Latest sex stories about I tried the pork – added for who looking to read new experience of teenager narrative I tried the pork – story.
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By Stefy
when I was a girl I lived on a farm, we had cows, pigs, chickens, and a dog, I have always been very horny since I was little, at that time I was 26 and I was already getting fucked by my dog, every day or as soon as I had some time to be alone with him, I was always wet, I was not interested in boys, but I loved my dog, one day they brought us a male pig to impregnate our females, and as soon as he was released into the stable he began to do his duty, the thing turned me on so much, to the point that I was soaked, I went away so as not to let my parents see, but the thought kept going around in my head, who knows what it was like to get fucked by that thin cock, that night I couldn’t sleep, my pussy was on fire, very slowly I went to the stable, I didn’t want to be discovered by my parents, as soon as I arrived at the pig’s enclosure in the dim light I saw how big he was and what huge balls he had, I was a little scared because he seemed bad, then I made a move, I touched my pussy and made him smell my hand, he seemed to like it, so I took courage, and I entered his enclosure, he immediately came to smell my crotch, I was very wet, but I was also scared, I studied how to get fucked, so I took a bale of hay and lay down on it, I had no underwear, I only had my dressing gown, I pulled it and he immediately jumped on top of me, it was heavy but he rested his paws on the hay so I could bear his weight, immediately he started to probe with his cock looking for my nest, he went to waste right, left, he also inserted it in my ass but luckily came out immediately, and then in one go he inserted himself all the way in, he took my breath away, but then he started to move his cock, he turned inside with gentle movements, it felt like a corkscrew, it tickled me inside, then a very strong pang hurt a lot, it felt like he had cut me inside, and he inserted himself even more, it hurt, but I couldn’t move, after a few seconds he started to cum inside me, it hurt but I had very strong shivers, and he also started to shake, he continued to cum, I felt my belly swelling, it was a strange sensation, he was also wetting my whole back with his foam from his mouth, he continued to cum inside me, it always burned a lot, it wasn’t very pleasant and I hoped it would end soon, unfortunately instead an eternity passed… finally he came out a little, but always staying inside, and there I felt him come in very strong spurts, finally he came down, I got up and ran away from his enclosure, I thought I had a lot of mess underneath instead I was almost dry, but my belly was very swollen, not even a drop of sperm came out, and yet I had felt him come for a long time….continue
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By Stefy