Hot Mama 13 –

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By George Wark

Charles Rachel and Cindy Continue in the store and get some toys

“What does it look like I’m doing?” She said, she pulled his underwear off next and then revealed his smoothly shaven cock and balls. Looked so pretty and cute. Carefully she lifted his slowly enlarging penis and slipped it into her mouth enjoying the smooth feeling of it.
“Oh mom that feels wonderful, I..” quickly lowering his voice a bit.
Rachel started undressing herself as she watched her mom and brother go at it. She finally was getting wet herself and wanted some pleasure herself. Quickly enough the leggings slipped off and the shirt was thrown into the corner as well. “Mom let me help you out, just lower your arms down for a second.”
Cindy kept charles cock in her mouth, but moved her arms to her sides, Rachel slipped her mothers dress off her shoulders, exposing her mothers tits, revealing she wasn’t wearing a bra either. Rachel pulled her moms dress off entirely before sitting next to her mother, leaning against the bench. She dipped herself underneath and started suckling on her mom’s right tit, and then used her left hand to start rubbing circles around her pussy.
Cindy pulled back trying just to suckle the tip of her son’s penis then circling the head of it with her tongue. Charles could barely contain himself of how sensitive he was and felt. She slid her hand down and rubbed his balls with her hand slowly tracing upwards. She used her fingers to slowly milk and pull up any pre-cum juice inside his cock upwards. She removed her tongue from his penis and watched as the juices slowly oozed out and started to flow down the side. She swiped it up with her hand and collected as much of the pre-cum as possible. Holding as much without letting it spill out, she started coating it on her right boob, pushing Rachel away as she coated it in her son’s love juice.
Rachel just looked for a second and then went to licking her mom’s breast all over, she loved the taste and slickness of the pre-cum. “Mmm Mom, it tastes so good.” She started to work in 2 fingers into her pussy as she contintued licking and sucking.
“Oh mom, please if you keep doing that I’m going to cum too soon. Here I want to switch it around for a second.” He had Cindy step back a little bit. He bent forward and licked the top of her tit wanting to see what he tasted like. “Hmm kinda salty, not bad.”
Rachel and Cindy started laughing at him, “I never would of expected my brother to taste his own pre-cum.” Rachel leaned back halfway sprawled out while still working her fingers in and out.
“Why not? You guys get to taste it all the time, only fair for me to know why you both like it so much.”
Cindy sat down on the bench next to him and started rubbing her tits and pushing fingers deep inside of herself, fingers dancing across her small bush. “Any time son, I guess if you like our juices that much it makes sense.”
“Thanks mom,” he still chuckled a little bit. He reached down and started to glide his hand up and down a little bit on his Cock. He was still amazed at how it felt with so little hair on it. It make him even more sensitive, which felt nice but meant he had to be more careful to not blow his load. “Alright sis, I want to see what you can do with those lips down below now that your warmed up.” He positioned his cock upwards awating his sisters mounting.
“Ooh I’d love to!” She bounced up and hoped up on the bench stradling over him, facing her brother. She slowly squated and lowered herself down. Charles took care and lined himself up with her, as her lips began to split apart from his cock, he could feel her wetness almost start to slide down his shaft as her lips slowly encompassed his cock entirely. Before even reaching the bottom of his shaft she started slowly bouncing up and down going deeper and deeper picking up a rhythm. “Oh yeah, I love having my brother shove his cock into me!”
She did her best to keep her voice down as she moaned and trailed off. Charles slowly rocked his hips getting into a grove with her. She went onto her knees and held herself upright holding his shoulders. Charles gave her a bit of balance as he kneaded her tits feeling the smoothness and stiffness of her nipples as his palms grazed over them. Both of the siblings started moaning softly together trying to keep their voices down.
“Shhh, be careful, we don’t want to get caught,” Cindy looked towards the door and then back at her offspring. They looked so beautiful as they worked their bodys together. She didn’t want to get caught, but also realized how hot the idea was of someone walking in on the three of them having sex in the changing…
Knock Knock, “Hey is everything alright in there?”
Cindy just looked at her kids who both froze and stoped thrusting. She mouthing to them, ‘its the store attendant from earlier.” She got up and walked towards the door, she glanced back at both of them and they already started going at it again just slowly this time and without moaning. Those are some horny kids of mine, she thought.
She opened the door just enough to peek her head through. “Yeah everythings doing alright, thanks for asking!”
The attendant looked at her strangely, “You sure, I heard some strange sounds almost like a wimper or someone hurt, are you all right you look rather flushed.”
