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Back at the compound, Tam guided a shaken Ella from the stillidling Hind, the roar of the helicopter fading into unsettling silence. Other team members sat nearby, their expressions hollow, too tired to move or speak.

Chris shot a weary glance at Tam, frustration etched on his face. “I know you’re fine, you lunatic—you love this shit. But I lost three on that mission. They knew we were coming.”

Tam sighed heavily. “I know, bru. We need to gather their things and inform their families.” He stole a glance at Ella. “Hope your stories are worth this…”

Ella’s lower lip trembled as tears threatened to spill, the harsh reality crashing over her like a tidal wave. Tam pressed his lips together, his expression tightening as he realized she was about to break down.

He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You’d better come with me, Ella. We’ll drop off your gear and get you cleaned up. Trust me, you’ll feel better.”

Tam led her through the compound to his room. Once inside, Ella’s legs gave way, and he had to support her as she started to shake. “Let’s get you seated,” he said, guiding her to the bed. He sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her. “You’ve had a busy few hours. You’re just a bit shocked. It’s okay; it will pass.”

Ella nodded, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

“Just sit still, and I’ll help you get this stuff off,” Tam said, his focus shifting to her gear. He carefully began removing the harness, belt, and other equipment. “Once you’re free of all this, you can have a hot shower,” he added, a hint of a grin on his lips. “It’s one of the few perks of being on the team—endless hot water.”

Ella smiled weakly, but the gesture felt distant, almost foreign. She was shaken, her mind racing with fragmented memories of the ordeal she had just escaped, and she felt herself drifting. It was as if she were watching everything unfold from afar, unable to fully grasp what had happened, caught between the reality of the moment and the haunting echoes of the mission. Guilt twisted in her stomach as she thought of the lives lost, the weight pressing down on her.

With the last piece of gear set aside, Tam stood up. “Come on, follow me.” He picked up a pair of her sandals and handed them to her.

Ella stared blankly, his voice distant, as if she were submerged underwater. She wanted to stand, but her legs felt like lead. Tam reached out a hand. “I’ll help you,” he said softly. She took his hand, and he gently pulled her up, wrapping his arm around her for support. “One step at a time. Just breathe and focus on putting one foot in front of the other.”

Ella let him guide her, each step feeling heavier as she struggled to cope.

Once in the shower block, Tam unloaded the small bag he had taken from his room, containing shampoo, shower gel, and a large beach towel. He grabbed baby wipes and gently began removing the camo cream from her face. “Let’s get this goop off to start.”

Ella looked at him, noticing the sympathy in his eyes for the first time—a warmth that cut through her fog of despair. Tears trickled down her cheeks at an overwhelming rush of emotion. Tam positioned himself close, aware that she needed human contact, which was a stark contrast to his usual icy demeanor.

He kept a hand on her shoulder, watching her as she let out a deep, shuddering breath.

“Let it go, Ella,” he murmured. “Talk to me whenever you’re ready.”

“They…” Her voice quivered as she looked away, her heart so heavy it felt like it might shatter. “They died… because of me.”

“Hey,” Tam gently grasped her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. “They died saving all of us.”

“But my got us there,” she replied, her voice trembling. “If I hadn’t pushed for it—”

“Stop right there,” he cut in, his tone sharper. “Blaming yourself won’t change what happened or bring anyone back.”

Tam turned on the shower, ensuring the water was warm before walking back to her. “Take a shower. The hot water will relax you,” he said, his voice like a lifeline in the darkness. He opened his bag, glancing at her. “Since your clothes are back in your room, you can borrow some of mine.”

As he moved toward the door, ready to give her some privacy, Ella’s voice broke through the silence. “Please,” she whispered, her eyes pleading. “Don’t leave me alone.”

At that, Tam paused, looking back at her. There was something raw in her expression, a vulnerability that struck him. He locked the door, deciding to stay.

