In Her Fathers Footsteps –

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#Abuse #Pregnancy #Rape #Tween

By Ginto

Young Lara Croft convinces her father to take her on a dig, only to encounter bandits and more than she bargained for…

Laura’s life had been one of excess and opulence. Her father, Lord Croft, came from a long line of British aristocrats, high society of The Empire. Butlers and nannies waited on her every need and whim, every moment of every day. To Laura it was Hell. Thing’s had changed since her mothers plane crash. Her father had gone mad with obsession first in retrieving her body, then with a fruitless mission to bring back his beloved wife. Lord Croft spent months gallivanting across the globe, chasing legends and myths of immortality from long lost civilizations, leaving his young daughter alone in their estate. Laura had begun to act out, going as far as locking one of the butlers in the walk in freezer, nearly giving the poor man frostbite before a passing maid heard his cries for help. Returning from the subcontinent, Lord Richard received news of his daughters escapades. His mind cleared for the first time in years, realizing his blind pursuit of knowledge to save his wife was beginning to cost him his own living daughter.

“Laura…” Lord Croft said, rapping lightly on the sturdy oak door of her bedroom. The 12 year old girl laid hidden under the silk satin covers of her massive mahogany four post bed.

He let himself into the room, slowly making his way to the bed, sitting down next to the small lump under the sheets.

“I’m not angry Laura, I haven’t come to scold you.” He said in a reassuring tone.

Cautiously, Laura’s light brown hair emerged from under the sheets, staring at her father. He just briefly smiled.

“I want to apologize, sweetie. Ever since your mother….” He said, stopping himself as his face went grim. “I lost myself.”

He turned to face his daughter, now sitting upright on her bed in her white cotton night gown.

“She’s gone, Laura.” He said, chocking back tears. “I know that, but…I wont stop trying.”

Laura’s heart broke for her father. Her mothers death had been hard on the entire family, but no one had taken it worse than her father. He stood up from the bed, eyeing her desk curiously. He walked toward the wooden bureau, taking an old faded book from the pile.

“A treatise on early Mayan civilization.” He said with a laugh. Like father like daughter, he thought.

“This interests you?” He said, waving the book slightly as he turned back towards his daughter.

She gave just a small nod as he thoughtfully thumbed through the pages. What a fool he had been, he thought to himself, as he realized he didn’t even know his own daughters interests. A thought dawned on him at that moment however, as he grinned.

“Laura, how’d you like to go on a little trip?”

The heat of the Mexican jungle was sweltering, as Laura took a deep chug from her canteen. The group had not seen civilization, modern or ancient, in days as they trekked through the overgrowth near the Belize border. To add to the misery, the land was beginning to get mountainous, with jagged rocks threatening to cut through even the thick boots she wore. Her jeans had already torn in 2 places, her white tank top stained with sweat, small drops of blood, and rain. For a normal preteen girl, this would be an unimaginable form of torture, but Laura had never felt more alive. The thrill not only of exploring where few had been before, but the prospect of finding something truly grand sent chills down her spine whenever she thought of it. A few years behind her, her father panted, exhausted from the trek. He was happy to see his daughter so enthralled, but worn out trying to match her pace. The rest of the party lagged behind, a handful of local armed bodyguards and a few colleagues of Lord Croft carrying the equipment they would need to make camp and study any finds. Laura’s footing suddenly slipped, sliding down a rough stone embankment into total darkness

“Laura!” her father shouted as he ran towards the hole, relieved to see she had not fallen far.

“I’m ok!”

The young girls backside screamed in pain as she landed roughly at the bottom. She grimaced in pain, slowly standing as she dusted herself off, taking the flashlight from her backpack to get her bearings. Her breath was taken away as she slowly opened her eyes. She found herself in a long stone hallway, the walls covered in carvings from the lost Mayan civilization. She stood speechless as the light of her flashlight slowly studied the reliefs. The sound of sliding behind her didn’t shake her from her daze.

“Laura…You found it.” Her father said, in part disbelief and part pride. “This might be the lost city of Camazotz.”

The camp had been set up in a small clearing nearby, as the archaeologists began the long painstaking task of researching the ruins. Laura had grown bored, her father telling her to stay near the tents while he was gone, not to get out of sight of the armed guards. He warned of bandits and looters who stalked the area, looking for ruins like these to pillage. Her fathers words however had not stopped her from sneaking out to explore on her own. She was mystified by the ruins, intrigued by what secrets they may hold. At night was when she would sneak off the most, taking her flashlight with her as she explored the ruins, tracing the shapes of the strange carvings with her fingers. More often than not, the night ended with one of the guards dragging her back to the camp, keeping a close eye on her the rest of the evening. However, one night she managed to evade the guards long enough to get further into the ruins than she ever had. The carvings had grown stranger, and more esoteric, depicting scenes she couldn’t begin to describe. She was lost in though considering the ruins, never hearing the soft footfalls behind her, until she felt a burly arm clench around her waist and a hand slapping across her mouth. As a child of wealth, the threat of kidnapping had always been high and Laura had been trained in rudimentary self defense, a skill she put to use as she swiftly kicked her leg back, connecting with her assaulter’s family jewels. The man released her, groaning in pain in the darkness as Laura ran. She had no idea where she was running or from what, having dropped her flashlight, but nevertheless she ran as if her life depended on it. The sound of heavy boots thundered behind her as several men pursued her through the dark jungle. She ran for what felt like minutes until she was clothes lined by a branch, knocking her to the ground. Breathless she laid on the ground, making out the faint shape of several men surround her as consciousness left her.