“I… well if you must,” She knew the attendant wasn’t going to get mad or report them from their previous interaction she had with them. Cindy opened the door about ⅓ of the way, that way no-one in the hallway could see inside their changing room. Cindy stood out from behind the door and showed her nude self, she still was rather wet from Rachel licking her and the pre-cum. “We were just wanting to make sure that we felt good before making our purchases. The attendant lady looked at Cindy surprised but not concerned. “And here’s the sounds, I tried keeping them down but they just get too into it sometimes.” She stepped aside and showed her that both her kids were having full on sex on the bench, both of them didn’t even stop moving, they turned their heads and just smiled at the lady.
Both Rachel and Charles felt a little strange but even more turned on seeing the store attendant watch them both thrusting. They both kept pumping pussy and penis together, Chrles kept going from one tit to another slobbering all over them.
“We’ll I…” She stamered, “How bout I just leave you folks to it the alright? Just do me a favor and keep the noise down a little bit, my manager is going to come in soon, so I don’t want you guys getting into any trouble.” She slid backwards towards the door for a second, but then turned and faced Cindy, “You must really love your family huh?
“I really do, they make me so happy!”
“We’ll do you…” She stopped speaking for a second, then dropped her head down and started licking Cindys right tit, laping up any last pre-cum left over and groping the other tit with her hand. Cindy slid her hand across the attendant’s body rubbing her breasts and slipping a hand under her skirt brushing her fingers against her panties.
But just as quickly as it started, the attendant pulled back slowly, “We’ll let me know if I can be of any more assistance with you guys.” She then turned and walked away straightening out her outfit. Cindy closed the door behind her.
“I can’t believe she just didn’t care!” said charles. His hips moving upwards to meet his sisters.
“Me either, she really seemed into it though, did you see the way she licked my tit?” Cindy lifted up her boobs and showed them off to charles and rachel as she walked over to them. She knelt down between her sons legs and started licking his balls then sliding her tongue along his shaft, sometimes brushing up against Rachels pussy.
They continued their activities in the changing room for another 15 minutes before Cindy figured it’s time they should get out of there. She guess the employees already were suspicious of the people in one of the chaning rooms, she just hoped the lady from earlier was giving them some space.
“You guys good to go?” Cindy straighted out her dress the best she could but it still was a bit wrinkly. She put her panties in her purse, she figured she would just soak through them anyways plus it felt nice with the air flowing past her lips. She looked at her son and daughter. Charles was good to go, there was a mild buldge still in his pants as his errection slowly went down. Rachel was just finishing pulling her leggings back up as her mom opened the door.
They carried their items to the front and quickly purchased before getting out of there. The same lady from earlier was the one to check them out.
“Hope everything fit well?” She glanced down at charles crotch and gave Cindy a wink.
“Very well,” she responded, “I’m glad we had a chance to try everything out first.” Cindy just smiled at the lady as they grabbed their bags and left.
Once they made it back to the house they had a good laugh talking about the store attendent and how she was similar to the waitress they met and wondered if they were somehow related.
After they made it inside the house they returned back to being nude again. Cindy just stood there for a second looking at both her son and daughter return to a bare just as they were born. She thought how beautiful and lucky she was to have such loving and adnventurous offspring. Her son and his beautiful big cock and cute butt. And her daughter with her gorgeous red hair, perky tits and puffy pussy lips. She quickly slipped out of her dress and headed upstairs with the rest of them to put their purchases away.
They ended up not doing much that night they just had dinner and watched a movie before going to bed. They all were tired from the morning sex activities and felt like getting some sleep instead. The next day they all came downstairs for breakfast and were dressed, Charles had to go work for a dad of a freind of his, Cindy had to work, and Rachel was going to hang out with some of her freinds.
That evening Charles got back home and went upstairs to his room. Most of the day all he could think about was the toys he got at the store and how he was excited to try them out. At this point he really wanted to see how they would feel. Once he got into his room he stripped down like normal and reached for the lube and box of butt plugs on his dresser. He opened the box and found 3 regular sized butt plugs that could vibrate, and then 2 smaller ones that were to help ‘train’.
“Hey bro, gonna try those out today?” Said rachel she peeked her head inside the door as he held up one of the smaller ones.
“Yeah, figured I could see how they compare to your finger,” he laughed. “But, uh .. um, I kinda don’t really know what to do though.”