Keeping his focus on Ella, he removed his gear in the corner, stripping off his clothes with practiced efficiency. He noticed her trembling as she struggled to get her shirt off her shoulders. Without a second thought, he stepped closer, gently helping her remove it. Their eyes met, and in that brief moment, Tam saw gratitude flicker in her gaze.

He knelt down, cutting the laces of her jungle boots and removing them along with her socks before undoing the buttons of her pants and sliding them down her legs, trying to keep his eyes averted.

Standing up, Tam stepped into the shower with her, the warmth of the water enveloping them both. He stood beside her, creating a barrier against the world outside.

As the water cascaded down, Tam grabbed the shower gel and began lathering Ella’s back, his touch gentle yet firm. Ella closed her eyes, trying to push back the guilt and sadness gripping her heart. Some tension eased, but she remained on edge, her mind racing with daunting memories of the firefight. She needed to feel something other than this crushing weight, so she focused on the one thing that grounded her: Tam.

He focused on her back, his touch briefly grazing her soft cheeks, creating an unexpected sense of closeness. After ensuring she was clean, he quickly scrubbed himself before reaching for the shampoo. He carefully massaged it into her scalp, his fingers working through her hair. Ella let out a soft moan, the sensation soothing and unexpectedly comforting.

It felt good to be cared for in such a simple yet intimate way. The warmth of the water and the steady rhythm of Tam’s movements offered a brief escape from the weight of the day, though shadows of her emotions lingered. With each gentle caress, the tension in her body eased, and she felt an unspoken bond with Tam—a promise of safety. Ella wondered if he was just being kind or if there was something more between them.

As Tam rinsed the shampoo from her hair, Ella found it hard to relax. She appreciated his thoughtful gesture, but the guilt inside was too much to bear. Desperate for a connection, she turned to face him, their eyes locking. She needed a distraction, an escape from the suffocating remorse.

Without thinking, her hands reached around Tam’s neck, fingers tangling in his hair, as she rose onto her toes. In a surge of impulse, her lips crashed onto his. The kiss was fierce and urgent, a release of all the tension that had built up between them.

Tam responded, his hands finding her hips and pulling her closer, as if this moment could ground them both. His growing erection pressed against her belly as their lips moved together with desperation.

But just as quickly, Tam pulled away, his hands resting on her shoulders, creating distance. “Ella, this isn’t you,” he said, concern lacing his voice. “You’re not thinking clearly.”

“I want this, and I know you do too,” Ella whispered, her gaze drifting to his obvious arousal.

“It’s just the adrenaline, Ella,” Tam replied firmly, his grip tightening on her shoulders. “Acting on it isn’t a good idea.”

Feeling rejected, Ella stepped back, struggling to regain her composure.

“Let’s just get you cleaned up,” Tam said, reaching for the shower gel.

“I can finish cleaning myself,” she replied, avoiding his gaze, her voice trembling.

Ella hurried through the motions, embarrassment clinging to her. Once rinsed, she grabbed a towel and dried herself before taking Tam’s shirt from his bag. It hung loosely on her, covering her to midthigh like a dress. She pulled on a pair of shorts and spotted her sandals on the floor, quickly slipping them on. An urge to escape washed over her as she rushed out of the shower block.

“Ella, wait!”

But she didn’t stop. She needed space to breathe, to distance herself from the man who had made it clear he never wanted her. At that moment, she felt like a fool.

Ella walked on, not wanting to return to Tam’s room, where she felt unwelcome. She needed to get away. It was dark, and the unfamiliar layout of the compound left her feeling lost, but she kept marching, unsure of where she was headed.

Tam, topless in fatigue pants and sneakers, caught up to her and grabbed her arm. “Where do you think you’re going, huh?”

“Away from you,” she shot back.

“Let’s go,” he said, pulling her along.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked, glancing at him, her heart racing. It was only then that Ella noticed the rifle in his hand and web gear slung over his left shoulder.

