Interlude In Connecticut 5 |

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I awoke to the sound of a shower running and reached for my phone. It had just turned 7:30. I texted Doug to say I’d be late. I then ordered coffee from room service and pulled on my trousers and shirt. I looked around the room and only saw Susan’s dress and shoes as they lay undisturbed on the carpet. We hadn’t made much of an impression on the floor. The bed, however, told a different tale. I sat on the side I had slept on and ran my hand over the retreating dampness. The stain was the shape of a slightly misshapen heart with Susan’s stain embedded in it.

I cleared my head when the knock came on the door and quickly covered our union before opening it for the coffee service. I placed the tray on the table in the room. Susan appeared as if by magic and brought a smile to my face.

“Coffee?” I asked.

“Oh, perfect, thank you. You’re a good man.”

She tied the belt on the hotel robe and sat on the bedside. I brought her a coffee and she took a deep draft. Her eyes closed as she savoured the brew and I enjoyed watching her as I sipped mine. She was shining. Her eyes sparkled and her hair hung damply at her shoulders.

“This should make you really want me,” she said, laughing as she said it.

“It’s a vast improvement on me. I’ll jump in the shower real quick, if you don’t mind.”

When I came out I felt much brighter. She had dried her hair and was teasing it in the mirror as I walked past and sat on the bed.

“Good morning,” she said. “I’m never awake until after my coffee.”

“Good morning. It took me a while to wake up but I slept very well. Did you get some sleep?”

“Oh God, yes. I slept the sleep of the dead,” she said, as she came to me and hooked her arms around my head, “Thanks to you, you wonderful man.”

She kissed me and we sat together on the edge of the bed. She indicated my nakedness with her finger,

“Is this mandatory?”

“No, it’s pure laziness,” I laughed.

“Well I think we should be aligned,” she said and removed her robe.

I took her hand. “You know, Susan, you’re a very beautiful lady,” I said.

She said, “Oh, thank you, Tony,” and touched her hand to my face. “You look troubled.”

I touched her face and she kissed me.

“What is it? Tell me,” she whispered, and kissed me again.

“I’m just a little homesick, that’s all. I’ll get over it.”

“How can I make it better?”

“Talk to me. Tell me your .”

She laughed and pulled me into a hug on the bed. Then lay beside me with her arms around me and looked straight into my eyes.

“Who are you?”

“Do you want ID?” I asked.

“No. I think most men would have asked for a blow job to make it better?”

It was my turn to laugh.

“Well I wouldn’t say no, Susan, but I’m serious.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Everything that you’re comfortable sharing.”

Without breaking eye contact she spoke for an hour while I listened without comment. She felt alone in her marriage and that it seemed to be petering out. The project on their property seemed to be a sticking plaster to keep things together. Although she loved her husband, there was no intimacy and their love life was faltering. It appeared to be breaking down and there was a tinge of sadness in her eyes, which kept her tears close at hand.

I asked her to be specific about the ual side of the relationship to gain an understanding of it. She was reluctant and she reached in and kissed me as though seeking some kind of verification. I held her as she attempted to straighten the tangle of her emotions.

“Can you kiss me the way you kissed me last night, Tony?”

“I can never kiss you that way again, Susan.”


“Because, now that I know you, our kisses have more to them. The emotions have changed.”

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“You were a predatory being yesterday. Today we have a deeper depth of intimacy.”

“Show me”

I turned her on her back and sought her lips. They opened softly as they met mine and began to dance together as our tongues found each other, seeking something entrancing and bewitching. I tasted her mouth and she tasted mine. Deeper and deeper it went. A low murmur was detectable from her throat. My hands stroked her face and my fingers sought the certainty of the connection of our lips, I lightly brushed the very tip of her nipple before softly stroking it between my fingers. I sensed something in her movements that made me bring us back to earth.

“Oh Tony,” she breathed. But her limbs were still active.

I had only seen this once before. She was on the cusp of orgasm. I could sense it in her eyes, see it on her skin. It was a kind of slow burning ecstasy or rapture and all it would take was one or two touches in the right place to trigger it. I slid downward between her legs that opened and closed as her hips gyrated in search of release, my thumbs parted the lips of her outer labia and I placed the flat of my tongue on her distended clitoris and held on as her body rocked in orgasm.

She lay flat on her back, her breathing heavy, her left arm across her eyes, her right hand in my hair. An intense flow of her clear viscous fluid gathered in a pool on my tongue and I lightly flicked it along her swollen labia to remove the excess moisture. She smelled of and love as her stomach muscles clenched at the touch of my tongue and she groaned loudly as she slowly returned to me.

She pulled me upward and kissed me, then reached for my erection.

“Take your time, love,” I whispered, “I’m not going anywhere.”

A knowing look showed in her eyes

“Tell me what you want, what you like.” I whispered

She whispered, “Do you mind a ?”

“If that’s what you prefer.”

“Come in my mouth?”

“If that’s the lady’s choice.”

At 10:30 I left her in the shower with some advice and promises to call each other. I drove home, washed and changed and arrived at work feeling distant but seeking a diversion from the miasma of my head.

I hailed Sam, Jules and Jeff as I entered. They were all busily working away. Jules called me over.

“Doug left these for you on his way out. He’ll be back after lunch. You look like shit.”

“I love you too, Jules,” I said with a smile.

“Seriously, are you sick?”

I detected Sam’s head raising itself.

“I think I ate something dodgy yesterday. My stomach’s a bit off. But I won’t complain, I’ll just suffer the intensity of the pain in silence.”

“Are you done?”


I took Doug’s files and went to my room, took off my jacket and sat behind the desk. I flicked through the first one and was happy to find that it was a replica of the development we had secured at home. I would have bet money that it was a carbon copy. A thought jumped into my head and I picked up my phone. It was 11.10. 16.10 in Ireland. I hit the number for Caddens in Dublin.