Her head pounded as she finally woke up, her face sticking slightly to the wet stone floor. The room she was in was dark, save for a small lantern in the corner, enough to make out the familiar sights of a cave. She felt a foot on her hip, pushing her onto her back. Towering above her stood an angry looking man. His blue eyes glimmered in the light of the lanterns flame, his black hair shining, pulled back in a ponytail. Immediately she tried to get up and run, finding that hard to do as she was bound with ropes by her hands and feet.

“You ain’t going anywhere kid.” The man said in a deep Southern drawl.

A few men around the periphery of the room chuckled. Most of them looked to be locals, swarthy dark men with black hair and black bears, all carrying heavy machine guns. The cave looked to be some sort of hideout, no doubt these men were the bandits her father had warned her about. She sighed quietly to herself, seemingly more upset that her father had been right than her current predicament.

“Now what’s a little girl like you doin’ out here in the ass crack of nowhere?” He said with a smirk, squatting down in front of her as he loosened her gag.

“I’m not telling you anything! My father will find me soon enough.” She said arrogantly.

“Your father, huh? Oh now come on, don’t tell me we done found the great Lord Crofts kid!” He said with a loud laugh, joined in chorus with his men. “I knew he’s around here, never guess I’d accidentally steal something this valuable from him. Bet he’d pay top dollar for you…”

The bandit shot back up to his feet, shouting something loudly in Spanish. The bandits scrambled, packing up the supplies in the cave. The leader took out a knife, slashing the ropes binding Lara’s feet. He pulled her up by the back of her belt to her feet, pushing her ahead of him as the bandits filed out of the cave carrying their belongings.

“Scream while we’re out here and I put a bullet in the back of your skull. Got it, kid?” He said, the feeling of cold steel against the back of her head proving he wasn’t lying.

They marched for hours under the cover of darkness, eventually finding another cave much deeper into the forest. The bandits didn’t even bother to unpack, just taking a few hours to rest before going back on the march. For 2 days they ran, taking only short moments to rest and eat, before the finally settled down. Lara had no idea where they were now, but the terrain had become much more mountainous and hard to navigate. The bandits were deep in a cave in the mountains, lit only by the lanterns and torches they had carried with them. Lara sat quietly in the corner near crates of supplies as she did most days, watching the bandits going to and from working. She was unsettled by how some of the men look at her, closing her eyes tightly as they walked by.

“Good news Lara!” Their leader said, walking back into the back of the cave. “Got in contact with your daddy! Told him we got ya, yer safe and sound and for the right price, you can stay that way.”

He laughed as he threw what looked to be a satellite phone back into his backpack. He picked up an old digital camera from the backpack, taking a quick picture of the tied up girl. He threw the camera to a nearby bandit, muttering something again in Spanish.

“Proof of life. He’ll get that in a few days, probably call me back begging. Then I’ll give him my price. Then I’ll let him sweat for a while, see what he thinks you’re worth.” He said with a laugh. “Never take the first offer, first rule of kidnapping. Get comfy kid, you’re gonna be with us for a while.”

He began to walk away as one of the bandits spoke up. The two carried on a conversation for a few moments in Spanish, the two men glancing at the girl every so often. Eventually, the leader nodded his head, as if coming to an agreement.

“Si.” He said.

Several of the bandits faces lit up in excitement. Jumping to their feet and surrounding Lara. Her heart began to race, afraid of what was happening. The leader looked at the scared little girl and chuckled.

“Oh I guess ya don’t speak Spanish. Well, they boys asked me what we gonna do with you while we got ya. See everyone in the gang carries their weight. We been out here in the jungles a few months alone, men get awful lonely without the touch of a woman. So I told em they could do what they wanted with ya, long as they don’t leave no marks.” He explained with a sick grin. “Boys seem awful excited to have a camp whore, even if ya are just a kid.”

The men grabbed her by the arms, dragging her deeper into the cave.

