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#Lesbian #Teen #Virgin

By trixis

Young, Students, Lesbians.My first time with my girlfriend in the student showers after practice

– Come on, ladies, come on! What are you like half-dead! Nazarova, Kazantseva, you’ll be talking in the locker room! Are you passing the standard or are you wandering around the embankment?! Beglova, why don’t you live up to your name? Come on, one-two, one-two, let’s move our legs faster! Vysotskaya, finish! Well done, as always the best time! Here comes Kuznetsova – last again! Let’s speed up, don’t fall behind! Look where Beglova has already gone!

The gym teacher clapped his hands loudly, cheering up the girls who were exhausted from the heat. He did not miss the opportunity to reprimand everyone who crossed the finish line. He praised those who had made it and encouraged the runners who were going for a final lap around the stadium. Alyona brushed her blond curls away from her face: sweat was pouring down her forehead, stinging her eyes, and her calves were aching from the grueling run. Her tongue tasted of iron, and her nose stung from the pungent odor of heated rubber. The new pavement in the stadium, which had replaced the cracked asphalt, did not, contrary to expectations, make it easier to run. Neither did the scorching May sun, which heated the black rubber track to such an extent that the soles of sneakers stuck to it with every step.

Physical activity photo

In the distance loomed the figure of Ksyusha, who had already broken away from Alyona for half a circle. Her friend, although she did not run as confidently as at the start, but still kept cheerfully. The last lap was left ahead, and that’s it, we can forget about the standards! How much Alyona missed just one cloud in the sky, which could at least a little cover the stadium from the scorching rays. She swallowed with difficulty. Her mouth was dry. Her heart was pounding at a frantic pace. Nothing, she had to run! Only a couple days left and the school year would be over.

Her strength was almost gone when a bright white line flashed under her feet and the stopwatch clicked. Maxim Artyomovich loudly announced the result, but after two kilometers in the unbearable heat, Alyona didn’t care about the score.

She took a few more steps by inertia, leaving the treadmill, and, staggering, collapsed into the shade of a tree. The slight breeze was enough to knock her onto the lush green grass. The world was spinning before her eyes, her mouth drier than the desert.

– Hey, are you okay?

Alyona lifted her eyelids with difficulty. Her classmate Kira Vysotskaya was squatting next to her. Her hair, black as tar, was tied into tight long braids with dark, red, like ripe cherries, rubber bands. Mascara had collected in the corners of her eyes, and the shadows under her eyes seemed about to sweat, staining her perfectly smooth, porcelain cheeks.

– I think I’m gonna throw up.

– You’re all red. Running is clearly not your strong suit. Here, I mixed water with electrolytes, you need it more.

Alyona took the bottle from Kira’s hands and greedily nibbled on the neck, draining it to the last drop. What a divine flavor…

– Is it guava and watermelon? My favorite combination, – smiled Alyona, holding out the empty bottle. – Thanks Kir.

– Yeah,” Kyra grinned and added, nodding at the soggy top clinging to Alyona’s flat chest and the blue shorts rolled up her leg so high that her underwear was visible. – Our color preferences obviously don’t match, but in other aspects… We seem to have something in common.

– And I like that you always wear only black….

– Said the girl whose closet consists of all the colors of the rainbow. All right. Get some rest, rookie.

Kira deftly jumped up and went to the gym teacher to listen to another praise in her address. Alyona groaned and collapsed into the grass, covering her face with her hands. What an idiot! It was the first time Kira had spoken to her, and all she could squeeze out was a couple of awkward phrases. She could have praised Kira for her brilliant result – after all, she had come first, ahead of Alyona by a whole lap. Or to note how elegant her tight uniform looks on her. Kira reminded Alyona of a panther: her black Lycra glistened in the sun like wool, and the soles of her sneakers, snow-white in contrast, looked like white socks, like those of the cat family. And why hadn’t she said that out loud?

– There you are! I lost you. What’s wrong with you?

Xenia sat down on the grass near the tree, cross-legged.

Dear friend… Alyona always felt better when Xenia was near. Even ran not so hard, until she did not go ahead.

– Yes, I feel bad. Not so much because of the running, but because I’m screwing up. Kira just came up to me. and she talked to me first.

– Oh, yeah?! You’re not kidding! How’d it go? Come on, tell me!

– It sucked.