Sam appeared at the door just as it began ringing. I waved her in. A voice I recognised answered.

“Hi Natalie, Tony Harris here.”

Sam’s eyes flashed upward.

“You’re still alive then?” Natalie said in a pissed off voice

“Nice to talk to you too,” I said.

“What do you want?”

“Nothing from you, thankfully. Put me through to Dennis McCann please.”

“What’s it in connection with please?”

“None of your business.”

“Ok, you prick!”

“Ex girlfriend,” I said to Sam as she looked at me.

“I can see why she’s an ex.”

“Tony, Dennis here. Are you still annoying our Natalie?”

“Hey Dennis. How’s the hairs on the balls of your feet?”

“What can I do you for, pal?”

“Do you remember that development out in Clonee?”


“Can you tell me where the files were distributed?”

I heard him typing on his keyboard.

“According to this, they were all internal. An edited copy was sent over to Ellis.”

“Great. Any chance you could send over the project tender documents and specifications?”

“Will they do tomorrow? It’s after four now.”

“I’d owe you big time if I got them today,” I said.

“Ok, I’ll do it now, Tony.”

“Thanks, Dennis. You’re a little star.”

I hung up and looked at Sam, she was trying not to laugh.

“Well I’m delighted you’re getting some fun from your workday.”

“You are so cheeky” she said.

“Possibly, but it worked, didn’t it? What’s on your mind, Sam?”

“Brady found rising damp at the apartment,” she said.

“What? That’s impossible,” I said.


“The development is only five or six years old and there’s a basement underneath it.”

“He wants us to go over. We can go for lunch then.”

“Wanna drive the Beamer?” I said, as I took the keys out of my pocket.

“Ooh, yes.”

We jumped in the car and arrived literally five minutes later. Sam had a key and we let ourselves in. Brady met us at the apartment door.

“Hey, guys,” he said.

“Hey, Brady. I hear we have a problem,” I said.

“Yes, over here,”

He brought us into the living room and pointed at the floor at the junction of the living room wall and the bathroom. He pointed at what appeared to be wet staining along a five feet section where the baseboard met the floor. They both watched as I followed the trail of wetness.

I took out my phone and switched the flashlight on so I could see better and I tracked it to a point that lined up with a water pipe in the bathroom. It was too wet to be dampness so we went into the bathroom and found the pipe below the toilet cistern. It was connected via a flexible hose and I felt a slow trickle of water running down the back of the pipe. The connection was a bit loose and I got a quarter turn on it which stemmed most of the leak.

I stood up and showed them my wet hand. Sam looked at Brady. Brady looked like a scolded child.

“Ask your plumber to give that a couple of turns, Brady, and it’ll be fine. Just keep an eye on that baseboard in case it blows out.”

“Sorry, Tony, I thought it best to get you guys over here.”

“It’s ok, Brady. You can buy us lunch.”

“Good enough, I’ll meet you there in fifteen.”

As we walked out I spotted a deep scratch on a gable blend panel of the kitchen island. It ran about four inches and it looked about the same height as the leading edge of a wheelbarrow.

“What happened here, Brady?” I asked.

“Was that not there when we started?”

“I don’t think so,” Sam said.

“How many barrows have you here?” I asked.

“Two,” he said and pointed them out.

I went over and checked the front right hand corner of them both and found a sliver of vinyl stuck to one of them.

‘Here you go, Brady. Stick something soft on the corners of those barrows, just in case something else gets damaged. It very easy to damage stuff.”

“Thanks, Tony. I’ll get a new blend panel ordered to replace it.”

“It won’t work, Brady. It won’t be the same colour and will jump out at you when you look at it. Get a concealer crayon or pencil and rub it into the gap.”

“Ok, thanks. I’ll do that.”

“If you need anything else, just give us a shout.”

“You’re good,” Sam said as we got into the car.

“Not really, it helps to know when your contractor is a knob head. Don’t get me wrong, I like Brady, but he’s well capable of taking the piss.”

“I won’t pretend to have understood any of what you just said,” Sam said, and came around as if she was going to kiss me.

I grabbed her instead, and tickled her until she screamed, “HELP!” We drove off, laughing.

Heather watched us walk into the deli. Sam had taken to holding my hand any time we were out. She was a beautiful lady, I was proud to be with her and I liked it.

“What are we having today?” she asked

“I’ll just have soup of some sort, I’m a bit under the weather today.”

“I’ll just get a wrap of some kind.”

I asked her to order it and gave her my wallet. I was in no humour to interact with Heather and was just barely getting through the day. I was trawling through emails on my phone, not paying any attention to my surroundings, when Doug came in.

“Hi, Tony,” he said, looking around the deli. “Do you come here every day?”

“Usually. Sam likes it, I don’t mind it.”

“Did you get a chance to look at that file?”


“What do you make of it? Do you think we can handle it?”


“There’s a lot of work in it, maybe a month.”

“More like ten days, Doug.” I said, still looking at my phone.

“Tony, I admire your work ethic, I really do. But I think you’re vastly underestimating the work this time.”

I held up my phone and showed him the list of emails from Dennis.

“What’s that?”

“That development was drawn in our office, Doug. In fact, I did some of the work on the engineering design. These are all of the design calculations, dimensions and specifications required for submitting a proposal. I had them emailed after I read the file because I recognised it. All we have to do is transfer everything into American.”

“You’re a genius, Tony.”

“No. I’m just practical. And lazy.”

We broke out into loud laughter and attracted looks from the entire shop.

“Hi, Doug. I got you a sandwich and a coffee, there’s a long line.”

“You’re an angel, Sam, thank you.”

Sam gave me my soup and my wallet as Doug looked at us strangely.


“Yeah. I’m a bit off today.”

Sam leaned in to my ear. “That Heather girl behind the counter asked if she could talk to you?”

I looked at her as she watched me from under the peak of her cap.

