I have sex with older men part 4

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#Incest #Tween

By Sand Man

Story my wife told me how she was introduced to sex with older men at the age of 10

George wondered what was coming next

Her dad said “I have been meaning to say this to you for some time, as you like taking her out and she seems to like you. I wanted to run this past you. She is now 10 , and will now have sexual feelings and needs.And as I have mentioned to you about her tight swimsuit and that camel-toe, I think that men will be taking an interest in her.”

“Oh, they certainly are” George replied.

“Really, tell me more” her dad asked George.

George went on to say “well when we are on the beach a few men come by, and they all look at her and her camel-toe in particular. She does not seem to mind that”.

George confessed that he also likes looking at her down there.

“I am not surprised you do, so do I “ Dad told him.

“Have you seen her pussy lately”, George asked him.

“No, not for years I have not “he replied.

“Would you like to”George came back with.

“Before I answer that will you promise that you won’t tell my wife about our chat” her dad said. George promised.

Then her dad said “ yes I would love to see her pussy, I have wanted to see it for some time”. The nearest I get is seeing it through her swimsuit.

Her dad then went on to tell George that “if she wanted him to touch her or do things with her it was ok with him, but just do not get her pregnant or let anyone else get her pregnant”

Wow, George thought that opens a lot of doors.

“Ok, and I will try and see if she would like you to play with her and things”

“O that’s good” dad came back with.

George already knew she wanted her dad to play with her, he was playing a double agent.

Her dad then said “There is one condition with this, it is that you come and tell me everything, in detail what you both have done. There are a lot of silly boys out there that would play with her and probably knock her up, with you I know she will be looked after well, in that respect”.

George agreed he would.

George thought, he would be amazed at what his daughter had already done, George would relay this to him in stages at a later date.

George said “ so you like girls of her size then”

Her dad Said “yes, and seeing that we have an understanding I will tell you a secret, I do have some videos and pics of girls of her age and size being done by men, I often fantasize that it is me doing my daughter”

“Oh wow, I would like to see them” George said.

“Ok we will see how things progress” dad replied.

George thought to him self, good now I could have some sort of hold over him, about the videos and pics, as he would not want any one to know about them.

Her dad told George that his wife was going to see her mum, who lived about 200 miles away.in two weeks time.

That would be a good time for him to come over if things progressed, and he could watch the vids with him.

George asked if he could have a quick sample of the vids or pics. He was told it was not a good time for him to see the vids as his wife was around, but I will show you a few pics.

He went and got them, they were real pics some one had sent him.

One showed a girl of his daughters age and size sucking a black cock, the other one showed a white guy with his cock inside the girl.

“I have lots more, both vids and pics” dad told him.

“I will look forward to seeing them” George told her dad.

As George was leaving her dad said to him, “please try and find out from her if she wants me to play with her, and not tell her mum”

George smiled and told him he would.

George thought, wow this is great everything seems to be falling in my lap, I have his willing daughter doing everything I tell her to do, now her dad has declared he wants to play with his daughter and he has lots of pics and vids of girls, a good leverage point if he wanted her dad to let him do certain things.

George then left, well pleased how the day had gone.

George related most of this conversation to my wife the next time he saw her.

She thought to herself, Jim should be back home on Saturday, maybe I will go to his house and see him.

Jim had been away for about a week, but she did not miss him as she had been with George.

She liked what both George and Jim do to her, and George lets other men do things to her too, which she likes.

Now George has told her that her dad wants to do things to her was a real turn on for her.

She thought for some time that her dad wanted to do things to her, the way he sometimes looked at her.

Her head was going in a spin, should she not do any more, or carry on, but the more she done the more she wanted.

She liked the different things George has shown her, and the things he wants her to do, like going out with a short skirt on and no panties, this thrilled her.

She then decided that if she had to choose between them it would be George, but maybe she can keep both of them doing things to her.

Saturday arrived, she decided to go and see Jim.She called at his house, but he was not there.

It was half term at school, and she knew she would not be going to get a lift from him, she wondered where he was.

Three days past by and still no Jim.

Then out of the blue George phoned her dad and told him he was going to the beach again, would she like to go with him.

Dad knew she would, so he told him yes.

George told her dad that he would pick her up on Wednesday at the usual time. When her dad told her she was very pleased.

George later told my wife that his old friend Peter phoned him up, the one the man mentioned on the beach. The man told Peter that he had met George on the beach, and that he was with a real cutie.He told Peter that he would really like the girl. That’s why Peter phoned George, to see when he was next going, George told him Wednesday. “I will be there “ Peter said.

George picked her up at the usual time.

On driving to the beach he relayed on to her all the things her dad had said. She was excited by it.

“So would you let your dad do things to you, and not tell your mum?, because he wants to know “ George asked her. She said she would, and not tell.

George also told her that her dad had said it was ok if George, or anyone George knew did things to her. She liked that as well.

She was getting excited with the chat, and wondered what his friend Peter was like.