“Over to the ammo bunker.”


“That’s where we are sleeping, and I can keep an eye on you.”

Ella scoffed. “Pfft, I’d rather go back to that shitty room!”

Tam stopped abruptly, turning to face her, his eyes intense. “You just had the biggest adrenaline hit of your life, and you’re about to crash. I’m not letting you out of my sight, and I don’t care if you like it or not.”

The bunker was buried threequarters underground. Four steps led up to the surface, and Tam went first.

“Come on up,” he called.

“Why?” Ella replied, annoyance creeping into her voice.

“You’ll see,” he smiled.

Ella hesitated but climbed the steps anyway, curiosity getting the better of her.

The silhouettes of treetops stood out against the starry sky as darkness deepened around them. If it weren’t for the location, the view might have felt romantic.

Tam sat atop the bunker, and Ella settled close beside him, both taking in the scene. The stars twinkled brightly overhead, unobscured by clouds, while the sounds of the African jungle surrounded them—chirping crickets, barking dogs from the nearby township, and the rustle of leaves in the warm night air.

Though Ella had been there for only two days, it felt like much longer. She glanced at Tam, noticing how distant he seemed, lost in thought as he fiddled with a medallion hanging from his neck.

“What is that?” she asked, breaking the silence.

“It’s for luck,” he replied casually. “Just a superstition, but it reminds me of home.”

Ella considered his words, feeling the weight of their situation. Tomorrow, she would leave while he stayed behind. As they sat in the stillness, the stars shining brightly above, an ache settled in her heart. She wanted Tam to stay safe.

Tam stood up, stretching. “Time to sleep.”

They entered the bunker, where the cool air from the AC provided a welcome relief from the heat outside. Six fluorescent tubes flickered above, casting uneven light, with one always on the verge of going out. The concrete floor had sumps to drain water, and ammo boxes stacked from floor to ceiling served as a stark reminder of the bunker’s purpose. Inside the dim space, a couple of cots lined the walls, one featuring a thin mattress that clearly marked where Tam had slept the night before.

Tam arranged one cot next to his and set up another mattress with blankets before climbing into bed. Ella considered sleeping in his Tshirt but remembered sitting on it outside, feeling it was dirty. So, when Tam turned his back to her, she quickly removed it. Slipping under the blankets in just shorts, her heart raced as she settled in.

Turning to the side, she watched Tam’s back rise and fall with each deep breath. She couldn’t understand how he was already fast asleep.

The warmth of his natural scent enveloped her, offering both comfort and intrigue. This hard man had shown kindness and gentleness, and she couldn’t shake the memory of how he had saved her life. When she had thrown herself at him, he could have easily taken advantage, but he hadn’t.

As if sensing her gaze, Tam turned onto his back, and Ella noticed him twitching slightly, his face tensing as he groaned, trapped in a bad dream. Concern surged within her, and she carefully placed her hand on his chest. “Tam, wake up,” she whispered.

The moment her hand touched him, he instinctively grabbed her wrist, jolting awake and ready to fight. Panic flickered in Ella’s chest as his eyes darted around, searching for danger. But as he realized where he was, he immediately released her wrist. “Sorry,” he murmured.

Tam sat up in bed, and Ella followed suit, making sure the blanket covered her body as she rubbed her wrist.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked, concern etching his features.

“No, I’m fine,” she reassured him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just a bad dream. It’s been a busy day.” He offered a weak smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Ella’s worry deepened. “Can I do something to help?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” he replied, his smile fading slightly.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m sure, Ella,” he replied, but the look in his eyes said otherwise.

Tam had been there for her today, and now it was her turn to support him. Ella shifted closer and nudged her shoulder against his.

“So, what do you do on your off days?” she asked, trying to lighten the mood. “I’ve heard stories about soldiers getting frisky with the locals during their downtime.”