“I’ll have my soup first.” I said, and acknowledged Heather. She smiled a cautious smile.

I sipped at my soup and the three of us shared our morning stories. Sam gave minute details of our interaction with Brady and he slapped my back. When we finished, I cried off returning to work straight away and they left me alone. Brady came in, just as Heather reached where I was sitting.

“Hey, you two, nice to see you both. Tony, thanks for getting me out of the manure this morning.”

We highfived and he walked away happily.

“What was that about?” Heather asked.

“He’s my current charity case. Sorry. Hi, Heather, how are you?” I said, and reached for her hand, she took it and sat down beside me.

“I’m ok,” she said, as she looked down at our hands. “Did you read my letter?”

“Not yet. I may never read it.”

“I’m so sorry, Tony. I don’t know what I was thinking. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I fucked it up.”

“Nobody died, Heather.”

“I know. But even after that, you come in here and smile at me.”

“I can’t be nasty towards you. My heart is still broken but at least I get to see you from time to time and that soothes my soul. I’ve always smiled when I saw you because you make me happy. Besides, I’ve nowhere else to eat.”

She laughed and playfully punched my shoulder.

“Don’t!” I said, “l’m not a well man.”

“Can I see you tonight?”

“For what?”

“I’d like the chance to mend your heart,” she said.


“I don’t know, I’ll think of something.”

“Can I ask something?”


“Will you be straight with me? I think I know the answer in any case,”

“Yes, I will, Tony.”

“Are you married?”




“Do I have to go through every possible option? Or will you just tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“Who you live with?


“Are you gonna make me lay it out for you? Because I can.”

“No. Look, he’s a long time boyfriend. We live together, but he works in New York. It’s not a full time job. He’d get a call for a week’s work every so often. They pay him cash.”

“I’m guessing he came back unexpectedly.”

“He texted me late on Saturday night. He wanted me to pick him up at the train on Sunday,” she said, looking down at her hands. “I’m so sorry, I panicked.”

“You know, if you’d told me, I could’ve driven you home.”

“How could I have known that?”

“So you just wanted a quick fuck. Is that it?”

“It was more complicated than that, Tony.”

“Not if you distil it down it’s not.”

“I don’t know. Look, see it from my side, you come in with your y accent, cheeky grin, Irish charm and intelligence. You flirt like crazy and make me feel like I’m the only woman in the world.”

“So it’s my fault, Heather?”

“I’m not saying that, but it doesn’t help. You can have any woman in the world. You chose me. It scrambled my brain completely”

“Let me contextualise what you just said. By your definition, if I go in somewhere for, say, a bottle of water on a hot day.”


“I’m nice to the girl behind the counter.”


“I say something a little risqué.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“You aren’t stupid, Heather. It’s a humorous little off colour remark that can be interpreted in a number of ways.”


“We flirt a little. Everyone flirts a little.”


“By your words just now, that girl’s natural instinct is to leap over the counter and ravage me on the shop floor.” I said evenly. “You, on the other hand, planned everything. You waited until the coast was clear at home. You gave me your number and a time to call. You deep cleaned your apartment. You cooked a meal that I know for a fact takes two hours to cook. You fucked me. Got up early and cleaned the apartment. You even washed and ironed my clothes, for Gods sake.”

”I didn’t deep clean my apartment. You’re exaggerating things, Tony.”

“Am I? On Saturday morning when I was winding you up about the mess we made of your sheets, did you or did you not, tell me you put fresh sheets on the bed on Friday before I came over?”

“Yes, I did.”

“So you intended to fuck me on Friday night.”

“But that wasn’t , Tony. What we did wasn’t , Tony. What we did was beyond anything that ever existed.”

“You weren’t to know that when you initiated it.”

“But I know it now.”

“So I’m guessing that boyfriend is away again tonight and you’re a bit horny. Muggins, here, walks in and you get a good idea. You come over, hold my hand, try to look contrite and offer to, ‘mend my heart’. You must think I’m a total bell end, Heather.”

She looked at the floor and then into my eyes.

“I’m sorry, Tony. Don’t hate me.”

“I don’t hate you, Heather. I’m too busy working on myself.”

I kissed her hand and left the deli.

We had a project huddle with everyone at the office, to discuss a game plan. Halfway through I got a text from Susan, ‘I took your advice,’ it said, and with it was a photo of some black lace lingerie. I replied, ‘it looks nice but it’s hard to tell if it suits you or not.’ Ten minutes later, there were two pictures sent, a front view and a back view. She was special. I replied, ‘beautiful, call me later if you can.’

I got home at 8.30. I was whacked. I stuck my head into the living room and let them know I was alive. Angie wanted to cook for me but I couldn’t face food. I needed rest.

I showered and got into bed. I had a small blue cellphone. It was a very old one and it had one number stored in it. I switched my caller ID off, hit the number and went down the rabbit hole. I had been uneasy all day and I didn’t know what I was going to achieve, but I had to try something to shift the balance in my head. The phone rang.

She answered. “Hello?”

I couldn’t speak.

“Hello? Who’s this, please?”

A voice in the background.

“Emily? Who is it, babe?”

A group of people laughing in the background.


“Hello? Fuck it.”

She hung up.


It sounded like her husband.

She sounded happy.

They sounded happy.

The veil lifted.

I was free.

All of the guilt built up inside me evaporated. Where there was a heaviness, there was now a lightness.

Emily was happy.

I’d always love her, but it wasn’t my place. I switched off the phone and wished her well.

I was no longer weary.

A drink.

To celebrate.

I dressed quickly and went out.

I decided to walk.

Twenty minutes later I was passing by The Tigín Pub. I usually avoid Irish pubs that aren’t in Ireland but on this night, I didn’t.

It was crowded and welcoming, so I went to the bar and asked for a pint. The bartender was delighted to hear me talk.

“Dublin?” he asked.

“By the grace of God.”

“Mayo,” he said.