Ksyusha, seeing that Alyona does not want to go into detail, gently put her hand on her shoulder – just like when they went to Kazan. Several months had passed, but it seemed to Alyona as if it was in another life. Their relationship with Ksyusha remained almost the same… well, almost. After kaming-out Alyona was tormented by a new problem – the search for a girl.

She spent hours on forums, went to all sorts of sites and dating apps in search of someone who could understand her feelings, but so far all this did not bring results. Virtual correspondence either ended in quick disappointment, or simply did not go further than a few sentences. Alyona was especially disappointed by the crowds of perverts hiding behind women’s accounts and offering to lick quickly to “stars in their eyes”. The only consolation was that Xyusha sometimes agreed to come to Alyona’s house, where they could be alone, kissing and cuddling. Alyona became easier, but nothing more Xyusha could not give her. But better that than to suffer alone.

– Do you want to come over to my place today? Privacy in the room? – Hopefully asked Alyona.

– What, you want to kiss again? Well, you know, I always have a good mood after exercise … – Xiusha smiled and playfully winked. Alyona realized that her friend, once again, does not mind a little fun.


Slowly waddling, the crowd of freshmen returned from the stadium to the gym. Alyona mentally was already at home with Ksyusha. Maybe today she could even seduce her friend into something more? Say, take off the outerwear … Here would be again to touch the breasts of Xyusha, at least once. But before she could follow everyone into the locker room, the gym teacher barked her name, pulling her out of her sweet reverie.

– Kuznetsova! Where are you going? We will not break the good tradition – the last one to arrive collects hoops, balls and jump ropes. What a menacing look! Are you trying to burn me on the spot? Well, get to work!

Alyona frowned and went into the hall. The words of the gym teacher dispelled the former mood with the ease with which the wind blows away a single fluffy cloud from the sky. Ropes and hoops were lying around, not to mention basketballs. She hated that dork! Always taking it out on the girls! For some reason he was more courteous with boys, though it should be the other way around. Alyona slowly collected the equipment scattered around the hall, feeling the fatigue in her legs slowing down her movements. Each step was difficult, and it seemed that things were deliberately scattered as far away from each other as possible to delay this hateful process until the evening. Picking up another ball, she sighed quietly, wishing she could get to the shower sooner. The skin under her arms and between her thighs was sticking unpleasantly, and the dust on her neck had rolled into dirty lumps.

– Why didn’t you call me to help? Did Dubolom make you clean up again?

The gym teacher was nicknamed Dubolom because of his ridiculously square build – from afar, from the back, he looked more like a chest of drawers – and harsh army temperament. Besides, the nickname rhymed well with his last name, Dubalov.

– It always did. Again, because I was the last one to get there.

– Let me get the jump ropes, we’ll run faster together!

When the last ball went to the box near the gym teacher’s room and the last jump rope hung, swaying moderately on the bars, the girls, hugging each other by the shoulders, went to the locker room. The last classmates were already putting on their shoes, hugging each other goodbye and leaving the locker room fresh from the showers.

– What are your plans for the summer? – Ksyusha asked. She closed the door and began to pull down the physical education uniform stuck to her body. The top so tightly tightened around her breasts that visually she seemed a size smaller.

– In July we are going with my parents to Peter, to my mom’s cousin. I think I can ask to stay with them longer, at least until mid-August. Maybe go to a couple of fashion shows and museums. Are you going back to camp?

– I don’t feel like it. Being a camp counselor wasn’t as much fun as I thought it would be. I thought they were more. you know. fun. So I guess I’m gonna stay in town this year after all. Can you help me unbutton?

Ksyusha sat down on the bench next to Alya, gathering hair from the back. Alya one hand deftly unbuttoned the bones, and the bra friend fell to her knees, exposing her breasts. How pleasant it was to look at her body and remember the moments experienced in the Kazan hamam! After that trip, they kissed several times, but every time Alyona tried to touch her breasts or legs, Xyusha softly and playfully pulled away, showing that she did not want to go too far. However, to undress in front of her did not hesitate. Alyona furtively cast glances at her slender legs and rounded buttocks, while Xusha stood at the locker in panties.

– Are you going to shower? Or dirty go home? – Turned around and asked Xiusha, gathering her hair into a ponytail.

– Yes, now… I’ll just…

Xiusha looked around the women’s locker room. All lockers were closed, a few wet towels were lying on the benches. Even the steam that penetrated into the locker room from the showers had already fallen dew on the tiny windows under the ceiling.

– So no one’s here. Everyone’s gone home. Maybe it’s time you stopped being self-conscious about your body. We’re almost seniors, and you’re like a little girl. Let me help.