They arrived at the beach and my wife took off her t shirt and shorts, she was now just wearing the usual tight fitting swimsuit, which George liked.

He looked down at her camel-toe, that does turn me on he told her, she smiled.

They walked through the textile section getting the usual furtive glances, this gave her a tingle.

They got to the nudist section and found a quiet place near the bushes.

George said to her “ see who turns up”

They laid the towels down, and sat on them, both were not naked yet.

George told her “ I want my friend Peter to see you in your tight swimsuit, if he turns up”.

They were there for a while a few walkers came and looked then went off.

My wife told me that they just sat there chatting, every now and again George would lean over look and play with her camel-toe.

Apparently he loved it as much covered up as he did a bare pussy.

It was on one of the times that George was feeling her camel-toe that a walker came by, he saw what George was doing and started to rub his now hard cock. It was not long before he cum.

George said to my wife “that has given him something to think about “.

A couple came by, spoke to them and the woman kept looking between my wife’s legs, she seemed to be liking what she saw.

They moved on, the woman kept looking back.

They were there for some time and on the point of moving on when George’s friend Peter arrived.

“Great, I have found you at last, been looking for you everywhere” he told George.

When he set his eyes on my wife he said, “bloody hell she is a cutie, but aren’t you taking a chance with a girl so young, I don’t mind, but you could get into trouble “.

George told him she is 10 and willing,so no problem.

Peter said “ wow, you have the best of both worlds, a very young willing girl, you lucky bastard “.

He wanted to know if she was related to him, George told him she was the daughter of a friend.

And does your friend know that you bring her here? he asked. “Yes he does and he is ok with it” George replied.

“Does he know you do things with her” he asked.

George told him “not yet, but I have been given the go ahead if she wants to do things”.

Peter gave my wife a long look, she could see his cock getting bigger.

“What a beauty, and that camel-toe is something else, probably the most defined one I have seen” Peter came out with.

“Thought you would like it “ George told him.

My wife was getting tingly by what Peter was saying, and seeing his now hard cock.

His cock was longer than George’s, but not as thick.

George started to play with her camel–toe now for Peter to see.

His eyes were transfixed on watching George squeeze her camel-toe, and run his finger up and down her well defined slit.

“That looks wonderful” Peter remarked.

He sat down next to my wife, and kept watching George feel her.

George then slipped a finger inside her swimsuit, rubbing it over her mound.

“Oh yes” Peter called out.

“Thought you would like to see her in her swimsuit” George told him.

Peter then asked George if he could do it, “if she wants you to”, yes came the reply. Peter looked at my wife and she told him he could.

Peter started feeling her through her swimsuit, then he like George put a finger inside it. My wife said to me that she could see him trembling.

“I have got to see all of her, can she take her suit off?” Peter declared.

My wife said to me that she was very tingly with what they were both doing to her.

George told him that we are bit open here, we had better go back a bit further into the dunes and bushes.

They all got up and George led them back to the “private” area that he had been shown last week.

When they got there George took his trunks off, and told Peter that he could undress her if he wanted.

He did not need telling twice.

He slipped both shoulder straps off of her, and when he saw her tiny tit bumps he let out a “ oh yes”.

He put his head down and started to lick and suck her nipples, her suit was now down to her waist.

Then he slid the suit down, it fell to her feet.

When he saw her bald pussy, he said, “ Jesus, that is mind blowing, what a beautiful bald slit, best I’ve seen”

They got my wife to lay down on the towels, then Peter started to explore all of her body, rubbing his hands over her small tits and feeling her pussy.

He then got between her legs and started licking her, sliding his tongue up and down her slit, then teasing her small clit.

My wife told me she loved him doing that.

He pulled her pussy lips open and licked inside her as much as he could.

Peter said “ I think I am dreaming, never thought I would get the chance to do this to a girl of her size, always wanted to, but never thought it would happen “.

George told him just enjoy it.

Peter kept on licking my wife and feeling her everywhere for some time, George later told my wife that he liked watching him do it.

Peter had to stop for breath, and pre cum was on the end of his cock.

They rested for a while.


After a little rest Peter asked my wife if she would suck him, he was standing up.

My wife got on her knees in front of him and took his cock in her hand and started to lick it. Then she put some of it in her mouth.

Peter said “ she sure knows how to do this, I wonder who taught her” looking over to George.

George gave a grin.

My wife sucked his cock, pulling his foreskin back so the big head got more swollen. She got a bit more of it in her mouth, bit by bit, still holding his foreskin back.

With her other hand she put it under his balls, just like George had shown her to do on him. Peter let out a groan and cum in her mouth. My wife said she still had his foreskin held right back, and his cock kept on jerking up and down till all the cum had finished coming out.

She rubbed and squeezed it a few times really draining him.

George was standing, stroking his cock, enjoying the scene.

George did not cum.

They sat down and had a rest.

After a short rest and a cooling drink, they chatted about what had just happened.