“Hard luck.”

He laughed uproariously and shook my hand.

“Brendan,” he said.


“You’ll have a pint with me, Tony,” he said.

“I surely will,” I said.

A pint of Guinness from the Gods appeared before me.”

“You’re a gentleman and a scholar, Brendan.”

We chatted and reminisced. He gave me food and wouldn’t hear of me paying. I sat at the bar and turned to get the layout of the room. It was a fairly young crowd who looked like they expected the Guinness to perform tricks.

A dark haired girl walked to the bar. I stood to allow her access. It was so busy, Brendan needed four arms.

“It’s easier to get a drink in the Sahara,” she said.

“Yes, but the best you can get in the Sahara Inn is a thimbleful of water,” I said. “However, if it’s sand you’re looking for…..”

She laughed and sat on my stool.

“Are you Irish?” she asked.

“Yes, but don’t hold it against me. I’m Tony, now what can’t I hold against you?”

“Oh, you’re bad. I’m Jennifer. Jenn to my friends.”

“So would I be a Jennifer or a Jenn?”

“I’ll take it under advisement,” she said with a cheeky smile.

“You have bewitching eyes. Pools of liquid sapphire where a man could bathe.”

“My God. You ARE Irish,” she giggled.

“Now you have the advantage of me.”

“I’m from North of Hartford.”

“I’ve been south of Hartford, I couldn’t go any further. I suffer from an incurable form of hedonitis.”

“So what are you doing in Stamford?”

“Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve just met a beautiful girl and she’s antiIrish.”

“Stop. Tell me.”

“You first,” I said.

“I’m training to be an architect.”

“Really?” I said. “So you have an interest in sitting around all day, trying to look important.”

She laughed and smacked my wrist, “I beg your pardon but, truthfully, you’re spot on.”

“Well if it’s any consolation, I work in an architect’s office here in Stamford.”


“I’m a techie, so I do some actual work.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, I do.”

Brendan came back. “Are you alright for a drink there, Tony?”

“Another pint for me please, Brendan, and something for this beautiful lady and put a hurry on it. She’s close to emigrating to Africa in her quest for a drink and if that happens, darkness will descend upon your establishment. Terrible harm will befall us. A plague of locusts will …”

Jennifer was doubled over with laughter.

“I had another ten minutes of that, you know. I think you would’ve enjoyed the ‘unfortunate Irish male forced into penury and ekeing out his final lonely days, pining for the blueeyed princess who stole his heart.’”

“I’ll have a Guinness for my friend and a Scotch on the Rocks for me, please. Does that please you?”

“You do realise that Scotch is the devil’s potion. Can I guide you to a nice Irish single malt instead?”

“Yes, you can,” she said, and shoved me with her shoulder.

Brendan arrived with her drinks and she took a sip of hers.

“Not bad,” she said. “I’d better get this over to the table. She’ll think I got lost.”

I took her hand and kissed her palm.

“It was a real pleasure to meet you, Jennifer. You’ve made my night. Go raibh maith agat a bhean álainn.”

She took her drinks and left me at the bar. I was smiling, finally. I sat on my stool again and took a drink from my pint. There’s was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around again. She had returned.

“Ok, I need to know. What did that mean?”


“What you just said,” she looked either angry or confused.

“Oh, I can’t tell you that unless you hold my hands.”

She smiled and took my hands in hers. She angled her head and pursed her lips to defeat the smile.

“An féidir liom póg a bheith agam ar dtús?

“Ok, what did you just say.”

She swayed her body in impatience.

“I said, Can I have a kiss first?”

“Jesus,” she said, “so let me get this straight. If I need to find out what you said to me the first time, I have to kiss you.”


“Just one?”

“If I can have even one I can expire peacefully, safe in the knowledge that a simple, Irish man finally kissed a princess.”

She placed her hands on my shoulders, reached up and kissed me sweetly on the lips. It was soft, and her lips seemed to capture mine.

“That was delicious, beautiful. I’ll take that to the grave with me.”

She stayed close to me and her hands circled my neck. She whispered in my ear,

“Tell me what you said the first time, Tony.”

“I said, thank you very much, beautiful lady.”

She put her head on my shoulder.

“Ok. You can call me Jenn.”

I kissed her then and she returned to her friend. I had a third pint, wished Brendan well and stood to face the short walk home. Jenn and her friend were in deep conversation as I left the bar. I had reached the edge of the pavement when I heard my name being called. It was her. She was struggling into her coat as she reached me. I held it for her and then released her hair from under the collar, it was as soft as a new pillow.

“Will you walk me home please?” she said, as she took my hand and interlaced her fingers in mine.

I took her hand and placed them both in my pocket and we walked with her head leaning against my arm.

“An féidir liom póg a bheith agam ar dtús,” I said softly.

She smiled, “I thought you’d never ask.”

She slid her arms around my neck, pulled me in close and kissed my lips softly, testing the temperature, then with opened lips. Moving against mine. Placing her tongue on mine, knowing where it was. I pushed her hair away from her face as we kissed, she moaned softly into my mouth as our kips moved against each other. I held her face in my hands and felt every movement of her facial muscles in my hands as well as her lips with mine.

“Jesus! You know how to kiss a girl,” she breathed.

“I’m learning what you like and prefer. The first kiss is very important. That was in the pub. The second is an unspoken promise. A silent oath between two people. It’s an oath of trust, love, affection and it says, ‘I’m here, I’m yours, if you want me’,”

She said, “Oh my God. I am so screwed,” and we fell about laughing.

She lived close to the pub and we stopped outside an apartment block where she lived with a roommate. We had a whispered conversation and kissed a lot.

“I’d better hit the road, Jenn. I’ve work in the morning.”

“I know I may regret this. I have some single malt scotch inside if you’d fancy trying it?”

“Will your roommate not mind?”

“She’s Brendan, I won’t see her until morning.”