Tam frowned, almost offended. “I don’t do without a connection.” That surprised Ella because she had expected a more carefree attitude. I’ll usually go home with Chris when we’re on standdown,” he added, avoiding her gaze.

“Is there a girlfriend?” Ella asked, intrigued.

“There was a wife. A long time ago,” he replied briefly, clearly not wanting to discuss it further.

“Don’t you get lonely?” she pressed.


“Never?” Ella didn’t let it go.

“Rarely,” Tam responded with a slight smile. “You can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely. I like my own company.”

Ella sensed there was more to his , but chose not to push. As they sat in silence, the warmth radiating from him pulled her closer, and she caught a whiff of his earthy scent—a blend of sweat and something uniquely Tam—that made her heart race. His blue eyes locked onto hers, and the air between them crackled with tension.

“You’re not alone tonight,” she blurted out, her voice steady despite the flutter in her stomach. “And neither of us needs to feel lonely.”

As she spoke, Ella noticed the shift in Tam’s expression; his gaze softened as he searched her eyes. Her pulse raced as she realized how much she wanted him to feel the same connection she did.

Tam’s gaze lingered, and in that moment, the distance between them vanished. Ella leaned in slightly, her breath hitching as she waited for him to make the next move, hoping he would close the gap. Tam took a deep breath, his hand gently brushing her cheek, a small smile playing on his lips. “I’ve been wanting to do this since the airport,” he whispered before pressing his lips against hers in a tender kiss.

Ella’s arms wrapped around his neck, instinctively melting into the kiss. The blanket slipped unnoticed to the floor as her naked body pressed against his, her breasts flush against his chest.

Tam’s lips left hers, trailing kisses along her jawline and down her neck, while his fingers traced patterns on her back, causing shivers of pleasure.

His mouth continued its sensual journey, leaving a trail of wet kisses and soft bites as it moved lower. When he reached her breasts, his breath made her nipples pebble with anticipation. With gentle suction, he captured one taut peak, swirling his tongue and teasing, drawing a soft moan from Ella.

“Oh, Tam,” she sighed, fingers threading through his hair, pulling him closer.

He switched his focus to her other breast, lavishing it with the same attention, his warm hand gently squeezing while his tongue teased the sensitive peak.

Tam’s gaze locked onto Ella’s as he guided her to lie back against the bed, his fingers trailing along her waist, teasing the hem of her shorts. He kissed his way down her lean abdomen, his wet tongue tracing patterns on her skin, making her tremble with anticipation.

Pausing, he gripped the waistband of her shorts. “Are you sure you want this, Ella?” he asked, his voice hoarse with desire.

Ella held his gaze as she whispered, “More than anything in my life.”

A smile tugged at Tam’s lips as he slowly pulled down her shorts, revealing her delicate softness. With a gentle tug, he let them fall to the floor.

Ella spread her legs, her glistening folds a tantalizing invitation. Tam resisted the urge to dive in, choosing instead to savor the moment, trailing soft kisses along her inner thighs.

Ella’s breath hitched as his lips drew closer to her core, his warm breath teasing her sensitive clitoris. His tongue began to circle the tiny bud, and he focused intently on her expression, adjusting his pace and pressure to her reactions. Ella’s moans grew louder as he slipped two fingers inside her, feeling her walls clench around him in a silken embrace.

Determined to drive her wild, he searched for the perfect angle that would make her body shudder with pleasure. With each stroke and swirl of his tongue, he experimented, attuning himself to her body’s language.

The pleasure intensified as Ella arched off the bed, her moans escalating into cries of ecstasy. Tam’s relentless focus on her sweet spot sent waves of pulsating warmth coursing through her, leaving her trembling on the brink of a powerful climax, ready to shatter.

“Please,” she whimpered. “Tam, please, I need you.”

“Just relax and let go,” Tam whispered, his tongue diving into her molten core, tasting her sweetness.