Xyusha threw the towel on the floor and, flaunting in just panties, approached Alyona. Despite her resistance, Xyusha managed to grab the edge of the top and pull the tight lycra over Alyona’s head. A chill ran down Alyona’s skin, despite the stuffiness that reigned in the locker room. Her nipples hardened treacherously, sticking out on her tiny breasts like two brown amber pebbles. She shamefully covered her breasts with her hands.

– See, there is nothing wrong with it – encouraged Xyusha, when Alyona took off her training shorts and remained in pink panties with a cute print on the bottom: fluffy hare’s tail. – Now take a towel and let’s go and wash up.

The girls had no time to wrap themselves in towels, as the door to the showers opened, and following the steam into the locker room entered Kira, wrapped in a thin, short black robe. Alyona’s breathing stopped and she collapsed onto the bench, huddled in the corner.

– Why, haven’t you left yet? – Kira asked in surprise, shifting her gaze from one fellow student to the other. Alyona wanted to fall through the ground.

– Dubolom made us in the hall to clean up, we just finished, – replied Xyusha.

– I see, well in the showers are free, – nodded Kira, with interest looking at Alyona, who pressed into the wall, tightly clutching the towel, so that her fingers turned white.

Ksyusha shifted her gaze from her best friend to Kira and, without saying anything, silently sniffed at the open door. The slam of the door made Alyona flinch.

– It’s the first time I’ve seen you in the locker room in just your underwear. Pink? That’s a nice color. The last time I wore pink was in kindergarten,” Kira grinned.

She should have said something, but her throat felt like it was being squeezed by an invisible collar. Alyona couldn’t move, and Kira’s words echoed in the empty locker room. Her fellow student’s gaze slid down her body, causing her a strange combination of shame and arousal. She wanted to say something, but her tongue felt like it was stuck to her palate. She guessed that Kira had a soft spot for girls too… Rumors had been on the stream for a long time.

– S…thank you,” she said, feeling her face flush. But as soon as the first words were out of her mouth, Alyona could breathe easier.

– Yeah, what’s wrong with you? Are you afraid of me? – Kira took a step forward, and there was genuine surprise in her voice. Alyona shook her head, but the tension wouldn’t let go. The towel seemed to be her only defense, and she clutched it even tighter, trying to hold on to what was left of her composure. Kira examined the right nipple peeking out from under the towel with interest.

And then, she took off her robe. It fell to the floor and Kira wiggled her hips provocatively. Alyona looked up with difficulty. Kira was standing in front of her in her panties. Her braids were loose and now her coal-black hair flowed in waves over her shoulders. Running and athletics had sculpted her flawless form, turning the once inconspicuous quiet girl into the likeness of a Greek statue. Skin pale as a vampire’s, full breasts, slightly larger than Ksyusha’s, and a flat, embossed belly attracted the eye. The black lipstick had worn off a little at the corners of her mouth after the shower, and the shadow under her eyes had washed away completely. It was a rare moment when Kira appeared without mascara and without graphite-dirty eyeshadow. But it was something else that caught Alyona’s eye the most.

Physical activity photo

– I didn’t know that you had piercings… Well, I mean, everyone knew about the belly, of course…..

– I got my nipples pierced last summer. It wasn’t as painful as I expected. This year I want to do more.

Kira gently pulled the dumbbell sticking out of her nipple, and watching the full breasts pulling up next, Alyona involuntarily licked her lips. Breasts like a real woman’s…

– Bigger? – Alyona couldn’t contain her interest. Everything about Kira, from her black hair to her toenails, painted in a lacquer that did not reflect a single photon of light, beckoned to Alyona. All her life the world around her had been colorful and bright, and Kira was different.

– I shouldn’t go into that kind of detail. We’re not close enough.
– That’s true… I’m sorry if I’m prying…

After a short pause, Kira pulled down the elastic bands of her panties, and for a moment Alyona saw the blond hair that ran in an even thin strip along her pubes. She was so used to Kira’s dyed hair that she had forgotten that she was a shade.

– You know, Alyona, no matter how much you hide it, I can see right through you. When are you going to get up the courage to ask me directly? For a whole year I’ve been watching you, and there were moments when I thought you’d dare to come up and talk. But maybe I’ve been waiting in vain for you to take the initiative all this year – you are a timid little bunny… Do you have my number?

– No, you never gave it to me. There didn’t seem to be an occasion.