We didn’t get as far as the Scotch. When she closed the door, we kissed again. A kiss that went straight to our hearts.

“Jesus,” she said, and she led me to her bedroom.

I held her hands and looked at her in the light. She was beautiful. Long dark hair with a slight wave that nestled at her shoulders. She had a dark tint to her skin, a genetic gift from her Indian father and American mother. Her eyes were deep blue pools of blue which drew you in and captivated you. Her neck held a noble disposition and every muscle engaged when she spoke or smiled.

She wore a winter sweater over a pale blue tee shirt. She pulled both over her head, leaving a pale blue bra caressing two perfect breasts. I removed my jacket and shirt as she opened her jeans and slipped them off. She wore matching lace panties and she waited for me to remove my shoes and trousers.

I slipped my boxers off and took her in my arms. Her skin was warm and smooth. I sat on the bed and pulled her to me. We kissed and I undid her bra, she dropped it on the floor and lay on the bed. I kissed her beautiful mouth and touched her breast with my fingers. I wanted to taste her so badly. My lips found an erect brown nipple waiting to be suckled. I knelt between her legs and held her breasts softly, slowly stroking across both erect nipples.

Her lips released a breathless “Ooh,” as I took one between my lips and brushed it with my tongue. She was all movement from her hips and legs and her head moved from side to side as my lips and fingers made constant movements around and across her nipples. I continued with my hands as I couldn’t get enough of her. My lips found her inner thighs which received a louder “Ooh!” and her hands held my head as her temperature and desire increased. Her panties betrayed her arousal and her scent was a ual combination of musk and cinnamon.

I removed her wet panties slowly and gently and allowed my hands to explore her legs and behind. It was glorious. As her legs moved apart I licked along her inner thighs. I think she thought I was going to retreat but I surprised her when my tongue touched her outer labia. She had a light covering of hair and my fingers explored it as my thumbs gently separated the lips of her labia, making room for my tongue to massage both her inner and outer labia, before my lips lifted one of them gently. She was close, and it only took a slight penetration of my tongue to get her to the place that she needed to be. My reward was a sublime release of fluid that tasted of spices and salt. The aftershock continued for some time and she came again, when I inserted my tongue deep inside her, where her vaginal muscles held it as she rode it out. A quick touch of my tongue to her clitoris started her on her way again. I was delighted with how sensitive her erogenous zones were. When I wrapped her clitoris in my tongue, she almost took off like a rocket and pleaded for a reprieve.

I took her in my arms and kissed her. Her passion almost sucked my tongue away as she focused on it as though trying to suck her juices from it. She was in a zone of ecstasy as my penis found the vestibule to her vagina and slowly entered her. Her eyes opened.

“My God. You are fantastic,” she breathed, as I slipped deeper inside her.

She was smooth and a little tighter than usual but she was so wet, it wasn’t painful for her. I withdrew a little and there was a sharp intake of breath and another when I inserted it again and slipped further inside. I repeated the movement until I was fully inside her where I decided to test her tender G Spot for sensitivity. I withdrew no more than an inch, attempting to make contact as I did so. I inserted it back inside her and repeated that small action no more than five or six times before a deafening scream shattered the air in the room and I was still as she trapped me inside her until the waves of orgasmic release abated. The release made it possible for me to seek my own release but she beat me to it as she screamed again, releasing more fluid than any woman I’ve ever been with. I had no idea where it all came from. As she calmed, I continued searching for my own release. Using my entire length I kept a medium pace as I finally reached a point where it was inevitable and I felt like I came for over five minutes as my semen sought its home inside this beautiful, y woman.

Still inside her, I rolled on my side where we stayed, still, in each other arms, covered in male and female ejaculate and adoring the sensation. We kissed deeply and for an extended time until she finally released my lips and my softening penis slipped out of her causing a delicious shudder inside her.

She snuggled up to me. She was purring as I stroked the skin on her neck.

“You’re a beautiful man, Tony”

“I pale in your shadow, Jenn.”

“Will we see each other again?”

“Do you not want to?”

“I’m not gonna lose you, now that we’ve found each other,” she whispered, and kissed my hand. “You must think I’m so selfish, I didn’t give anything to you.”

“You gave me the greatest gift of all, my love. You gave me, you.”

“I’m definitely screwed,” she said, and we both laughed for a long time.

We drifted off to sleep and when I woke we were lying in the same place as far as I could tell. The bed was a sticky mess but it was a mess made from love. Her arm held my hand clamped to her breast as she breathed slowly. She was soft and feminine. My penis rested in the cleft of her behind and felt like home. It was beautiful.

It was 4.30 and I was wide awake, so I thought it best to try and wake in my own bed tonight. I slipped out of bed and found the bathroom, cleaned myself up and returned to collect my clothes and dress.

She sat up. “Are you leaving?”

“I’m expecting calls from Ireland to start soon. I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I don’t mind, I’d love you to stay if you can.”

“I don’t want to go, but since you’re awake, I’d love to hang around.”

With that, the phone rang.

“See? It’s a pain. Excuse me please, Jenn.”

I answered the call. It was James.

“Hi, James.”

Jenn got up, slipped on a white satin robe, and mouthed, “Coffee?” I indicated my agreement.

“Tony. Sorry about the hour.”

“No problem. How are you?”

“I’m good. It’s busy and I need you back.”busy,


“It’ll be a few weeks yet, but soon.”

Jenn came back in with the coffee. She kissed me on the cheek as she passed and sat on the bed watching me.

“Can you give me a date?”

“Not yet. It depends on the next question.”


“Did you make a phone call to the Farrell’s last night?”

“No. I didn’t.”

“They got a heavy breathing call at about midnight. They were having a celebration. Emily is pregnant.”

“Oh, that’s fantastic. I’m delighted for them. Are they happy now?”

“I think so.”

“Good, I’m delighted.”

“What about you, son. How are you?”