Ella’s eyes fluttered shut with another surge of pleasure, but it wasn’t enough. “Stop,” she gasped, her hips bucking uncontrollably. “I want you inside me,” she pleaded.

Tam sat up, his brow furrowing slightly. “I don’t have condoms here, Ella,” he replied, hesitation creeping into his tone.

Ella pushed herself up, pressing her palms against his chest as she leaned closer. “No need. I have an IUD. Now, it’s your turn to relax.”

Her hands glided across Tam’s chest, the touch electrifying. She pulled down his pants, his erection straining toward her.

With a naughty smile, she traced her fingers down his abdomen, wrapping her right palm around his shaft and stroking him gently.

Lowering herself, Ella took him into her warm, wet mouth, her tongue swirling around him, eliciting a deep groan of pleasure from Tam. The exquisite sensation of her lips and tongue on his sensitive flesh ignited feelings he hadn’t experienced in what felt like forever.

With each stroke of her mouth, Ella varied the pressure and speed, her tongue flicking and teasing the sensitive underside of his cock. She savored the taste and feel of him, her eyes locked on his, a sultry desire shining in her gaze.

As she took him deeper, her enthusiasm and longing evident in every movement, Tam felt a rush of passion igniting within him—one he thought had long been extinguished. A raw, primal need overwhelmed him, a need to possess her, to consume her completely, clouding his mind as he lost himself in her completely.

Ella’s mouth enveloped Tam’s length, her lips sliding down his hardness as her tongue danced and swirled around him in a hypnotic rhythm. Her hands cupped his balls, gently massaging and tugging, causing Tam’s breath to quicken as pleasure built within him.

Her throat tightened around him, warm saliva providing a slick glide as she moved up and down. Tam reveled in the sensation, yearning for release while wanting this moment to last forever.

Feeling his desire spike, he gently guided Ella’s head away from his throbbing erection, his voice hoarse with need. “I want to feel you, all of you.”

Ella, her lips glistening with saliva, complied with a mischievous smile as she straddled his lap, her legs on either side of his hips and hands resting on his shoulders for balance. She slowly lowered herself onto him, her heated core enveloping his manhood inch by exquisite inch.

Tam’s breath caught as her tightness welcomed him, her inner walls clenching around his swollen flesh. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer until their bodies were flush against each other.

Their lips met in a hungry kiss as Ella began to move, grinding her hips in a slow, erotic rhythm. Tam’s restraint snapped. With a swift motion, he gently rolled Ella onto her back, positioning himself above her. Ella eagerly pulled her knees up, spreading her legs wide to invite him deeper into her core. With a powerful thrust, Tam filled her completely, their breaths mingling in the air between them.

He began to move, his hips thrusting in a steady rhythm, each stroke drawing moans and gasps from Ella. The sensation of her tight, silken walls enveloping him drove Tam to the brink of control. With every movement, he surrendered further to the raw passion between them.

Ella felt his pubic bone pressing against her aching, but with each powerful thrust, her walls convulsing around him as she neared the release she craved.

“Tam, Tam, Tam…” His name became her whispered prayer, each repetition filled with longing, as he transformed into her salvation and she surrendered completely.

“Tam, please….” Ella’s voice quivered with desperation, her body vibrating on the brink of ecstasy. “I’m gonna cum… Cum with me… Please…”

Her words were like a trigger, sending Tam over the edge. With a final, powerful thrust, his body shuddered as he exploded inside her, thick ropes of hot cum filling her to the brim.

Ella cried out, her climax crashing over her, her inner walls pulsing and contracting, milking every last drop from him.

They held onto each other, hearts racing and breaths ragged, reluctant to let the moment slip away. As their breathing slowed and their bodies relaxed, his erection gradually softened, slipping from her as they lay together, spent and satisfied in each other’s embrace.

As Ella drifted toward sleep, she felt Tam’s warm breath against her ear. “Ek gaan jou vreeslik mis,” he whispered softly. “Jy is die mooiste wese wat ek ooit gesien het.”