She just giggled at him, “Yeah I was wondering how you were going to go about this. I figured you might need some help.” How bout this lets take a shower first and then we can get started, your kinda sweaty still.”
“Fair enough,” He followed her into the shower where they didn’t do much fooling around, until she pulled out a wierd straw looking thing with a bulb on the end.
“Whats that for?”
“To help clean out the inside a little bit before we get started.” She had a cup of warm water and filled it up before turning back to charles. “You might want to bend over for this.” He leaned over the endge of the chair and left his anus to his sister. She used a bit of her saliva and then slipped the small rubber tube up his butt.
Charles thought how it reminded him of his sisters finger just smaller and slick. Then he felt a warm flow of liquid seep inside as she squeezed the bulb introducing the liquid inside. It felt kinda nice he thought adding a bit of pressure.
Once finished with the fluid, she pulled the tube back out. “Now your gonna wanna squat down and kinda just wait till you feel it then let it out.” Charles moved towards the drain and then soon let all the liquid flow out. While he did this, his sister refilled the douche and did it to herself. Once he finished draining all the liquid out Rachel squated down and the liquid squirted out rapidly from her ass.
“Cool, that should probably be enough I think, lets dry off and we can go try those toys out,” she said. Both of them got out dryed enough and went back to the bedroom. Charles was getting rather excited again. He was happy his sister wanted to do this with him. She looked so hot as she walked infront of him her ass boucning, pussy lips just barely noticable.
She hopped up onto the bed and turned to see charles cock bouncing over towards her. “Looks like someone got a little excied from the shower,” she giggled.”
“Its those cheeks of yours just hanign out. Some might say a women might dress a bit more modest and not show so much,” he laughed.
“But then I wouldn’t be able to have a cock at my disposal when ever I want.” she chuckled. “Alright, how bout you lay with your legs resting up on the headboard with your knees kinda up into your chest.”
He hoped up there feeling rather exposed to anything, his cock was pressed up against his belly very slowly trickling pre-cum.
Rachel moved over and took the small butt plug and bottle of lube and sat next to her brother looking down at his while she got to look at his little star. “Okay so what I’m going to do is put a little bit of lube on your whole and then the plug. She squeezed the bottle oozing it out onto his butthole. It was cold at first. The then took the butt plug and coated it with the lube. “Ready?” she asked.
“Yup, lets do it.” he said.
She slowly pressed inward pushing his ring apart slowly. Since it was so small it didn’t take much pressue before it was able to start sliding in. Once it reached about halfway in Charles felt himself filling up a little bit. Then all of a sudden it slipped in entirely and was into place all the way up to the handle. Rachel gave it a little tug to make sure it was in place and felt secure.
“There you go, got your first butt plug in place!” Rachel said excitingly.
Charles reached back and felt it in place, it was a strange thought that he had that inside his butt. “Dang that feels good, thanks sis!” He looked back and saw the other butt plugs trying to think what to do next. “You want one as well?”
Rachel thought for a minute, she’d put her finger in her ass before just nothing bigger, but it sounded really hot to do butt plugs with her brother. “Sure, trade me places,”
Both of them moved quickly and charles grabbed one of the regular vibrating butt plugs and lubed it up as well as her little rose. He spent a bit of time rubbing the lube around it and playing, it looked so pretty. Then very slowly he pressed the butt plug inwards, giving it a minute to adjust and make sure it could fit around. “Mmm charles that feels good, keep pressing” She reached down and brushed her fingers along her pussy. Then soon the plug just slid in the rest of the way. Kinda like it was sucked in.
“Wow that feels amazing, theres all that pressure building up.”
Charles started at her quivering butt, “I think I wanna try the butt plug you have, like the same size.”
“Going up! I like that your adventurous.” Charles put his legs back up on the headboard and Rachel grabbed the handle and slowly pulled it out, until his ring released it and slipped it out quickly. She then grabbed the vibrating one just like hers and licked it and put the lubrication on it before working it into her brothers ass. He slowly spread apart streching him bit by bit. And finally it was in.
“Wow sis, that feels so good, thanks so much!”
“Of course, now how do we get these things turned on, I wanna know how that feels.” She reached back rubbing her hands on her plug trying to figure out what to do.
“There should just be a button and it should turn on.” He layed down and spread his legs in the air and reached down. He pushed the button the same time Rachel did and both plugs sent a soft brrrrrr sound.
Both siblings just slowly sat there moaning at how they felt the vibrations.

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By George Wark

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