Peter had never known anything like this before, although he often fantasized about it, he told them.

George said “it looked very good what you both were doing, I had to hold back I nearly cum.”

They decided to lay out on the towels for a while, taking in the sun.

George was getting horny again, he moved over to where my wife was laying and started to play with her pussy. Gently stroking her slit, up and down his fingers went.

Then he turned his attention to her small bump tits, he sucked on her nipples.Then he went back to her pussy.

He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he did not see the couple come into the “private” area.

They both had seen what George was doing to my wife.

They came a lot nearer and the woman said “ Oh my, what an erotic scene, an old man with a very young girl, and a very pretty girl at that”

She looked at George and said “Christ she must only be 10 years old.”

George did not tell her that she was correct.

They asked if they could both stay and watch.

George told them they could, but not to tell anyone.

This seemed to excite the couple.

It was the same couple that came by them earlier, the woman who kept looking back at them.

They were in their mid forties, she had a good trim figure, nice perky tits and a neat trimmed pussy. He was a bit overweight, and of average cock size.

George thought to himself, so much of this being a “private” place.

The woman kept looking at my wife’s pussy slit, more than the man was.

Some small talk went on between the five of them, the woman asked my wife if she liked what he was doing to her, my wife nodded and said yes.

I am glad you are she replied, and it did look good.

George said to the woman, “so you want to watch do you”, she replied “Oh yes”.

My wife was laying on the sand, with George in a sitting position leaning over her.

Peter was standing watching it all.

The man and woman were sat at my wife’s feet facing them.

George pulled her legs apart so they had a good view of her bald pussy.

They both muttered “very nice”.

George started to feel my wife’s pussy and tits again, paying more attention to her pussy, slightly opening the lips.

The woman could not take her eyes off of them.

She shuffled a bit nearer, leaving the man behind her.

The woman asked George if he would open her pussy lips a bit more, he did.

She then put one hand on my wife’s foot and the other hand she put on her own pussy, fingering herself.

“So you like that do you”, George said to the woman.

“Bet your life I do “ she replied.

With that she put two fingers deep in her pussy, her thumb rubbed her clit.

Her husband was stroking his cock. He did not say much.

My wife was watching what the woman was doing, she had never seen it before, but she liked seeing her fingers go in her open pussy.

The woman was really getting into the scene, she moved her hand from my wife’s foot up to her leg, looked at George for approval and left it there.

George then started to suck my wie’s small tits, he was sucking her only for about 2 minutes.

When he turned his head back to them he saw that the woman’s hand was now on my wife;s upper thigh.

“So you want to have a go with this small girl do you ?”.

George said it like that as it sounded very erotic and risky.

“Bloody hell I do” she came back with.

George just looked down at my wife and she nodded her approval.

The woman moved right up next to my wife and sucked her tits.

She then slid her hand down to cup her bald mound, she massaged it for a bit, then slid her fingers into her slit.

My wife said it made her squirm, and she liked it.

The woman fingered her slit for some time, saying “oh fuck yes”.

She then got down between her legs and started to lick and suck her, she stretched out, her legs open a bit more.

George and Peter were stood behind the woman watching her lick my wife.

Her nice round bum and pussy were open for all to see.

George motioned over to her husband, pointing at his cock, then the woman’s pussy.The man knew what he meant and just nodded to him.

With that George made the woman kneel up, while she was still licking and fingering my wife, her head was down between my wife’s legs, with her bum now sticking up.

George the parted her knees a bit.

With that he got down and started to lick the woman, she turned round to see who it was doing this to her, she saw it was George, then went back to licking my wife.

George and Peter took it in turns to lick the woman.

She just carried on licking my wife.

Her husband was stroking his cock watching them do things to his wife.

George then straddled over her and pushed his thick cock into her wet pussy. she jumped a bit but let him carry on.

George was giving it to her in a big way, in and out he thrust, a bit at a time.

He pushed the last few inches in and left it in, moving it about inside her.

His cock going in and out of her pussy as her pussy walls clung to his thick cock.

He exploded inside her, she let out a yell and collapsed onto my wife.

The woman had a big orgasm.

She later said that it was the thought of what she was doing to the small girl that tipped her over into the orgasm.

She gave my wife a last lick before she got up. She smiled at my wife and told her, “you are beautiful, and you have a beautiful body”.

My wife told me she really liked that.

They all sat around chatting.

The woman said “I have always wanted to do that to a young girl, and now I have”

George and the woman swapped phone numbers, she told him they would like to meet up again.

They cleaned up and left.

Just before they left the woman leaned over and kissed my wife on the lips, and said “I hope we see you again”

My wife gave her a big smile.


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By Sand Man
#Incest #Tween

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Hey author u want me to write stories in your site. ping directly hope u have my mail..
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அவள் புண்டையை பார்த்தேன். எனக்கும் இன்னும் மூடு ஏறியது.... Collapse
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