Ella smiled faintly, feeling a warmth spread through her, even though she didn’t understand a word he said.

“Ek wens ek kon jou vir myself hou,” he continued, his voice low and sincere.

His words wrapped around her like a comforting blanket, and she felt safe in his embrace, the weight of the world outside momentarily forgotten. The Afrikaans sounded beautiful, but she was too tired to ask him to explain what it meant, letting the moment carry her into a peaceful sleep.

Saying Goodbye 

Ella awoke to the sound of the door slamming shut, disoriented and unsure of where she was. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she saw Tam standing there, holding up a tray of food, with one of her bags hanging from his arm.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he said with a smile, though his eyes betrayed a hint of sadness at the thought of her leaving. “I brought you breakfast in bed.”

After he set the tray down next to her, he placed her bag on the bed. “I packed all your stuff, and Chris is taking it to the helipad to for when your ride gets here. You have time to finish breakfast and shower in peace. I brought a bag of your clothes to change into.”

“Wait, what time is it? When is the chopper coming?” she asked, her heart racing.

“You have about half an hour,” he replied.

“Half an hour?!” Panic bubbled in her chest. That was all the time she had with him. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I wanted you to rest after yesterday,” he said softly. “It was a lot.”

Ella looked at him, feeling the weight of their time slipping away. She quickly pushed aside her feelings and focused on the moment. “Thanks for this,” she said, gesturing to the tray. “You really didn’t have to.”

Tam shrugged, a hint of a smile returning to his face. “I wanted to.”

While she ate, Tam sat there watching her, drinking in every feature and memorizing each freckle. He hoped she would fill his dreams each night, chasing away the nightmares that had haunted him. Once she finished, she got up and grabbed her bag, pulling her clothes out.

“Aren’t you going to shower first?” Tam asked.

“No,” she replied, not wanting to. There would be time for that later. She wanted his scent to linger on her for as long as possible.

Ella slipped into her jeans and a blouse—civilian clothes, not the uniform she had arrived in. After getting dressed, she went to sit on the bed next to him, her fingers dancing across his palm. She wanted to tell him how much she would miss him and ask him to come with her, but she knew his place was here, leading his men. If he left, it would mean more deaths—deaths of people who were his family. Ella couldn’t be selfish with Tam. She cared too much for him and knew she had to let him go.

Crushing those fuzzy, warm feelings bubbling inside her, she took a deep breath. “I’m ready to go,” she said.

He leaned in, giving her a lingering kiss. “I wanted to give you a last kiss here in private,” he murmured. She understood it would be inappropriate in front of others.

Tam escorted her to the helipad, where Chris and her ride were already waiting. “Good luck with the , Miss,” Chris said, hugging her goodbye.

It was time. She turned to Tam, the words of how she felt catching in her throat. Her lips yearned for one more kiss, her heart longed to stay, and her hands wanted to reach out and grab him, but instead, she just smiled, and Tam smiled back.

Ella climbed into the aircraft. The noise of the blades drowned out her thoughts, but she couldn’t shake the feeling of leaving behind a piece of herself. As the helicopter lifted off, her gaze was fixed on Tam and Chris, growing smaller and smaller against the backdrop of the compound. It felt surreal, like she was being pulled away from a world that had both hurt and healed her.

As the distance between them widened, she fought back tears. She wanted to remember every detail of Tam, every moment they shared. She felt a mix of sadness and gratitude, realizing how much he had changed her.

The helicopter banked, and she caught one last glimpse of Tam, standing tall, watching her leave. Ella knew that no matter where she went, a part of her would always remain in that bunker, with him. 

Thank you so much for reading! The audio will be released soon.


Ek gaan jou vreeslik mis. Jy is die mooiste wese wat ek ooit gesien het. I’m going to miss you terribly. You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen—a rare find in this world.

Ek wens ek kon jou vir myself hou. I wish I could keep you to myself.