Kira turned around, quickly pulled on a leather skirt, threw on an oversized T-shirt with a completely unreadable metal band logo that looked like a thicket of thorn bushes, and pulled out a black lipstick from her bag.

– Text me. It’s not a request.

She wrote something in lipstick on the mirror and, without another word, proudly left the locker room, opening the door with a kick of her heavy cleats. Alyona was trembling with excitement, but she still managed to get up from the bench and walk over to the mirror. In the corner of the mirror was written in black lipstick a phone number and a small symbol that looked like a rabbit’s face with ears sticking out.

And then the excitement was replaced by a wave of euphoria. Was this really not a dream? The towel slipped to the floor, and she rushed to the showers in search of Ksyusha to tell her friend the incredible news.


Next to the stall where Xyusha was washing, there were soaked panties, soaked in dirty water. The puddle ran onto the tiled floor, and Alyona almost slipped, struggling to keep her balance. She was in such a hurry to share the happy news with her best friend that she completely forgot about safety and slippery tiles.

– Xiu, Xiu! You won’t believe it! Kira… She’s now… She left me her number! And she said I’d text her, can you believe it?

– Did you hit your head? – In the voice of Xyusha Alyona heard mockery, but she did not want to prove anything now. It was necessary to quickly gather and run home to write to Kira. And what if she misheard? Xyusha slightly pulled back the curtain and by the glint in the eyes of her friend realized that she was telling the truth.

– So you’re serious? So, the rumors about Kira were true … And I told you that the tattoo on her arm in the form of crossed scissors – a sign! And you argued, stupid. She asked you out?

– You were right! But you’re rushing the date, Kira just said I should text her… Oh, I’m so worried… I’ve never been the first one to start dating.

– You’re stupid, Alyona, it’s an obvious pick-up! Kira doesn’t just want to chat. So, when’s the wedding?

– Oh, fuck off! When are you going to go to Alexei to get married?

Alyona tried to smack the palm of her hand on Xyusha’s hand, but her legs parted on the wet floor, and she felt like flying towards the tile. Xyusha managed to grab her friend’s hand and fell on herself, dragging her into the stall under the jets of water.

In Alyona’s face the water rushed. Pink panties immediately soaked through and gently enveloped the lips. Ksyusha’s fingers were soaked in something slippery, but there was no soap in the showers.

– I understand, you’ll be busy tonight and we’re not going home to you?

– No way! – Alyona was frightened. – I can write to Kira tomorrow, maybe still to my place?

– I have a better idea …

Xyusha helped to get up Alyona and, without saying another word, friends immediately merged in a passionate kiss.

Alyona’s body was pierced by an electric shock, which grew into a real lightning from a single spark, skipped at the point of contact between their tongues. The girls stroked each other’s backs. Ksyusha acted this time much bolder than in Kazan. She greedily and almost roughly crushed Alyona’s buttocks. Why at Alena’s house Xyusha had resisted when her friend tried to move beyond kissing, but now it was as if she had been replaced? Her tongue burst into Alyona’s mouth with such zeal that she involuntarily surrendered and allowed Xyusha to press herself into the wall. Fatigue, accumulated in the body, disappeared under the hail of kisses and streams of water.

Alyona did not even notice at what moment her panties were on the floor. She forgot about everything in the world. Everything in the world became unimportant, except the pressure of Xiusha’s firm fingers around her right nipple. Alyona cried out subtly when Ksyusha twisted the nipple, leaving in it a pleasant, aching pain.

– Ksyusha, why are you so… – gasping with passion and choking on water, whispered Alyona.

– This is all physical activity. After them I kapetsako want to cum.

– Cum? Right now? – Alyona’s heart beat joyfully, doing a somersault, and went into heels from the heard words. She didn’t recognize Xiusha’s voice. The friend almost growled, and from the passionate look Alena, suddenly for herself, wanted to kneel. Become obliging. But Xiusha had already decided everything for her.

Xiusha’s fingers slid down her thigh and penetrated between Alyona’s legs. A hiss of pleasure pierced her in the place where Xusha’s finger, sliding the folds, reached the clitoris. A languid moan escaped from her lips and was immediately interrupted by a passionate kiss. Xyusha pressed her into the wall of the shower and dabbled with her fingers between the folds of the pussy as she wanted. Alyona began to slide down the wall, struggling to keep herself on her feet.

If you want to read the continuation of my story, send me an email. [email protected]

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By trixis
#Lesbian #Teen #Virgin

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