Her Secret Places | Sex Stories App

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My hands delve

Into your secret places

stroking soft folds

fuelling sensual embraces

My fingers slip inside

a gentle invasion

unleashing shudders

of euphoric sensation

Softly I cup

your large rounded firm breasts

my thumbs teasing your nipples

erect and firmly pressed

Your moans entice

a sultry serenade

as I worship you

My burning passion

leaving you utterly enslaved

I claim your lips

in a ravishing kiss

my tongue plunging deep

our passion’s abyss

Your hips rise meeting mine

Erasing space

Lost in eroticism

Bodies pulsing

Keeping rapid pace

Your nails dig deep

Into my muscled back

Echoing moans

as pleasure starts to attack

I drive deeper

Our love

wildfire’s blaze

Consuming all

in its passionate

sweet and salty haze