“I’m better than I’ve ever been, thanks. Can you do me a favour, James?”

“Yes, what do you need?”

“Well my girlfriend is here with me and she thinks my accent is put on. She’s training in architecture. Can you say a few words to her? Just be careful, because she might want to run away with you.”

“Well, if you insist. What’s her name?”


I handed her the phone and she chatted away with James for a few minutes.

“He’s a lovely man, Tony.”

“Yes, I know. He’s like a father to me.”

“So I’m your girlfriend am I?”

“If you behave and if you’d like to be.”

“I definitely would.”

“So would I. As you’ve seen already.”

“Here’s your coffee. Come to bed and let me repay you for the best night of my life,” she said as she slipped out of her robe.

I left her two hours later. We were both dizzy from our lovemaking. It was a time of ual exploration and emotional connection, in which we wallowed joyfully. We kissed at the door and were reluctant to part ways but there was a mutual reassurance that we were together and we wanted to be together.

Jenn said, “Will I see you tonight?”

“Yes. It might be a bit later. I’ll text you if so.”

“Am I allowed to call you?”

“Only if I’m allowed to call you.”

“What would you need to call me for?”

“I might need to hear your voice.”

“What would you like me to say?”

“Just say, Hi,” I said. “That’d make my day.”

She kissed me then. A warm, sultry expression of affection and intimacy which I reciprocated. She placed her head against my chest.

“Jesus,” she said. “I am so screwed.”

“Until later?”

“Yes. I can’t wait.”

We parted with a kiss. I made my way home to change and get to work. I arrived at 7:30 and unlocked the door to get in. I was alone so I decided to make the most of it.

I started printing off the files. As the printer buzzed away in the main office I put all of Dennis’ files into a new folder. I then opened each of them and checked to see what work was required. There were over a hundred files and most of the required adjustment. Thinking that a thousand mile journey begins with one step, I began working on the first one. I was just getting into it when Jules came in with a coffee cup in each hand.

“You’re early this morning,” she said.

“It doesn’t make me a bad person.”

“Need help?”

“I’d love some.”

“Give me a minute or two and I’ll get stuck in.”

“To who?”

“What? Oh. You’ve taken your happy pill this morning, have you? Welcome back, Tony.”

“Have I been a pain this week?”


“I’m sorry, Jules. Let me make it up to you.”

“It’s not just me. Everyone noticed it. What was wrong with you?”

“I had a large dose of homesickness but I’m over it.”

“Just like that?”

“Pretty much.”


“I got a call from my Irish boss and it looks like my days here are numbered.”

“Good for you. What about us here?”

“What about you?”

“We might not want you to leave.”

“Really? I thought I was just a necessary inconvenience.”

“Tony, everyone loves you here. You brighten up the whole place.”

“I did not realise that, Jules. I’ve been feeling sorry for myself, I suppose, but a few things have happened in the past few days that put me in a better frame of mind.”

“Do tell.”

I looked at her for a few moments. Jules had never been anything but good to me.

“Not here, Jules. It’s a long that needs time to tell. I’d tell you and you alone, you’re the only one I’d trust to keep it quiet.”

She reached across, took my hand and squeezed it.

Sam came in next and saw Jules’ gesture but she didn’t comment on it.

“Sam, Jules here tells me I’ve been a bit of a prick this week?”

“I didn’t say prick,” Jules said.

“You said, ‘Tony, you’ve been a prick all week, you’re nearly as bad as Sam’. Don’t deny it.” I said.

She threw her hands in the air in mock frustration and left us alone as Sam broke up in a fit of laughter.

I took a sip of coffee and looked at Sam properly.

“Jules was right, wasn’t she?” I said.

“A little, but you’re not that way with me.”


“Jason and I had a meal in town last night to talk about things. We’re going to try again.”

“I’m delighted to hear that, Sam. That’s great news. Congratulations.”

“Yes, he was contrite and more affectionate than before. We slept together for the first time in months.”

She looked happy.

“Good. That’s very good, Sam. I’m really happy for you.”

“You realise that this means we can’t, you know?”

“Yes. I do. But that’s not important. What’s important is that you’re happy. If you’re happy, I’m happy too.”

“I can’t believe you’re being so great about this, Tony.”

“Why not?”

“Well. I. I mean. You and me.”

“What about you and me?”

“We’re very close, at least I think we are.”

“Yes we are, and I celebrate our closeness every time I see you. But I won’t always be here, Sam, I’ll be somewhere else, but I’d like to think that I could call and check in occasionally.”

“Thanks, Tony. I’d like that.”

“I want a ticket to your wedding, though.”

“You’ve got it with a plus one, so you’d better get your skates on.”

“I will, love. Thanks.”

I sat and watched that beautiful rear view walking out of my life. But it made me smile nonetheless. The phone shook me out of my reverie. Private number. Will I? Won’t I?

“Fuck it,” I said. “Tony Harris.”

“Hi,” Susan breathed into my ear.

“Well hello! How are you?”

“Actually, quite well,” she said, “I just rang to give you an update.”


“Your advice is very good.”

“Is it? I mean, of course it is.” She laughed. “What’s so good about it?”

“God. This might be embarrassing. I’m doing what you told me yesterday.”

“Ok. Expand.”

“I picked up some lingerie on my way home, just two sets.”

“Yes, I saw the pictures you sent. Thanks, by the way. I can pole vault now.”

She laughed again.

“My pleasure. Delete those, by the way.”

“Already done. My grandmother checks my phone.”

“Anyways, I followed your suggestion to tease him a little and see if there’s a reaction.”

“What did you do?”

“I was afraid I might appear predatory, like you said. Thanks for that. So I chose to wear the pastel set instead of the black.”

“Well thought out.”

“Thank you. I also bought a midlength satin robe, pastel again, which I wore when I walked in to the lounge as he was watching tv.”


“Suffice to say, I caught his attention.”