“No!” She said as she kicked and screamed, trying to shake loose of the men’s grasp. A group of 5 followed them, all with sickening looks in their eyes as the light of their torches dances in their entranced eyes. They reached a small corner of the dark damp cave, one of the men throwing down a bedroll he had brought with him. They threw the preteen girl onto it, surrounding her. One took out a knife, kneeling on top of her as he put the knife to her belly, slicing her tank top off. Her small pale chest laid exposed to the 7 men as she began crying, pleading with them to stop. Several of them were already stroking the bulges in their pants as they licked their lips, watching as the man on top of her continued disrobing her, undoing her belt, and sliding her torn jeans off. She wore nothing but a pair of white cotton panties underneath, those too slide off. One of the men knelt down behind her, pulling her arms above her head, pinning them to the ground as the other undid her boots and pulled her jeans and panties off. Her mind froze in terror as she heard the sound of zippers and belt buckles hitting the stone floor. Her body jerked as she felt one of the mans rough hands against her privates. He muttered something in Spanish, before spitting into his hand. She opened one eye slowly, seeing the man rubbing the spit over his disgusting penis.

“No, please, por favor no…” She cried as she man crawled over her, one arm supporting himself over her as the other guided his tip towards her innocence.

He just ignored her as he pressed against her. Her hole was small and tight, much too tight for a full grown man. The bandits didn’t care, pushing with all their might into her. Lara screamed out in agony, feeling like she was being ripped apart as he pushed into her. Despite all his effort, the rapist could only get about halfway in. Content enough, he began pumping. White hot searing pain shot through Lara’s body. She struggled and screamed as the men pumped on top of her, his face moaning in pleasure. His pace quickened and his face contorted. Lara was young, just a preteen, but knew enough about The Birds and The Bees to understand what was happening.

“Please no, not inside me, please!” She cried at the top of her lungs.

Whether the man didn’t understand her or didn’t care was moot, as he unloaded his backed up seed into the preteen girl. He pumped a few more times, letting the last ropes shoot out before climbing off of her. His flaccid cock was covered in blood and cum, relieved he switched places with the man holding her hands, as he too crawled on top of her, anxious for his turn. 6 more times Lara was raped, until all 7 men had had a turn cumming into the preteen. The torch light faded into the distance as the men laughed and talked as Lara laid in the darkness, bleeding and broken, full of her kidnappers cum. She curled up into a ball, holding her hands over her privates in pain, disgusted at the blood and semen oozing out of her as she cried until she passed out.

It was hard to judge time passing in the darkness of the cave. She never left her little alcove, the only light she ever saw being the torch of men coming to rape her. Several men had come by hours after the first assault to bolt a chain to the wall, cuffing her with an iron band to the chain to prevent her from running away, before raping her. A bandit brought a small meal for her once a day, that beign the only consistent way to gauge how much time had past. By her best estimate, it had been 2 months. Bandits came by at all hours to relieve themselves. Their sweaty bodies slapping against her made her sick, laying on the cum, blood, and sweat stained bedroll all day. The men didn’t bother speaking to her, opting just to rape her silently and leave. A brief reprieve came not longer, as the bandits picked up camp and trudged through the jungle for several days. They kept her bound at the hands on a leash, parading her naked bruised body through the jungle. Her feet were cut and bloody as they dragged her along. She kept up hope that her fathers men were just behind her, coming to her rescue at any moment, but as the bandits found another cave to hideout in, and she was again chained to the wall as a group of men dropped their pants, her hope was snuffed out.

“Morning sunshine. Yer dad accepted my ransom!” The leader said, shaking the girl awake with his boot.

“I can…go home?” She asked sleepily, sitting up on her stained bedroll.

“Home? Hell, I asked for another million.” He laughed loudly as he pulled his pants down.

“Honestly might not even let ya go, yer great for morale.” He said as he crawled on top of her.

5 months had passed since Lord Croft had seen his daughter. Not a day went by he had not tortured himself over losing her. Bringing a 12 year old girl in the jungles of Central America, what was he thinking. He sat at the quiet cafe as instructed by the bandits. He had offered them a huge chunk of his wealth to get his little girl back, each time the bandits asking for more and more, until after one offer he had been texted this address in Mexico City. Nervously he took a sip of his coffee. A lone taxi appeared down the quiet street as his phone vibrated from the kidnappers number once again.

“Pleasure doing business with you, Lord Croft. Don’t say I never did nothing for you. You got 2 kids for the price of 1!!!” The message read, followed by a string of laughing emojis.

Lord Richard was perplexed what the message meant, but it became all too clear as his eyes looked up at the girl getting out from the taxi. His daughter stood before him, dead eyed and draped in a huge cheap pink Dallas Cowboys t-shirt. The comical size of the shirt however was not enough to cover her giant swollen belly as Lord Crofts phone dropped to the floor with a crack as he broke down into tears.

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By Ginto
#Abuse #Pregnancy #Rape #Tween

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love this. I have to remake this on glambase
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love this. i'm gonna recreate it on glambase
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Kamaveri Paiyan
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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As a mom i understand this feeling.
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