, “I did it yesterday. It’s not my preferred style, it feels a bit too Barbie doll, but if you look at porn and Reddit, almost everyone is shaved or waxed. I just wanted this to be perfect for you, for us.”

“You, Ashley Evans, might just be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I told her honestly.

She blushed and smiled brightly, “Thanks–your turn.

Stripping down to my boxers was easy enough; she had seen me topless hundreds of times, from swimming together on holidays to just her habit of walking into my bedroom whenever she wanted. I was conscious of her eyes on me as my hands hesitated over my waistband. Taking a deep breath, I bit the bullet and shed them quickly.

Much like I had done to her, Ash took the opportunity to let her eyes wander over my body and study me.

“You’re pretty beautiful yourself, Ollie,” She said quietly, reaching out to me and taking my hand. “Just lie down with me for now.”

I smiled weekly and let her guide me to the bed. She was leading this journey, and I was her passenger.

Lying down, I nervously took her into my arms and kissed her. It was different to the hundreds of kisses we had shared throughout our lives. The only comparable kiss was our first one. I felt her relax into me and slip her hand between us, tracing her fingers along my fast-growing member.

“I want to do you first. There’s a lot more to explore on my body.”

I laughed gently and kissed her again. “Not too tight, just enough to maintain a loose grip,” I told her as she began to stroke me. It was strange to feel someone else wank me off. She started slowly, adjusting her grip as I rolled onto my back to give her more room to work with.

She got the hang of it quickly and quickly brought me up to the edge of an orgasm, “Ash, I’m about to cum,” I warned.

“Where?” She asked, not stopping.

“Aim towards my stomach and chest when I tell you,” I told her, through short breaths, knowing I had less than a minute, if that. And sure enough, thirty seconds later, I gave her my warning, “Now.”

I closed my eyes as the first ropes of hot cum landed on my belly, reaching my chest. Ash continued to stroke me as my orgasm waned. I opened my eyes when I felt her release me from her grasp. I remained quiet as I watched her trail her fingers through the cooling cum now cooling on my body. I watched as she raised her fingers to her lips and tasted my essence.

She caught me watching her and smiled. “That was fun. And the texture is weird, but it didn’t taste that bad.”

“What was fun about it?” I asked curiously.

“I guess it was exciting, being in control of your pleasure. It felt empowering watching you give in, knowing I was the cause, knowing it was my touch that made you do that,” she answered with a big smile.

“You reckon I’ll be able to return the favour?”

“I know you will. You’ve always been a quick learner,” she answered, kissing me before getting up. She returned two minutes later with a warm washcloth, which she used to gently clean my body before kissing me again. “Start with my boobs and work your way down as I tell you.”

She was right; it was exciting and empowering to be in charge of her pleasure, the little gasps she made as her arousal grew. Feeling her nipples grow at my touch, rolling the little buds between my fingers before licking and suckling on them as they grew taut. She pulled my head away from her breast and kissed me again.

“I want more, Ollie. Give me your hand.” She took my hand and guided me down to her pussy. “You can look and explore later, but I want you to learn how to do this by feel alone.”

Guiding my hand with hers, she let me feel her folds. Quietly, she gave me a commentary as she guided me around her most intimate place, telling me how to read her levels of arousal. Explaining how her lips would open for me like a flower blooming, she ran my fingers up her slit collecting her fluids, trailing them around a clitoral hood. “Go slowly there; it’s really sensitive. Play around it until it makes a full appearance, and then you can go after it directly, gently though.”

I followed her instructions working patiently, waiting for her lips to open and her clit to emerge from its hood, using her breathing and body language as a guide to see if I was doing the right thing. Her orgasm came with almost no warning, just a moan, and then her breath stopped, and her legs clamped around my hand as her body shook in pleasure. I held her as she came down from her high, and she rolled over to face me.

“I’ve never cum like that before. I guess it just feels better when someone else does it,” she said quietly.

“I’m glad I was part of your discovery,” I replied, accepting her embrace.

We napped for a while before starting again. This time, Ash wanted us to focus on oral, “I want the full experience,” she said simply before taking me into her mouth.

Whatever Ash lacked in experience she made up for in enthusiasm. It was as if she was determined to prove to me that this was what she wanted. She wanted us to share this and that moment; she wanted to give me this experience. She worked me up quickly, and when I warned her I was about to cum, she took me as deeply as she could into her mouth and swallowed every drop, only gagging and choking slightly.