“Good girl,” I said, “and how did it go?”

“Nothing like you. For us it was mindblowing. He even let me go down on him and came in my mouth. It’s a miracle.”

“Did he ask any questions?”

“No. His mouth was full.”

We both fell about laughing.

“Good girl. He will, though, so be prepared.”

“I’m trying the black set tonight.”

“Does he enjoy the lingerie?”

“I was shocked. He seems to love it.”

“He’s a normal guy, Susan, He just needed a wee nudge.”

“What do you suggest moving forward?”

“Well you’re miles ahead after only one day. I’d try letting him make the running. Rub lotion on your legs and give him a good view of them. Sit in a different chair and see if he makes a move. Cross your legs at the ankles. Light colour polish on your nails.”

“Wow. I’d never have thought of that. Does it work?”

“Mostly. You’re trying to come across as a demure and feminine woman. You are that in spades and he needs to be hit over the head with it.”

“I can do that. Anything else?”

“If you haven’t already, tell him how wonderful he was last night and ask HIM where he learned that. It might throw him off.”

“I told him this morning. He came back to bed after his shower and let me blow him again. He asked me to swallow it and I did.”

“Good girl. I think you’re on the right track. Oh one other thing, Susan, ask him if he liked the lingerie and if he prefers something else. Always ask questions, we’re not mind readers.”

“I think we shouldn’t meet alone any more, do you?”

“I agree. This was an easy one, but thank you for our evening. It was fantastic.”

“Thank you, Tony. I’ll see you on Monday at the meeting. Josh is talking about being there too. I can’t believe the change in him. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome, Susan.”

I hung up the phone and sat back in my chair. I was very pleased for them. I noticed Jules hanging around outside my door.

“Jules! Are you okay?”

“I didn’t want to intrude on your call, so I waited out here for you to finish,” she said. “I honestly wasn’t eavesdropping but I couldn’t help overhearing you.”

She was almost hyperventilating so I went to her and sat her in the chair at my desk.

“Jules?” I said as I stroked her hair. “Breathe, Jules.”

“I’m fine, Tony,” she said, “thank you.”

I pulled my chair out beside her, not invading her space.

“Talk to me, Jules.”

“I don’t know the words, Tony.”

“Will I get you a coffee or tea?” I asked.

“Tea please, you make nice tea.”

I brought two mugs of tea back. Her’s had an extra sugar in it, I thought she was in shock. She sipped the tea and looked at me with a blank expression on her face.

“I don’t understand what I heard, Tony. Were you coaching that woman in seduction?”

“No. I was showing her how to make her husband aware of how fabulous she is. She was giving me an update and asking for advice on her next move.”

“Is she making progress?”

“They are on the right road now. They just needed a slight correction. I was happy to help them.”

“Are you some kind of relationship guru?

“No. I just help ladies who don’t know which way to turn, it’s usually a simple fix once I explain it to them.”

“Do you get paid for it?”

“No. That wouldn’t be right, Jules.”

“How does it work? How do they know who to call? You’re not in the book under ‘ expert’ are you?”

“I was approached by some people who help other people in Ireland. They operate by ‘word of mouth’. No money changes hands. This lady on the phone now. It was just a happy accident for her. I had no plans to offer help over here. I wanted to finish that part of my life, Jules, but it is what it is.”

“Do you ever hear from them again?”

“From time to time they might call for advice. I never refuse them. People’s heads get messed up, Jules. And they don’t see the bigger picture.”

“As though they’re looking inwards?” Jules asked.

“That’s it exactly, Jules.”

“How does it work?”

“I’d rather not say too much more here, Jules. The walls have ears.”

“You told me we could have a talk about your situation. You could tell me then.”

“That’s fine, Jules. When and where?”

“Tonight after work. At my place. I’m on my own this week.”

“Ok, we’ll go straight from work.”

“Thanks, Tony,” she said and gave me the longest hug I’d ever had from her. She kissed my cheek and returned to her desk.

I followed her in my car. I put my phone on the passenger seat having texted Jenn as we drove. She stopped outside a nice little detached house, just outside town.

There were four others just like it on adjoining plots. We parked outside and went inside. She had it spic and span with bursts of potpourri dotted through the house.

“This is a lovely house, Jules.”

“Thank you, Tony.”

She sat beside me on a grey leather couch and she was silent as she processed what to say.

“I feel like the accused here, Jules. I did nothing wrong.”

“I know that, Tony. You have a good heart, the purest I’ve ever known. Tell me how this works. I need to understand.”

So I laid it all out for her, hiding nothing. She was quiet for a bit.

“They sleep with you?”


“How many times?”

“Usually once or twice but mostly once.”

“How is that enough?”

“It just is. They see their problems as marriage ending when they aren’t. Nobody teaches how to make love in a school, Jules. Then they marry. They’re shocked that it isn’t like the movies and they feel like they’re failing.” I said.“I try and straighten their viewpoint out.”

“Do you work with men too?”

“No. Men are more reserved. It’s the women who are intelligent enough to understand the situation and the solution.”

“I see. That makes sense,” she said. “So let’s say I wanted to avail of this,” she continued, faltering.


“What would be the procedure?”


“I’m curious. How did you handle the woman on the phone today, for example?”

I gave her the full unvarnished , keeping back the names. She stood up and walked from the room. She was gone for about two minutes that felt like an hour. When she returned, she said,

“Sorry about that, I had to take some food out of the freezer. Would you like a drink? I have beer.”

“A glass of water would work, thanks.”

She left again and returned with water for me and a glass of wine for herself.

“Will you do it for me, Tony?”

“Jules, please, don’t ask me that.”

“I think I need it, Tony. My relationship is …”

“Ok, Jules. I’ll do it, but don’t mention your relationship until I ask. Is that fair?”

“But …”

“No buts. That’s why we sleep together first. To give me an idea of how their emotions work.”

“Ok. Let’s go for it. What do we do first?”

“First, I need to take a shower after working all day. I suggest you do the same.”

“Do we shower together?”

“No. You go first, and pretend your’e going out, makeup and everything, to a fancy restaurant while I shower.”


“Yes, right down to your best underwear.”

“Good. I like dressing up. This is exciting, Tony. We might as well enjoy it. Will I order some food before I shower?”

“Why not?”

She shouted to me that she was out of the shower. I caught a glimpse of her as she scampered from the bathroom to the bedroom, wearing a white bath towel. I jumped into the shower stall and luxuriated under the hot water for twenty minutes before I found some soap and scrubbed myself clean. I felt a lot better as I dried myself off, dressed in my office clothes and returned to the couch. I heard Jules flitting around in another room.

“Foods ready, Tony,” she said.

I followed the sound to a small candlelit dining room. The table was laid out as a buffet. Jules came in carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses.

“Wow, Jules. I hardly recognise you. You look stunning.”

She handed me a glass and poured some wine into it. She smiled through lips that shone from their pink lip gloss with just a hint of her sparkling white teeth showing through.

“Do you usually greet your date by staring at her.”


She placed the bottle and glass on the tabletop.

“Show me then”

She wore a black satin dress to the knee that opened at the waist and revealed lots of skin.

I pulled her to me, revelling in the smooth softness of the material. She was smiling as she wrapped herself around me. My tongue found her top lip and tasted her. Her eyes registered her surprise just before our lips met and we began the kiss. My tongue tasted the inside of her lips and her teeth tasted of spearmint and a hint of strawberry. Our tongues met and engaged in a slow waltz, covering every piece of the floor of her soft mouth. I hoped it would become too much for quite quickly but she was so engaged that it continued for twice as long as intended. She eventually needed to breathe and she rested her head on my shoulder, while she caught her breath.

“I didn’t believe Maria when she told me about this,” she said.

“Maria exaggerates.”

“She actually undersold it.”

“I didn’t love Maria, Jules. I’m going to rock your world tonight.”

“Does that mean you love me?”

I kissed her again and led her to the bedroom.

“Let me see you.” I said.

She was reticent as she slipped the clasp on the waist of her dress. It slipped away to show she wore nothing except a most revealing black lace thong. Her breasts were small with prominent pink nipples. They were in perfect proportion to each other. I reached for them and her eyes closed at my touch. Her arousal was obvious as she struggled to open my shirt, while my hands took both breasts and were simultaneously stroking her nipples. We kissed again. It was deeper than the first. My tongue felt the vibration of the almost constant plaintiff hum from her throat. I finished undressing as we kissed, before taking her in my arms and holding her fast to my body, entwined in each others arms, as she twitched with every touch of my fingers on the soft skin of her back.

Her hips pressed forward and met mine as my hands reached the almost invisible waistband of her thong. She was so soft and warm. I allowed my finger follow the cleft of her backside, determining the line of the rear string of her thong, until it disappeared under her body. Her movements and sounds increased in tempo and velocity the longer I continued my exploration.

“Tony, Oh God,” she whispered desperately, as my lips and tongue found her neck and throat, holding on to my neck for dear life. I lifted her in my arms and placed her on the bed, parting her legs to have access for my tongue to taste her inner thighs. My hands pulled her thighs apart to allow access to her inner thighs where they met at the junction with her vagina. The material of her thong was soaking wet as she said huskily, “please, Tony, I’m gonna come any second.”

I slipped the delicate garment over her thighs and feet to expose a fully shaved mons which my tongue couldn’t resist. I gave it some quick attention and focused on her exposed inner labia lips where my tongue found its home. Her hips lifted high off the bed as she was rocked by a huge orgasm, releasing a stream of fluid which I happily collected on my tongue, causing her to lose control again almost immediately. I was so focused on her vulva that I didn’t feel her hand on my penis until I felt her warm lips engulf the head as she took it into her mouth to be met by her soft tongue. For her comfort, I laid beside her as my tongue found its way past her threshold and into her vagina, encouraging a muted scream as she let go again and soaked my chin. I rolled on my back and pulled her on top of me using my fingers inside her as my tongue found her clitoris.

It started as a low moan and incrementally increased to a full throated scream, as she lifted her hips away from my tongue, leaving a trail of her fluid on my cheek and chin. She turned on her side and held her vagina as she shook violently. I immediately went to her and held her in my arms as my hands stroked her back to earth. She eventually calmed and I ran to get some water for her which she sipped slowly as she recovered. She sat up slightly and laid her head on my chest. She tried to speak but couldn’t.

“Relax, love. I’m here. I’ll look after you.” I whispered in her ear.

She looked up at me and smiled.

“What did you do? I can feel every cell in my body,” she whispered.

“I couldn’t get enough of you,” I said. “You are amazing, Jules.”

She pulled me down and kissed me, brought her lips to my ear and said, “I want you inside me please.”

“Do we need protection?”

“God no. I want you and I want it all inside me.”

I rolled on top and she guided me inside her with a sigh. I entered her slowly, she was fully lubricated and my entire length slipped in easily.

“Oh my good God,” she said, as I began to move inside her. “That is so good.”

Moving methodically we slowly began to feel ourselves building to a final climax. Her vagina rippled against my shaft as our tempo increased and the inevitable tingling began as the head of my penis throbbed and twitched.

“I’m gonna come, Jules.” I said.

“Don’t stop, Tony. I want it all inside me.”

My penis twitched one final time before the volcano erupted, filling Jules’ vagina with my semen. I pushed myself home one more time, unwilling to leave her sacred place. As I withdrew, my tip must have stimulated her G Spot because she lurched upward with her eyes wide open and shook before she fell backward and keened softly into my chest.

She slowly occupied her body again and she looked at me with tired eyes. She smiled a tired smile before kissing me and falling asleep.

I laid my head beside her and followed her into unconsciousness.